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Gazetteers are instrumental in recognizing place names in documents such as Web pages, news, and social media messages. However, creating and maintaining gazetteers is still a complex task. Even though some online gazetteers provide rich sets of geographic names in planetary scale (e.g. GeoNames), other sources must be used to recognize references to urban locations, such as street names, neighborhood names or landmarks. We propose integrating Linked Data sources to create a gazetteer that combines a broad coverage of places with urban detail, including content on geographic and semantic relationships involving places, their multiple names and related non‐geographic entities. Our final goal is to expand the possibilities for recognizing, disambiguating and filtering references to places in texts for geographic information retrieval (GIR) and related applications. The resulting ontological gazetteer, named LoG (Linked OntoGazetteer), is accessible through Web services by applications and research initiatives on GIR, text processing, named entity recognition and others. The gazetteer currently contains over 13 million places, 140 million attributes and relationships, and 4.5 million non‐geographic entities. Data sources include GeoNames, Freebase, DBPedia and LinkedGeoData, which is based on OpenStreetMap data. An analysis on how these datasets overlap and complement one another is also presented.  相似文献   

There are several issues with Web-based search interfaces on a Sensor Web data infrastructure. It can be difficult to (1) find the proper keywords for the formulation of queries and (2) explore the information if the user does not have previous knowledge about the particular sensor systems providing the information. We investigate how the visualization of sensor resources on a 3D Web-based Digital Earth globe organized by level-of-detail (LOD) can enhance search and exploration of information by easing the formulation of geospatial queries against the metadata of sensor systems. Our case study provides an approach inspired by geographical mashups in which freely available functionality and data are flexibly combined. We use PostgreSQL, PostGIS, PHP, and X3D-Earth technologies to allow the Web3D standard and its geospatial component to be used for visual exploration and LOD control of a dynamic scene. Our goal is to facilitate the dynamic exploration of the Sensor Web and to allow the user to seamlessly focus in on a particular sensor system from a set of registered sensor networks deployed across the globe. We present a prototype metadata exploration system featuring LOD for a multiscaled Sensor Web as a Digital Earth application.  相似文献   


Discrete global grid systems have become an important component of Digital Earth systems. However, previously there has not existed an easy way to map between named places (toponyms) and the cells of a discrete global grid system. The lack of such a tool has limited the opportunities to synthesize social place-based data with the more standard Earth and environmental science data currently being analyzed in Digital Earth applications. This paper introduces Wāhi, the first gazetteer to map entities from the GeoNames database to multiple discrete global grid systems. A gazetteer service is presented that exposes the grid system and the associated gazetteer data as Linked Data. A set of use cases for the discrete global grid gazetteer is discussed.  相似文献   

Global geospatial data from Earth observation: status and issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Data covering the whole of the surface of the Earth in a homogeneous and reliable manner has been accumulating over many years. This type of data became available from meteorological satellites from the 1960s and from Earth-observing satellites at a small scale from the early 1970s but has gradually accumulated at larger scales up to the present day when we now have data covering many environmental themes at large scales. These data have been used to generate information which is presented in the form of global data sets. This paper will give a brief introduction to the development of Earth observation and to the organisations and sensors which collect data and produce global geospatial data sets. Means of accessing global data sets will set out the types of data available that will be covered. Digital elevation models are discussed in a separate section because of their importance in georeferencing image data as well as their application to analysis of thematic data. The paper will also examine issues of availability, accuracy, validation and reliability and will look at future challenges.  相似文献   

The Earth Observation (EO) Web is the data acquisition and processing network for digital Earth. The EO Web including Data Web and Sensor Web has become one of the most important aspects of the Digital Earth 2020. This paper summarised the history of the development and status quo of the major types of EO data web service systems, including architecture, service pattern and standards. The concepts, development and implementation of the EO Sensor Web were reviewed. Furthermore, we analysed the requirements on the architecture of the next-generation EO Sensor Web system, namely Spaceborne-Airborne-Ground integrated Intelligent EO Sensor Web system, and highlighted the virtualization, intelligent, pervasive and active development tendency of such system.  相似文献   


