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For centuries, explorers and scientists from different countries had made their own conclusions on the source of the Mekong. However, the geographic source of the Mekong is still arguable because of the complexity of the Mekong source water system, inaccessible environment and the varied technologies used by those explorers and scientists. The satellite remote sensing technology has been used to pinpoint the source of the Mekong, associated with the on-the-spot investigations made by the authors in June 1999 and September 2002. The actual length of the Mekong has also been calculated.  相似文献   

For centuries, explorers and scientists from different countries had made their own conclusions on the source of the Mekong. However, the geographic source of the Mekong is still arguable because of the complexity of the Mekong source water system, inaccessible environment and the varied technologies used by those explorers and scientists. The satellite remote sensing technology has been used to pinpoint the source of the Mekong, associated with the on-the-spot investigations made by the authors in June 1999 and September 2002. The actual length of the Mekong has also been calculated.  相似文献   

For centuries, explorers and scientists from different countries had made their own conclusions on the source of the Mekong. However, the geographic source of the Mekong is still arguable because of the complexity of the Mekong source water system, inaccessible environment and the varied technologies used by those explorers and scientists. The satellite remote sensing technology has been used to pinpoint the source of the Mekong, associated with the on-the-spot investigations made by the authors in June 1999 and September 2002. The actual length of the Mekong has also been calculated.  相似文献   

Doppler radar imagery is a useful classroom tool for studying the movement and spatio-temporal distribution of animals. In this paper we present a basic introduction to Doppler radar and the base products used to garner biological and geographical data. We draw upon imagery depicting bat and avian movements to illustrate how radar imagery may be beneficially used in the classroom to examine habitat use and species distribution at the landscape scale. Additionally we provide references for data acquisition and real-time animated imagery available on the Internet. We hope the information and imagery provided here will help instructors enrich the classroom experience for their students, while at the same time demonstrating real-world applications for the use of radar imagery in biogeographic studies.  相似文献   

掌握非震情况下的热红外亮温背景场及其时空变化规律是有效提取地震红外异常信息的关键.利用2003-2011年NOAA卫星夜间热红外遥感数据构建祁连山和首都圈亮温背景场,分析其时空演化特征.结果表明:红外亮温背景场受季节、地形和断裂活动等多种因素的影响,其中受季节变化影响最大,年变规律明显;不同地理环境,亮温年变特征呈现不同形式,对于地形地貌复杂的地区,亮温变化曲线不稳定,红外亮温与地面高程呈显著的负相关关系,地面高程每增加100 m,亮温降低约0.21 ~ 0.63℃,这与我国气温直减率基本一致;活动断裂带在红外图像上表现为明显的高亮温线性条带或亮温分界带;多年平均背景场平滑了气候等突变信息,呈现出稳定性较强的规律性变化特征,为断裂活动和地震所引起的增温异常检测提供了稳定的亮温变化基准场.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to present an automatic approach for olive tree dendrometric parameter estimation from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. The proposed method is based on a unique combination of the alpha-shape algorithm applied to normalized point cloud and principal component analysis. A key issue of the alpha-shape algorithm is to define the α parameter, as it directly affects the crown delineation results. We propose to adjust this parameter based on a group of representative trees in an orchard for which the classical field measurements were performed. The best value of the α parameter is one whose correlation coefficient of dendrometric parameters between field measurements and estimated values is the highest. We determined crown diameters as principal components of ALS points representing a delineated crown. The method was applied to a test area of an olive orchard in Spain. The tree dendrometric parameters estimated from ALS data were compared with field measurements to assess the quality of the developed approach. We found the method to be equally good or even superior to previously investigated semi-automatic methods. The average error is 19% for tree height, 53% for crown base height, and 13% and 9% for the length of the longer diameter and perpendicular diameter, respectively.  相似文献   

中国新疆吐鲁番市南约40 km的艾丁湖,是中国内陆最低的地方。本文运用现代化大地测量技术理论提出了与国家基准现代化建设相结合的测定中国内陆最低点高程的技术方法与设计。  相似文献   

