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Natural hazards in Central Java Province,Indonesia: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Central Java Province, Indonesia, suffers from natural hazard processes such as land subsidence, coastal inundation, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide. The occurrence of each kind of natural hazard is varied according to the intensity of geo-processes. It is necessary to learn from the historical record of coastal inundation, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide hazards in Central Java Province to address issues of comprehensive hazard mitigation and management action. Through the understanding about the nature and spatial distribution of natural hazards, treatments can be done to reduce the risks. This paper presents the natural hazard phenomena in Central Java Province and provides critical information for hazard mitigation and reduction.  相似文献   

韩金良  燕军军  孙炜锋  王涛  姜茂  侯凯  李志科 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1085-1092
吴家沟滑坡是2008年汶川Ms 8.0级大地震触发的黄土塬边的一个中型滑坡。在野外调查、室内分析测试和滑坡稳定性计算的基础上,参照前人的研究成果,分2种情况对该滑坡进行了地质灾害风险评估,为防灾减灾提供决策依据。评估结果表明,在只考虑强降雨对滑坡影响的情况下,吴家沟滑坡个人风险介于7×10-4~4.375×10-5之间,位于严格详细审查区;在考虑强降雨+地震对滑坡影响的情况下,吴家沟滑坡个人风险介于1.32×10-3~8.325×10-5之间,位于不可接受区和严格详细审查区,人员社会风险位于不可接受区。  相似文献   

陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区吴家沟滑坡风险评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吴家沟滑坡是2008年汶川Ms 8.0级大地震触发的黄土塬边的一个中型滑坡。在野外调查、室内分析测试和滑坡稳定性计算的基础上,参照前人的研究成果,分2种情况对该滑坡进行了地质灾害风险评估,为防灾减灾提供决策依据。评估结果表明,在只考虑强降雨对滑坡影响的情况下,吴家沟滑坡个人风险介于7×10-4~4.375×10-5之间,位于严格详细审查区;在考虑强降雨+地震对滑坡影响的情况下,吴家沟滑坡个人风险介于1.32×10-3~8.325×10-5之间,位于不可接受区和严格详细审查区,人员社会风险位于不可接受区。  相似文献   

陕西陇县李家下滑坡稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李家下滑坡是大型岩质滑坡,发育在黄土滑坡众多的黄土高原区。基于野外地质调查、工程地质勘探和室内岩土体分析测试及土工试验,利用Ansys有限元软件对3种气候条件及3种滑带土强度条件下李家下滑坡的稳定性进行了模拟分析。模拟结果表明:滑带土强度参数的改变对李家下滑坡的稳定性有极大的影响,李家下滑坡已处于不稳定状态。结合李家下滑坡最新的变形现象,认为沿主滑带再次滑动的可能性较大。  相似文献   

Landslides are one of the most frequent and common natural hazards in many parts of Himalaya. To reduce the potential risk, the landslide susceptibility maps are one of the first and most important steps in the landslide hazard mitigation. Earth observation satellite and geographical information system-based techniques have been used to derive and analyse various geo-environmental parameters significant to landslide hazards. In this study, a bivariate statistics method was used for spatial modelling of landslide susceptibility zones. For this purpose, thematic layers including landslide inventory, geology, slope angle, slope aspect, geomorphology, slope morphology, drainage density, lineament and land use/land cover were used. A large number of landslide occurrences have been observed in the upper Tons river valley area of Western Himalaya. The result has been used to spatially classify the study area into zones of very high, high, moderate, low and very low landslide susceptibility zones. About 72% of active landslides have been observed to occur in very high and high hazard zones. The result of the analysis was verified using the landslide location data. The validation result shows significant agreement between the susceptibility map and landslide location. The result can be used to reduce landslide hazards by proper planning.  相似文献   

田宏岭  乔建平  王萌  石莉莉 《地质通报》2009,28(8):1093-1097
降雨滑坡预警在世界上开展广泛,但对小区域的降雨滑坡风险进行预警尚不多见。以通用的风险定义为基础,首先对目标区域——四川省米易县的地质灾害进行调查,以典型滑坡进行反演,获得灾害的本底因素,按贡献率权重叠加法进行危险度分区;通过对承灾体的调查确定承灾对象,并将各承灾对象按密度由行政界限向1km×1km的网格单元转化后叠加形成易损度分区。二者相乘完成风险分区。对研究区域近5年逐日降雨数据与172条地质灾害记录进行分析,按前期日降雨量模型得到降雨阈值,根据滑坡空间概率和降雨引发滑坡的时间概率叠加的结果,得到研究区域的降雨滑坡概率,对照风险分区,完成风险预警。  相似文献   

