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The effects of basin-edge and soil velocity on the ground motion characteristics have been simulated using 2.5D modeling. One of the most significant advantages of the 2.5D simulation is that 3D radiation pattern can be generated in a 2D numerical grid using double-couple shear dislocation source. Further, 2.5D numerical modeling avoids the extensive computational cost of 3D modeling. The responses of basin-edge model using different soil velocities revealed that surface waves were generated near the edge of the basin and propagated normal to the edge, towards the basin. Further, the results depict increase of amplification, duration and surface wave generation with the decrease in soil velocity.  相似文献   

沙牌坝址基岩场地地震动输入参数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟菊芳  温世亿  胡晓 《岩土力学》2011,32(2):387-392
重大水利水电工程地震动输入参数必须根据专门的地震危险性分析结果来确定。目前由地震危险性分析得到的一致概率反应谱具有包络的意义,不能反映实际地震的频谱特性,输入“一致概率反应谱”可能导致地震作用偏大;拟合设计反应谱人工生成地震动加速度时程的频率非平稳性也没有得到很好解决。为了解决这些问题,得到与坝址地震危险性一致、具体地震的输入参数,结合沙牌大坝提出了一套适用于重大水利水电工程基岩场地地震动输入参数确定方法:通过以有效峰值加速度为参数的概率地震危险性计算分析,确定坝址不同超越概率下的有效峰值加速度及对坝址贡献最大的潜在震源区;在最大贡献潜在震源内利用震级空间联合分布概率最大法确定坝址设定地震,依据加速度反应谱衰减关系确定与坝址设定地震对应的设计反应谱;根据设定地震结果和时变功率谱模型参数衰减关系确定时变功率谱,将时变功率谱和最小相位谱按三角级数叠加法进行强度和频率非平稳地震加速度时程合成。在对沙牌坝址区域的地震活动性及地震构造环境分析评价的基础上,采用上述方法,得到了坝址基岩场地不同超越概率下的有效峰值加速度、设计反应谱、强度和频率非平稳地震加速度时程等地震动输入参数。  相似文献   

孙锐  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):759-764
针对目前土层反应分析方法难以模拟液化土层地震动时程的缺欠,在工程力学研究所原有有效应力分析程序基础上提出了一个改进的计算方法并进行了验证。改进方法中,通过每个应力循环模拟土的非线性进程以及液化导致的土刚度衰减过程,并引入了新建立的适于非均等固结随机地震荷载作用下的孔压增长模型。将计算方法与实际地震记录及大型振动台实验结果进行了对比,结果表明:在峰值加速度、液化后波形变化、时频曲线及加速度反应谱等主要特征上,计算结果均与现场实际记录及振动台实验基本一致;在液化引起地震动特征变化上,计算出的液化较非液化土层加速度反应谱的增量与实验结果一致。说明所提出的改进方法可以用于液化土层地震动的模拟。  相似文献   

罗超  楼梦麟  桂国庆 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):414-422
以上海某大跨度连续钢构桥梁的场地为例,讨论动水压力对河谷场地土层地震响应的影响,通过对建筑结构抗震规范反应谱生成时程,采用一维、二维模型分别计算得到场地地震动输入时程。对比可以看出,考虑动水压力将会大大减小场地的竖向地震动反应,而动水压力对水平向的地震响应影响不大;反应谱生成时程的方法与一维模型计算得到的时程均与采用考虑场地地形变化的二维模型的计算结果有较大的区别;二维模型计算得到的时程反应谱的卓越周期超出规范反应谱的平台段。最后,讨论了河谷场地对周围场地的影响范围,结果表明河水及河谷对周围场地水平方向的影响范围是沿河谷外侧5倍土层深度或140倍河谷深度,在该范围内的建筑物均应考虑河谷的影响。  相似文献   

