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遥感综合试验对于遥感科学技术的发展起到重要作用,无论是基础研究还是遥感应用都需要试验提供支撑.从2018年开始,遥感科学国家重点实验室针对遥感自身发展和遥感面向地表圈层深化应用面临的科学问题,在滦河上游流域组织了小滦河流域复杂地表碳循环遥感综合观测试验,本文旨在介绍该试验的目标、区域、观测参数、观测方法以及对未来研究的...  相似文献   

基于MODIS-NDVI数据分析澜沧江流域生长季植被NDVI时空特征和变化趋势,结合地形数据、气象站点数据和植被类型数据,利用趋势分析和相关性分析法研究植被NDVI变化对气候因子的响应。结果表明:1)2000-2017年澜沧江流域生长季植被NDVI均值为0.592,整体呈现出由西北向东南波动增加趋势,增长速率为0.09%/10年;2) 2000-2017年澜沧江流域气温呈上升趋势,降水呈下降趋势,植被NDVII总体与平均气温的相关性高于累积降水量;3)澜沧江流域生长季植被NDVI驱动因子分析表明,气候驱动中以气温降水联合驱动为主,流域植被NDVI变化整体为非气候驱动。  相似文献   

The problems and impact of gully erosion along the Atbara River (Sudan), situated in semi-arid and arid environments, were investigated. The total gross area of gullied land and the loss of arable land by gully erosion were estimated. Multi-date sets of panchromatic aerial photographs and Landsat images (TM) were selected to represent two sites in the arid (New Halfa) and semi-arid (Showak town) zones along the Atbara River. Photo interpretation was conducted using physiographic and element methods. The interpretations detected the effects of water action in different climatic zones on geology, lithology, vegetation and land use. The results showed that the traditional rainfed agriculture has accelerated gully erosion in the semi-arid rather than in the arid zone. The progressive rate of gully erosion in the semi-arid zone resulted in loss of arable land at about 13.4 km2 yr-1 and 9.8 km2 yr-1 in the periods 1985–1987 and 1987–1990, respectively. The study provided data on the monitoring and mapping of gully erosion along the Atbara River and its tributaries.  相似文献   

Raniganj and Jharia regions together have been for long the single largest coal supplier in India, now contributing about a quarter of the total output in the country. Numerous reasons such as improper mining techniques and policy, as well as unauthorized mining caused surface and subsurface coalfires in these areas. These coalfires burn millions of tonnes of valuable coal resources, creating severe environmental problems and posing enormous operational difficulties of mining. After first use of remote sensing as a tool to identify coalfires in 1960s, with the time, the efficiency of remote sensing to identify and monitoring coalfires has been well established by several researchers. With the knowledge of local geological setting and density sliced surface temperature image the spatial distribution of coalfires can be revealed. The present paper makes an attempt to identify temperature anomalies of the Raniganj coalbelt to locate the spatial distribution of coalfires. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) thermal band data was used to calculate surface temperature along with NDVI (normalized vegetation index) derived emissivity.  相似文献   

黑河流域遥感物候产品验证与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植被物候遥感产品对全球变化响应、农业生产管理、生态学的应用等多领域研究具有重要意义。但现有植被物候遥感产品还有较多问题,主要包括一方面使用不同参数的时间序列数据以及不同提取算法导致的产品结果差异较大,另一方面在地面验证中地面观测数据与遥感反演数据的物理含义不一致导致的验证方法的系统性误差。本文以黑河流域为研究区,对比验证基于EVI(Enhanced Vegetation Index)时间序列数据提取的MLCD(MODIS global land cover dynamics product)植被遥感物候产品和基于LAI(Leaf Area Index)时间序列数据提取的UMPM(product by universal multi-life-cycle phenology monitoring method)植被遥感物候产品的有效性及精度等。同时,通过验证分析进一步评估基于EVI和LAI时间序列提取的物候特征的差异及特点,探讨由于地面观测植被物候与遥感提取植被物候的物理意义的不一致问题导致的直接验证结果偏差。结果表明:UMPM产品有效性整体高于MLCD产品,但在以草地和灌木为主的稀疏植被区,由于LAI取值精度的原因,UMPM产品存在较多缺失数据,且时空稳定性较低;基于玉米地面观测数据表明,EVI对植被开始生长的信号比LAI更加敏感,更适合提取生长起点,但植被指数易饱和,峰值起点普遍提前,基于LAI提取的峰值起点更加合理。由于地面观测的物候期在后期更加关注果实生长,遥感观测仅关注叶片的生长,遥感定义的峰值终点和生长终点与玉米的乳熟期和成熟期差异较大。  相似文献   

