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The energetics of the third stage of a snowstorm over China was analyzed using ECWMF data.The analysis of the energy budget for the Middle East trough and the western Pacific trough that developed toward China on 25-28 January 2008 showed the advection of the geopotential by the ageostrophic wind to be both a crucial source and the primary sink of the eddy kinetic energy centers associated with the troughs.The magnitudes of the energy conversion terms,interaction kinetic energy conversion and baroclinic conversion,were too small to explain the development of the energy centers and the jet streaks.The energy centers gained energy at their entrance regions via the convergence of the ageostrophic geopotential fluxes,and then lost energy at their exit regions by the same fluxes.At the entrance regions,the fluxes converged,increasing the geopotential gradient,which generated a stronger geostrophic wind and higher kinetic energy,resulting in an ascending motion in this area.When the troughs moved to China,the ascending motion caused by the convergence of the fluxes at entrance region intensified the snowstorms over central and southern China.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The third precipitation episode of China's great snowstorms of 2008 was analyzed using station observations and ECMWF six-hourly data. The variation of the shape of the upper-level subtropical jet played an important role in the rainfall over south- ern China. With the eastward movement of the trough, the jet shape changed from two straight jets to a tilting jet over China and then it moved southward. With these variations, the south-north movement of ascending flow and precipitation area over southern China occurred.  相似文献   

The East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ) is one of the most important factors modulating the Meiyu rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin, China. This article analyzed periods of the medium-term EASWJ variation,wave packet distribution and energy propagation of Rossby waves along the EASWJ during Meiyu season, and investigated their possible influence on abnormal Meiyu rain. The results showed that during the medium-term scale atmospheric dynamic process, the evolution of the EASWJ in Meiyu season was mainly characterized by the changes of3-8 d synoptic-scale and 10-15 d low-frequency Rossby waves. The strong perturbation wave packet and energy propagation of the 3-8 d synoptic-scale and 10-15 d low-frequency Rossby waves are mostly concentrated in the East Asian region of 90°-150°E, where the two wave trains of perturbation wave packets and wave-activity flux divergence coexist in zonal and meridional directions, and converge on the EASWJ. Besides, the wave trains of perturbation wave packet and wave-activity flux divergence in wet Meiyu years are more systematically westward than those in dry Meiyu years, and they are shown in the inverse phases between each other. In wet(dry) Meiyu year, the perturbation wave packet high-value area of the 10-15 d low-frequency variability is located between the Aral Sea and the Lake Balkhash(in the northeastern part of China), while over eastern China the wave-activity flux is convergent and strong(divergent and weak), and the high-level jets are strong and southward(weak and northward). Because of the coupling of high and low level atmosphere and high-level strong(weak) divergence on the south side of the jet over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin, the low-level southwest wind and vertically ascending motion are strengthened(weakened), which is(is not)conducive to precipitation increase in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin. These findings would help to better understand the impact mechanisms of the EASWJ activities on abnormal Meiyu from the perspective of medium-term scale Rossby wave energy propagation.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the wave sources, energy propagation and conversion for anomalous Rossby wave activities (RWAs) along the West Asian jet stream (WAJS) in summer are examined based on the NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis data from 1958 to 2003, using the vorticity source equation, the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux, and the wave energy equation under diabatic heating. The study aims to find the dynamical causes for RWA anomalies along the WAJS and to improve the understanding of mid-high latitude circulation anomalies. The results show that the negative vorticity source and the strong EP flux divergence over the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Scandinavian Peninsula area act as the wave sources for RWA anomalies along the WAJS. When the intensity and position of the wave sources are anomalous, the excited eastward-propagating RWA along the WAJS also behaves anomalously. In strong (weak) years of RWA, Rossby waves excited by the strong divergence of EP fluxes over the Iceland Scandinavian Peninsula area (east to the Scandinavian Peninsula) propagate eastward and southeastward. The eastward propagating waves become strengthened (weakened) after turning southeastward near the Ural Mountains and then entering the Asian subtropical westerly jet stream (ASWJS) over the Caspian Sea-Aral Sea-Xinjiang. The southeastward propagating waves also strengthen (weaken) after directly entering the ASWJS over the eastern Mediterranean-the Black Sea. Furthermore, the divergence of EP fluxes over the Mediterranean also strengthens (weakens) in the strong (weak) years, so they jointly bring about the strong (weak) RWA along the WAJS. Finally, the perturbation available potential energy (PAPE) along the WAJS (15°- 60°E) produced by diabatic heating, is far greater than the conversion from the kinetic energy of the basic flow into the perturbation kinetic energy and from the available potential energy of the basic flow into PAPE. The RWA along the WAJS looks stronger (weaker) than normal when the PAPEs produced by diabatic heating over the Iranian Plateau and West Asia significantly strengthen (weaken), and therefore they are also the energy sources of RWA anomalies.  相似文献   