强地震动作用下层状岩体破坏的物理模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
岩体地震动力破坏现象是常见但研究较少的复杂课题。利用物理模拟试验,研究了层状岩体边坡在强地震动作用下的变形破坏问题。按结构面走向平行和垂直地震动方向,对不同岩体结构特征的模型施加不同的幅值和频率的水平向地震动荷载,进行岩体的振动破坏试验。结果表明,结构面空间展布方向与地震动荷载的相互关系不同、结构面软弱程度不同,岩体变形破坏的形式和分布特征也不相同。岩体的动力破坏主要是岩体结构的破坏,即岩体结构的宏观破坏和微观损伤,岩体结构特征是控制其动力变形破坏的主要因素。极大的不均匀性是岩体动力破坏的显著特点,这与大量极震区岩体破坏的现象类似。但岩体动力破坏模式的建立和定量的力学分析还需更多研究。  相似文献   

More than 40 groups from 10 different countries participated in a weak- and strong-motion prediction experiment at Ashigara Valley which required the blind prediction of time series, spectra and spectral ratios for selected and instrumented sedimentary sites with well-known geotechnical properties. The wide scatter of the results of this experiment have raised a number of questions as to how to model high-frequency ground motion in the presence of available geotechnical and geophysical data. Using a simulated annealing waveform inversion method, we have tried to optimize and automate the model construction for ID site-dependent ground-motion simulation. We found a whole set of successfull models which provide good waveform fit (r > 0.8) for the observed displacement records at site KS2 but also yield sufficiently accurate response spectra and peak value predictions for both surface and downhole site. This shows that ID models are fully adequate to model the site conditions at least for the weak motion data. The resulting successful layer models consistently show a slower, less dense, and slightly thicker low velocity coverage with stronger damping than the official geotechnical model. Furthermore, their statistical properties directly measure the sensitivity of the individual parameters for the simulations. The critical re-evaluation of our own prediction which was based on stochastic simulation shows that although this approach has its greatest merits in situations where little information is available, it can also be successfully applied to model individual records if sufficient care is taken to determine the source parameters. Simulated annealing waveform inversion has shown to be a powerful tool to optimize that process.  相似文献   

H. Hamzehloo 《Tectonophysics》2005,409(1-4):159-174
The suitability of a very fast method for obtaining synthesizing accelerograms has been demonstrated for a hybrid simulation technique of source wavelet and acceleration envelope waveform for the 2002 Avaj earthquake. This method is based on the amplitude modeled white noise and envelope waveform. The estimation of peak acceleration from a preliminary simulated record is based on using modeling parameters of rupture plane instead of empirical relations for peak acceleration. Based on comparison between observed and simulated strong ground motion data, a fair agreement is observed between simulated and observed records up to distances 40 km for peak acceleration and duration. The most important feature of the recorded strong motion is decay up to a distance of 40 km which is due to direct upgoing shear waves. At distance of 50 to 60 km peak acceleration increase, which is due to postcritical reflection from velocity gradient in the lower crust. A flat trend is observed for peak acceleration at distance of 60 to 100 km. The simulation indicates that the rupture is started at depth of 8 km and propagated from northwest to southeast. The causative fault for the 2002 Avaj earthquake shows similar mechanism to the 1962 Buin-Zahra earthquake.  相似文献   

Recent observations of failure and damage of buildings and structures under seismic action has led to an increasing interest for an in-depth analysis of the vertical component of site ground motion. In particular, when dealing with saturated soils, the current engineering practice does not usually go beyond the simplified u p formulation of the Biot's equations describing the coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour, thus neglecting some terms of fluid inertial forces, despite the presence of more refined formulations, for example, the u U formulation. Therefore, a theoretical and numerical validation of the u p formulation as compared with the u U formulation is proposed in this work, where the numerical simulations are compared with the analytical solution for the u p formulation, which is also derived and illustrated in this text. The comparison between the two formulations and the analytical solution is provided for different levels of permeability and dynamic actions, which are representative of a wide scenario of site ground properties and seismic hazard in the vertical direction. In particular, the soil response is analysed in terms of acceleration and pore pressure time history, frequency content, acceleration response spectrum, and amplification ratio of acceleration. This study extends the discussion of the limits of applicability of the u p formulation with respect to the rigorous solution of Biot's equations (obtained here with u U formulation) to the context of a complex dynamic regime provided by the vertical components of real earthquake records, and paves the way for further investigations.  相似文献   

