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In this study, we test the potential of two different classification algorithms, namely the spectral angle mapper (SAM) and object-based classifier for mapping the land use/cover characteristics using a Hyperion imagery. We chose a study region that represents a typical Mediterranean setting in terms of landscape structure, composition and heterogeneous land cover classes. Accuracy assessment of the land cover classes was performed based on the error matrix statistics. Validation points were derived from visual interpretation of multispectral high resolution QuickBird-2 satellite imagery. Results from both the classifiers yielded more than 70% classification accuracy. However, the object-based classification clearly outperformed the SAM by 7.91% overall accuracy (OA) and a relatively high kappa coefficient. Similar results were observed in the classification of the individual classes. Our results highlight the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing data as well as object-based classification approach for mapping heterogeneous land use/cover in a typical Mediterranean setting.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被(LUC)可为土地资源领域相关研究提供基础数据.本文构建了面向对象的LUC分类方法,并以沿海特殊土地类型区连云港市为例,应用Landsat 8影像开展了实证研究。结果表明:①总体分类精度达到85.06%,总体Kappa系数为0.83,超过了0.7的最低允许判别精度;②该方法可以有效地减少研究区因南北部区域耕地植被覆盖度不同导致的错分现象,并可以用于盐田与滩涂信息的提取工作;③该方法既可为研究区土地利用相关研究提供符合精度要求的数据.也可为其他沿海地区进行土地利用/覆被信息提取工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This study assesses the usefulness of Nigeriasat-1 satellite data for urban land cover analysis by comparing it with Landsat and SPOT data. The data-sets for Abuja were classified with pixel- and object-based methods. While the pixel-based method was classified with the spectral properties of the images, the object-based approach included an extra layer of land use cadastre data. The classification accuracy results for OBIA show that Landsat 7 ETM, Nigeriasat-1 SLIM and SPOT 5 HRG had overall accuracies of 92, 89 and 96%, respectively, while the classification accuracy for pixel-based classification were 88% for Landsat 7 ETM, 63% for Nigeriasat-1 SLIM and 89% for SPOT 5 HRG. The results indicate that given the right classification tools, the analysis of Nigeriasat-1 data can be compared with Landsat and SPOT data which are widely used for urban land use and land cover analysis.  相似文献   

Integrating multiple images with artificial neural networks (ANN) improves classification accuracy. ANN performance is sensitive to training datasets. Complexity and errors compound when merging multiple data, pointing to needs for new techniques. Kohonen's self-organizing mapping (KSOM) neural network was adapted as an automated data selector (ADS) to replace manual training data processes. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) network was then trained using automatically extracted datasets and used for classification. Two hypotheses were tested: ADS adapted from the KSOM network provides adequate and reliable training datasets, improving MLP classification performance; and fusion of Landsat thematic mapper (TM) and SPOT images using the modified ANN approach increases accuracy. ADS adapted from the KSOM network improved training data quality and increased classification accuracy and efficiency. Fusion of compatible multiple data can improve performance if appropriate training datasets are collected. This proved to be a viable classification scheme particularly where acquiring sufficient and reliable training datasets is difficult.  相似文献   

Land cover monitoring using digital Earth data requires robust classification methods that allow the accurate mapping of complex land cover categories. This paper discusses the crucial issues related to the application of different up-to-date machine learning classifiers: classification trees (CT), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM) and random forest (RF). The analysis of the statistical significance of the differences between the performance of these algorithms, as well as sensitivity to data set size reduction and noise were also analysed. Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data captured in European spring and summer were used with auxiliary variables derived from a digital terrain model to classify 14 different land cover categories in south Spain. Overall, statistically similar accuracies of over 91% were obtained for ANN, SVM and RF. However, the findings of this study show differences in the accuracy of the classifiers, being RF the most accurate classifier with a very simple parameterization. SVM, followed by RF, was the most robust classifier to noise and data reduction. Significant differences in their performances were only reached for thresholds of noise and data reduction greater than 20% (noise, SVM) and 25% (noise, RF), and 80% (reduction, SVM) and 50% (reduction, RF), respectively.  相似文献   


