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针对不同的数据源及时间和空间尺度会使植被覆盖度及其与气象因子影响的结果有所差别这一情况,该文基于青藏高原1982-2012年GIMMS NDVI和2001-2013年MODIS NDVI遥感数据集,结合研究区内12个典型的气象站点数据,进行了青藏高原地区植被覆盖时空动态变化规律及其与气象因子响应的时序分析,并利用重合时间段的数据对比分析了两种传感器在青藏高原地区对植被动态变化监测方面的差异.结果表明:近30年来,青藏高原地区植被呈整体改善趋势,尤其是高海拔地区;不同阶段植被的变化趋势有所不同;两种传感器在反映植被动态变化趋势上差异显著,但两者与气候因子的响应规律相同.  相似文献   

Phenology is a sensitive and critical feature of vegetation and is a good indicator for climate change studies. The global inventory modelling and mapping studies (GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has been the most widely used data source for monitoring of the vegetation dynamics over large geographical areas in the past two decades. With the release of the third version of the NDVI (GIMMS NDVI3g) recently, it is important to compare the NDVI3g data with those of the previous version (NDVIg) to link existing studies with future applications of the NDVI3g in monitoring vegetation phenology. In this study, the three most popular satellite start of vegetation growing season (SOS) extraction methods were used, and the differences between SOSg and SOS3g arising from the methods were explored. The amplitude and the peak values of the NDVI3g are higher than those of the NDVIg curve, which indicated that the SOS derived from the NDVIg (SOSg) was significantly later than that derived from the NDVI3g (SOS3g) based on all the methods, for the whole northern hemisphere. In addition, SOSg and SOS3g both showed an advancing trend during 1982–2006, but that trend was more significant with SOSg than with SOS3g in the results from all three methods. In summary, the difference between SOSg and SOS3g (in the multi-year mean SOS, SOS change slope and the turning point in the time series) varied among the methods and was partly related to latitude. For the multi-year mean SOS, the difference increased with latitude intervals in the low latitudes (0–30°N) and decreased in the mid- and high-latitude intervals. The GIMMS NDVI3g data-sets seemed more sensitive than the GIMMS NDVIg in detecting information about the ground, and the SOS3g data were better correlated both with the in situ observations and the SOS derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer NDVI. For the northern hemisphere, previous satellite measures (SOS derived from GIMMS NDVIg) may have overestimated the advancing trend of the SOS by an average of 0.032 d yr–1.  相似文献   

The Asia-Pacific (AP) region has experienced faster warming than the global average in recent decades and has experienced more climate extremes, however little is known about the response of vegetation growth to these changes. The updated Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies third-generation global satellite Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Normalized Difference Vegetation Index dataset and gridded reanalysis climate data were used to investigate the spatiotemporal changes in both trends of vegetation dynamic indicators and climatic variables. We then further analyzed their relations associated with land cover across the AP region. The main findings are threefold: (1) at continental scales the AP region overall experienced a gradual and significant increasing trend in vegetation growth during the last three decades, and this NDVI trend corresponded with an insignificant increasing trend in temperature; (2) vegetation growth was negatively and significantly correlated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation index and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in AP; and (3) at pixel scales, except for Australia, both vegetation growth and air temperature significantly increased in the majority of study regions and vegetation growth spatially correlated with temperature; In Australia and other water-limited regions vegetation growth positively correlated with precipitation.  相似文献   

本文借助Google Earth Engine(GEE)云平台,以Landsat影像、气温降水和土地利用类型为基础,利用Theil-Sen Median趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验、偏相关性和多元回归残差分析法,分析了1999—2018年陕北黄土高原植被覆盖时空特征、变化趋势及气候变化与人类活动对于不同土地利用类型的影响,得出以下结论:(1)1999—2018年陕北黄土高原年际FVC呈改善趋势,其平均增速为0.004 9/a(P<0.01),植被覆盖度呈增加趋势的面积占总面积的74.43%;(2)植被覆盖度与降水和气温的偏相关系数具有明显的空间差异,植被生长对降水变化较敏感;(3)气候变化和人类活动的共同作用是植被生长的主要原因,其中气候变化对植被FVC的影响范围为-0.001 0/a~0.003 6/a,而人类活动对植被FVC的影响范围为-0.046 1/a~0.049 0/a;(4)在不同土地利用类型中,气候变化对水体增幅影响最大,对针叶林和阔叶林增幅影响最小,而人类活动变化对人类占用地增幅影响最大,对阔叶林增幅影响最小。  相似文献   

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