Linked Data is known as one of the best solutions for multisource and heterogeneous web data integration and discovery in this era of Big Data. However, data interlinking, which is the most valuable contribution of Linked Data, remains incomplete and inaccurate. This study proposes a multidimensional and quantitative interlinking approach for Linked Data in the geospatial domain. According to the characteristics and roles of geospatial data in data discovery, eight elementary data characteristics are adopted as data interlinking types. These elementary characteristics are further combined to form compound and overall data interlinking types. Each data interlinking type possesses one specific predicate to indicate the actual relationship of Linked Data and uses data similarity to represent the correlation degree quantitatively. Therefore, geospatial data interlinking can be expressed by a directed edge associated with a relation predicate and a similarity value. The approach transforms existing simple and qualitative geospatial data interlinking into complete and quantitative interlinking and promotes the establishment of high-quality and trusted Linked Geospatial Data. The approach is applied to build data intra-links in the Chinese National Earth System Scientific Data Sharing Network (NSTI-GEO) and data -links in NSTI-GEO with the Chinese Meteorological Data Network and National Population and Health Scientific Data Sharing Platform.  相似文献   


Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) presents a great challenge of System of Systems integration across organisational and political boundaries. One existing paradigm that can address the scale of the challenge is that of the Sensor Web. In this paradigm, the internet is evolving into an active, macro sensing instrument, capable of drawing sensory data from around the globe to the fingertips of individuals. The Sensor Web will support scientific research and facilitate transparent political decision making. This article presents some of the technologies explored and activities engaged in by the GEOSS Sensor Web community, towards achieving GEOSS goals.  相似文献   


Many visions for geospatial technology have been advanced over the past half century. Initially researchers saw the handling of geospatial data as the major problem to be overcome. The vision of geographic information systems arose as an early international consensus. Later visions included spatial data infrastructure, Digital Earth, and a nervous system for the planet. With accelerating advances in information technology, a new vision is needed that reflects today’s focus on open and multimodal access, sharing, engagement, the Web, Big Data, artificial intelligence, and data science. We elaborate on the concept of geospatial infrastructure, and argue that it is essential if geospatial technology is to contribute to the solution of problems facing humanity.  相似文献   

Semantic Enablement for Spatial Data Infrastructures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Building on abstract reference models, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has established standards for storing, discovering, and processing geographical information. These standards act as a basis for the implementation of specific services and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). Research on geo‐semantics plays an increasing role to support complex queries and retrieval across heterogeneous information sources, as well as for service orchestration, semantic translation, and on‐the‐fly integration. So far, this research targets individual solutions or focuses on the Semantic Web, leaving the integration into SDI aside. What is missing is a shared and transparent Semantic Enablement Layer for SDI which also integrates reasoning services known from the Semantic Web. Instead of developing new semantically enabled services from scratch, we propose to create profiles of existing services that implement a transparent mapping between the OGC and the Semantic Web world. Finally, we point out how to combine SDI with linked data.  相似文献   


The HUMBOLDT project has the aim of implementing a Framework for harmonisation of data and services in the geoinformation domain, under the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) Directive and in the context of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Initiative. The two-pronged approach of HUMBOLDT comprises a technical side of software framework development and an application side of scenario testing and validation. Among the HUMBOLDT Application Scenarios designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the Framework there is the one covering Protected Areas themes and use cases. It aims to transform geoinformation, managed by park authorities, into a seamless flow that combines multiple information sources from different governance levels (European, national, regional), and exploits this newly combined information for the purposes of planning, management and tourism promotion. The Scenario constitutes a step further towards the integration of monitoring systems envisaged in the view of Digital Earth. Protected Areas Scenario creates an examples of the use of the HUMBOLDT tools in Desktop and Web GIS environment, together with setting up a server environment exploiting HUMBOLDT harmonisation framework as taking into account user requirements and needs and providing benefits for making the road to ESDI establishment easier.  相似文献   

Digital gazetteers play a key role in modern information systems and infrastructures. They facilitate (spatial) search, deliver contextual information to recommended systems, enrich textual information with geographical references, and provide stable identifiers to interlink actors, events, and objects by the places they interact with. Hence, it is unsurprising that gazetteers, such as GeoNames, are among the most densely interlinked hubs on the Web of Linked Data. A wide variety of digital gazetteers have been developed over the years to serve different communities and needs. These gazetteers differ in their overall coverage, underlying data sources, provided functionality, and geographic feature type ontologies. Consequently, place types that share a common name may differ substantially between gazetteers, whereas types labeled differently may, in fact, specify the same or similar places. This makes data integration and federated queries challenging, if not impossible. To further complicate the situation, most popular and widely adopted geo‐ontologies are lightweight and thus under‐specific to a degree where their alignment and matching become nothing more than educated guesses. The most promising approach to addressing this problem, and thereby enabling the meaningful integration of gazetteer data across feature types, seems to be a combination of top‐down knowledge representation with bottom‐up data‐driven techniques such as feature engineering and machine learning. In this work, we propose to derive indicative spatial signatures for geographic feature types by using spatial statistics. We discuss how to create such signatures by feature engineering and demonstrate how the signatures can be applied to better understand the differences and commonalities of three major gazetteers, namely DBpedia Places, GeoNames, and TGN.  相似文献   

