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The area of upper Vaigai river basin covering parts of Madurai and Theni Districts, in Tamil Nadu, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present investigation has been made to evaluate the potential zones for groundwater targeting using IRS - ID LISS III geocoded data on 1:50,000 scale. The geology, geomorphology, lineament tectonic maps are generated and integrated to evaluate the hydrogeomorphological characteristics of the upper Vaigai river basin and demarcate the groundwater potential zones. A number of geomorphic units have been observed. Out this the more groundwater prospective units are buried pediment medium, buried pediment deep, flood plain, bajada and lineament and intersection of lineaments. Non potential areas like pediment, pediment inselberg, shallow pediment and pediplain were identified.  相似文献   


Land use and land cover change, perhaps the most significant anthropogenic disturbance to the environment, mainly due to rapid urbanization/industrialization and large scale agricultural activities. In this paper, an attempt has been made to appraise land use/land cover changes over a century (1914–2007) in the Neyyar River Basin (L=56 km; Area = 483.4 km2) in southern Kerala – a biodiversity hot spot in Peninsular India. In this study, digital remote sensing data of the Indian Remote Sensing satellite series I-D (LISS III, 2006–2007) on 1:50,000 scale, Survey of India (SOI) toposheet of 1914 (1:63,360) and 1967 (1:50,000) have been utilized to map various land use/land cover changes. Maps of different periods have been registered and resampled to similar geographic coordinates using ERDAS Imagine 9.0. The most notable changes include decreases in areas of paddy cultivation, mixed crops, scrub lands and evergreen forests, and increases in built-up areas, rubber plantations, dense mixed forests, and water bodies. Further, large scale exploitation of flood plain mud and river sand have reached menacing proportions leading to bank caving and cut offs at channel bends. Conservation of land and water resources forms an important aspect of ecosystem management in the basin.  相似文献   

Soil is an integral part of ecosystem nurturing the biological system. Sustainable management of soil resources based on the consideration of constraints is the key to check land degradation and maintain productivity of biological system. To meet the objective remote sensing and GIS technology has been employed for identification of soil constraints in resource potential Bhilwara district. IRS LISS-III FCC images were interpreted for soil constraints using physiography soil approach, verified through field checking and laboratory analysis. On IRS LISS-III FCC images the salt affected soils of Kotri and Taswaria appeared in bright white to light grey tone, smooth texture with white mottles. These were also verified during ground truth and soil analysis for salinity (EC 2.90–3.32 dS m−1) and sodicity (pH 9.50–9.86 and ESP 17.60–19.05). Similarly on the LISS III FCC, constraints due to water erosion near Bir, Sareri and Vijaypura soil series were apparent in light grey to whitish tone, intercepted by medium grey streaks indicating streams and exposed sub-soil. The constraints due to shallow depth associated with rock out crops and hilly areas of Balda and Delwara series appeared in greenish grey tone and coarse texture. There was close relationship between image characteristics, field observation and analytical data.  相似文献   

The Western Ghats constitute one of the three biodiversity hot spots in India, which is under constant threat from various quarters. Among the several anthropogenic causes, fire is one of the important anthropogenic factor, which plays a pivotal role in vegetation succession and ecosystem processes. It is very important to understand the ecological changes due to fire and other anthropogenic factors for conservation and management of biodiversity. Because of its synoptic, multi-spectral and multi-temporal nature remote sensing data can be a good source for forest fire monitoring. In the present study, an effort has been made to monitor the burnt areas using March 2000 and 2004 IRS LISS — III data. The study revealed that an area of 2.15 km2 and 4.46 km2 was affected by fire in 2000 and 2004 respectively. Repeated drought, followed by mass flowering and dying of bamboo accelerated the spread of fire from ground to canopy in areas with high bamboo density.  相似文献   

