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Recent developments in space technology and exponential increase in demand of earth observation data from space have generated a requirement of a data processing environment, where users can discover the data and process, based on their requirements. Grid Services for Earth Observation Image Data Processing (GEOID) is proposed with a motivation to cater to future earth observation applications requirements of digital earth. This paper discusses the overview of the GEOID architecture, its deployment scenario, use-cases and simulation results. Core technologies used for implementation include Grid computing and Service Oriented Architecture. GEOID provides capability to address requirements of applications such as real-time monitoring, time series data processing and processing with user required quality to meet the requirements of end user applications. GEOID allows users to access the archive products or the raw satellite data stream and process their area of interest. Simulations show that applications such as time series analysis show considerable improvement in processing time by using GEOID.  相似文献   


Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) presents a great challenge of System of Systems integration across organisational and political boundaries. One existing paradigm that can address the scale of the challenge is that of the Sensor Web. In this paradigm, the internet is evolving into an active, macro sensing instrument, capable of drawing sensory data from around the globe to the fingertips of individuals. The Sensor Web will support scientific research and facilitate transparent political decision making. This article presents some of the technologies explored and activities engaged in by the GEOSS Sensor Web community, towards achieving GEOSS goals.  相似文献   

结合传输型对地观测小卫星一体化设计的特点,介绍了一种用于对地观测小卫星系统的锁相接收机的-构成及原理,并对系统的相位噪声性能进行了详尽的分析,提出了对其相位噪声进行技术控制的方法。通过文中的分析与研究,消除了由于对地观测小卫星相位噪声所引起的系统误码率的恶化,提高了系统的可靠性,为下一步对地观测小卫星的发展与应用打下了良好的技术基础。  相似文献   

苏德国  李青元  董春 《测绘科学》2007,32(6):126-127,115
本文基于目前迅速发展的IT技术与成熟的地理信息技术,结合政府办公人员的工作特点,提出了基于G IS功能的地图服务模式,并用C开发了无编程网络地图发布工具,实现了专题地图的网络发布,证明了该技术方法的可行性;通过与基于系统的地图服务模式比较,证实了基于GIS功能的地图服务模式更适合办公人员去使用地图。  相似文献   


While significant progress has been made to implement the Digital Earth vision, current implementation only makes it easy to integrate and share spatial data from distributed sources and has limited capabilities to integrate data and models for simulating social and physical processes. To achieve effectiveness of decision-making using Digital Earth for understanding the Earth and its systems, new infrastructures that provide capabilities of computational simulation are needed. This paper proposed a framework of geospatial semantic web-based interoperable spatial decision support systems (SDSSs) to expand capabilities of the currently implemented infrastructure of Digital Earth. Main technologies applied in the framework such as heterogeneous ontology integration, ontology-based catalog service, and web service composition were introduced. We proposed a partition-refinement algorithm for ontology matching and integration, and an algorithm for web service discovery and composition. The proposed interoperable SDSS enables decision-makers to reuse and integrate geospatial data and geoprocessing resources from heterogeneous sources across the Internet. Based on the proposed framework, a prototype to assist in protective boundary delimitation for Lunan Stone Forest conservation was implemented to demonstrate how ontology-based web services and the services-oriented architecture can contribute to the development of interoperable SDSSs in support of Digital Earth for decision-making.  相似文献   

Progress in the Development of a High Performance Airborne Digital Sensor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joint development work by LH Systems and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center) has produced encouraging results using forward, nadir and backward looking linear arrays on the focal plane to provide panchromatic imagery and geometric information, supplemented by further arrays to acquire multispectral imagery suitable for both high precision photogrammetric mapping and image processing for interpretative purposes. The geometric characteristics of line scanner imagery necessitate line-by-line rectification for aircraft tilts and shifts. Satisfactory execution of this process is enhanced by using supplementary data from high performance, on-board GPS and inertial measurement systems. Similarly, high demands are placed on other sub-systems, such as the camera mount, lens, electronics and storage technology. In addition to rectification for aircraft tilts and shifts, rectification for terrain characteristics is also required in order to generate colour and false colour composite images, since the various multispectral arrays are in different places on the focal plane. The special geometry affects triangulation. Thereafter, the imagery can be processed using existing software packages from both photogrammetry and remote sensing.
The concept has been demonstrated in several successful test flights and the production model is scheduled for market introduction at the ISPRS Congress in July 2000. The imagery from the new sensor will fulfil many market requirements between the highest resolution film imagery (<0.1 m) and high resolution space imagery (1m to 10 m). The sensor's unique blend of multispectral information with high quality geometric information will give rise to numerous new applications.  相似文献   