潘旦光  程业  陈清军 《岩土力学》2020,41(4):1134-1145
为了研究地下空间结构对场地地震反应的影响,以一个三层地下商场结构为原型,设计并开展了土-地下空间结构动力相互作用振动台模型试验,研究了在6条不同卓越频率输入地震波在不同峰值加速度下场地地震反应的变化规律。试验研究结果表明:(1)地表水平加速度放大系数以结构中轴线为对称轴呈对称分布,地下结构显著影响上方及邻近场地的地表水平加速度。同时,由于地下空间结构的局部场地效应影响,即使在水平地震输入下也将导致场地产生竖向振动,地表竖直加速度放大系数呈M形分布。地下空间结构的影响范围可达到其两侧各一倍宽度距离。(2)地表加速度放大系数受输入地震波卓越频率的影响明显,且随着输入地震波的峰值加速度(PGA)的增大而降低,但空间放大系数随着PGA的增大而增大。(3)地表加速度Fourier谱的峰值频率受输入地震波的卓越频率、场地水平方向的固有频率和竖向固有频率的综合影响。  相似文献   

李雪  曾毓燕  郁飞  施刚 《地质力学学报》2021,27(6):998-1010
上海市地处长江三角洲前缘,黄浦江和苏州河交汇区域,特殊的地理环境与沉积环境导致浅部砂层广泛发育。随着城市建设的不断推进,上海城市区域范围的砂土地震液化风险评价成为亟待研究的课题。文章基于上海市工程钻孔数据,结合地震地面运动加速度分布与标准贯入试验,建立区域性地震液化危险性评价模型,对上海市进行了地震液化危险性评价。研究认为当发生50年超越概率10%的地震条件下,上海市陆域面积的66.0%将不会产生地震砂土液化灾害,21.8%的陆域面积仅发生轻微液化,只有崇明、横沙、长兴三岛,黄浦江及苏州河两岸地震液化等级达到中等甚至严重,占全市陆域面积12.3%;50年超越概率2%的地震条件下,随着峰值地面运动加速度整体升高,全市范围内轻微—严重液化区域明显增多,可能发生地震液化的总面积达到全市陆域面积46.25%。上海市存在砂土地震液化的危险性,但是发生概率较低。研究认为,目前的抗震设计规范中上海市的设防烈度偏高,可能导致不必要的建设成本。同时研究中的不同超越概率下的地震液化危险性评价结果为上海市工程建设相关标准的合理化改进的提供了建议和参考。  相似文献   

We perform a broadband frequency bedrock strong ground motion simulation in the Marmara Sea region (Turkey), based on several fault rupture scenarios and a source asperity model. The technique combines a deterministic simulation of seismic wave propagation at low frequencies with a semi-stochastic procedure for the high frequencies. To model the high frequencies, we applied a frequency-dependent radiation pattern model, which efficiently removes the effective dependence of the pattern coefficient on the azimuth and take-off angle as the frequency increases. The earthquake scenarios considered consist of the rupture of the closest segments of the North Anatolian Fault System to the city of Istanbul. Our scenario earthquakes involve the rupture of the entire North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara, namely the combined rupture of the Central Marmara Fault and North Boundary Fault segments. We defined three fault rupture scenarios based on the location of the hypocenter, selecting a preferred hypocentral location near a fault bend for each case. We analysed the effect of location of the asperity, within the Central Marmara Fault, on the subsequent ground motion, as well as the influence of anelasticity on the high-frequency attenuation characteristics. The fault and asperity parameters for each scenario were determined from empirical scalings and from results of kinematic and dynamic models of fault rupture. We calculated the resulting time series and spectra for ground motion at Istanbul and evaluated the sensitivity of the predictions to choice of model parameters. The location of the hypocenter is thus shown to be a critical parameter for determining the worst scenario earthquake at Istanbul. We also found that anelasticity has a significant effect on the regional attenuation of peak ground accelerations. Our simulated ground motions result in large values of acceleration response spectra at long periods, which could be critical for building damage at Istanbul during an actual earthquake.  相似文献   

