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Faulting related to movements along major fault zones in the Upper Benue Trough during Albian times, with evidence of deformation in the Cretaceous Bima Sandstone are common especially around the Kaltungo, Gombe, Zambuk and Teli lineaments. Conjugate extensional systems of deformation bands show increased siliceous cementation of the sandstones adjacent to these lineaments. During the Late Cretaceous compressional event, the deformation bands and faults in the Upper Benue Trough were reactivated, resulting into dilational opening of fractures believed to have acted as fluid conduits and/or barriers. These deformation bands which decrease in density away from the major faults are characterized with increasing porosity and permeability in the host sandstone abruptly away from the tectonic barrier. It is proposed here that the master faults of the Benue Trough, linking it with the Anambra Basin and the Niger Delta probably served as conduits for the migration of hydrocarbons into the Cretaceous reservoirs of the Upper Benue Trough and by extension into the Niger Delta.  相似文献   

The Peta Gulf Syncline (Upper Benue Trough, northeast Nigeria) is a fault-bounded pull-apart sub-basin. The boundary faults are mainly northeast-southwest-trending en echelon strike-slip faults, truncated along their lengths by normal and tear faults with stepovers. The eastern marginal faults underwent rotation during sedimentation, whereas the steeply dipping western marginal faults were inactive.The Peta Gulf Sub-basin is filled by the Bima Sandstone Formation (Lower Cretaceous) which has three siliciclastic members: (i) B1: medial fan coarse-grained to microconglomeratic sandstones; (ii) B2: full fluvial medium-grained sandstones with minimal fines; and (iii) B3: lacustrine and flood basin deposits comprising alternating fine-grained sandstones and siltstones/claystones. Sediment supply was from east to west and facies changes show a general fining in this direction. B3 offers the most favourable environment/lithology for U concentration.The only significant U occurrence in the Peta Gulf Syncline is the Zona U anomaly, which occurs within transitional B2-B3 brecciated sandstones with wall rock alterations zones. The mineralised zone has elevated SiO2, Fe, As, Ba and W levels but is depleted in the alkalis, Zr, Rb and Sr. This chemical zonation supports the epigenetic orgin of this anomaly.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the regional and structural framework of the Cretaceous rocks in the Afikpo Basin located in the southeastern part of the Lower Benue Trough. Results from regional tectonics are presented together with those of the microtectonic analysis of microfaults in the Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama area in the basin. The Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama ridge at the north-central part of the basin marks the boundary between the Late Cenomanian-Turonian-Conianian sediments and the Campanian-Maastrichtian sandstones. This ridge trends N45°E on average and is faulted in three main directions, namely: (1) N-S normal faults; (2) NE-SW strike-slip faults; and (3) NW-SE strike-slip faults. The faulted rocks along these brittle discontinuities are mainly cataclastics with internal fracture cleavage and sigmoidal quartz mosaics that are reminiscent of extensional deformation. The cataclasites often bear slickenside striations.  相似文献   

Paleocurrent analysis indicates an easterly and a westerly source, respectively, for the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the middle and upper Benue Trough. Petrographic differentiation of the pre-Santonian and post-Santonian sediments is based on their feldspar contents. Petrographic evidence suggests that the Tertiary sediments are polycycled; this fact, coupled with the inferred westerly source, suggests that the present limits of the trough are not the paleolimits. Thus the rift boundary faults are probably further westward and eastward of the present trough margins.  相似文献   