In recent years, the data science and remote sensing communities have started to align due to user-friendly programming tools, access to high-end consumer computing power, and the availability of free satellite data. In particular, publicly available data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel missions have been used in various remote sensing applications. However, there is a lack of studies that utilize these data to assess the performance of machine learning algorithms in complex boreal landscapes. In this article, I compare the classification performance of four non-parametric algorithms: support vector machines (SVM), random forests (RF), extreme gradient boosting (Xgboost), and deep learning (DL). The study area chosen is a complex mixed-use landscape in south-central Sweden with eight land-cover and land-use (LCLU) classes. The satellite imagery used for the classification were multi-temporal scenes from Sentinel-2 covering spring, summer, autumn and winter conditions. Using stratified random sampling, each LCLU class was allocated 1477 samples, which were divided into training (70%) and evaluation (30%) subsets. Accuracy was assessed through metrics derived from an error matrix, but primarily overall accuracy was used in allocating algorithm hierarchy. A two-proportion Z-test was used to compare the proportions of correctly classified pixels of the algorithms and a McNemar’s chi-square test was used to compare class-wise predictions. The results show that the highest overall accuracy was produced by support vector machines (0.758 ± 0.017), closely followed by extreme gradient boosting (0.751 ± 0.017), random forests (0.739 ± 0.018), and finally deep learning (0.733 ± 0.0023). The Z-test comparison of classifiers showed that a third of algorithm pairings were statistically different. On a class-wise basis, McNemar’s test results showed that 62% of class-wise predictions were significant from one another at the 5% level or less. Variable importance metrics show that nearly half of the top twenty Sentinel-2 bands belonged to the red edge (25%) and shortwave infrared (23%) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and were dominated by scenes from spring (38%) and summer (40%). The results are discussed within the scope of recent studies involving machine learning and Sentinel-2 data and key knowledge gaps identified. The article concludes with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

土地利用/土地覆盖数据的获取是研究LUCC的重要基础工作。随着遥感技术的飞速发展,通过遥感提取土地利用/土地覆盖专题信息已成为LUCC研究必不可少的一步。目前遥感专题信息提取水平相对滞后于遥感数据获取,为了提高遥感数据在土地利用/土地覆盖的应用,寻找一种较好的、具有相对适用性的方法是目前遥感应用的一个迫切要求。本文比较了目前比较常用的几种土地利用/土地覆盖遥感信息提取方法,分别以西部干旱区(柴达木盆地)和东部地区(鄱阳湖地区)为例,提出在GIS支持下基于知识的分层综合分类方法,并通过和其他几种常用方法进行比较分析,得到如下结果:在自然环境相差较大的柴达木盆地和鄱阳湖地区,采用了GIS支持下基于知识的分层综合分类方法的提取精度均要比单独采用最大似然法、纹理分析法、神经网络分类法等方法的总体精度高出25%,Kappa系数高出0.2。由此可以说明了该方法对于土地利用/土地覆盖专题信息的提取是可行的,同时它也具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

The world’s largest mangrove ecosystem, the Sunderbans is experiencing multidimensional threats of degradation. The present study was aimed to understand these problems and search for proper remedies by applying suitable remote sensing technologies. South-western parts of Indian Sunderbans Biosphere Reserve had been chosen for assessment of land use/land cover changes in between 1975 and 2006 by using multitemporal Landsat data. Results indicated considerable reduction of open mangrove stands and associated biodiversity mainly in the forest-habitation interference zones of Sunderbans. On the contrary, increase in the coverage of dense mangroves in the reserved forests had been observed indicating the existence of proper centralized management regimes. Overall, a cumulative loss of approximately 0.42% of its original mangrove cover in between 1975 and 2006 had been estimated for this part of the Sunderbans which was at parity with the findings of other studies in the Sunderbans or similar mangrove ecosystems of the tropics. Expansion of non agricultural lands in the last two decades was found to be related with the growth of new settlements, tourism infrastructure, and facilities. This transformation was attributed to the shifting of local peoples’ interest from traditional forestry and subsistence farming towards alternative occupations like shrimp culture, coastal tourism, and commercial fishing although environmentally hazardous livelihood activities like collection of prawn seeds along the riverbanks were still persistent.  相似文献   

