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Tectonic evolution of the Cape and Karoo basins of South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cape and Karoo basins formed within the continental interior of Gondwana. Subsidence resulted from the vertical motion of rigid basement blocks and intervening crustal faults. Each basin episode records a three-stage evolution consisting of crustal uplift, fault-controlled subsidence, and long periods of regional subsidence largely unaccompanied by faulting or erosional truncation. The large-scale episodes of subsidence were probably the result of lithospheric deflection due to subduction-driven mantle flow. The early Paleozoic Cape basin records the combined effects of a north-dipping intra-crustal décollement (a late Neoproterozoic suture) and a right-stepping offset between thick Rio de la Plata craton and Namaqua basement. Following the Saldanian orogeny, a suite of small rift basins and their post-rift drape formed at this releasing stepover. Great thicknesses of quartz sandstone (Ordovician–Silurian) and mudstone (Devonian) accumulation are attributed to subsidence by rheological weakening and mantle flow. In contrast, the Karoo basin is a cratonic cover that mimics the underlying basement blocks. The Permian Ecca and lower Beaufort groups were deposited in a southward-deepening ramp syncline by extensional decoupling on the intra-crustal décollement. Reflection seismic and deep-burial diagenetic studies indicate that the Cape orogeny started in the Early Triassic. Deformation was partitioned into basement-involved strike-slip faults and thin-skinned thrusting. Uplift of the Namaqua basement resulted in erosion of the Beaufort cover. East of the Cape fold belt, contemporaneous subsidence and tilting of the Natal basement created a late Karoo transtensional foreland basin, the Stormberg depocentre. Early Jurassic tectonic resetting and continental flood basalts terminated the Karoo basin.  相似文献   

Flow in the East Auckland Current (EAUC) system to the north‐east of North Cape, New Zealand is examined using data from two current meter mooring arrays, with supporting data from conductivity/temperature/depth (CTD) and satellite altimetry. Variable currents up to 45 cm s–1 were observed. The variability was partly attributable to changes in position and strength of the North Cape Eddy whose centre lies some 150 km offshore. The observed flows across the mooring line correlate well with those estimated from satellite altimetry. This gives confidence in the use of the satellite data to estimate the transport variability in the EAUC in the 1992–2001 period. No seasonal cycle was found in the volume transports but rather broadband variability at periods longer than 100 days.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of sediment on fish communities at 38 sites in the East Cape region of New Zealand. Many streams in this region are subject to high sediment loads, a natural situation that has been exacerbated by the conversion of native forest to pasture. The fish community consisted of diadromous native species common throughout New Zealand that require access to and from the sea. We found that site altitude and distance inland were important factors in determining the abundance and composition of the fish community. We used four measures as indices of sediment load: suspended sediment concentration, median substrate size, substrate stability, and the ratio of the wetted width to the width of the active (non‐vegetated) stream channel. Although all indices were correlated, the ratio of wetted width to width of active channel was most closely related to fish abundance and diversity. Fish abundance and diversity reduced as sediment load increased among streams, with up to nine fish species in streams with low sediment loads and only two species in streams with high sediment loads. In‐stream habitat also varied with sediment load; as load increased, depth and substrate size decreased and velocity increased. These results suggest that activities that increase sediment loads in rivers will have a negative impact on native fish communities in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The subtidal circulation of the southeast Greenland shelf is described using a set of high-resolution hydrographic and velocity transects occupied in summer 2004. The main feature is the East Greenland Coastal Current (EGCC), a low-salinity, high-velocity jet with a wedge-shaped hydrographic structure characteristic of other surface buoyancy-driven currents. The EGCC was observed along the entire Greenland shelf south of Denmark Strait, while the transect north of the strait showed only a weak shelf flow. This observation, in conjunction with water mass considerations and other supporting evidence, suggests that the EGCC is an inner branch of the East Greenland Current (EGC) that forms south of Denmark Strait. It is argued that bathymetric steering is the most likely reason why the EGC apparently bifurcates at this location. Repeat sections occupied at Cape Farewell between 1997 and 2004 show that the alongshelf wind stress can have an influence on the structure and strength of the EGCC and EGC on timescales of 2-3 days. Accounting for the wind-induced effects, the volume transport of the combined EGCC/EGC system is roughly constant (∼2 Sv) over the study domain, from 68°N to Cape Farewell near 60°N. The corresponding freshwater transport increases by roughly 60% over this distance (59-96 mSv, referenced to a salinity of 34.8). This trend is consistent with a simple freshwater budget of the EGCC/EGC system that accounts for meltwater runoff, melting sea-ice and icebergs, and net precipitation minus evaporation.  相似文献   

