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In this paper, the relation between Asian summer monsoon circulation and sea surface temperature anomalies over equatorial central-eastern Pacific is investigated by using a global spectral model. This model has nine layers in the vertical and the model variables are represented in the horizontal as truncated expansions of the surface spherical harmonics with rhomboidal truncation at wave number 15. The model involves comparatively complete physical processes and parameterizations with mountains.Using the above model, two experimental schemes are designed, namely control case and anomalous sea surface temperature case. The above two schemes are respectively integrated for forty days and the simulated results are obtained from the last 30-day averaged simulations.The simulations show that positive SST anomalies over equatorial central-eastern Pacific weakens Indian monsoon circulation,decreases precipitation in Indian sub-continent whereas it intensifies East Asian monsoon circulation and increases preci  相似文献   

1. Introduction China is located in the East Asian monsoon re- gion. Every year's weather and climate in this region is deeply affected by the monsoon activities. Es- pecially, during flooding season (May to September), the summer monsoon controls large-scale precipitation patterns, the movement of seasonal rain belt and oc- currence of drought/flood disasters. The Asian mon- soon can be divided into two systems (Tao and Chen, 1987). As a major component and its unique location, the South …  相似文献   

The summer monsoon onset over the northern South China Sea (SCS) in May 16-20, 1998 was characterized by the abrupt onset of mesoscale convective activities and rapid increase of precipitation. The possible mechanism for formation of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and related rain belts were revealed through discussing their forming physical conditions under the large-scale background: (1) The high pseudo-equivalent potential temperature and the convective instability in the lower troposphere, the low-level southwesterly confluence and the high-level divergence over South China and the northern SCS provided the favorable large-scale thermodynamic and dynamic conditions for development of MCSs. The southwesterly flow from the Bay of Bengal (BOB) interacted with that to the western flank of the subtropical high, which constituted the major moisture channels, thus bringing about deep wet layers and strong moisture convergence;(2) triggered by several cold troughs from high and mid latitudes, the convectively unstable energy was released and the convective activities over the northern SCS broke out abruptly;(3)analysis of retrieved precipitation based on the dual-Doppler radar during South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) indicated that active convection influenced by the monsoon trough and corresponding wind shear line organized and formed continually some mesoscale convective rainbelts. During May 15-19,about 12 precipitation processes with 6-12-hour life span or more were observed;and (4) under the favorable synoptic conditions, establishment of the monsoon trough and shear line in the low levels, as well as production and development of mesoscale low vortex were all necessary conditions for the formation and maintenance of MCSs.  相似文献   

Summary Lower tropospheric (1000–500) hPa kinetic energy (KE), temporal variations of KE and nonlinear KE transfer of rotational and divergent flows and energy conversion between them, partitioning further into stationary and transient components in the Fourier spectral domain and the mechanism for the evolution of significant transient waves for the month July 1979 in the latitudinal belt 10° S–30° N are studied.Divergent zonal and eddy KE show their maxima at the lowest level 1000 hPa. Lower tropospheric monsoon motion provides a non-divergent level close to 850 hPa. The daily flow patterns bear little resemblence to the climatology over tropics at 500 hPa. Although the transient mode of synoptic scale waves is stronger than that of planetary scale waves they are comparable. Analysis of energetics over global tropics can get signature of transient activities embedded in the large scale system. Summer momentum flux in the lower troposphere is essentially associated with stationary planetary and transient synoptic scale waves. Waves 1, 3 and 6 are the most preferred transient waves. Divergent to rotational KE conversion is the most dominating mechanism for the maintenance of planetary and synoptic scale waves. All categories of waves contribute towards the maintenance of zonal flows. The primary source of energy for transient synoptic scale waves is the transient divergent rotational KE transfer whereas the interaction between zonal stationary and transient wave is likely to be secondary source. Transient KE and all transient interactions, stationary KE and all stationary interactions are found to be strongest at 500 hPa and 850 hPa respectively. Growth and decay of transient waves 1 and 3 are mainly controlled by divergent-rotational KE conversions whereas those of transient wave 6 are controlled by KE transfer due to zonal-wave interaction.With 13 Figures  相似文献   

