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Observations from the 12 October 1992 Dahshour earthquake in Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An earthquake of local magnitude 5.3 (duration magnitudeM d ) on the Richter Scale occurred at Dahshour, 18 km south of Cairo, Egypt, on Monday, 12 October 1992 at 3:09 pm (local time). Numerous aftershocks followed the main event during the following weeks with magnitude up to 4.3. The earthquake occurred in an area that has had no recent seismic activity, and affected many cities in Egypt. Many buildings and monuments were severely damaged or collapsed. Modern concrete skeletal structures suffered minor nonstructural damage. Earthquake physical damage was estimated at about one billion U.S. Dollars. The severity of the damage was mainly due to poor construction materials and detailing, aging, inferior workmanship, and inadequate maintenance. Egypt was generally considered to be an area of moderate seismic activity. In 1989, earthquake provisions were first introduced in the Egyptian Code of Practice for Reinforced Concrete Structures only. The earthquake clearly showed the urgent need for an assessment and rehabilitation program to mitigate seismic risk hazard in existing structures. In addition, future development planning, and earthquake preparedness strategies should implement lessons learned from the event. In this paper, an overview discussion about the observations from the 12 October earthquake is presented.  相似文献   

Although geophysical hazards like earthquakes can lead to tremendous losses, they are often neglected or not considered in risk analyses within an Alpine context. However, lately and especially in the framework of multi-risk analyses, earthquake risk studies are being increasingly implemented within an Alpine relation too. The presented study was conducted to quantitatively estimate potential consequences of earthquake events in the Austrian Province of Tyrol. The methodological study framework integrates the general risk components (i) hazard, (ii) elements at risk, and (iii) vulnerability. They are considered on a regional scale, accepting pragmatic approaches with simplified procedures and assumptions. Scenarios for different potential epicentres were calculated based on two different macroseismic hazard maps derived from punctual ground motion values of the building code and microzonation studies. The maps take into account the design event definitions of existing building code and a, thereupon based, simple and mono-causal Maximum Credible Earthquake assumption. Corresponding elements at risk and damage potentials were identified and potential losses were estimated under consideration of different vulnerability approaches. It can be shown that most scenarios based on the design event definition of the Austrian and European building codes, respectively have the potential of building and inventory losses solely of some hundred million up to approximately €4 billion. Additional, building and inventory losses of maximum credible events can lead to losses of more than €7 billion merely in connection with the primary earthquake event neglecting all other cascading effects.  相似文献   

Cairo City has a large number and different forms of Islamic archaeological sites, in particular, at El-Gammalia and El-Moez streets, as well as Coptic archaeological sites, e.g. at Mari Gergis. Human interference and activities at these historical areas resulted in flooding such sites’ foundations with domestic water, deteriorating its basal courses by salt weathering. The 1992 earthquake is another natural environmental hazard severely affecting many of these sites. The aim of the current study is to examine some factors (of bedrock and buildings) that are expected to control building susceptibility to damage by earthquakes by taking 38 Islamic archaeological sites in the El-Gammalia area as a representative case study. Detailed field recordings of site damage category before and after the quake and continued recording of damage features generated by the 1992 quake over the last 14 years, measuring depth to sub-surface water, measuring buildings’ height before the quake and bedrock sampling at these sites for geotechnical investigations were all considered for achieving this aim. The data has been processed mathematically and graphically (using the Excel package) to examine the main factors responsible for building susceptibility to damage by earthquakes. The selected archaeological sites give an excellent representation of the factors controlling building susceptibility to damage by quakes; it is found that the sites with heights (before the quake) ranging from 12 to 14 m are the most affected ones; the sites with the highest damage category before the quake were more susceptible to more damage by the quake; the sites that had been built on alluvium soil were more affected than those built on the Eocene limestone. The age of these sites has, to a small extent, indirect control on sites’ susceptibility to damage by the quake, particularly in parts flooded with domestic water (i.e. affected by salt weathering). The depth to sub-surface water is an effective parameter on sites’ basal courses (through salt weathering), which, indirectly, control a building’s susceptibility to quakes, particularly where the depth of water ranges from 0.6 to 1.6 m in alluvium bedrock. The alluvium soil at the study area has a liquid limit ranging from 62% to 82%, plastic limit from 37% to 86% and plasticity index from 26% to 46% and free swelling from 27% to 81%. These geotechnical limits for such alluvium bedrock indicate that its clay minerals are mostly montmorrillonite.  相似文献   