以黄上高原泾河流域为例,首先利用遥感植被指数和气候干燥度指数之间的回归模型,模拟出了潜在植被指数,在此基础上通过遥感监督分类方法得出泾河流域现生植被分布格局和潜在植被的分布格局,并利用转换矩阵方法得出了植被退化的空间态势.结果表明:泾河流域最主要的潜在植被类型是针阔叶疏林(32.44%)、阔叶落叶林(31.28%)和中牛灌丛(23.71%).与现生植被相比较,有25.08%的阔叶落叶林潜在分布区被开垦为农作物,13.32%退化为针阔叶疏林,13.04%退化为中生灌丛,14.22%变化为旱生灌丛,仅有25.90%的面积保持了阔叶落叶林植被;针阔叶疏林分布区主要退化为农作物(26.01%)、旱生灌丛(20.99%)、草甸(17.12%);中生灌丛主要退化为草甸(30.29%)和温带草原(43.21%).植被的退化以流域中部、南部的黄土残塬沟壑区退化最为严重,其次为流域北部的黄土丘陵区,而流域东部的子午岭山区和流域西部的六盘山区植被退化相对较轻.  相似文献   

Land surface change caused by fires and succession is confounded by many site-specific factors and requires further study. The objective of this study was to reveal the spatially explicit land surface change by minimizing the confounding factors of weather variability, seasonal offset, topography, land cover, and drainage. In a pilot study of the Yukon River Basin of interior Alaska, we retrieved Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), albedo, and land surface temperature (LST) from a postfire Landsat image acquired on August 5th, 2004. With a Landsat reference image acquired on June 26th, 1986, we reconstructed NDVI, albedo, and LST of 1987–2004 fire scars for August 5th, 2004, assuming that these fires had not occurred. The difference between actual postfire and assuming-no-fire scenarios depicted the fires and succession impact. Our results demonstrated the following: (1) NDVI showed an immediate decrease after burning but gradually recovered to prefire levels in the following years, in which burn severity might play an important role during this process; (2) Albedo showed an immediate decrease after burning but then recovered and became higher than prefire levels; and (3) Most fires caused surface warming, but cooler surfaces did exist; time-since-fire affected the prefire and postfire LST difference but no absolute trend could be found. Our approach provided spatially explicit land surface change rather than average condition, enabling a better understanding of fires and succession impact on ecological consequences at the pixel level.  相似文献   

利用多时相遥感监测与分析黄河三角洲湿地变化动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河三角洲湿地地区土地利用变化信息可为有关部门制定湿地保护和经济发展提供参考.本文选取2005、2009和2019年三时相黄河三角洲入海口周边,以及东营属地内黄河沿岸的Landsat 7 ETM+遥感影像为数据源,采用监督分类方法研究土地利用类型,通过分析编码的变化判别黄河三角洲的土地利用转移情况,从而进行湿地变化动态...  相似文献   


The present work deals with the integration of remote-sensing, surface-geology and gravity-survey data to improve the structural knowledge of the Tarhunah area, northwest Libya. Geological information and remote-sensing data provided information about the surface structure. A gravity survey was conducted to decipher the subsurface structure. The results revealed that a basin having a width of 39 to 48 km trends NE. A two-dimensional (2-D) schematic model shows that the basin gradually deepens toward the southwest. Faults determined from a horizontal gradient, tilt derivative, and Euler deconvolution show a depth range of 2.5 to 7.5 km. The integration and interpretation of the results indicate that volcanic activity was related to the tectonic activity of an anticlinal structure called the Jabal Uplift.  相似文献   