丁一汇 《大气科学》1984,8(3):272-282
本文计算了1979年夏季风爆发前后中国东部和日本上空天气尺度扰动和总的气流中动能的收支.发现最大涡旋动能制造时期分别对应三个研究区(华南,华中和日本)的雨季.涡旋动能主要在高层(300—100 mb)和部分在低层制造,其中很大一部分被摩擦作用消耗,但同时也有相当一部分由三个研究区输送到周围环境.因而这些地区在涡旋动能制造时期可以被看成是重要的涡旋动能源. 总气流中的动能收支密切地与高、低空急流活动有关.总之,根据能量分析得到的结果表明,夏季风的爆发和推进对东亚大气环流和扰动有非常重要的影响.  相似文献   

ADiagnosticStudyontheRelationshipbetwentheAsemblingofLowFrequencyWavesinthePacificOceanandtheAbnormalityoftheSubtropicalHighZ...  相似文献   

本文基于第六次国际耦合模式比较计划共18个模式的工业革命前实验和CO2浓度突然四倍实验,发现在CO2四倍强迫下,南亚夏季风环流呈显著减弱趋势,但减弱强度存在较大模式间差异.利用Webster-Yang指数和经向哈得莱环流指数的下降趋势表征SASM减弱强度,发现该下降趋势与欧亚大陆-印度洋之间对流层上层经向温度梯度的变化值(EUTT-IUTT)高度相关.进一步利用气候反馈-响应分析方法进行分析,发现EUTT-IUTT变化的模式间差异主要来自于大气动力过程,其次是云的短波辐射效应的贡献.地表潜热通量和云的长波辐射效应缩小了EUTT-IUTT变化的模式间差异.  相似文献   

利用1979—2017年夏季逐日气象数据,使用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)分解和超前滞后回归方法分析了我国东部地区夏季降水季节内振荡(Intra-seasonal Oscillation,ISO)的时空特征及其与低纬和北太平洋中高纬度低频大气环流的联系。结果表明:EOF分解的第一模态表现为我国东南部地区ISO降水显著偏多,而我国北方地区偏少的空间型,相应的低频向外长波辐射(Outgoing Long wave Radiation,OLR)场表现为我国东南部地区低频对流异常活跃,而北方地区异常不活跃的南北偶极子型分布。位于南海至副热带西太平洋上空的低频对流异常活跃区与低频上升气流和低频水汽辐合带协同北传和西北传,在我国东南部地区ISO降水异常偏多位相峰值之前一周抵达华南上空,我国东部地区ISO降水开始呈现出南北偶极子空间型;与此同时,200 hPa低频经向风在北太平洋中高纬度表现为一个纬向低频波列形式,并向西传播,当低频波列中的低频南风异常西传到东亚—日本岛上空时,与低纬北传的高层异常北风形成经向对比,造成我国东南部地区上空出现强的低频散度异常。以上低纬度低频信号西北传与北太平洋中高纬度低频波列西传的协同作用,使得异常活跃的对流活动、水汽异常辐合区、异常上升运动和高层异常辐散区均锚定在我国东南部上空,形成该地区ISO降水异常偏多位相。  相似文献   

利用1960 2007年4—8月逐日降水资料挑选了淮河流域各分区旱涝急转事件,分析了旱涝急转夏季,逐日降水的低频振荡特征。结果表明,旱涝急转夏季逐日降水30 60 d周期振荡明显加强,流域大部分地区30—60 d低频振荡的方差贡献与夏季降水量呈正相关,低频方差贡献大(小)对应夏季降水量多(少),并且,相关显著区域位于流域南部。欧亚中高纬度高度场、经向风场的低频位相在少雨、多雨期呈相反纬向分布是造成旱涝急转的环流成因。通过对典型年份分析,给出了低频分布型的形成过程。在少雨期,北半球中高纬度扰动场为4—5波列,从东北大西洋经欧洲和贝加尔湖至东亚太平洋沿岸为"+、-、+、-",与低频位相分布一致。在多雨期,副极地波导从欧洲北部沿急流流向亚洲高纬度地区,并在鄂霍次克海形成强盛的正扰动中心,有利于鄂霍次克海阻塞形势的形成与维持。当中纬度中亚为负扰动中心,印度季风偏弱时,由于下游效应在日本海形成负扰动,导致副热带高压位置偏南。在低纬度孟加拉湾到中国南海对流层高层为负扰动时,中国南海对流活动偏弱。少雨、多雨期的欧亚中高纬度纬向低频环流型实际上反映了副极地、副热带急流罗斯贝波导结构及其传播的异常。  相似文献   