The study area covers 570 km2 comprising of 9 sub-watersheds (Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur) range from 49 to 75 km2 forming part of Pennar river basin around Pavagada. The drainage network of 9 sub-watersheds was delineated using remote sensing data - Geocoded FCC of bands - 2 3 4 of IRS 1 C and 1 D (LISS III+PAN merged) on 1:50,000 scale and SOI topomaps were used as reference. The morphometric analysis of 9 sub-watersheds has been carried out using GIS softwares - Arclnfo and Are View. The drainage network shows that the terrain exhibits dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. Stream orders ranges from fourth to fifth order. Drainage density varies between 1.55 and 2.16 km/ km2 and has very coarse to coarse drainage texture. The relief ratio range from 0.006 to 0.021. The mean bifurcation ratio varies from 3.21 to 4.88 and falls under normal basin category. The elongation ratio shows that Devedabetta sub-watershed possesses circular shape while remaining sub-watersheds mark elongated pattern. Hence from the study it can be concluded that remote sensing techniques proved to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

In certain agricultural fields of Khambhat Taluka in Gujarat State, the salinity has increased considerably rendering the land completely infertile. The occurrence of salinity in this area can be attributed partly to subsurface sea‐water ingress and partly to improper land and water management practices prior to implementation of irrigation. Landsat MSS or TM and IRS IA LISS II data was used to test the feasibility of delineating saline soils by both visual image interpretation and digital analysis. The study of saline soils using multi‐temporal Landsat images of the year 1977, 1983, and 1987, indicated an evident increase in saline areas in past few years. The Soil Brightness Index (SBI) generated from the IRS‐IA data by the application of MSS equivalent coefficients brought out different categories of soil degradation. The supervised classification scheme aided in generating various salinity levels. The analysis of the soil samples of the above area exhibited increasing values of Electrical Conductivity (ECe), and the soluble cations with increasing levels of salinity.  相似文献   

The study area around Choral river basin in the Narmada valley region, forms a part of Indore and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh. The geological, geomorphologic, lineament, hydrogeomorphic and groundwater potential zone maps of the study area have been prepared using IRS IC LISS III FCC imagery on 1:50,000 scale. Various litho-units, different land-forms, lineament fabric and hydro-geomorphic units have been worked out by visual interpretation methods and frequent field checks. The integrated hydro-geomorphological map of the study area reveals that the groundwater potential in denudation landforms such as buried pediplains, plateaus, denudational and residual hills is moderate-to-poor. On the other hand, the groundwater occurrence in structural landforms like structural hills, lineaments/faults and narrow gorges is likely to be good to moderate and the depositional landforms namely alluvial plains, valley-fills and meandering-channels favour the accumulation of sub-surface water and, therefore, may be considered as good recharge zones. From the point of view of groundwater occurrence, various hydro-geomorphic units have been classified as high, moderate and low potential zones.  相似文献   

As per recommendations of Working Group for National Action for Reservoir Sedimentation Assessment, National Institute of Hydrology has taken up study on sedimentation for 25 reservoirs in India during X plan period using remote sensing technique. One such study for Hirakud reservoir in Mahanadi basin in Orissa for year 1999–2001 is described here. Reservoir’s original utilizable and gross volumes were 5818 and 8136 M m3, respectively. Minimum draw down level (MDDL) and full reservoir level (FRL) for reservoir are 179.83 and 192.02 m, respectively. Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS)- III data of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) 1C and 1D, covering elevation range between 180.68 and 191.89 m, were used. Rule based classification was applied to ‘water index’ and radiances of near infrared band to determine water spread area. Revised live storage capacity was 4842 M m3. The silt index for the live storage area was 2.623 ha m (100 km2 year)-1 (0.376 % of live storage or 21.9 M m3 year-1). Total live storage lost in sedimentation was 984 M m3 (16.90 % of live storage).  相似文献   