Ground motion estimation during the Kashmir earthquake of 8th October 2005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this article, analytical methods have been used to estimate ground motion during the 8 October 2005, Kashmir earthquake. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) values at several stations in the epicentral region have been estimated by empirical analytical source mechanism models. As an alternate analysis, PGA estimates have also been obtained using the stochastic finite fault seismological model. The estimated PGAs are compared with that obtained from damage values. A PGA contour map in the near-source region is provided. It is found that very near to the epicenter, PGA would have reached more than 1 g. It is demonstrated that empirical analytical models can be effectively used to estimate ground motion due to rupture of active faults.  相似文献   

针对实际中所观测到的探地雷达信号时常会被噪声污染的问题,根据小波分析和分形理论在多尺度分析和自相似本质上的一致性,从研究分数布朗运动小波系数的统计特性,分析信号和噪声对小波系数统计特性的影响,在探地雷达信号处理中引入小波分析和随机分形理论,提出了在小波域中,使用平滑因子恢复加性白噪背景下探地雷达信号。仿真实验表明,该方法能有效地恢复白噪背景下探地雷达信号,显著地提高了信噪比(由0 db提高到13.9 db)。  相似文献   

本文研究确定设计地震动参数中涉及的若干问题,其中包括基岩水平加速度反应谱衰减关系的选择、震源深度对基岩水平加速度峰值及基岩反应谱曲线的影响、强度包络线函数及输入随机相位的选择、土体非线性特性参数和土层剪切波速值的选择、设计地震动反应谱的标定等问题。本文基于一个典型场地计算剖面,采用一维等效线性化模型并通过逐项变换某些研究参数的方法,研究了各种因素对设计地震动参数可能产生的影响及存在的误差和相应的规律。  相似文献   

条件模拟原理和技术进展及在水资源系统中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
在简要介绍条件模拟基本原理基础上,重点评述了国外20世纪90年代新的数学方法和计算技术进展及在国内外水资源系统应用的主要成果,并对今后学科和技术发展作了展望.  相似文献   

A recent development in strong motion instrumentation in Japan provides an opportunity to collect valuable data sets, especially after moderate and large magnitude events. Gathering and modeling these data is a necessity for better understanding of regional ground motion characteristics. Estimations of the spatial distribution of earthquake ground motion plays an important role in early-stage damage assessments for both rescue operations by disaster management agencies as well as damage studies of urban structures. Subsurface geology layers and local soil conditions lead to soil amplification that contributes to the estimated ground motion parameters of the surface. We present a case study of the applicability of the nationally proposed GIS-based soil amplification ratios [J. Soil Dyn. Earthqu. Eng. 19 (2000) 41–53] to the October 6, 2000 Tottori-ken Seibu (western Tottori Prefecture) and the March 24, 2001 Geiyo earthquakes in Japan. First, ground motion values were converted to those at a hypothetical ground base-rock level (outcrop) using an amplification ratio for each 1×1 km area, based on geomorphological and subsurface geology information. Then a Kriging method, assuming an attenuation relationship at the base-rock as a trend component, is applied. Finally, the spatial distribution of ground motion at ground surface is obtained by applying GIS-based amplification factors for the entire region. The correlation between the observed and estimated ground motion values is reasonable for both earthquakes. Thus, the proposed method is applicable in near real-time early-damage assessments and seismic hazard studies in Japan.  相似文献   

Three Cenozoic basins-the Qaidam basin, the Weihe graben-type basin and the North China plain-which are different in climatic conditions, geological settings and run-off types, are selected for the study. Based on an analysis of background information of the transect along the middle-latitude region, studies of groundwater dynamics, geochemistry, simulation of water circulation of the main elements as well as isotopic chronology, the information on global changes is collected, the formation of groundwater circulation systems and their evolution under stacked impacts of natural conditions and human activities are discussed, and a correlation is made between the evolutionary features of the above systems in these basins since 25 ka B.P. All these have laid a good foundation for further generalizing the evolutionary model of land water in northern China.  相似文献   