北半球冬季行星波的传播及其输运作用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用变换欧拉平均方程讨论了行星波动力学。观测和模拟结果都表明,在北半球冬季准定常行星波的经向传播存在两支波导。一支为高纬度波导,另一支则为低纬度波导。这些结果与理论分析相当一致。通过对EP通量进一步的研究表明,平流层爆发性增温是沿高纬度波导传播的异常行星波与平均气流相互作用的结果。而热带风场的准两年周期振荡(QBO)是低纬度平流层下层大气纬向平均流的一个重要年际变化,它可以影响行星波沿低纬度波导的传播;此外,由一个行星波一平均流耦合模式模拟的结果表明,这个热带风场的变化还可以通过波流相互作用调制行星波沿高纬度波导的传播。 行星波对臭氧的输运作用在文中也进行了分析。行星波强迫出的剩余平均环流表明,耗散的行星波有强的输运作用;向北的涡动热量输送可以强迫出一个正的输运环流,其在低纬度上升并在高纬度下沉。同时研究还表明,热带风场的QBO对行星波传播的调制对输运环流也有重要影响,模式结果表明,在QBO的东风位相期间行星波引起的输运作用明显增强,其结果可用于解释平流层高纬度臭氧的年际变化。  相似文献   

On the basis of studying wave package propagation,this paper investigated the relationship between high frequency wave package propagation and transient waves' evolvement or the subtropical high's latitudinal movement.The results showed that during winter the lifetime of wave package was longer and usually persisted for 7-10 days with a propagating speed of 2-10 m s~(-1).Usually they propagated southeastward at the beginning,then turned to northeast.During summer the lifetime and intensity of wave package became shorter and weaker.It availed development (attenuation) of troughs when the strong wave package center was intensified (weakened) which overlapped with trough.If strong wave package center kept overlapping with ridge,the ridge would abate later in a few days.Obvious jumping northward (retreating southward) processes of Western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) were (not) usually related to strong wave package centers located at South China Sea area (South Asia area and Temperate Zone) for 5 days or longer.After two seasonal jumping processes,there were persisting strong wave package centers for 5 days or longer. WPSH retreating processes were also related to activities of strong wave package centers over South Asian area and temperate area as well as the strong wave package centers of typhoon,and all these centers persisted for 5 days or longer.  相似文献   

彭京备  刘舸  孙淑清 《大气科学》2016,40(5):897-906
本文利用NCEP再分析资料和逐日台站观测资料研究了2013年夏季我国南方地区持续高温天气时期内西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称西太副高)的异常特征,指出西太副高西伸、北抬并异常维持是导致南方地区罕见高温天气发生的直接原因,探究了影响其异常的中高纬环流及热带系统的活动,特别是对该年夏季热带环流,包括越赤道气流、赤道辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone,简称ITCZ)的异常,以及登陆台风异常集中等情况作了进一步分析,为深入研究持续高温的成因提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

东亚副热带急流的空间结构及其与中国冬季气温的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
姚慧茹  李栋梁 《大气科学》2013,37(4):881-890
本文利用1950~2012 年NCEP/NCAR 逐月再分析风场资料和中国542 个台站逐日观测资料研究东亚副热带急流(EAJ)的空间结构及其与中国冬季气温的关系。结果表明,东亚副热带急流在空间呈不规则管状结构,冬季急流体积最大,垂直厚度范围自500 hPa 至100 hPa;夏季急流体积最小,仅存在于200 hPa 附近。急流管在秋、冬、春季略呈西南—东北走向,在夏季呈西—东走向。不同高度上的最大风速轴线在南北方向的移动不尽一致,春、秋季低层风速轴比高层偏北。东亚急流管不同区域下方的垂直运动及其年变化存在差异。冬季东亚副热带急流强度与同期中国气温关系密切,特别是高原上空的急流越强时,中国大部分地区冬季气温偏低。  相似文献   