The study area is a part of Kagna river basin in the Gulburga district of Karnataka, India. It covers an area of 1320 km2 and it has been subdivided into 4 sub-basins namely Wadi, Chitapur, Sedam and Kurkunta, which range in area from 184 to 537 km2. The drainage pattern of these sub-basins are delineated using Geo-coded FCC bands 2,3,4 of IRS 1C and 1D(LISS III+PAN merged) on 1:50,000 scale and Survey of India toposheets as reference. The morphometric parameters are computed using ArcInfo and ArcView GIS softwares. The drainage pattern of the study area is dendritic to sub-dendritic with stream orders ranging from IV to VII orders. Drainage density ranges from 1.40 to 1.86 km/km2 suggesting coarse to moderate drainage texture. The change in values of stream length ratio indicate their late youth stage of geomorphic development. The values of bifurcation ratio ranging from 2.00 to 4.71 indicate that all the sub-basins fall under normal basin category. The values of form factor and circulatory ratio, suggest that the Kurkunta sub-basin is elongated and the remaining sub-basins are more or less circular in shape. Elongation ratio indicates that the Wadi sub-basin is a region of very low relief whereas the other sub-basins are associated with moderate to high relief and steep ground slopes. It is concluded that remote sensing and GIS have been proved to be efficient tools in drainage delineation and updation. In the present study these updated drainages have been used for the morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

Considering the fest pace of development, up-to-date maps have become imperative in developmental planning. Conventional map updating techniques are expensive and time consuming. The present paper makes an attempt to tackle the problem using GIS techniques. Maps generated from IRS-1A LISS II data and Survey of India (SOI) toposheets were used as input maps in GIS. These maps were overlaid to obtain the positional errors at road junction points. The area statistics of each sector were calculated taking the SOI map as reference data. The results show that the areas calculated from LISS II data and SOI map are well comparable and the deviations are within 10%, whereas the positional accuracy (MSE) of points is within 30 m. The study demonstrates that the IRS-1A LISS II data can be used for updating of maps on scale 1:100,000 and smaller in areas where linear features are identifiable in the IRS LISS II image.  相似文献   

Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS II) data are interpreted, followed by ground verification facilitated identification of waterlogged areas (ponded water), salt affected soils (salt efflorescence) and high water table zones (potential waterlogging zones) in the Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojona (IGNP) command area (India). The false colour composites (bands 4, 3, 2) for February 1996, November 1996 and June 1998 on 1:50 000 scale revealed occurrence and seasonal dynamics of permanent waterlogging in low-lying flats and depressions. The extent of waterlogging was higher in February 1996 due to less evaporation and more agricultural operation during the period. Salt accumulation was higher in November 1996 due to freshly precipitated seasonal salts. Seepage and accumulation of excess irrigation water through coarse sandy mass was primarily responsible for the development of waterlogging in the irrigated zone. The capillary rise of soluble salts with a rising water table and high evaporative demand caused secondary soil salinization. A ground truth study found areas with a high water table (<1.5 m) with patchy crop stands and a potentially sensitive zone with a fluctuating (1.5–6.0 m) water table with poor vegetative growth. The soil characteristics showed moderate to high soil salinity in the control section of soil profiles. These were characterized by medium to coarse texture, weak to moderately strong structure, weak consistency, low organic matter content and the presence of abundant CaCO3 nodules. The composition of saturated soil paste showed a preponderance of chlorides and sulphates of sodium, calcium and magnesium. The presence of fine texture and calcium carbonate layers at a depth below the surface caused the development of a perched water table indicating unsuitability for traditional irrigated agriculture. The quality of pond water was extremely poor and unfit for reuse. The ground water was saline in some areas but normally lies within the prescribed limit. The quality of drainage water was poor in saline depressions and unsuitable for reuse but moderate in other areas suggesting its safe reuse when mixed with good quality water. Suitable soil and water management practices were necessary for sustainable crop production in the command area.  相似文献   