Within the framework of recent research projects, basic tools for GIS-based seismic risk assessment technologies were developed and applied to the building stock and regional particularities of German earthquake regions. Two study areas are investigated, being comparable by the level of seismic hazard and the hazard-consistent scenario events (related to mean return periods of 475, 2475 and 10000 years). Significant differences exist with respect to the number of inhabitants, the grade and extent of urbanisation, the quality and quantity of building inventory: the case study of Schmölln in Eastern Thuringia seems to be representative for the majority of smaller towns in Germany, the case study of Cologne (Köln) stands for larger cities. Due to the similarities of hazard and scenario intensities, the considerable differences do not only require proper decisions concerning the appropriate methods and acceptable efforts, they enable conclusions about future research strategies and needs for disaster reduction management. Not least important, results can sharpen the focus of public interest. Seismic risk maps are prepared for different scenario intensities recognising the scatter and uncertainties of site-dependent ground motion and also of the applied vulnerability functions. The paper illustrates the impact of model assumptions and the step-wise refinements of input variables like site conditions, building stock or vulnerability functions on the distribution of expected building damage within the study areas. Furthermore, and in contrast to common research strategies, results support the conclusion that in the case of stronger earthquakes the damage will be of higher concentration within smaller cities like Schmölln due to the site-amplification potential and/or the increased vulnerability of the building stock. The extent of damage will be pronounced by the large number of masonry buildings for which lower vulnerability classes have to be assigned. Due to the effect of deep sedimentary layers and the composition of building types, the urban centre of Cologne will be less affected by an earthquake of comparable intensity.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an investigation of the damage to residential buildings in two areas within Gilan and Zanjan provinces, Iran, caused by the Manjil-Rudbar earthquake of 20 June 1990. A statistical correlation between the observed ground motion and the damage to the residential buildings is derived for overall damaged buildings and expressed as the vulnerability function. The loss function is calculated by combining the seismic hazard with the vulnerability function.The study of vulnerability and annual seismic hazard shows that the specific annual risk for the range of motion of 0.18 to 0.5 g is equal to 0.02. This indicates that the specific risk for semi-engineered residential buildings with a lifetime of 20 years is about 33%. This study also shows that in large cities, such as Tehran, located in seismic areas, the extent of damage according to the vulnerability function will be 45 and 70% for expected maximum accelerations of 0.3 and 0.4 g, respectively.  相似文献   

In the early morning hours on Wednesday November 08, 2006 at 04:32:10(GMT) a small earthquake of ML 4.1 has occurred at southeast Beni-Suef, approximately 160 km SEE of Cairo, northern Egypt. The quake has been felt as far as Cairo and its surroundings while no casualties were reported. The instrumental epicentre is located at 28.57°N and 31.55°E. Seismic moment is 1.76 E14 Nm, corresponding to a moment magnitude Mw 3.5. Following a Brune model, the source radius is 0.3 km with an average dislocation of 1.8 cm and a 2.4 MPa stress drop. The source mechanism from a first motion fault plane solution shows a left-lateral strike-slip mechanism with a minor dip-slip component along fault NNW striking at 161°, dipping 52° to the west and rake −5°. Trend and plunging of the maximum and minimum principle axes P/T are 125°, 28°, 21°, and 23°, respectively. A comparison with the mechanism of the October, 1999 event shows similarities in faulting type and orientation of nodal planes.Eight small earthquakes (3.0  ML < 5.0) were also recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) from the same region. We estimate the source parameters and fault mechanism solutions (FMS) for these earthquakes using displacement spectra and P-wave polarities, respectively. The obtained source parameters including seismic moments of 4.9 × 1012–5.04 × 1015 Nm, stress drops of 0.2–4.9 MPa and relative displacement of 0.1–9.1 cm. The azimuths of T-axes determined from FMS are oriented in NNE–SSW direction. This direction is consistent with the present-day stress field in Egypt and the last phase of stress field changes in the Late Pleistocene, as well as with recent GPS measurements.  相似文献   

The impact of calamitous meteoric events and their interaction with the geological and geomorphological environment represent a current problem of the Supersano-Ruffano-Nociglia Graben in southern Italy. Indeed, severe floods take place on a frequent basis not only in autumn and winter, but in summer also. These calamities are not only triggered by exceptional events, but are also amplified by peculiar geological and morpho-structural characteristics of the Graben. Flooding often affects vast agricultural areas and consequently, water-scooping machines cannot remove the rainwater. These events cause warnings and emergency states, involving people as well as socio–economic goods. This study represents an application of a vanguard technique for loss estimation and flood vulnerability analysis, integrating a geographic information system (GIS) with aerial photos and remote sensing methods. The analysis results clearly show that the Graben area is potentially at greatest flood vulnerability, while along the Horsts the flood vulnerability is lower.  相似文献   