杨秋明 《气象学报》2014,72(3):494-507
用长江下游降水低频分量和环流低频主成分,构造多变量时滞回归模型(MLR)和主成分复数自回归模型(PC-CAR)的混合预报模型(MLR/PC-CAR),对长江下游降水低频分量进行延伸期逐日变化预报,延长预报时效。通过2011年6—8月预测试验表明,20—30 d时间尺度的长江下游低频降水预测时效可达50 d左右,采用南半球中高纬度地区850 hPa 低频经向风的主成分作为预测因子的模型的预测精度明显高于东亚地区低频经向风作为预测因子的模型。这表明在20—30 d时间尺度上,长江下游降水与南半球中纬度绕球遥相关(SCGT)型有关的主分量的时滞相关更加密切。进一步对于较强20—30 d振荡的多年资料构建的MLR/PC-CAR混合模型预测试验表明,SCGT是预测夏季长江下游低频降水未来50 d变化的显著信号。基于SCGT的发展和演变,对于把握类似长江下游地区2011 年6月初旱涝急转和7月中旬持续降水和强降水过程异常变化过程很有帮助,SCGT可以作为夏季长江下游20—30 d低频降水和强降水过程进行延伸期预报的主要可预报性来源之一。  相似文献   

马圆  余锦华  方珂  董晓云 《气象科学》2020,40(2):264-269
采用1949—2016年7—8月美国国家环境预报中心及大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料与中国气象局(CMA)上海台风所整编的热带气旋最佳路径数据集,研究大气环状模(Circumglobal Teleconnection,CGT)与中国大陆地区登陆热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)频数气候变化的关系。定义200 hPa经向风经验正交展开(EOF)的第一模态为CGT,其时间系数为环状模指数(Circumgolbal Teleconnection Index,CGTI)。CGT在北半球中纬度地区有5个异常中心,CGTI在1949—2016年呈明显的下降趋势,且存在一个2~3 a的周期振荡。CGT与大尺度环流异常存在密切的联系。研究表明:CGTI与中国大陆登陆TC频数气候变率具有显著的正相关,即CGTI表现为正异常时,登陆中国大陆的TC频数增加,反之减少。当CGT表现为正位相时,东亚副热带西风急流增强,急流南侧的反气旋切变增强,使TC登陆过程的活动区域200 hPa的辐散增强,此外,对流层高层Rossby波能量向南传播增强,形成波通量辐合,导致东风异常,产生了东风异常的引导气流和纬向风垂直切变,东风切变使得切变减小,增加了TC登陆中国大陆的可能性。  相似文献   

利用江南地区77个台站的日降水资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,基于不同时间尺度的江南地区降水低频分量和东亚地区850 h Pa低频经向风主成分,建立了多变量时滞回归(Multivariable Lagged Regression,MLR)模型,并对2011年5—7月江南降水低频分量进行延伸期逐日预报试验。结果表明,50~70 d时间尺度的江南低频降水的平均预报技巧高达0.92,可准确预报持续性强降水过程和降水低频位相的正负转换。对利用2001—2012年资料分别构建的MLR模型的历史回报预测试验表明,在50~70 d振荡较强和正常的年份,模型能提前30 d做出初夏江南低频降水分量预报。模型结果也表明,850 h Pa低频经向风的发展和演变是影响初夏江南低频降水未来30 d变化的显著信号,可作为延伸期强降水预报的关键因子。  相似文献   

The observed sequence of events leading to the onset of the summer monsoon in the South China Sea (SCS) is described, with a particular focus on conditions during the South China Sea monsoon experiment (SCSMEX) in May–June 1998. During SCSMEX, SCS monsoon onset occurred within the context of a multitude of scale interactions within the ocean-atmosphere system on intraseasonal time scales. Results from the 1998 SCSMEX case study illustrate that SCS monsoon onset is preceded by the development of an eastward-propagating Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the Indian Ocean, as suggested by previous authors, and the subsequent emanation of a convectively coupled Kelvin wave into the Pacific. Remarkably similar results are obtained in an independent composite of 25 years of data. Since both the MJO and Kelvin waves generate westerly surface winds in their wake, it is suggested that these waves may accelerate or trigger the monsoon onset process in the southern SCS. A detailed analysis of the Kelvin wave that propagated through the SCS during SCSMEX shows that it was responsible for a large portion of the surface wind shift leading to monsoon onset in 1998. Finally, easterly wind anomalies in the eastern Pacific associated with the Indian Ocean MJO event during the SCSMEX period are shown to result in the sudden demise of the 1997–1998 El Niño event.  相似文献   

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