田宏岭  乔建平  王萌  石莉莉 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1093-1097
降雨滑坡预警在世界上开展广泛,但对小区域的降雨滑坡风险进行预警尚不多见。以通用的风险定义为基础,首先对目标区域——四川省米易县的地质灾害进行调查,以典型滑坡进行反演,获得灾害的本底因素,按贡献率权重叠加法进行危险度分区;通过对承灾体的调查确定承灾对象,并将各承灾对象按密度由行政界限向1km×1km的网格单元转化后叠加形成易损度分区。二者相乘完成风险分区。对研究区域近5年逐日降雨数据与172条地质灾害记录进行分析,按前期日降雨量模型得到降雨阈值,根据滑坡空间概率和降雨引发滑坡的时间概率叠加的结果,得到研究区域的降雨滑坡概率,对照风险分区,完成风险预警。  相似文献   

福建平潭虎潮山滑坡成因机理分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虎潮山滑坡位于平宏公路12k 704~12k 884段北侧山坡体上,是平潭海岛通往陆地的唯一公路通道。论文通过定性的工程地质分析和定量计算评价了虎潮山坡体稳定性的变化趋势,提出改建公路超挖深切坡脚和持续长时间强降雨导致的孔隙水压力作用是边坡发生滑动破坏的主要因素。  相似文献   

The Ciemas gold deposit is located in West Java of Indonesia,which is a Cenozoic magmatism belt resulting from the Indo-Australian plate subducting under the Eurasian plate.Two different volcanic rock belts and associated epithermal deposits are distributed in West Java:the younger late Miocene-Pliocene magmatic belt generated the Pliocene-Pleistocene epithermal deposits,while the older late Eocene-early Miocene magmatic belt generated the Miocene epithermal deposits.To constrain the physico-chemical conditions and the origin of the ore fluid in Ciemas,a detailed study of ore petrography,fluid inclusions,laser Raman spectroscopy,oxygen-hydrogen isotopes for quartz was conducted.The results show that hydrothermal pyrite and quartz are widespread,hydrothermal alteration is well developed,and that leaching structures such as vuggy rocks and extension structures such as comb quartz are common.Fluid inclusions in quartz are mainly liquid-rich two phase inclusions,with fluid compositions in the NaCl-H20 fluid system,and contain no or little CO_2.Their homogenization temperatures cluster around 240℃-320℃,the salinities lie in the range of 14-17 wt.%NaCl equiv,and the calculated fluid densities are 0.65-1.00 g/cm~3.The values of δ~(18)O_(H2O-VSMOW)for quartz range from +5.5‰ to +7.7‰,the δD_(VSMOW) of fluid inclusions in quartz ranges from-70‰ to-115‰.All of these data indicate that mixing of magmatic fluid with meteoric water resulted in the formation of the Ciemas deposit.A comparison among gold deposits of West Java suggests that Miocene epithermal ore deposits in the southernmost part of West Java were more affected by magmatic fluids and exhibit a higher degree of sulfldation than those of Pliocene-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

倪欢  牛晓楠  李云峰  郝娇娇 《地质通报》2021,40(10):1656-1663
遥感作为一种可以快速、大范围获取地表覆盖信息的技术手段,为复杂的自然资源调查任务提供了可靠的数据来源。针对山体确界问题,以遥感卫星影像为数据支撑,采用非监督的统计学习方法,为山体特征建模。然后,采用DBSCAN算法和边缘检测思想,识别山体区域,并提取山体边界。该方法不依赖于人工标记真值,实现了山体边界的全自动识别。实验采用安庆市Landsat 8遥感卫星影像数据,有效识别了安庆市境内的山体,并提取山体边界。通过定性和定量化分析,验证了方法的可靠性,证明了遥感技术和统计学习理论在自然资源调查领域的应用潜力。该研究方法和结果能够为安庆市明确山体范围,界定山体的完整性与山体保护规划工作提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

浙江省新昌县下山村滑坡地质特征与稳定性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了浙江省新昌县下山村滑坡区地质环境条件,介绍了滑坡地质灾害体的地质结构、形成特征。认为该区地质环境复杂,雨量充沛,地形呈阶梯状;岩层以5个旋回的软硬相间为主,覆盖层为第四纪松散层;滑坡体赋存松散岩类孔隙水和基岩孔隙-裂隙水,滑坡区岩土体遇水后工程地质性质变差,其抗滑、抗软化能力较差。滑坡表现为后缘切层、中-前缘顺层型。文章从滑坡成因类型的形成条件、变形破坏机制和诱发滑坡体失稳的主要因素方面,对滑坡的稳定性作出了基本评价,对其发展变化作出了趋势性预测。认为该滑坡体物质结构复杂,分7(大)层,滑坡有多个滑移带,主滑移面(带)2个,滑坡体厚达60m,降雨是诱发滑坡体失稳的主要原因,该滑坡目前仍以蠕滑为主。  相似文献   