周庆  岳京宪 《北京测绘》2009,(3):25-26,30
根据政务版电子地形图的特点,讨论了政务版电子地形图的更新方法,通过对2006版北京市政务版电子地形图的更新,形成一套完整的更新流程,证明了该方法可以快速更新政务版电子地形图。  相似文献   

主要阐述了用Virtuozo摄影测量系统和用JX4摄影测量系统制作DOM,及对DOM的纠正和裁图的全面分析。  相似文献   

由地心运动引起的引力位1次项系数不为零会对卫星轨道产生摄动。文中主要通过模拟计算来研究地心运动或坐标系统不自洽引起的地心偏离,从而对不同轨道根数的卫星轨道产生的摄动量级。实验表明地心运动对卫星轨道的影响,在高精度精密定轨和反演地球重力场中也是需要顾及的一项内容,特别是在坐标系统不自洽的情况下,影响更大。  相似文献   

地面成像光谱辐射测量系统及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
系统介绍了自主研制的基于制冷面阵CCD地面成像光谱辐射测量系统(field Imaging spectrometer system,FISS)的成像原理,结构设计,主要指标参数和数据处理流程等。利用室内布设的精确标志点和野外测量数据纠正了FISS系统几何畸变;利用自行开发的光谱定标软件对FISS系统进行波长定标,确定了各通道中心波长和全波半高宽;在室内,以积分球为光源,对FISS系统逐波段进行了绝对辐射定标,定标精度优于5%,并建立了各种测量条件下绝对辐射定标系数查找表;最后,利用FISS系统样机进行了大量室内和野外测量实验,并基于获取的部分数据做了作物-杂草识别、近海岸海洋环境试验、牛奶品种识别和植物生化参量反演等研究。研究结果表明,FISS系统能够成功地用于上述领域的研究,并在地质、食品、农业、林业和城市等领域也具有强大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

遥感图像判读训练与应用系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感图像判读与应用技术对深刻认知环境和辅助决策具有重要的意义.文中介绍了遥感图像判读训练与应用系统的设计思想和主要功能,对各部分涉及的关键技术进行了分析与研究.系统由影像管理、判读训练、地形快速修测和实时态势标绘四部分组成,实现了影像数据库管理,遥感图像与地图对照以及屏幕立体观察,地图与图像坐标系匹配的地形快速修测和实时态势标绘的操作等功能.  相似文献   

Monitoring crop conditions and forecasting crop yields are both important for assessing crop production and for determining appropriate agricultural management practices; however, remote sensing is limited by the resolution, timing, and coverage of satellite images, and crop modeling is limited in its application at regional scales. To resolve these issues, the Gramineae (GRAMI)-rice model, which utilizes remote sensing data, was used in an effort to combine the complementary techniques of remote sensing and crop modeling. The model was then investigated for its capability to monitor canopy growth and estimate the grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa), at both the field and the regional scales, by using remote sensing images with high spatial resolution. The field scale investigation was performed using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, and the regional-scale investigation was performed using RapidEye satellite images. Simulated grain yields at the field scale were not significantly different (= 0.45, p = 0.27, and p = 0.52) from the corresponding measured grain yields according to paired t-tests (α = 0.05). The model’s projections of grain yield at the regional scale represented the spatial grain yield variation of the corresponding field conditions to within ±1 standard deviation. Therefore, based on mapping the growth and grain yield of rice at both field and regional scales of interest within coverages of a UAV or the RapidEye satellite, our results demonstrate the applicability of the GRAMI-rice model to the monitoring and prediction of rice growth and grain yield at different spatial scales. In addition, the GRAMI-rice model is capable of reproducing seasonal variations in rice growth and grain yield at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

遥感图像判读与应用技术对深刻认知环境和辅助决策具有重要的意义。文中介绍了遥感图像判读训练与应用系统的设计思想和主要功能,对各部分涉及的关键技术进行了分析与研究。系统由影像管理、判读训练、地形快速修测和实时态势标绘四部分组成,实现了影像数据库管理,遥感图像与地图对照以及屏幕立体观察,地图与图像坐标系匹配的地形快速修测和实时态势标绘的操作等功能。  相似文献   