东亚副热带西风急流位置变化与亚洲夏季风爆发的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张耀存  况雪源 《湖北气象》2008,27(2):97-103
利用1961~2000年的NCEP/NCAR候平均再分析资料,初步探讨了季节转换期间东亚副热带西风急流南北和东西向位置变化与亚洲季风爆发之间的联系。结果表明,亚洲夏季风爆发伴随着东亚副热带西风急流轴线的北跳和急流中心西移,急流轴北跳至35°N以北的青藏高原上空,南支西风急流消失,亚洲季风环流形势建立。南海季风爆发早年,低纬的东风向北推进的时间早,到达的纬度偏北,中纬的西风急流强度偏弱,季风爆发晚年则相反。同时,南海夏季风爆发早年,青藏高原上空急流核出现较早,西太平洋上空急流核减弱较快,急流中心“西移”较早。而在南海夏季风爆发晚年,西太平洋上空的急流核减弱较迟,青藏高原上空急流核形成偏晚,急流中心“西移”较迟。此外,急流中心东西向位置和强度变化与江淮流域梅雨的开始和结束也有密切关系。  相似文献   

从两层模式的基本方程出发,推导了描述平均流对波振幅反馈的A-B混合方程,并通过适当变换把混合方程转化为洛仑兹系统,用于研究平均流对边缘波扰动振幅增长的反馈机制,以及在中性廓线附近边缘波的稳定性问题。这是对研究波流相互作用的E-P通量理论的一个重要扩充。同时,作者还指出了A-B混合方程理论在研究大气中的波流相互作用及对流方面有相当应用前景。  相似文献   

In the summer of 2013, an unprecedented heat wave was experienced over a vast area of southern China. The great areal extent, duration, and strength of this high temperature are very rare. For the 2013 hot spell, the major and direct influence mostly came from the anomaly of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH). The abnormally strong and stable WPSH was associated with specific surrounding circulations. The eastward extension of a stronger Qinghai-Xizang high favored the westward extension of the WPSH. The weaker cold air activity from the polar region led to the northward shift of the WPSH and helped it to remain stable. In the tropics, the western segment of the ITCZ was abnormally strong in the period, and supported the maintenance of the WPSH from the south. In addition, the interdecadal variation of the WPSH provided a decadal background for the anomaly variation of the WPSH that summer.  相似文献   

Based on a 30-year Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project(AMIP) simulation using IAP AGCM4.0, the relationship between the East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ) and summer precipitation over East Asia has been investigated, and compared with observation. It was found the meridional displacement of the EASWJ has a closer relationship with the precipitation over East Asia both from model simulation and observation, with an anomalous southward shift of EASWJ being conducive to rainfall over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley(YHRV), and an anomalous northward shift resulting in less rainfall over the YHRV. However, the simulated precipitation anomalies were found to be weaker than observed from the composite analysis, and this would be related to the weakly reproduced mid-upper-level convergence in the mid-high latitudes and ascending motion in the lower latitudes.  相似文献   