以现场调查、试验测试数据为依据,从降水(主要指大暴雨或连阴雨)改变地形地貌促使滑坡形成、改变滑坡土的成分构成、改变滑坡的土体结构及稳定性、改变滑坡土的力学强度4个方面阐述了对黄土滑坡的诱发作用。选择典型城市的系列降水资料及发生滑坡数量,从多年降水、年内降水过程及降水的空间变化3个方面阐述了对黄土滑坡的时空影响。年际上,同一区域滑坡发生的频次与多年降水过程呈现良好的相关性,存在丰水年发生滑坡次数多、规模大而枯水年发生滑坡次数少、规模小的规律,丰水年发生滑坡数量一般是枯水年的3~5倍、平水年的1~2倍;年内滑坡集中出现于6-9月份和2-3月份,占全年滑坡数量的80%以上;不同区域,年降水量及降水强度越大,黄土滑坡发生频率越高,规模也越大;自东南向西北,随着降水量及降水强度的递减,依次划分为黄土滑坡强发育区、较强发育区和一般发育区。  相似文献   

四川泸定昔格达组以半成岩为主,工程地质特性复杂,在高陡斜坡中常发生浅层蠕滑变形,在强降雨作用下失稳后可转化为泥石流。本文以四川省泸定县海子坪环环村滑坡为例,基于遥感解译、地面调查、数值模拟等方法,对滑坡发育特征、潜在失稳模式和滑坡-泥石流运动过程进行分析。结果表明,环环村滑坡主要发育于昔格达组内,以深度3~5 m的浅层变形为主,整体处于蠕滑变形阶段。滑坡平面上分为强变形区(A区)和弱变形区(B区),体积分别约为5.5×104 m3、5.8×104 m3,在不同降雨条件下,存在仅有A区下滑和A区牵引B区一起下滑并转化为沟道泥石流2种致灾模式。当仅有A区失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1325 m,最大堆积厚度为5.2 m,最大运动速度41.6 m/s,滑坡破坏沟口居民区及道路。当A区和B区同时失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1345 m,最大堆积厚度为7.7 m,最大运动速度为44.3 m/s,滑体最远能够冲至河流对岸,形成高约3 m的滑坡坝。研究结果对于深化浅层滑坡-泥石流远程致灾效应的认识和防灾减灾具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

2005年7月,正在施工中的220kV盐津变电所北面斜坡发生滑坡,直接危及到变电所的安全。针对该滑坡的特点,采用抗滑桩结合排水沟措施进行整治,累计增加工程费用约1500万元。文章在阐述该滑坡体岩土工程条件的基础上,分析了其形成条件(坡体结构、下伏泥岩工程地质特性、降雨条件、工程荷载因素)及成因演化机制。认为该滑坡经历了蠕变、剪切、滑动破坏3个阶段,且蠕变阶段塑性变形特征明显,具有较宽的塑性变形区域。最后对该滑坡提出了抗滑桩结合排水沟的治理方案。经验证,该治理措施是安全有效的。  相似文献   

This paper investigates slope channel initiation by seabed irregularities that were initially formed by slump scars in the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation, part of the middle- to late Miocene successions in the Bogor Trough, West Java. This Miocene succession is up to 1000 m thick in the study area, and is interpreted as a prograding slope–shelf system that formed during a period of falling- and lowstand stages in relative sea level. The lower part of the formation is a siltstone-dominated siliciclastic succession, containing slump deposits, slump-scar-fill deposits, and minor channel-fill deposits, which formed in slope and shelf-margin environments. In contrast, the middle part, which gradationally overlies the lower part, is characterized by shallow-marine carbonates.The slump-scars-fill deposits have an overall lenticular geometry, and are 140–480 m wide and 0.4–1.6 m thick. Some have distinct erosional bases, which cut into the underlying siltstones, in association with medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with lateral-accretion surfaces and tractional structures common in channel-fill deposits. The incident link of slump-scar-fill deposits and channel-fill deposits in the prograding slope–shelf succession of the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation suggests that some slump scars formed incipient seabed irregularities that may have played an important role in the development of slope channels. The present study provides one example of the various potential mechanisms that can result in channel formation in a slope setting.  相似文献   