Global land cover (LC) maps have been widely employed as the base layer for a number of applications including climate change, food security, water quality, biodiversity, change detection, and environmental planning. Due to the importance of LC, there is a pressing need to increase the temporal and spatial resolution of global LC maps. A recent advance in this direction has been the GlobeLand30 dataset derived from Landsat imagery, which has been developed by the National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC). Although overall accuracy is greater than 80%, the NGCC would like help in assessing the accuracy of the product in different regions of the world. To assist in this process, this study compares the GlobeLand30 product with existing public and online datasets, that is, CORINE, Urban Atlas (UA), OpenStreetMap, and ATKIS for Germany in order to assess overall and per class agreement. The results of the analysis reveal high agreement of up to 92% between these datasets and GlobeLand30 but that large disagreements for certain classes are evident, in particular wetlands. However, overall, GlobeLand30 is shown to be a useful product for characterizing LC in Germany, and paves the way for further regional and national validation efforts.  相似文献   

Spectrally similar nature of land covers in a glacierized terrain hampers their automated mapping from multispectral satellite data, which may be overcome by using multisource data. In the present study, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based information extraction approach was applied for mapping the Kolahoi glacier and adjoining areas, using Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) data and several ancillary layers such as image transformations and topographic attributes. Results reveal that ANN (highest overall accuracy (OA): 83.74%) outperforms maximum likelihood classifier (highest OA: 66.90%) and the incorporation of ancillary data into the classification process significantly enhances the mapping accuracy (>9%), particularly the addition of Near Infrared Red/Short Wave Infrared (NIR/SWIR) data to the spectral data. A nine-band combination dataset (spectral data, slope, Red/NIR and decorrelation stretch) was found to be the best multisource dataset. Results of the Z-tests (at 95% confidence level) also corroborate and statistically validate the above findings.  相似文献   

针对"基于像素的条件随机场(conditional random fields,CRFs)模型能否在m级分辨率的多光谱遥感图像分类中表现良好"的问题,提出了集成图像的光谱、方向梯度直方图和多尺度多方向Texton纹理等多种线索的CRFs模型定义方法。利用上述特征,选择随机森林(random forests,RF)定义CRFs关联势函数;利用特征对比度加权的Potts函数定义CRFs交互势函数,并且建立了多标签的RF-CRFs模型;对该模型进行分项参数训练以及基于图割的α-膨胀算法推理;利用典型城区的Quick Bird多光谱图像进行模型的验证与精度评价。结果表明RF-CRFs模型的分类精度可达82.52%以上,比RF分类器的分类精度提高了3.35%。  相似文献   

This study investigated land use/land cover change (LULCC) dynamics using temporal satellite images and spatial statistical cluster analysis approaches in order to identify potential LULCC hot spots in the Pune region. LULCC hot spot classes defined as new, progressive and non-progressive were derived from Gi* scores. Results indicate that progressive hot spots have experienced high growth in terms of urban built-up areas (20.67% in 1972–1992 and 19.44% in 1992–2012), industrial areas (0.73% in 1972–1992 and 3.46% in 1992–2012) and fallow lands (4.35% in 1972–1992 and ?6.38% in 1992–2012). It was also noticed that about 28.26% of areas near the city were identified as new hot spots after 1992. Hence, non-significant change areas were identified as non-progressive after 1992. The study demonstrated that LULCC hot spot mapping through the integrated spatial statistical approach was an effective approach for analysing the direction, rate, spatial pattern and spatial relationship of LULCC.  相似文献   