The oceanic T-waves of earthquakes associated with the 1992 Cape Mendocino earthquake sequence were recorded and analyzed using fixed hydrophone arrays located throughout the north-east Pacific Ocean. The T-waves of these events were well recorded with high S/N ratios and strong acoustic energy present over a 0–64 Hz bandwidth. The smallest event recorded by the hydrophone arrays from the sequence had a local magnitude of 2.4. The hydrophone records of the three largest shocks in the sequence (ML 6.9, 6.2, 6.5) exhibited both T-waves and lithospheric phases from these events. Low-pass filtering (2 Hz) of the lithospheric phases yielded a clear P-wave arrival for epicentral distances of <10°, but no apparent S-wave. A seafloor cable-break was detected immediately after the second M>6 aftershock, possibly the result of a submarine slide. The direct P-wave hydrophone records from the second large aftershock showed a relatively high-amplitude, high-frequency arrival, consistent with seismic analyses which used this information to infer rupture direction. The rupture direction was toward the location of the cable break, thus rupture directivity possibly played a role in initiating the slide event. Modelling of the T-wave propagation path, using the Parabolic Equation model, produced estimates of the acoustic transmission loss from epicenter to receiver. The transmission loss to the most distant phones is typically 10-20 dB , and can be as large as 50–70 dB for acoustic propagation paths that cross the continental margin. The amount of acoustic energy each earthquake released into the ocean at the seafloor–water interface was estimated applying the transmission loss and instrument response to the recorded T-wave signals. This acoustic source power level was calculated for 41 events with magnitudes over a recorded range of 2.4ML6.9, with 17 of these events having their seismic moment estimates available through the NEIC. Ground displacement spectra were estimated from the acoustic power spectra and showed no indication of a corner frequency. Thus empirical analyses relating source level to magnitude and seismic moment were necessary to quantitatively derive an earthquake's size from hydrophone records. The results of indicator variable regression analyses suggest that T-wave source level increases linearly with the event's local magnitude and seismic moment. Furthermore, the source power level versus magnitude relationships for oceanic and continental earthquakes are significantly different, probably illustrating differences in the seismic and acoustic propagation paths from hypocenter to the hydrophone receivers. The results indicate that acoustic measurements provide a reasonable estimate of magnitude and seismic moment of an oceanic earthquake that was not detected by land-based seismic networks.  相似文献   

成山头海域潮流能资源可开发量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武贺  王鑫  韩林生 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(3):570-576
针对潮流能资源较丰富的成山头外海域,利用FVCOM数值模式,在良好模拟该海域潮流场的基础上,运用能量耗散原理,对该海域的潮流能资源可开发量进行了评估。结果表明,在转换装置的拖拽系数为0.07时,面积为27km2的成山头近岸海域的可开发潮流能资源约为17.9MW,其中大潮期间的可开发量高达37.7MW,而小潮期间则为7.3MW。在此条件下,该海域大潮期间涨急和落急时刻的流速分别减小了40%和38%,但发电装置对潮汐的影响较小,在成山头顶端的高潮潮位仅下降了4cm。  相似文献   

非洲东南侧海域春季的几种危险天气系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用执行任务累积的气象资料、NCEP和NWW3海浪模式资料,对非洲大陆东南侧海域春季的几种危险天气系统及其造成的大浪区进行了分析,初步揭示了这些危险天气系统的成因及其发展和变化规律。  相似文献   

Successful aquaculture species are often chosen for their fast growth rates and fecundity, which are also characteristics of invasive species. The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, which constitutes 80% of global oyster trade, has been confirmed as invasive in 17 of the 66 countries where it is cultured. The single study of its status in South Africa reported populations in six South Coast estuaries in 2001, dropping to three sites in 2003. We resurveyed these estuaries, visited others in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, and sampled oyster tissue for molecular analyses of population structure. Pacific oysters have disappeared from Knysna and, following our collections, possibly also from the GouKou Estuary. Between 2003 and 2012, the Breede Estuary population decreased by 87%, from an estimated 184 206 to 23 760 individuals. Within this estuary, oysters 12 km upriver had denser shells and higher body condition indices than did those within 1.4 km of the river mouth, presumably reflecting higher availability of suspended organic matter. However, low salinity over most of the species’ range in the estuary probably inhibits recruitment. New populations of Pacific oysters in the Swartkops and Kaaimans estuaries urgently require monitoring and eradication. Haplotype (h) and nucleotide (π) diversities across all oyster populations sampled (h = 0.2300 [SD 0.0595], π = 0.0006 [SD 0.0007]) were lower than those of co-occurring indigenous Cape rock oysters Striostrea margaritacea from the GouKou and Breede estuaries (h = 0.9076 [SD 0.0386], π = 0.00589 [SD 0.00347]). Pacific oysters either have been introduced to South African estuaries infrequently, or have experienced genetic bottlenecks following river floods or human exploitation, or both. Populations growing outside culture infrastructure are restricted to estuaries in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, with no evidence of occurrence in fully marine shelf environments. Given the species’ considerable socio-economic importance, estuarine and coastal surveillance coupled with aquaculture zoning are required to integrate biodiversity and food security considerations.  相似文献   