近年抚顺西露天矿矿区滑坡在规模、活动频率以及空间发育位置等方面均与矿区历史滑坡呈现出较明显的时空差异性,为矿区未来治理提出新的挑战。故基于改进频率比模型,选择人类工程活动(主要是采矿工程扰动)和工程地质条件两类致灾因素,对由矿区滑坡时空差异所导致的易发性变化进行研究。结果表明:影响矿区滑坡灾害的主要因素包括坡体结构、工程岩组和水文地质条件;矿区滑坡易发性较2010年前有所降低,高易发区和较高易发区面积共减少1.294 km2,但北帮中区等地段仍呈高易发态势;滑坡易发区的空间位置与2010年前后对比发生了较大变化,矿坑西北帮滑坡易发性大幅降低,东部环矿区境界50~500 m处滑坡易发性轻微降低,北帮中段与南帮中、西段顶部滑坡易发性增加,其中北帮中段为目前最易发的区段。研究结果可为矿区闭坑停采后边坡整治及后续规划利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

新寨工程滑坡位于贵州省三凯(三穗-凯里)高速公路新寨隧道进口处。由于隧道进口前段路堑边坡和隧道明洞段挖槽施工,导致位于线路左侧的强风化变质岩斜坡失稳,发生大范围工程滑坡,公路施工一度暂停。经滑坡专项勘察后,采用预应力抗滑桩和预应力锚索框架对滑坡进行治理,才使该段公路建设得以顺利完成。  相似文献   

重庆市万州区荆竹屋基滑坡特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
论文通过对重庆市万州区孙家镇荆竹屋基滑坡的野外调查、应急抢险工作,对滑坡发生前后变形特点、滑坡形成机制以及突发性地质灾害应急处理方法等进行了总结和分析。荆竹屋基滑坡属大型基岩顺层、先牵引后推移混合型滑坡,滑坡具有变形快、裂缝、声响、掉块局部垮塌等前兆现象特征明显的特点。调查和分析发现,滑坡前缘不合理采石活动是荆竹屋基滑坡形成的主要因素。作者认为增强全社民地质灾害防灾意识、科学判断快速反应、应急预案中的实用性与操作性和岩质顺向坡的危害性等是未来万州区地质灾害防治工作的重点。  相似文献   

四川丹巴县特大型滑坡形成原因及稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南地区许多滑坡,位于深切峡谷地区。这些地区又是人类活动密集区。滑坡具有坡形陡、变形快、危害性大的特点。丹巴特大型滑坡就是一个典型。它位于丹巴县城南街。2004年起,滑坡就处于加速运动阶段。滑坡一旦下滑,半个丹巴县城将遭到毁灭,数千人的生命、数亿元的国家和人民财产将毁于一旦。220×104m3滑体土石一旦堵塞河道,后果不堪设想。因受滑坡影响,目前县城处于危险区内的4620余人已撤出。这已影响到丹巴人民的生活、工作、交通等各个方面。国内外对这种加速运动滑坡的治理经验很少。通过现场实际勘查对其影响因素作出了分析,稳定性计算结果被设计部门采用,并成功地应用到治理中,保住了丹巴县城。  相似文献   

The Pongkor gold–silver mine is situated at the northeastern flank of the Bayah dome, which is a product of volcanism in the Sunda–Banda Arc. The hydrothermal alteration minerals in the Ciurug–Cikoret area are typical of those formed from acid to near‐neutral pH thermal waters. On the surface, illite/smectite mixed layer mineral (I/Sm), smectite and kaolinite, and spotting illite, I/Sm and K‐feldspar alteration occur at the top of the mineralized zone. Silicification, K‐feldspar and I/Sm zones are commonly formed in the wall rock, and gradually grade outwards into a propylitic zone. The mineralization of precious metal ore zone is constrained by fluid temperatures between 180 and 220°C, and with low salinity (<0.2 wt% NaCl equivalent) and boiling condition. The minimum depth of vein formation below the paleo‐water table is approximately 90–130 m for the hydrostatic column. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data for quartz and calcite show relatively homogeneous fluid composition (?53 to ?68‰δD and ?5.7 to +0.3‰δ18O H2O). There is no specific trend in the data with respect to the mineralization stages and elevation, which suggests that the ore‐forming fluids did not significantly change spatially during the vein formation. The stable isotope data indicate mixing between the hydrothermal fluids and meteoric water and interaction between the hydrothermal fluids and the host rock.  相似文献   

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