Conventional numerical predictions of deep excavations normally neglect the construction process of the retaining structure and choose the earth pressure at rest as initial condition at the beginning of the simulation. The presented results of simulation and measurements during the construction process of the Taipei National Enterprise Center show, that such an assumption leads to an underestimation of the horizontal wall deflection, the surface ground settlements as well as the loading of the struts in case of normally to slightly over‐consolidated clayey soil deposits. The stepwise installation process of the individual diaphragm wall panels results in a substantial modification of the lateral effective stresses in the adjacent ground. Especially the pouring process of the panel and the fresh concrete pressure causes a partial mobilization of the passive earth pressure and a distinct stress level increase in the upper half of the wall. As a consequence of the increased stresses prior to the pit excavation, up to 15% greater ground and wall movements are predicted. Moreover, the increased stress level due to the installation process of the diaphragm wall leads to substantial higher strut loadings during the excavation of the pit. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高寒冻土区生物结皮对土壤理化属性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明姣  盛煜  金会军  张泽  杜玉霞 《冰川冻土》2021,43(2):601-609
生物结皮是高寒地区地被层的重要组分之一。其作为地表特殊的结构层,能够改变地表结构及土壤理化属性,从而影响冻土环境。迄今为止,关于青藏高原高寒生态系统中生物结皮对土壤理化属性的影响尚不清楚。以青藏高原高寒冻土区生物结皮为研究对象,初步研究了生物结皮的特征及其对土壤理化属性的影响。结果表明:生物结皮在高寒草甸退化过程中广泛发育,主要以藻结皮为主,其盖度可达37.3%~51.7%,结皮层平均厚度为12.6 mm。由于生物结皮的发育,高寒地区5~20 cm土层粉粒含量有所增加,但差异不显著,而结皮层土壤田间持水量相比于裸地表层(2 cm)增加了10%~40%,结皮层容重较裸地降低了30%;两种类型藻结皮均显著增加了结皮层及其下0~20 cm土层土壤有机质,而深色藻结皮增加了结皮层及其下0~20 cm土层土壤全氮含量,浅色藻结皮仅增加了结皮层土壤全氮含量,对其下0~20 cm土层土壤全氮含量没有显著影响;生物结皮对土壤pH没有显著影响;生物结皮是高寒生态系统植被退化过程中的关键环节。研究结果为揭示生物结皮在高寒生态系统中发挥重要生态功能提供依据。  相似文献   

The numerical stability of linear systems arising in kriging, estimation, and simulation of random fields, is studied analytically and numerically. In the state-space formulation of kriging, as developed here, the stability of the kriging system depends on the condition number of the prior, stationary covariance matrix. The same is true for conditional random field generation by the superposition method, which is based on kriging, and the multivariate Gaussian method, which requires factoring a covariance matrix. A large condition number corresponds to an ill-conditioned, numerically unstable system. In the case of stationary covariance matrices and uniform grids, as occurs in kriging of uniformly sampled data, the degree of ill-conditioning generally increases indefinitely with sampling density and, to a limit, with domain size. The precise behavior is, however, highly sensitive to the underlying covariance model. Detailed analytical and numerical results are given for five one-dimensional covariance models: (1) hole-exponential, (2) exponential, (3) linear-exponential, (4) hole-Gaussian, and (5) Gaussian. This list reflects an approximate ranking of the models, from best to worst conditioned. The methods developed in this work can be used to analyze other covariance models. Examples of such representative analyses, conducted in this work, include the spherical and periodic hole-effect (hole-sinusoidal) covariance models. The effect of small-scale variability (nugget) is addressed and extensions to irregular sampling schemes and higher dimensional spaces are discussed.  相似文献   

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