The Subtropical Convergence east of New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hydrographic data from the region of the Subtropical Convergence east of New Zealand between 177°E and 179°E show that in spring the convergence occurs near the Chatham Rise. North of the Chatham Rise the structure is fairly regular with isolines of temperature and salinity sloping upwards towards the south. To the south of the Chatham Rise the structure is more complex with an apparent intrusion of Subtropical Water into the Sub‐antarctic Water below depths of about 150 m.  相似文献   

We present a case study of low-level wind jets induced in sequence by orographic effects off the Pacific coast of northern Japan during 7–11 June 2003, and demonstrate that the transition of the wind jets causes areal differences of wave height variations along the coast. First, we describe evolution and structure of the wind jet by analyzing SeaWinds scatterometer wind measurements. Under the easterly wind, a strong wind jet formed after passing by Cape Erimo. As the wind shifted to the southeast, the wind jet started to decay. In turn, the southerly wind along the coast led to another wind jet in the lee of the easternmost tip of the Sanriku coast. We then identify onsets and decays of the wind jets from time series of wind speed at meteorological stations. Finally, we demonstrate that the transition of the wind jets has local impacts on wave height variations. Significant wave heights measured by altimeters were correlated positively with local wind energy, i.e., squares of wind speeds. Accompanying the wind jet formation/decline, significant differences of wave height variations became marked among wave observation stations located along the coast at intervals of up to 50 km.  相似文献   

The recapture of tagged brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in two experimental streams gave over 60% recapture in the section of stream where they were released, and over 80% when adjacent areas were included. Operation of a downstream trap showed that there was little emigration from the area above the trap and it is concluded that most of the fish which disappear die.  相似文献   

Lagrangian flow patterns in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras are examined using the tracks of 42 drifters drogued at 10 m depth and initially deployed over Georges Bank. The drifters predominantly move southwestward over the continental shelf and slope. North of Cape Hatteras, the drifters become entrained in the Gulf Stream and are carried eastward into the central Atlantic Ocean. There are two types of entrainment, abrupt and gradual. The first is characterized by a rapid change in drifter speed and an abrupt shift in drifter direction to the east. During such entrainment events, the radius of curvature of the drifter track is less than 30 km. The second type of entrainment is characterized by a gradual change in drifter direction with little change in speed. The radius of curvature of drifter tracks during such entrainment events is large (typically 50 km). The latter type occurs more frequently in summer and fall, when stratification is stronger. The drifter tracks further reveal that entrainment from the shelfbreak front/slope water system into the Gulf Stream may occur a significant distance north of Cape Hatteras, occasionally as far north as 38 °N, 200 km north of Cape Hatteras. Only two drifter tracks extend along the shelf past Diamond Shoals into the South Atlantic Bight. Four drifters are ejected from the Gulf Stream and recirculate over the slope. The observed time scale of recirculation ranges over 1–3 months. These results suggest that there are a variety of processes that determine the maximum southward penetration of Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf water before entrainment into the Gulf Stream as well as the cross-slope speed of entrainment.  相似文献   

The pore water concentrations of dissolved silica in sediment cores from the continental slope offshore from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, varied from 150 to almost 700 μ,M with depth in the top 40 cm of sediment. Sediment cores from 630 to 2010 m depth had very similar profiles of dissolved silica in their pore waters, even though these cores came from regions greatly different in slope, topography, sedimentation rate, and abundance of benthic macrofauna. Cores from 474 to 525 m were more variable, both with respect to pore water dissolved silica profiles, and with respect to sediment texture. Experiments indicate that both the rate of dissolution of silica and the saturation concentration decrease as sediment depth below the sediment-seawater interface increases. These data are consistent with depletion of a reactive silica phase in surface sediment, which may be radiolarian tests, or the alteration of biogenic silica to a less reactive form over time. Experimental results suggest that the pore water dissolved silica concentration in sediments below the top few centimeters may be higher than the sediments could now achieve. The flux of dissolved silica out of these sediments is estimated to be 15 μmoles cm−2 yr−1.  相似文献   