孙凤华  张耀存  郭兰丽 《高原气象》2009,28(6):1308-1315
利用中国738个台站的降水观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 分析了我国降水和200 hPa东亚副热带西风急流轴的年代际变化特征, 揭示了东亚副热带西风急流位置的南北移动与我国长江流域和华北降水异常之间的联系。结果表明, 我国东部地区夏季(7、 8月)降水异常主要表现为长江中下游地区多(少)雨, 华北及华南地区少(多)雨, 20世纪70年代末80年代初是这种异常分布型发生转折的时间。与此同时, 东亚高空副热带急流轴位置从70年代末开始逐渐偏南, 急流轴位置的变动将引起对流层低层水汽辐合区和高层散度分布以及垂直环流相应的变化, 进而引起降水区域的变化。相关分析发现, 当急流位置偏南时, 25°~35°N西风增强, 42°~50°N西风减弱, 华北夏季降水减少, 长江中下游地区夏季降水增多; 反之, 当急流位置偏北时, 华北夏季降水增多, 长江中下游地区夏季降水减少。与70年代末开始的我国东部地区急流轴位置逐渐南移相对应, 华北地区夏季降水呈现逐渐减少、 长江中下游地区夏季降水呈现逐渐增多的变化趋势。分析低层水汽通量和高层的散度分布以及垂直环流的差异发现, 1980年以来华北地区对流层中低层水汽通量辐合减弱, 水汽供应减少, 垂直上升运动减弱, 造成了华北夏季降水减少, 而长江中下游地区水汽通量辐合增加, 水汽供应增多, 垂直上升运动增强, 导致该地区降水增加。  相似文献   

The structure and seasonal variation of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet (EAWJ) and associations with heating fields over East Asia are examined by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. Obvious differences exist in the westerly jet intensity and location in different regions and seasons due to the ocean-land distribution and seasonal thermal contrast, as well as the dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of the Tibetan Plateau. In winter, the EAWJ center is situated over the western Pacific Ocean and the intensity is reduced gradually from east to west over the East Asian region. In summer, the EAWJ center is located over the north of the Tibetan Plateau and the jet intensity is reduced evidently compared with that in winter. The EAWJ seasonal evolution is characterized by the obvious longitudinal inconsistency of the northward migration and in-phase southward retreat of the EAWJ axis. A good correspondence between the seasonal variations of EAWJ and the meridional differences of air temperature (MDT) in the mid-upper troposphere demonstrates that the MDT is the basic reason for the seasonal variation of EAWJ. Correlation analyses indicate that the Kuroshio Current region to the south of Japan and the Tibetan Plateau are the key areas for the variations of the EAWJ intensities in winter and in summer, respectively. The strong sensible and latent heating in the Kuroshio Current region is closely related to the intensification of EAWJ in winter. In summer, strong sensible heating in the Tibetan Plateau corresponds to the EAWJ strengthening and southward shift, while the weak sensible heating in the Tibetan Plateau is consistent with the EAWJ weakening and northward migration.  相似文献   

To improve current understanding of the water cycle,energy partitioning and CO2 exchange over hilly zone vegetative land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon environment of southern China,a long-term field experiment observatory was set up at Ningxiang,eastern Hunan Province.This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the field observations at the observatory collected from August to November 2012.Results show that significant diurnal variations in soil temperature occur only in shallow soil layers(0.05,0.10,and 0.20 m),and that heavy rainfall affects soil moisture in the deep layers(≥ 0.40 m).During the experimental period,significant diurnal variations in albedo,radiation components,energy components,and CO2 flux were observed,but little seasonal variation.Strong photosynthesis in the vegetation canopy enhanced the CO2 absorption and the latent heat released in daylight hours;Latent heat of evaporation was the main consumer of available energy in late summer.Because the field experiment data are demonstrably reliable,the observatory will provide reliable long-term measurements for future investigations of the land-atmosphere interaction over hilly land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China.  相似文献   