<正>Southern Songliao basin consists of four A structural units from west to east:western slopes,southwest ridge,central depression and southeast uplift.Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale sedimented in large-scale invasion of the lake,with a quick settlement,super fast filling compensation deposition characteristics and widely deposition of organic-rich,thick black shale interbedded oil shale,which is the most important source rocks on Songliao basin.The main organic matter types of  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation in the Silla Syncline, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Magallanes Basin, Chile, includes over 1100 m of mainly thin‐bedded mud‐rich turbidites containing three thick divisions of coarse conglomerate and sandstone. Facies distributions, stacking patterns and lateral relationships indicate that the coarse‐grained sandstone and conglomerate units represent the fill of a series of large south to south‐east trending deep‐water channels or channel complexes. The middle coarse division, informally named the Paine member, represents the fill of at least three discrete channels or channel complexes, termed Paine A, B and C. The uppermost of these, Paine C, represents a channel belt about 3·5 km wide and its fill displays explicit details of channel geometry, channel margins, and the processes of channel development and evolution. Along its northern margin, Paine C consists of stacked, laterally offset channels, each eroded into fine‐grained mudstone and thin‐bedded sandy turbidites. Along its southern margin, the Paine C complex was bounded by a single, deeply incised but stepped erosional surface. The evolution of the Paine C channel occurred through multiple cycles of activity, each involving: (i) an initial period of channel erosion into underlying fine‐grained sediments; (ii) deposition of coarse‐grained pebble to cobble conglomerate and sandstone within the channel; and (iii) waning of coarse sediment deposition and accumulation of a widespread sheet of fine‐grained, thin‐bedded turbidites inside and outside the channel. The thin‐bedded turbidites deposited within, and adjacent to, the channel along the northern margin of the Paine C complex do not appear to represent levée deposits but, rather, a separate fine‐grained turbidite system that impinged on the Paine C channel from the north. The Cerro Toro channel complex in the Silla Syncline may mark either an early axial zone of the Magallanes Basin or a local slope mini‐basin developed behind a zone of slope faulting and folding now present immediately east of the syncline. If the latter, flows moving downslope toward the basin axis further east were diverted to the south by this developing structural high, deposited part of their coarse sediment loads, and exited the mini‐basin at a point located near the south‐eastern edge of the present Silla Syncline.  相似文献   

上白垩统马头山组大村段是云南楚雄盆地的主要含铜层位之一。通过六苴zK24401钻孔岩芯样品地球化学研究,认为大村段是半干旱-半潮湿气候条件下盆地边缘的湖泊沉积形成,沉积物距物源区较近,其沉积演化过程与物源区具有一致性。主元素组成的W(SiO2+Al2Oa+K2O+Na2O)占49.64%~81.84%,n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)平均值为3.65,n(Al)/n(Al+Fe+Mn)值为0.71~0.78,n(Si)/n(Si+Al+Fe)值为0.69~0.87,反映出沉积物物源以陆源为主;n(Al2O3)/n.(Al2O3+Fe3O3)值为0.79~0.91,显示了大陆边缘沉积环境的特点;K2O/Na2O多大于1,表明物源区主要为偏酸性的花岗质岩石。沉积旋回造成多层泥页岩中Cu、Zn、Sb等元素初始富集。稀土总量ω(EREE)为104.12&#215;10^-6~181.69&#215;10^-6,n(La)N/n(Yb)N〉1,轻重稀土分异程度较高,稀土配分模式为Eu、Ce亏损——轻稀土富集右斜型。  相似文献   

The Santonian-Campanian Milk River Formation of Southern Alberta represents the transition from an open shelf, through a storm-dominated shoreface into a non-marine sequence of shales and sandstones, with coal. The open shelf deposits consist of interbedded bioturbated mudstones with sharp-based hummocky cross-stratified sandstones. There are no indications of fairweather reworking of the sandstones, which are therefore interpreted as having been deposited below fairweather wavebase. The shoreface sequence consists of a 28 m thick sandstone. It has a very sharp, loaded base, and is dominated by swaley cross-stratification, a close relative of hummocky cross-stratification. Angle of repose cross-bedding is preserved in scattered patches only in the top 5 m of the sand body. Channels up to 180 m wide and 7 m deep are cut into this sand body, with channel margins characterized by lateral accretion surfaces. Regional dispersal trends, as well as local palaeocurrent readings suggest flow toward the NW. Within the channels there is some herringbone cross-bedding and at least two examples of neap-spring bundle cycles, suggesting that the channels are tidally-influenced. Above the channels there is a sequence of carbonaceous shales with in situ root casts and lignitic coal seams. No marine, brackish or lagoonal fauna was identified, and the sequence appears to represent a distal floodplain. The sequence from interbedded hummocky cross-stratified sandstones and bioturbated mudstones into a 10–20 m thick, sharp-based shoreface sandstone characterized by swaley cross-stratification is uncommon. The scarcity or absence of angle of repose cross-bedding in the shoreface, and the dominance of swaley cross-stratification suggests that the shoreface was so storm-dominated that almost no fairweather record was preserved. Other examples of swaley cross-stratified shorefaces are reviewed in the paper.  相似文献   