A depositional model of the lower Pliocene Hagul formation, which is exposed in the East Cairo district (Egypt), is proposed with more than 10 depositional cycles recognized. Field occurrence, detailed petrographic investigation and geochemical analysis revealed that the sediments within each cycle are the result of three sequential sedimentological processes: (1) alluvial sedimentation, (2) calcretization, and (3) precipitation of palustrine carbonate. It was concluded that Hagul formation has been deposited within the distal part of an alluvial plain during three successive climatic conditions: a humid climate during which alluvial sediments were deposited, a semi-arid climate with episodic precipitation which was favorable for pedogenic calcrete development, and a sub-humid climate during which groundwater level was gradually elevated and groundwater calcrete accumulated. Rising groundwater level continued until shallow wetlands covered the area and palustrine limestone was precipitated. Variations in the thickness and the nature of the host sediment, calcrete and palustrine limestone cycle suggest that each of the sedimentation processes varied from cycle to cycle.  相似文献   

B.K. Rastogi   《Tectonophysics》2004,390(1-4):85-103
This paper presents a study of the damage due to the Mw 7.6–7.7 intraplate Kutch earthquake of 26 January 2001. It was a powerful earthquake with a high stress drop of about 20 MPa. Aftershocks (up to M 4) have continued for 2.5 years. The distribution of early aftershocks indicates a rupture plane of 20–25 km radius at depths of 10–45 km along an E–W-trending and south-dipping hidden fault situated approximately 25 km north of the Kutch Mainland Fault. The moment tensor solution determined from regional broadband data indicates reverse motion along a south-dipping (by 47°) fault. The earthquake is the largest event in India in the last 50 years and the most destructive in the recorded history in terms of socioeconomic losses with 13,819 deaths (including 14 in Pakistan), collapse/severe damage of over a million houses and US$10 billion economic loss. Surface faulting was not observed. However, intense land deformations have been observed in a 40×20-km meizoseismal area. These include lateral spreading, ground uplifts (about a meter), ground slumping and deep cracks. Liquefaction with ejection of sand and copious water was widespread in the Banni grassland, Rann areas (salt plains), along rivers and also in the coastal areas up to 200 km distance from the epicenter in areas of intensity VII to X+. Stray incidences of liquefaction have occurred up to distances of at least 300 km. For the first time in India, multistory buildings have been destroyed/damaged by an earthquake. The maximum acceleration is inferred to be 700 cm/s2 and intensities are 1–3 units higher in soil-covered areas than expected from the decay rate of acceleration for hard rock.  相似文献   

岩溶塌陷是山东省临沂市区内最重要的地质灾害类型,由于研究区人口和工矿企业分布集中,社会结构和基础条件多样,岩溶塌陷一旦发生,可能带来的经济和财产损失较严重,本文尝试采用易损性和期望损失评价确定可能遭受岩溶塌陷灾害的各类承载体空间分布与破坏损失率,依据预测塌陷可能造成的破坏损失程度,确定岩溶塌陷的风险分区,以期通过对风险级别较高的地区适时发布岩溶塌陷预警信息,并采取科学的防治方法和应急处理措施,达到降低岩溶塌陷风险和危害的目的,为科学开展岩溶塌陷预警和防治提供参考依据,为国内岩溶塌陷防治工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Seismic hazard analysis is based on data and models, which both are imprecise and uncertain. Especially the interpretation of historical information into earthquake parameters, e.g. earthquake size and location, yields ambiguous and imprecise data. Models based on probability distributions have been developed in order to quantify and represent these uncertainties. Nevertheless, the majority of the procedures applied in seismic hazard assessment do not take into account these uncertainties, nor do they show the variance of the results. Therefore, a procedure based on Bayesian statistics was developed to estimate return periods for different ground motion intensities (MSK scale).Bayesian techniques provide a mathematical model to estimate the distribution of random variables in presence of uncertainties. The developed method estimates the probability distribution of the number of occurrences in a Poisson process described by the parameter . The input data are the historical occurrences of intensities for a particular site, represented by a discrete probability distribution for each earthquake. The calculation of these historical occurrences requires a careful preparation of all input parameters, i.e. a modelling of their uncertainties. The obtained results show that the variance of the recurrence rate is smaller in regions with higher seismic activity than in less active regions. It can also be demonstrated that long return periods cannot be estimated with confidence, because the time period of observation is too short. This indicates that the long return periods obtained by seismic source methods only reflects the delineated seismic sources and the chosen earthquake size distribution law.  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震堰塞湖危险性应急评估   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
5.12汶川地震诱发了33处堰塞湖,威胁下游居民安全。根据收集数据情况,选择堰塞湖的坝高、最大库容和坝体结构作为分级指标,建立了单个堰塞湖溃决危险性评估方法,对21个重点堰塞湖进行应急危险性评估,初步评估为1个处于极高危险、7个处于高危险、5个处于中危险、8个处于低危险。考虑同一流域堰塞湖群的联动效应,建立了流域堰塞湖危险性评估方法,相应提高部分堰塞湖的危险等级。为了方便排险安排,给出了高危险堰塞湖的危险性次序,从高到低依次有唐家山、老鹰岩、南坝、小岗剑上、肖家桥、唐家湾、罐子铺和岩羊滩。由于评估时间紧迫,最后提出了此次评估中存在的问题,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