Deeply integrating Linked Data with Geographic Information Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The realization that knowledge often forms a densely interconnected graph has fueled the development of graph databases, Web‐scale knowledge graphs and query languages for them, novel visualization and query paradigms, as well as new machine learning methods tailored to graphs as data structures. One such example is the densely connected and global Linked Data cloud that contains billions of statements about numerous domains, including life science and geography. While Linked Data has found its way into everyday applications such as search engines and question answering systems, there is a growing disconnect between the classical ways in which Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are still used today and the open‐ended, exploratory approaches used to retrieve and consume data from knowledge graphs such as Linked Data. In this work, we conceptualize and prototypically implement a Linked Data connector framework as a set of toolboxes for Esri's ArcGIS to close this gap and enable the retrieval, integration, and analysis of Linked Data from within GIS. We discuss how to connect to Linked Data endpoints, how to use ontologies to probe data and derive appropriate GIS representations on the fly, how to make use of reasoning, how to derive data that are ready for spatial analysis out of RDF triples, and, most importantly, how to utilize the link structure of Linked Data to enable analysis. The proposed Linked Data connector framework can also be regarded as the first step toward a guided geographic question answering system over geographic knowledge graphs.  相似文献   


Big Earth Data has experienced a considerable increase in volume in recent years due to improved sensing technologies and improvement of numerical-weather prediction models. The traditional geospatial data analysis workflow hinders the use of large volumes of geospatial data due to limited disc space and computing capacity. Geospatial web service technologies bring new opportunities to access large volumes of Big Earth Data via the Internet and to process them at server-side. Four practical examples are presented from the marine, climate, planetary and earth observation science communities to show how the standard interface Web Coverage Service and its processing extension can be integrated into the traditional geospatial data workflow. Web service technologies offer a time- and cost-effective way to access multi-dimensional data in a user-tailored format and allow for rapid application development or time-series extraction. Data transport is minimised and enhanced processing capabilities are offered. More research is required to investigate web service implementations in an operational mode and large data centres have to become more progressive towards the adoption of geo-data standard interfaces. At the same time, data users have to become aware of the advantages of web services and be trained how to benefit from them most.  相似文献   


Since Al Gore created the vision for Digital Earth in 1998, a wide range of research in this field has been published in journals. However, little attention has been paid to bibliometric analysis of the literature on Digital Earth. This study uses a bibliometric analysis methodology to study the publications related to Digital Earth in the Science Citation Index database and Social Science Citation Index database (via the Web of Science online services) during the period from 1998 to 2015. In this paper, we developed a novel keyword set for ‘Digital Earth’. Using this keyword set, 11,061 scientific articles from 23 subject categories were retrieved. Based on the searched articles, we analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of publication outputs, the subject categories and the major journals. Then, authors’ performance, affiliations, cooperation, and funding institutes were evaluated. Finally, keywords were examined. Through keyword clustering, research hotspots in the field of Digital Earth were detected. We assume that the results coincide well with the position of Digital Earth research in the context of big data.  相似文献   

Big Data, Linked Data, Smart Dust, Digital Earth, and e‐Science are just some of the names for research trends that surfaced over the last years. While all of them address different visions and needs, they share a common theme: How do we manage massive amounts of heterogeneous data, derive knowledge out of them instead of drowning in information, and how do we make our findings reproducible and reusable by others? In a network of knowledge, topics span across scientific disciplines and the idea of domain ontologies as common agreements seems like an illusion. In this work, we argue that these trends require a radical paradigm shift in ontology engineering away from a small number of authoritative, global ontologies developed top‐down, to a high number of local ontologies that are driven by application needs and developed bottom‐up out of observation data. Similarly as the early Web was replaced by a social Web in which volunteers produce data instead of purely consuming it, the next generation of knowledge infrastructures has to enable users to become knowledge engineers themselves. Surprisingly, existing ontology engineering frameworks are not well suited for this new perspective. Hence, we propose an observation‐driven ontology engineering framework, show how its layers can be realized using specific methodologies, and relate the framework to existing work on geo‐ontologies.  相似文献   