胜利河油页岩位于北羌塘盆地与中央隆起之间的过渡带上,呈北西西—南东东向展布,长约30km,赋矿地层为上侏罗—下白垩统海相碳酸盐岩,其上被厚层膏岩盐覆盖。油页岩有3—7层,薄者0.1m,厚者2.37 m,一般为0.4~1.2 m。工业分析数据表明油页岩属低灰分、中低含油率、低发热量型。油页岩有机碳质量分数为4.31%~21.37%,平均值为9.76%,丰度较高;生烃潜量w(S1+S2)为5.66~111.1mg/g,均值为40.17 mg/g,生烃潜力较好。镜检显示油页岩有机质类型为腐殖腐泥型(Ⅱ1)和腐泥腐殖型(Ⅱ2),镜质体反射率(Ro)值为0.37%~0.9%,均值为0.58%,说明油页岩有机质处于未成熟—低成熟阶段。在稳定的构造背景和湿热的气候条件下,油页岩形成于碳酸盐局限台地泻湖相还原和具有盐度分层特征的水体中,之后,气候变得炎热干燥。  相似文献   

Cretaceous coals and coal measure sequences in the area around the Obi/Lafia part of the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria were studied petrographically. The Turonian-Santonian Awgu Formation and the Maastrichtian Lafia Formation constitute the sedimentary successions in both outcrop and borehole profiles of this area.Maceral analyses of 32 coal samples from this area allow subdivision of the coal beds into three different coal facies: the vitrinite-fusinite coal facies, the trimaceritic coal facies and the shaly coal facies. In the vitrinite-fusinite coal facies, vitrinite constitutes, on average 67.3%, liptinite 4.2%, inertinite 17.1% and mineral matter 11.4%. The trimaceritic coal facies has 42.3% vitrinite, 22.4% liptinite, 23.8% inertinite and 11.5% mineral matter. In the shaly coal facies, vitrinite constitutes 29.9%. Liptinite, inertinite and mineral matter are 13.8%, 22.0% and 34.3%, respectively.Correlation of the distribution of microfossils in the interseam sediments with the tissue preservation, gelification, groundwater and vegetation indices of the coal facies indicates that the vitrinite-fusinite coal facies was deposited in wet forest swamp subenvironments along and within lagoons. The trimaceritic facies was deposited in limno-telmatic clastic marsh subenvironments in lower delta plains. The shaly coal facies shows characteristics of various subenvironments but generally tends to be more marine than the other two facies.  相似文献   

江西抚崇盆地上白垩统河口组砾石统计特征及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华东南晚白垩世陆相断陷盆地以发育红色粗碎屑岩为特征。通过对赣杭构造带西段的江西抚崇盆地上白垩统河口组19个砾岩露头测点的砾组分析,对河口组砾岩的砾性、粒度、砾态和砾向等进行了详细研究。总体上砾石成分复杂,分选性较差,磨圆程度中等,呈次棱角-次圆状,风化程度较低。结合红盆周边基岩地层特点,对红盆不同区域砾岩的物质来源、成因和形成条件等进行分析和讨论。研究结果表明,河口组砾岩为晚白垩世半干旱-干旱气候条件下的一套冲积扇和辫状河相粗碎屑沉积,具有多物源和快速堆积的特点。盆地不同地区砾石成分组合特征具有明显差别,反映了盆地周围复杂的物源供应条件。根据盆地基岩地层岩性特点和扁平状砾石倾向玫瑰花图,认为河口组沉积时期,红盆碎屑沉积物主要来自盆地的北东、北、北西和南东部。  相似文献   