In this study we estimate diffusive nutrient fluxes in the northern region of Cape Ghir upwelling system (Northwest Africa) during autumn 2010. The contribution of two co-existing vertical mixing processes (turbulence and salt fingers) is estimated through micro- and fine-structure scale observations. The boundary between coastal upwelling and open ocean waters becomes apparent when nitrate is used as a tracer. Below the mixed layer (56.15±15.56 m), the water column is favorable to the occurrence of a salt finger regime. Vertical eddy diffusivity for salt (Ks) at the reference layer (57.86±8.51 m, CI 95%) was 3×10−5 (±1.89×10−9, CI 95%) m2 s−1. Average diapycnal fluxes indicate that there was a deficit in phosphate supply to the surface layer (6.61×10−4 mmol m−2 d−1), while these fluxes were 0.09 and 0.03 mmol m−2 d−1 for nitrate and silicate, respectively. There is a need to conduct more studies to obtain accurate estimations of vertical eddy diffusivity and nutrient supply in complex transitional zones, like Cape Ghir. This will provide us with information about salt and nutrients exchange in onshore–offshore zones.  相似文献   

Current Nature of the Kuroshio in the Vicinity of the Kii Peninsula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kuroshio flows very close to Cape Shionomisaki when it takes a straight path. The detailed observations of the Kuroshio were made both on board the R/V Seisui-maru of Mie University and on board the R/V Wakayama of the Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station on June 11–14, 1996. It was confirmed that the current zone of the Kuroshio touches the coast and bottom slope just off Cape Shionomiaki, and that the coastal water to the east of the cape was completely separated from that to the west. The relatively high sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami could be caused by this separation of the coastal waters when the Kuroshio takes a straight path. This flow is rather curious, as the geostrophic flow, which has a barotropic nature and touches the bottom, would be constrained to follow bottom contours due to the vorticity conservation law. The reason why the Kuroshio leaves the bottom slope to the east of Cape Shionomisaki is attributed to the high curvature of the bottom contours there: if the current were to follow the contours, the centrifugal term in the equation of motion would become large and comparablee to the Coriolis (or pressure gradient) term, and the geostrophic balance would be destroyed. This creates a current-shadow zone just to the east of the cape. As the reason why the current zone of the Kuroshio intrudes into the coastal region to the west of the cape, it is suggested that the Kii Bifurcation Current off the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, which is usually found when the Kuroshio takes the straight path, has the effect of drawing the Kuroshio water into the coastal region. The sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami is often used to monitor the flow pattern of the Kuroshio near the Kii Peninsula. It should be noted that Uragami is located in the current shadow zone, while Kushimoto lies in the region where the offshore Kuroshio water intrudes into the coastal region. The resulting large sea level difference indicates that the Kuroshio is flowing along the straight path.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection profile data have been used to determine the internal structure of Mesozoic oceanic crust in the vicinity of the Cape Verde islands. The data show the oceanic crust to be characterized by both dipping and sub-horizontal reflectors. Several lines of evidence argue against the reflectors being scattering artifacts arising, for example, from rough basement topography. Instead, the reflectors are attributed to tectonic and magmatic processes associated with the accretion of oceanic crust at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The upper crust shows variable reflectivity due to both dipping and sub-horizontal events. We interpret the dipping reflectors, which have been identified on both ridge-normal and ridge-parallel profiles, as sub-surface expressions of normal faults that formed at or near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. There is no evidence that the faults are caused by loading of the oceanic crust by either the Cape Verde islands or their associated topographic swell. Some faults, however, can be traced into the overlying sediments suggesting they may have been re-activated since their formation at the ridge. The origin of the sub-horizontal reflectors is not as clear. We believe them to be boundaries of different igneous lithologies, such as that between basalts and gabbros. The lower crust is highly reflective in some areas, whereas in others only a few dipping and sub-horizontal reflectors are observed. Some of the dipping reflectors can be traced into the upper crust, suggesting they are also normal faults. Others, however, appear to be confined to the lower crust. The sub-horizontal, discontinuous, reflectors about 2.0–2.5 seconds two-way travel time below the top of oceanic basement are attributed to the Moho.  相似文献   

Bifurcation current along the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Along the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, a bifurcation current is regularly observed. By using ADCP data taken on board the R/V Wakayama of the Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, characteristics of this bifurcation current are analyzed. The occurrence frequency of the bifurcation current reaches about 70% in the period from 1988 to 1996. The bifurcation point appears to be changeable and occurs almost evenly between Cape Ichie and Cape Shionomisaki. The current divergence in the alongshore direction was also investigated. Positive divergence values dominated in the whole analyzed area, and an onshore current appears to be dominant along the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, except in 1990 when the Kuroshio flowed in a large meandering path.  相似文献   

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