The township of Bajool, situated 30 km south of Rockhampton, Queensland, experienced two minor earthquakes, each of Richter magnitude 2.9 on 10 June 1991. The foci were located 7 km north of Bajool, at a depth of less than 10 km. The felt intensity in Bajool was generally IV‐V, with minor damage occurring to several houses. There were several foreshocks and four aftershocks. The events may represent reactivation of a thrust fault, close to its junction with an inferred transform fault, the Fitzroy River Fault. These events demonstrate that the quiescence of central Queensland is apparent only, and that the recently installed University of Central Queensland Regional Network will provide a useful contribution to the understanding of earthquakes occurring along a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for assessing the economic impact of disruption in transportation that can relate the physical damage to transportation networks to economic losses. A spatial computable general equilibrium (SCGE) model is formulated and then integrated with a transportation model that can estimate the traffic volumes of freight and passengers. Economic equilibrium under a disruption in the transportation network is computed subject to the condition that the adjustment of labor and capital inputs is restricted; the model reflects slow adjustment of these linked to the state of recovery. As a case study, the model reviews the large Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake of 2004. Considering the damage to the transportation infrastructure, the model indicates the extent of the economic losses arising from the earthquake distributed over regions as a consequence of the intra- and interregional trade in a regional economy. The results show that 20% of the indirect losses occur in the Niigata region directly affected by the earthquake, whereas 40% of the total losses are experienced in the Kanto region and non-negligible losses reach rather remote zones of the country such as Okinawa.  相似文献   

A review of the seismicity and seismic history of Egypt indicates areas of high activity concentrated along Oligocene-Miocene faults. This supports the idea of recent activation of the Oligocene-Miocene stress cycle. There are similarities in the spatial distribution of recent and historical epicenters. Destructive earthquakes in Egypt are mostly concentrated in the highly populated areas of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta. Some big earthquakes located near the plate boundary as far away as Turkey and Crete were strongly felt in Egypt. The distribution of the energy release shows a possible tectonic connection between active zones in Egypt and the complicated tectonic zones in Turkey and Crete through geologically verified fault systems. The distribution of intensity shows a strong directivity along the Nile Valley. This is due to the presence of a thick layer of loose sediments on top of the hard rock in the Nile Valley graben. The distribution of b-values indicates two different zones, comparable with stable and unstable shelf areas. Stress loads in the northern Red Sea and northern Egypt are similar. Geologically, northern Egypt is a part of the Unstable Shelf area. The probability to have an earthquake with intensity V or larger within 94 years is more than 80% in the Nile Valley and Nile Delta areas, Egypt-Mediterranean coastal area, Aswan High Dam area, Gulf of Aqaba-Levant Fault zone and in the oil fields of the Gulf of Suez. The maximum expected intensity in these areas and within the same period is V–VI for a 80% probability and VII–VIII+ for a 10% probability. Intensity VIII–IX has been reported for several earthquakes in both historical and recent time.  相似文献   

黑泥湾滑坡是降雨诱发的一个土-岩接触面大型滑坡。基于野外详细调查基础上,探讨了黑泥湾滑坡的成灾模式,并利用水平投影法对滑坡多级潜在滑面进行了稳定性分析;在10年一遇降雨、50年一遇降雨及100年一遇降雨3种工况下,对黑泥湾滑坡开展了风险性评估、风险区划及社会风险评价。结果表明,黑泥湾滑坡财产最大风险为111.666万元/a,人口最大风险为0.002 23人/a;同时区划结果显示①、②、③号受险区的单人生命风险最大,具有大于10-3的生命风险,其人口社会风险值已经处于不可接受风险区,应采取加强监测、搬迁避让、适当工程治理等方法进行风险控制,以达到防灾减灾的目的。  相似文献   

Pomonis  Antonios 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):171-199
Natural Hazards - Strong earthquakes in the proximity of densely inhabited urban areas pose one ofthe most complicated disaster management situations faced by societies today. Herethe experience...  相似文献   

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