This study presents geochemical characteristics of glauconites in estuarine deposits within the Maastrichtian Lameta Formation in central India. Resting conformably over the Bagh Group, the Lameta Formation consists of ~4-5 m thick arenaceous, argillaceous and calcareous green sandstones underlying the Deccan Traps. The sandstone is friable, medium-to coarse-grained, well-sorted and thoroughly crossstratified, and contains marine fossils. Detailed petrography, spectroscopy and mineral chemistry indicates unique chemical composition of glauconite with high K_2O, MgO, Al_2O_3 and moderate TFe_2O_3. Glauconite is formed by the replacement of K-feldspars, initially as stringers in the cleavages and fractures of feldspars. Incipient glauconite subsequently evolves fully, appearing as pellets. Fully-evolved glauconite pellets often leave tiny relics of K-feldspar. XRD exhibits characteristic peak of 10A from basal(001)reflection of glauconite, indicating the "evolved" character. The K_2O content of glauconites in the Lameta Formation varies from 5.51% to 8.29%, corroborating the "evolved" to "highly-evolved" maturation stage.The TFe_2O_3 content of glauconite varies from 12.56% to 18.90%. The PASS-normalized-REE patterns of glauconite exhibit a "hat-shape" confirming the authigenic origin of glauconites. The slightly-negative to slightly-positive Ce anomaly value and the moderate TFe_2O_3 content of glauconite agree well with a suboxic,estuarine condition. The replacement of K-feldspar by the glauconite contributes towards the high K_2O content. Compositional evolution of glauconites in the Lameta Formation is similar to those observed in many Precambrian sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

以层序地层学及沉积学理论为指导,综合运用测井、录井以及地震资料,将尼日尔Termit盆地上白垩统Madama组划分为一个三级层序(MS),并进一步识别出低位体系域、海侵体系域以及高位体系域。在等时层序地层格架内,识别出前积反射地震相、河道充填反射地震相、平行-亚平行反射地震相以及杂乱反射地震相等四种类型,并识别出辫状河三角洲的沉积相类型。认为层序MS的低位体系域主要发育辫状河三角洲前缘亚相,高位体系域则主要发育辫状河三角洲平原亚相。Madama组整体表现为一个海退的沉积演化过程。  相似文献   

松辽盆地上白垩统青山口组发育含大量介形虫化石的介形虫层,介形虫层的单层厚约5~200cm。介形虫层具有低伽马、高电阻、低声波等测井响应特征。以测井资料识别介形虫层为基础,研究了介形虫层在平面上不同相带及其在纵向高频层序格架下的分布规律,探讨了介形虫群集性死亡的原因。介形虫层平面上主要分布在大庆、龙虎泡—红岗阶地、黑帝庙等环坳带,盆地东部相对不太发育,滨浅湖是介形虫生存的有利环境;纵向上主要分布在青一段上部及青二段。高频层序旋回控制了介形虫的繁殖与死亡,介形虫群集性死亡事件主要发生在基准面下降期间。介形虫的群集性死亡与湖泊面积扩大无关,更与海侵事件无关。基准面下降造成水体变浅、矿化度增高以及砂岩进入滨浅湖可能是导致介形虫群集性死亡的直接原因。  相似文献   

通过大比例尺野外岩性岩相填图、掌子面二维岩性岩相描述和详细岩矿鉴定,研究营城组三段内幕。本区营三段自下而上岩性序列表现为2个中基性到中酸性的火山岩旋回:①下部为石英安山岩、安山岩、安山质集块熔岩、安山质集块岩、安山质角砾岩和安山质角砾凝灰岩,向上过渡为砂质凝灰岩和英安质凝灰熔岩;②上部为玄武安山岩和玄武质集块熔岩,向上过渡为英安岩、珍珠岩、英安岩、英安质凝灰熔岩、英安质沉凝灰岩和英安岩。旋回①岩相纵向序列:溢流相下部亚相、火山通道相火山颈亚相、爆发相空落亚相、火山沉积相再搬运亚相、爆发相热碎屑流亚相。旋回②岩相纵向序列:溢流相上部亚相和下部亚相、火山通道相火山颈亚相、溢流相下部亚相、侵出相内带亚相、溢流相下部亚相、爆发相热碎屑流亚相、火山沉积相再搬运亚相、溢流相下部亚相。营三段火山岩发育于松辽盆地断陷末期,是盆地断陷转为坳陷过程的重要岩石记录。  相似文献   