李世忠  胡莘  顾学迈  陈虹 《测绘学报》2001,30(4):331-335
随着现代小卫星技术的不断发展成熟,利用该高新技术为地球观测服务将成为一件远景可观、意义深远的事情。根据差错控制编译码原理和相应的高级数据链路规程,提出了一套自适应前向纠错编译码方案,同时进行了星地通信控制系统的分析与设计。  相似文献   

地理信息系统已经由2维系统逐渐向3维系统的方向发展。3DGIS可以提供逼真的可视表达方法。在3DGIS系统中3维空间对象包含空间属性信息和非空间属性信息。3DGIS针对数据模型要具有空间分析的功能。参照GoogleEarth利用OpenGL实现数字地球原型系统,并在此基础上提供简单的空间查询功能。  相似文献   

赵文波 《遥感学报》2019,23(6):1036-1045
系统梳理1998年民用航天管理机构调整,特别是2005年天地一体化结构调整实施以及国家科技重大专项高分辨率对地观测系统(下称高分专项)从2007年开始论证到实施至今10余年发展历程,揭示行业发展基本规律,首次将中国民用遥感行业发展划分为4个阶段,阐述了每个阶段主要特征、面临的问题以及创新管理实践;首次将高分专项十年历程明确为一个发展阶段,提出本行业未来发展要在高分专项阶段成果基础上,推动遥感行业继"由试验应用型向业务服务型转变"成功后,向"体系效能型"转变,再次引领和推动中国对地观测新体系建设。  相似文献   

通过梳理近十多年来地球剖分格网的相关研究文献,从剖分建模(四边形剖分、等积剖分和立体剖分)、编码计算(层次编码运算、填充曲线编码运算和整数坐标编码运算)、质量评价(评价准则、评价因子和层次传播趋势)及典型应用(政府机构应用、商业系统应用和行业领域应用)等4个方面,对该领域研究进展进行了系统的分类分析,较为详细地给出了不同格网模型的结构特点、适用模式及其存在的不足。最后总结出地球剖分格网在理论基础完备性、格网计算高效性及格网质量可靠性等方面研究的前沿问题。  相似文献   


Public understanding of climate and climate change is of broad societal importance. However, misconceptions regarding reasons for the seasons abound amongst students, teachers, and the public, many of whom believe that seasonality is caused by large variations in Earth’s distance from the Sun. Misconceptions may be reinforced by textbook illustrations that exaggerate eccentricity or show an inclined view of Earth’s near-circular orbit. Textbook explanations that omit multiple factors influencing seasons, that do not mesh with students’ experiences, or that are erroneous, hinder scientifically valid reasoning. Studies show that many teachers share their students’ misconceptions, and even when they understand basic concepts, teachers may fail to appreciate the range of factors contributing to seasonal change, or their relative importance. We have therefore developed a learning resource using Google Earth, a virtual globe with other useful, weather- and climate-related visualizations. A classroom test of 27 undergraduates in a public research university showed that 15 improved their test scores after the Google Earth-based laboratory class, whereas 5 disimproved. Mean correct answers rose from 4.7/10 to 6/10, giving a paired t-test value of 0.21. After using Google Earth, students are helped to segue to a heliocentric view.  相似文献   

本地缓存机制能够显著减少数据请求,提高网络数据传输与可视化效率。本文探讨了多线程模式下的网络3维地球软件客户端空间数据访问与缓存替换流程,针对性设计并实现了一种基于内外双缓存及单一大数据文件模式的空间数据缓存动态管理机制,通过实验验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

结合数字福建生态网的设计开发,重点介绍其中的电子地图网页的设计方法,对栅格电子地图在网站中的应用进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

浅谈地球坐标系及2000国家大地坐标系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了地球坐标参考系统和国际地球参考系及参考框架;阐述了2000国家大地坐标系,指出2000国家大地坐标系可按精度划分为国家级连续运行基准站、GPSA、B级网、天文大地网三个层次。  相似文献   