Landsat TM images of the Pearl River Delta taken in 1988, 1998 and 2006 are used to explore the site factors that influence the construction land expansion in this study. Several site factors, including landscape types and the distances to roads, coastlines, or city centers, had significant impacts on the expansion of construction land, influencing the direction, scale and intensity of the expansion. The site factors serve as important natural and spatial indicators of the preferable locales for construction land expansion, describing tendencies to expand to locations in suburbs, plains and areas near roads or coastlines.  相似文献   

Frost is a perennial agricultural hazard that normally causes crop damage leading to huge agricultural losses within the Kenyan highlands; aggravated by inadequate information on frost. This research mapped frost hotspots within the Aberdare and Mount Kenya regions and identified the extent of arable land under frost risk while establishing the trend of minimum temperature occurrences between the years 2000 and 2013. Minimum temperature values were extracted from daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer land surface temperature data-sets, and frost risk categorized into very severe frost (<250 K), severe frost (250–260 K), moderate frost (260–270 K), minor frost (270–280 K) and areas of no frost. Concentration of frost (<273 K) was mapped within regions above 1500 m asl and occasional occurrences within valleys lower than this altitude with recurrent occurrences in the months of April, May, July, August and November. Elevation, land surface convexity and humidity were found to influence frost occurrence. Improved agricultural practice to mitigate against losses is recommended.  相似文献   

Monitoring ecological indicators is important for assessing impacts of human activities on ecosystems. A means of identifying and applying appropriate indicators is a prerequisite for: environmental assessment; better assessment and understanding of ecosystem health; elucidation of biogeochemical trends; and more accurate predictions of future responses to global change, particularly those due to anthropogenic disturbance. The challenge is to derive meaningful indicators of change that capture the complexities of ecosystems yet can be monitored consistently over large areas and across time. In this study, methods for monitoring indicators of land cover (LC) and forest change were developed using multi-sensor Landsat imagery. Mapping and updating procedures were applied to the Humber River Basin (HRB) in Newfoundland and Labrador, one of four test sites in Canada selected for testing the development of national-scale methods. Procedures involved unsupervised clustering and labeling of baseline imagery, followed by image-to-image spectral clustering to derive binary change masks within which new LC types were classified for non-baseline imagery. Updated maps were compatible with the baseline map and reflected change in LC for three time periods: 1976–1990, 1990–2001, and 2001–2007. From the LC products, several change indicators were quantified including: forest depletion, forest regeneration, forest change, net forest change, and annual rates of change. The procedures were validated using field plots to assess the accuracy of the 2007 LC product (74.2% for 10 LC classes) and change classes observed from 2001 to 2007 (87.8% for four change classes: depletion, regeneration, non-treed class no change, and treed class no change). Methods were considered to be highly efficient and operationally feasible over large areas spanning multiple Landsat scenes. Specific results for the test site provided trend information supporting land and resource management in the HRB region.  相似文献   

Land cover in Kenya is in a state of fl ux at different spatial and temporal scales. This compromises environmental integrity and socioeconomic stability of the population hence increasing their vulnerability to the externalities of environmental change. The Oroba-Kibos catchment area in western Kenya is one locality where rapid land use changes have taken place over the last 30 years. The shrubs, swamps, natural forests and other critical ecosystems have been converted on the altar of agriculture, human settlement, fuel wood and timber. This paper presents the results of a study that aimed at providing spatially-explicit information for effective remedial response through (a) Mapping the land cover; (b) Identifying the spatial distribution of land cover changes; (c) Determining the nature, rates and magnitude of the land cover changes, and; (d) Establishing the drivers of land use leading to land cover changes in Oroba-Kibos catchment area. Bi-temporal Landsat TM imagery, fi eld observation, household survey and ancillary data were obtained. Per-fi eld classifi cation of the Landsat TM imagery was performed in a GIS and the resultant land cover maps assessed using the fi eld observation data. Post-classifi cation comparison of the maps was then done to detect changes in land cover that had occurred between 1994 and 2008. SPSS was used to analyze the household survey data and attribute the detected land cover changes to their causes. The fi ndings showed that 9 broad classes characterize the catchment area including the natural forests, swamps, natural water bodies, woodlands, shrublands, built-up lands, grasslands, bare lands and croplands. Croplands are dominant and accounted for about 65% (57122 ha) of the total land in 1994, which increased at the rate of 0.89% to 73% (64772 ha) in 2008, while natural water bodies has the least spatial coverage accounting for about 0.6% (561 ha) of the total land in 1994, which diminished at the rate of 3.57% to 0.3% (260 ha) in 2008. Climate, altitude, access and rights to land, demographic changes, poverty, political governance, market availability and economic returns are the interacting mix of proximate and underlying factors that drive the land cover changes in Oroba-Kibos catchment area.  相似文献   