基于光谱和纹理特征的山区高分辨率遥感影像分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在只做阴影补偿而不做地形校正的情况下,使用光谱和纹理特征相结合的方法进行山区高分辨率遥感影像分类。实验取得了78%的分类精度,表明该方法合理可行,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

Accelerated soil erosion, high sediment yields, floods and debris flow are serious problems in many areas of Iran, and in particular in the Golestan dam watershed, which is the area that was investigated in this study. Accurate land use and land cover (LULC) maps can be effective tools to help soil erosion control efforts. The principal objective of this research was to propose a new protocol for LULC classification for large areas based on readily available ancillary information and analysis of three single date Landsat ETM+ images, and to demonstrate that successful mapping depends on more than just analysis of reflectance values. In this research, it was found that incorporating climatic and topographic conditions helped delineate what was otherwise overlapping information. This study determined that a late summer Landsat ETM+ image yields the best results with an overall accuracy of 95%, while a spring image yields the poorest accuracy (82%). A summer image yields an intermediate accuracy of 92%. In future studies where funding is limited to obtaining one image, late summer images would be most suitable for LULC mapping. The analysis as presented in this paper could also be done with satellite images taken at different times of the season. It may be, particularly for other climatic zones, that there is a better time of season for image acquisition that would present more information.  相似文献   

The eco-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) in China has received much attention due to the construction of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station. Land use/land cover changes (LUCC) are a major cause of ecological environmental changes. In this paper, the spatial landscape dynamics from 1978 to 2005 in this area are monitored and recent changes are analyzed, using the Landsat TM (MSS) images of 1978, 1988, 1995, 2000 and 2005. Vegetation cover fractions for a vegetation cover analysis are retrieved from MODIS/Terra imagery from 2000 to 2006, being the period before and after the rising water level of the reservoir. Several analytical indices have been used to analyze spatial and temporal changes. Results indicate that cropland, woodland, and grassland areas reduced continuously over the past 30 years, while river and built-up area increased by 2.79% and 4.45% from 2000 to 2005, respectively. The built-up area increased at the cost of decreased cropland, woodland and grassland. The vegetation cover fraction increased slightly. We conclude that significant changes in land use/land cover have occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. The main cause is a continuous economic and urban/rural development, followed by environmental management policies after construction of the Three Gorges Dam.  相似文献   

To prevent soil loss and achieve better ecological environments, soil conservation measures have been taken during the past decades in the western Loess Plateau of China. In this paper, a case study was taken in Luoyu valley and Lver valley, two sub-watersheds of Xihe watershed and comparison was carried out between them. The main object of this study is to monitor land use/cover changes in the two similar small watersheds utilizing SPOT5 imageries by object-oriented human–computer interactive classification method, further develop the method of spatio-temporal analysis of land use/cover change by using pattern metrics of change trajectories and relative land use suitability index (R) in smaller watersheds, and make comparisons between the two similar small watersheds, taking water and soil conservation measures into consideration. Results show that combining GIS and RS, this method can be perfectly applied to make comparisons between different small watersheds with similar geographical backgrounds. And land use/cover spatiotemporal dynamic change characteristics can be preferably expressed by pattern metrics of change trajectories and R values based on topographical data. Different emphases have been laid according to their own geological backgrounds in the two watersheds and human activities have different effects on the landscapes of the two watersheds. The main change pattern is from slope farmland to terrace (322, the largest in Luoyu valley) or to economic fruit forest (344, the largest in Lver valley). R value of every slope grade in both of the two watersheds drops with the rising of slope degree on the whole and it shows that there is still much to do for people in the two watersheds in consideration that all the R values are still lower than 0.7.  相似文献   

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