The features of the temperate jet stream including its location, intensity, structure, seasonal evolution and the relationship with the Asian monsoon are examined by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. It is indicated that the temperate jet stream is prominent and active at 300 hPa in winter over the region from 45°-60°N and west of 120°E. The temperate jet stream is represented by a ridge area of high wind speed and dense stream lines in the monthly or seasonal mean wind field, but it .corresponds to an area frequented by a large number of jet cores in the daily wind field and exhibits a distinct boundary that separates itself with the subtropical jet. A comparison of the meridional wind component of the temperate jet stream with that of the subtropical jet shows that the northerly wind in the temperate jet stream is stronger than the southerly component of the subtropical jet, which plays an important role in the temperate jet stream formation and seasonal evolution, and thus the intensity change of the meridional wind component can be used to represent the temperate jet stream's seasonal variation. Analysis of the temperature gradient in the upper troposphere indicates that the temperate jet stream is accompanied by a maximum zonal temperature gradient and a large meridional temperature gradient, leading to a unique jet stream structure and particular seasonal evolution features, which are different from the subtropical jet. The zonal temperature gradient related to the land-sea thermal contrast along the East China coastal lines is responsible for the seasonal evolution of the temperate jet. In addition, there exists a coordinated synchronous change between the movement of the temperate jet and that of the subtropical jet. The seasonal evolution of the meridional wind intensity is closely related to the seasonal shift of the atmospheric circulation in East Asia, the onset of the Asian summer monsoon and the start of Meiyu in the Yangtze and Huaihe River Valleys, and it correlates well with summer and wint  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期预报中心再分析数据和中国气象局提供的降水数据分析了2008年1月到2月初东亚急流对我国南方雨雪冰冻灾害的影响,并给出东亚急流变化可能的原因。东亚急流强度和位置的变化引起其入口区的垂直运动的变化,从而使得我国南方降雨的位置和强度发生改变。为了研究灾害发生期间东亚急流变化的原因,利用扰动动能方程分析了与东亚急流有关扰动动能以及方程各项的变化,结果表明:扰动动能的变化能够很好的表示东亚急流的变化;扰动位势平流对扰动动能的发展至关重要。东亚急流北部弱风区存在较小的扰动动能中心,位势通量矢量将这个中心的扰动动能输送到东亚急流的入口区并辐合,使得东亚急流增强。  相似文献   

新疆夏季降水年际变化与亚洲副热带西风急流   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1960—2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析和新疆75个气象站月降水资料, 分析了新疆夏季降水与亚洲副热带西风急流的关系, 新疆夏季降水与西亚急流的南北位置和准静止波活动密切联系。通过波作用量的动力学诊断分析, 研究了新疆降水异常年准静止波活动特征, 新疆降水异常年斯堪的纳维亚半岛向东传播的中高纬静止波传播方式的不同, 从而影响沿副热带西亚西风急流传播的静止波活动, 进而影响新疆夏季降水, 并存在沿60°E自南极高纬低层经向上传至低纬对流层顶部, 并在北半球副热带地区转为经向下传至北半球中纬地区的波列, 该波列活动与西亚急流变化联系。  相似文献   

利用北半球1951-2000年冬季(1月)200hPa,500hPa的月平均资料,计算出E-P通量,并根据平均环流的E-P通量剖面图,研究了北半球冬季在大地形作用下,波动对基本气流的作用,以及波流相互作用下行星波的传播。北半球冬季平均E-P通量的辐合辐散与地形作用形成的大槽大脊相对应,其强度也与槽脊的强度相一致。另外,根据多年夏季(7月)的月平均高度场、风场及降水资料得到E-P通量和副热带高压的关系,进一步得到E-P通量与异常天气的关系。  相似文献   

利用1948-2008年NCEP/NCAR再分析风速资料,分析了亚洲副热带200hPa西风带急流(下称西风急流)时空变化的气候特征及其与我国江淮流域梅雨期降水和新疆夏季降水的关系。结果表明:(1)由冬入夏时,西风急流轴由30°N左右北进到45°N左右,中间有两次明显的快速北进,分别发生在4月和6~7月;由夏入冬时,急流轴再由45°N左右南撤至30°N附近。急流轴在北进过程中以90°E处出现最早,也最明显。(2)一年之中,西风急流中心主要位于西太平洋上空140°E处,只有两个月左右的时间停留在亚洲大陆上空。急流中心在6月中旬开始迅速西移,6月下旬移至江淮流域上空,7月底到达新疆天山地区上空,8~9月东退至冬季平均位置140°E左右。(3)江淮流域梅雨期的降水量与西风急流的位置有一定相关关系。若某年1月急流中心异常偏西,4~5月急流轴又异常偏南,则该年可能为丰梅年,江淮地区易出现暴雨洪涝灾害;否则相反。(4)盛夏季节新疆上空急流的强度及纬度位置与新疆降水也有一定关系。若某年4月中旬~5月下旬新疆和中亚地区西风急流轴明显偏北,该年夏季急流轴又偏南,且急流偏强,则新疆多雨;否则相反。  相似文献   

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