Estuaries are photochemically dynamic environments with high carbon loads and relatively small areas. The small area poses problems for large-scale satellite-based remote sensing calculations, where the resolution is too coarse to distinguish land from water. Airborne remote sensing instruments have the potential to reveal the dynamics of these areas with fine-scale resolution. In June 2006, hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, using an AISA Eagle instrument, was collected over the tidal Duplin River, Georgia, USA. A dark-water updated version of the SeaUV algorithm was applied to the AISA remote sensing image to determine diffuse attenuation constants in the ultraviolet and calculate surface photochemical production rates of two inorganic products – carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). For an average day in June at the study site, the modeled photoproduction rates for CO2 and CO averaged ~7 × 10?1 nmol C/day/cm3 and ~3.5 × 10?2 nmol C/day/cm3, respectively.  相似文献   

Worldwide, coral reef ecosystems are being increasingly threatened by sediments loads from river discharges, which in turn are influenced by changing rainfall patterns due to climate change and by growing human activity in their watersheds. In this case study, we explored the applicability of using remote sensing (RS) technology to estimate and monitor the relationship between water quality at the coral reefs around the Rosario Islands, in the Caribbean Sea, and the rainfall patterns in the Magdalena River watershed. From the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), this study used the water surface reflectance product (MOD09GQ) to estimate water surface reflectance as a proxy for sediment concentration and the land cover product (MCD12Q1 V51) to characterize land cover of the watershed. Rainfall was estimated by using the 3B43 V7 product from the Tropical Rainforest Measuring Mission (TRMM). For the first trimester of each year, we investigated the inter-annual temporal variation in water surface reflectance at the Rosario Islands and at the three main mouths of the Magdalena River watershed. No increasing or decreasing trends of water surface reflectance were detected for any of the sites for the study period 2001–2014 (p > 0.05) but significant correlations were detected among the trends of each site at the watershed mouths (r = 0.57–0.90, p < 0.05) and between them and the inter-annual variation in rainfall on the watershed (r = 0.63–0.67, p < 0.05). Those trimesters with above-normal water surface reflectance at the mouths and above-normal rainfall at the watershed coincided with La Niña conditions while the opposite was the case during El Niño conditions. Although, a preliminary analysis of inter-annual land cover trends found only cropland cover in the watershed to be significantly correlated with water surface reflectance at two of the watershed mouths (r = 0.58 and 0.63, p < 0.05), the validation analysis draw only a 40.7% of accuracy in this land cover classification. This requires further analysis to confirm the impact of the cropland on the water quality at the watershed outlets. Spatial analysis with MOD09GQ imagery detected the overpass of river plumes from Barbacoas Bay over the Rosario Islands waters.  相似文献   

The policy of the Chinese government concerning the horizontal expansion of the cultivated land through the reclamation of desert soils result in a total increase of 665. 985 km^2 during the period 1987-1999 in North Shaanxi. This increase is less than the loss in arable land by urbanization. The accelerated rate of change in agricultural areas calls for more rapid surveys of urbanization and loss of arable land. Remote sensing has a number of advantages over ground-based methods for such surveys. The multi-scale concept of remote sensing data help us study the problem in four towns. Several maps were produced to analyze the situation of urban coverage in different times. The evaluation of the status, rate and risk of urbanization are based on an accepted average of urban increase as 2% of population growth per year.  相似文献   