Tongyu County in Northeast China is highly prone to land degradation due to its fragile physical settings characterized by a flat topography, a semi-arid climate, and a shallow groundwater table. This study aims to determine the causes of land degradation through detecting the long-term trend of land cover changes. Degraded lands were mapped from satellite images recorded in 1992 and 2002. These land cover maps revealed that the area subject to land degradation in the form of soil salinization, waterlogging and desertification increased from 2400 to 4214 km2, in sharp contrast to most severely degraded land that decreased by 122.5 km2. Newly degraded land stems from productive farmland (263 km2), harvested farmland (551 km2), and grassland (468 km2). Therefore, the worsened degradation situation is attributed to excessive reclamation of grassland for farming, over cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation. Mechanical, biological, ecological and engineering means should be adopted to rehabilitate the degraded land.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at quantification of sediment yield for Ahar River basin of Udaipur district in Rajasthan, India by a regional empirical model using RS and GIS techniques. The land use/land cover (LULC) map of the study area was prepared by supervised classification using satellite imagery of IRS-P6 LISS III. Overall accuracy of the prepared LULC map was 90.78%. The major portion of the study area (49%) is covered with rangeland. Slope map for the study area was developed using digital elevation model. The slope in most of the study area (40% of the total area) ranges from 1% to 4%. In addition, drainage density map of the study area was generated on micro-watershed basis. The study area is covered by a dendritic pattern of drainage which shows that rocks in the area are homogeneous and uniformly resistant to water flow. The drainage density in the study area is 1.11 km km−2. Annual sediment yield of the study area was quantified by Garde model. The mean annual runoff and sediment yield for the area was 37.58 million m3 and 8,760 m3/year, respectively. Finally, appropriate sites for construction of soil conservation measures are suggested using Boolean logic analysis method on combined slope and drainage maps.  相似文献   


The paper presents a geospatial modeling approach for the assessment of plant richness in Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary in Sikkim, a Himalayan State of India located in the “Indo‐Burma” biodiversity hotspot. Remotely sensed data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS‐1C Linear Imaging Self‐Scanner (LISS‐III) and field‐based methods were synergistically used to model plant richness on 1:50,000 scale. It was found that the sanctuary is dominated by East Himalayan Moist Temperate Forest (55.50%), followed by Rhododendron Forest (23.77%), Degraded Forest (6.66%) and Hemlock Forest (0.78%). The vegetation map prepared through digital interpretation of satellite imagery was subjected to landscape analysis and assessment of biotic disturbance in terms of disturbance index. The disturbance index together with species richness, ecosystem uniqueness, total importance value and terrain complexity was modeled to assess the plant richness in this unique sanctuary. Out of the 120 km2 of the total geographical area of the sanctuary, 28.45 per cent was found to possess very high plant richness followed by high (50.84%), medium (6.96%) and low richness (13.75%). It was noted that plant richness assessment at ecosystem level presents a more realistic picture than at landscape level. The study demonstrated that remote sensing coupled with landscape analysis, ground inventory data and geospatial modeling holds good potential for rapid and operational assessment of plant richness.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to identify and delineate the groundwater potential areas in parts of Western Ghats, Kottayam, covering the upper catchment of Meenachil river. The study area is composed rocks of Archaean age and Charnockite dominated over others. The information on lithology, geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was generated using the Resourcesat (IRS P6 LISS III) data and Survey of India (Sol) toposheets of scale 1:50,000 (surveyed in 1969) and integrated them with raster based Geographical Information System (GIS) to identify the groundwater potential of the study area. Thus, a GIS-based model which takes account of local condition/variations has been developed specifically for mapping groundwater potential. On the basis of hydrogeomorphology, three categories of groundwater potential zones namely good, moderate and poor were identified, and delineated. The high potential zones correspond to the fracture valleys, valley fills, pediments and denudational slope, which coincide with the low slope and high lineaments density areas. The low zone mainly comprise structural hills and escarpments and these act as run-off zones. The derived panchayath-wise groundwater potentiality information could be used for effective identification of suitable locations for extraction of potable water for rural populations.  相似文献   