针对现有滑坡灾害监测系统的局限性,本文采用了一种基于C/S架构的无线传感器网络监测系统。该系统采用C/S结构,以传感器为基础,以数据采集设备作为过渡,通过无线GPRS网络将数据发送至远端的服务器。本文详细介绍了该系统的系统架构以及软硬件设计,并在实际的实验中对其进行了监测,结果证明,该系统可以很好地完成滑坡的实时、无间断监测。  相似文献   

Web环境下实现空间数据表达的框架研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Internet的迅速发展,促进了通过网络获得空间信息的要求,由于空间矢量数据具有数据量大,对象关系复杂等不同于文本,图像的特殊性,在数据传输较慢且要求高交互操作的Web环境空间,空间矢量数据的可视化是一个难题。本文讨论了Web中实现空间矢量数据可视化的体系结构。分析由数据库中的空间数据到客户端地图显示的整个过程,认为WebGIS的实现可以分为服务器端方式,客户端方式,中间数据转换方式和客户服务器分布计算方式等4种方式,每种方式各有优点,应用于不同的环境,我们提出一种能够同时实现4种方式的开放框架结构,方式的选择由客户端传送的参数决定,通过对比,认为在交互操作较高的环境中,以矢量数据方式传输较好,而对于交互操作较少的空间信息表砂,以图像方式传输较好。  相似文献   


Digital Earth's framework can be traced to evolutionary threads with historic foundations that fostered the fertile conceptual and technological incubation. These threads incorporate writings, such as those of the visionary engineering-genius, Buckminster Fuller, in conjunction with an array of space age developments in computers, internet and communications, satellites, and education. In 1998, when Vice President Al Gore articulated the Digital Earth Vision, he portrayed the vision based upon myriad technology factors for the intellectual foundation and sparked a worldwide phenomenon that fortuitously included the Chinese leadership's recognition and acceptance. The Beijing Declaration is recognised for its role promulgating the International Digital Earth Symposium series to promote better understanding of the impacts of Digital Earth technology and applications on behalf of all humankind. Combinations of industrial, academic, and government organisations have advanced the technological components necessary for implementing the Digital Earth Vision at a prodigious rate. Commercial leaders, such as Google, have accelerated the influence of large segments of society towards components of the Digital Earth Vision. However, challenges still remain regarding requisite collaboration on international standards for metadata, interoperability, and data formats for space and time that will affect Digital Earth implementation scenarios. Functional requirements for the model Digital Earth geobrowser remain to be fully articulated. The current paper presents an overview of the historical components, the key players on the international scene, the catalytic technological advances, and the societal response to the growth of the Digital Earth community.  相似文献   

网络3维GIS是近年来GIS领域的研究热点,作为数字城市的支撑技术,已成为当前GIS发展的一个重要方向.本文基于网络3维GIS的研究现状,从3维空间数据标准、网络3维可视化、分布式网络体系结构3个方面进行系统研究,并在此基础上,基于J 2EE设计并实现了一个原型系统,试图克服传统网络3维GIS中的不足.  相似文献   

现代测绘学在构建数字地球中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宁津生 《测绘工程》2000,9(4):7-9,13
叙述了数字地球的由来、概念和作用。从现代测绘学的发展,阐述了它在构建数字地球中的作用和地位。  相似文献   

Analysis of Earth observation (EO) data, often combined with geographical information systems (GIS), allows monitoring of land cover dynamics over different ecosystems, including protected or conservation sites. The aim of this study is to use contemporary technologies such as EO and GIS in synergy with fragmentation analysis, to quantify the changes in the landscape of the Rajaji National Park (RNP) during the period of 19 years (1990–2009). Several statistics such as principal component analysis (PCA) and spatial metrics are used to understand the results. PCA analysis has produced two principal components (PC) and explained 84.1% of the total variance, first component (PC1) accounted for the 57.8% of the total variance while the second component (PC2) has accounted for the 26.3% of the total variance calculated from the core area metrics, distance metrics and shape metrics. Our results suggested that notable changes happened in the RNP landscape, evidencing the requirement of taking appropriate measures to conserve this natural ecosystem.  相似文献   

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