渤海湾近岸海域水深遥感反演研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对多光谱遥感技术进行浅海水深信息提取具有覆盖地域大、动态连续监测等特点,该文利用环境与灾害监测预报小卫星星座A星(HJ-1A)影像数据,对渤海湾20m以内近岸水域的水深进行实验研究。通过对HJ-1A遥感图像不同波段及波段组合的反射率与实测水深值的相关关系分析,选取敏感波段,建立最佳回归模型,定量计算研究区水深值。研究发现:5~10m水深区域内遥感反演效果最好;10~20m次之;0~5m受沿岸构筑物、泥沙等影响严重,反演效果较差。  相似文献   

快速高准确度云检测算法及其应用   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
单娜  郑天垚  王贞松 《遥感学报》2009,13(6):1147-1162
采用光谱阈值判别和纹理分析相结合的方法, 提出一种基于树状判别结构的快速高准确度云检测算法, 综合利用多个判别准则, 确定图像中云层覆盖情况, 与传统方法相比能够获得更高的分辨精确度。树状判别结构还能够在平均意义上显著提高算法运行效率。同时, 提出了一种改进的分形维数计算方法, 能够在不影响精确度的前提下, 使算法的运行效率提高5倍左右, 基本满足实时性的要求。所提出的云检测算法已在中巴地球资源卫星项目中实际应用, 实际测试结果表明, 该算法达到自动云检测的虚警概率小于5%, 漏警概率小于10%的工程要求。  相似文献   

自2000年国家决策实施水量统一调度以来,黑河中下游生态环境得到好转,但缺乏一个客观公正的评价方法加以验证。本文考虑黑河中下游区域面积大、数据资料缺乏等特点,提出了基于卫星遥感影像提取生长季植被指数计算植被覆盖度(VFC),并对VFC的空间分布特征、面积占比、变化趋势等进行了分析。研究表明,2000—2017年18年间,黑河中下游区域均存在低覆盖植被向其他类型覆盖植被转化现象,高植被覆盖区域面积增加,植被覆盖情况整体趋好。该结论与黑河中下游区域生态环境变化现状相符,证明本文方法可以作为区域生态环境评价的重要方法支撑。  相似文献   

主要探讨了Pleiades卫星遥感影像在1∶10 000基础测绘实际生产中的应用。重点阐述了利用该卫星遥感影像在像控点布设、外业施测、空三加密所取得的结果及通过外业实测地物点检查DOM并进行精度分析。  相似文献   

多源遥感数据综合应用是遥感发展的必然趋势,统一的遥感数据空间尺度分级模型是多源数据集成与综合应用的基础。虽然已有多种空间尺度分级模型,但很多主流模型并非出于分尺度综合应用目的,缺乏客观的比较和评价。国家基本比例尺系统作为经过论证、中国应用面最广泛、接受度最高的一种尺度分级系统,是以应用为导向的遥感数据空间尺度分级模型的最优参照系。从不同视觉精度下国家基本比例尺对图像空间分辨率的需求出发,比较各空间尺度分级模型的层级分辨率与需求分辨率的匹配情况,包括OGC Well Known Scale Set的Global CRS84Pixel和Google Maps Compatible,以及NASA World Wind、Google Map、百度地图、天地图等软件平台采用的层级格网系统,以及"五层十五级"遥感数据组织模型,通过对数据信息冗余度的分析,对各个模型进行了评价。结果表明,在高视觉精度应用需求下,"五层十五级"模型与基本比例尺精度要求具有较明显的匹配优势,其次为OGC Google Maps Compatible模型和天地图模型,其余模型平均数据冗余倍数在2倍左右;在低视觉精度应用需求下,"五层十五级"模型平均数据冗余度仍为最低,其次为Google Map模型,其余模型平均数据冗余倍数都在2倍以上。  相似文献   

高鑫  胡秀清  方伟  张鹏 《遥感学报》2022,26(3):505-515
陆上气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)反演作为气候、环境领域的一大研究方向,偏振多角度遥感在这个方向上有其特有的优势.本文使用法国POLDER(Polarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectance)1 级偏振多角度资料,提出了一种针对气溶胶反演的群组残差最优方法,反演了气溶...  相似文献   

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