Desertification is a global challenge being experienced across countries irrespective of their levels of development. Desertification is a complex negative process involving both natural and human components in terms of their socio-economic attainments. Hence, for identification and assessment of the process, pattern, magnitude and possible impacts of desertification, a multi-disciplinary approach with inter-disciplinary framework of analysis is essential. This study has made such an attempt to develop a comprehensive desertification vulnerability assessment Model on the basis of multi-variate Principal Component Analysis along with the Geographic Information System framework by using natural and socio-economic resources data inputs from census, satellite data and other sources. Bellary district, located in a rapidly growing southern state of India, Karnataka which is afflicted with various natural and development issues such as droughts, backwardness, haphazard mining, over irrigation, and associated effects of land degradation, siltation and water pollution has been chosen for the study. The inter-disciplinary framework based desertification vulnerability assessment model has assessed that 1379.198 km2 area (15.55%) of Bellary district is prone to desertification (based on the satellite data IRS LISS III data of Dec 2005, Feb 2006, March 2006 and April 2006). In addition, 3229.337 km2 (36.40%) is under moderate vulnerability which is fragile. Hence, unless proper development intervention and conservation measures are taken well in advance, almost more than half of Bellary district (51.95%) will be vulnerable to desertification. Spatially, the talukas that are seriously affected and that require development intervention on high priority are: Sandur, Kudligi, Hospet and Bellary which are the prime talukas of the district.  相似文献   

The present study has been undertaken to delineate the groundwater potential zones in the hard rock terrain of Palamu district, Jharkhand using the advanced applications of remote sensing, geographical information systems and analytic hierarchy process techniques. The integration and analyses of various thematic databases viz., geomorphology, lithology, soil, slope, lineament density, weathered zone thickness, drainage density and rainfall proved useful in the delineation of GWP zones. The study indicates that only 136?km2 of the study area exhibit excellent groundwater potential, 248?km2 has very good groundwater potential, whereas 36.89 and 38.23% are under poor and very poor groundwater potential zones, respectively. Hence, only a total of 11.6% of the area (490?km2) is classified as high to excellent groundwater potential. The final groundwater prospect map obtained was classified as excellent potential, very good potential, good potential, moderate potential, poor potential and very poor potential zone.  相似文献   

Groundwater exploration and modelling requires hydrological parameters and a large volume of hydrologic database. This study integrates remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) to map and classify hydrological parameters indicates areas of groundwater recharge and discharge. Bivariate quadratic surfaces with moving window size of 5 × 5 were fitted to the digital elevation model and drainage basins, drainage network, topographic wetness index (TWI) and hydroforms were derived. The eight-direction algorithm (D8) that determines in which neighbouring pixel any water in a central pixel will flow naturally was used to delineate drainage basin and drainage network in the study area. The TWI was used to quantify the effect of local topography on hydrological processes and for modelling soil moisture. The results indicate the presence of intensive of stream network (1336 km2), wettest zones and accumulation zones (63.99 km2) within Wadi Bih, the UAE and Wadi Khasb, Oman, suggesting regional recharge.  相似文献   

The breaching of the NALCO Ash-pond in the midnight of December 31, 2000 had caused a serious havoc in 26 villages of the Angul and the Talcher Tahasils of Angul district in Orissa. The Nandira Jhor, a tributary of the Brahmani river flowing adjacent to the pond carried ash to the Brahmani river and its effect was noticed up to 50 km downstream of the river. A study was immediately taken up to assess and evaluate the extent of affected areas using high resolution optical data IRS-ID(PAN) and IRS-ID LISS III of period January 6, 2001. The cadastral maps covering 14 villages of the Talcher Tahasil and 12 villages of the Angul Tahasil were scanned and complete mosaic of 26 villages was prepared. The village layer map was superimposed on the merged data (IRS-ID LISS III+PAN) product at scale 1:8000 and the affected areas were identified village-wise. The final map was immediately handed over to the NALCO authorities for initiation of relief measures. The landuse/ land cover map of pre-breaching (IRS-ID LISS III December 12,2000) and post-breaching (IRS-ID LISS III January 6, 2001) periods were prepared and the spatial extent of different landuse/ land cover class for two dates data were calculated village-wise separately. It was revealed that most of the agricultural lands, land with or without scrub, fallow areas were fully submerged with water mixed with ash. It is seen that villages namely Dighi, Gurujanguli, Nuagoan, Khamana of the Talcher Tahasil and the villages namely Tetoi, Tentolei, Balaramprasad of the Angul Tahasil were seriously affected with high rate of ash deposits.  相似文献   

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