The policy of the Chinese government concerning the horizontal expansion of the cultivated land through the reclamation of desert soils result in a total increase of 665. 985 km2 during the period 1987–1999 in North Shaanxi. This increase is less than the loss in arable land by urbanization. The accelerated rate of change in agricultural areas calls for more rapid surveys of urbanization and loss of arable land. Remote sensing has a number of advantages over ground-based methods for such surveys. The multi-scale concept of remote sensing data help us study the problem in four towns. Several maps were produced to analyze the situation of urban coverage in different times. The evaluation of the status, rate and risk of urbanization are based on an accepted average of urban increase as 2% of population growth per year.  相似文献   

Chongming Island in China is currently undergoing a rapid urbanization and an increasing environmental pressure due to its fast-paced social economic development. Owing to natural silts deposit phenomenon as well as artificial land reclamation practices, the Island is also experiencing an expansion phenomenon. The synergy between these natural and artificial phenomena results in a rapidly changing landscape on Chongming Island. Consequently, the tools and methods for a rapid and cost-effective detection and assessment of related issues are urgently needed to ensure a harmonious and sustainable development of the Island. We herein investigate the urban growth and the landscape pattern change in relation to the Island’s expansion phenomenon and the associated complexity of land use/cover change. Our investigation is based on a time series of Landsat satellite images spanning the past 34 years. The methodological approach adopted in the present study combines vegetation indices, images textural features and social statistics data in an object-oriented classification framework. With Chongming Island expanding by an annual rate of 0.9% between 1979 and 2013, we found that the proportion of vegetation area to the total area decreased from 71 to 45%, whereas the proportion of built-up area to the total area increased from 5 to 19.9%. The urban area expanded about six times from 1979 to 2013, and during the same period, the Island’s population did not change significantly. The urban spatial expansion of Chongming Island caused distinct expansion intensity index for each intervals, and significant fragmentation and diversity in the landscape pattern between 1979 and 2013. It was also found that the rapid urbanization process took place at the expense of landscape pattern changes at any time within the study period. This is a strong indication that besides the natural geographic element, economic development and policy orientation were the dominant driving factors. If the current rate of urban expansion is to be maintained and the vegetation cover is to keep decreasing at an annual rate of 0.1% (period 1979–2013), their combined effects would profoundly alter the ecological environment in the long term. These findings provide a basic objective and scientific information for knowledgeable decision-making and policy formulation regarding regional planning and management to ensure harmonious transition of Chongming towards ecologically oriented development.  相似文献   

In recent years, land use/cover dynamic change has become a key subject that needs to be dealt with in the study of global environmental change. In this paper, remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) are integrated to monitor, map, and quantify the land use/cover change in the southern part of Iraq (Basrah Province was taken as a case) by using a 1:250 000 mapping scale. Remote sensing and GIS software were used to classify Landsat TM in 1990 and Landsat ETM+ in 2003 imagery into five land use and land cover (LULC) classes: vegetation, sand, urban area, unused land, and water bodies. Supervised classification and normalized difference build-up index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. An accuracy assessment was performed on the 2003 LULC map to determine the reliability of the map. Finally, GIS software was used to quantify and illustrate the various LULC conversions that took place over the 13-year span of time. Results showed that the urban area had increased by the rate of 1.2% per year, with area expansion from 3 299.1 km2 in 1990 to 3 794.9 km2 in 2003. Large vegetation area in the north and southeast were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Basrah Province were mainly caused by rapid development of the urban economy and population immigration from the countryside. In addition, the former government policy of “returning farmland to transportation and huge expansion in military camps” was the major driving force for vegetation land change. The paper concludes that remote sensing and GIS can be used to create LULC maps. It also notes that the maps generated can be used to delineate the changes that take place over time. Supported by the Al-Basrah University, Iraq, the Geo-information Science and Technology Program (No. IRT 0438)China).  相似文献   

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