陆英  孙自明 《古地理学报》2008,10(3):261-270
苏北盆地是在晚白垩世发育起来的箕状断陷盆地。上白垩统泰州组(K2t)为东部凹陷发育初期形成的一套碎屑岩沉积地层,自下而上总体构成由粗到细的沉积旋回。通过对区内52口探井的录井、测井和岩心资料综合分析,认为泰州组主要发育辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲及湖泊相3种沉积相类型,在此基础上又进一步识别出7种亚相和12种微相。泰州组分为两段,泰州组一段沉积早、中期为辫状河三角洲沉积,晚期转变为(曲流河)三角洲沉积;泰州组二段早期为深湖—半深湖沉积,中晚期为浅湖亚相。伴随湖平面的反复升降,表现出明显的多旋回性。研究区泰州组一段表现为典型的退积型三角洲沉积。通过进一步研究泰州组一段各沉积时期沉积相的平面分布及演变特征,指出在梁垛—安丰—李堡一带沉积砂体发育,是油气储集层发育的有利地区。  相似文献   

云南思茅盆地位于特提斯成矿带东南段,上白垩统勐野井组是该区域一套广泛分布的含盐地层,该组内赋存有中国目前唯一的前第四纪固体钾盐矿床。对思茅盆地江城地区勐野井组石膏和黄铁矿样品,利用电子探针和质谱仪进行了主、微量元素和硫同位素分析,结果表明黄铁矿的n(S)/n(Fe)平均值为202,为硫富集型黄铁矿;黄铁矿的w(Co)/w(Ni)值为301~1074,变化范围较大;黄铁矿的δ34SV-CDT值为-836‰~-336‰,平均值为-633‰,而石膏的δ34SV-CDT值为66‰~107‰,平均值为948‰。通过对黄铁矿n(S)/n(Fe)、w(Co)/w(Ni)、硫同位素以及石膏硫同位素进行分析,认为勐野井组石膏层在成岩期后受到了热液蚀变的作用,热液蚀变导致石膏被还原形成S2-,S2-与热液带来的Fe结合形成了粒状黄铁矿。通过对思茅盆地江城地区勐野井组黄铁矿、石膏的成因机制研究得出,受印度板块俯冲活动控制,深部热液对该区上白垩统勐野井组内原生蒸发岩有明显改造作用并有多种金属矿物伴生。思茅盆地晚白垩世以来热液活动频繁,多期次的热液作用对盆地金属成矿有积极影响,对勐野井组钾盐有不利的改造作用,使得原生钾盐发生蚀变,普遍发生重结晶作用。  相似文献   

王长征  胡斌  杨凯 《沉积学报》2014,32(6):1007-1015
豫西潭头盆地上白垩统秋扒组为一套陆相碎屑岩沉积,岩性主要为褐红色厚层状或块状的粉砂质泥岩夹多层不稳定的砾岩、砂砾岩或砂岩.本次工作在该组中发现了丰富的遗迹化石:Palaeophycus tubularis(管状古藻迹)、Beaconites autarcticus(南极似塔形迹)、Planolites ichnosp.1(漫游迹,未定种1)、Planolites ichnosp.2(漫游迹,未定种2)、Scoyenia gracilis(纤细斯柯茵迹)、Skolithos ichnosp.(石针迹,未定种)和Rhizoliths(根迹).根据遗迹化石的产状及其围岩的沉积特征,建立了Beaconites-Scoyenia遗迹组合和Palaeophycus -Rhizoliths遗迹组合,并提出了遗迹化石组合的沉积环境分布模式;基于岩性特征、沉积构造和遗迹化石组成特征的综合分析,划分出五种沉积序列类型.秋扒组形成于冲积扇、扇三角洲和湖泊沉积环境,自下而上经历了从冲积扇到扇三角洲再到湖泊的沉积环境演化过程.  相似文献   

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