Diverse studies have shown that about 80% of all available data are related to a spatial location. Most of these geospatial data are available as structured and semi‐structured datasets, and often use distinct data models, are encoded using ad‐hoc vocabularies, and sometimes are being published in non‐standard formats. Hence, these data are isolated within silos and cannot be shared and integrated across organizations and communities. Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) have emerged and contributed to significantly enhance data discovery and accessibility based on OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) Web services. However, finding, accessing, and using data disseminated through SDIs are still difficult for non‐expert users. Overcoming the current geospatial data challenges involves adopting the best practices to expose, share, and integrate data on the Web, that is, Linked Data. In this article, we have developed a framework for generating, enriching, and exploiting geospatial Linked Data from multiple and heterogeneous geospatial data sources. This proposal allows connecting two interoperability universes (SDIs, more specifically Web Feature Services, WFS, and Semantic Web technologies), which is evaluated through a study case in the (geo)biodiversity domain.  相似文献   


Digital Ocean is a new research domain of Digital Earth. Because of the spatio-temporal, three-dimensional (3D) and intrinsically dynamic nature of ocean data, it is more difficult to make a breakthrough in this domain. The construction of the China Digital Ocean Prototype System (CDOPS) pushes Digital Ocean a step forward from its operation as a mere concept to its achievement as a realistic system. In this paper, the technical framework of the CDOPS is discussed, including its data, function, and application layers. Then, two key technologies are studied in detail that will enable the construction of the 3D ocean environment and the visualization of the ocean model output data. Practical demonstrations show that the CDOPS provides a technical reference for the development of Digital Ocean. This paper is based on an ongoing research project of the development of CDOPS that aims at the facilitation, integration, sharing, accessing, visualization, and use of the ocean data and model computing data from the Digital Earth perspective.  相似文献   

In a service‐oriented environment, Web geoprocessing services can provide geoprocessing functions for a variety of applications including Sensor Web. Connecting Sensor Web and geoprocessing services together shows great potentail to support live geoprocessing using real‐time data inputs. This article proposes a task ontology driven approach to live geoprocessing. The task in the ontology contains five aspects: task type, task priority, task constraints, task model, and task process. The use of the task ontology in driving live geoprocessing includes the following steps: (1) Task model generation, which generates a concrete process model to fulfill user demands; (2) Process model instantiation, which transforms the process model into an executable workflow; (3) Workflow execution: the workflow engine executes the workflow to generate value‐added data products using Sensor Web data as inputs. The approach not only helps create semantically correct connections between Sensor Web and Web geoprocessing services, but also provides sharable problem solving knowledge using process models. A prototype system, which leverages Web 2.0, Sensor Web, Semantic Web, and geoprocessing services, is developed to demonstrate the applicability of the approach.  相似文献   

Open data strategies are being adopted in disaster-related data particularly because of the need to provide information on global targets and indicators for implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. In all phases of disaster risk management including forecasting, emergency response and post-disaster reconstruction, the need for interconnected multidisciplinary open data for collaborative reporting as well as study and analysis are apparent, in order to determine disaster impact data in timely and reportable manner. The extraordinary progress in computing and information technology in the past decade, such as broad local and wide-area network connectivity (e.g. Internet), high-performance computing, service and cloud computing, big data methods and mobile devices, provides the technical foundation for connecting open data to support disaster risk research. A new generation of disaster data infrastructure based on interconnected open data is evolving rapidly. There are two levels in the conceptual model of Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research (LODGD) Working Group of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), which is the Committee on Data of the International Council for Science (ICSU): data characterization and data connection. In data characterization, the knowledge about disaster taxonomy and data dependency on disaster events requires specific scientific study as it aims to understand and present the correlation between specific disaster events and scientific data through the integration of literature analysis and semantic knowledge discovery. Data connection concepts deal with technical methods to connect distributed data resources identified by data characterization of disaster type. In the science community, interconnected open data for disaster risk impact assessment are beginning to influence how disaster data are shared, and this will need to extend data coverage and provide better ways of utilizing data across domains where innovation and integration are now necessarily needed.  相似文献   

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