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基于MODIS影像的内蒙古草原积雪监测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
光学遥感源MODIS具有高光谱分辨率、高时间分辨率、高空间分辨率、全球范围内免费接收等优势,被广泛应用于洪涝、干旱、森林草原火灾、雪灾等自然灾害的动态监测领域。MODIS数据用于内蒙古草原积雪监测,提取积雪信息在国内尚属空白。本文利用MODIS L1B 500m分辨率数据,经过几何校正、去"双眼皮"预处理,根据归一化差分积雪指数(NDSI)算法和综合阈值判别法对内蒙古自治区2008年1月下旬大范围降雪进行积雪信息提取,制作积雪覆盖图。利用内蒙古生态与农业气象中心发布的雪情遥感监测信息验证积雪覆盖图的准确度。验证结果表明,MODIS数据用于大范围积雪监测非常有效。 相似文献
沙尘是全球气溶胶系统的主要特征之一,其对地表辐射收支平衡具有显著影响。在过去的几年中,卫星遥感技术已被广泛应用于空气质量监测。本文整理了不同传感器在该领域中的应用,并分析提出了新的理论和方法。文中提供了一份国内外对雾霾监测研究的简要概述,并有针对性地评估了各种方法和经典指数。最后提出一些观点和建议,希望提高遥感在探测全球沙尘暴事件中所起到的作用。 相似文献
本文研究了FY-1BVHRSR的三个可见光通道和一个近红外通道监测1991年夏天中国江淮地区洪水的能力。分析该区域不同水体的各个通道的光谱状况表明,VHRSR第二通道区别水、陆(植被)边界十分显著,VHRSR第一通道有感应洪水泥沙含量信息的能力,VHRSR的第三、四通道(海洋通道)则可以获得水深信息。文中针对FY-1B的波段的特点设计了几种信息增强方法,从而有效地识别出水陆边界,计算了洪水深度及洪水浑浊度的相对等级,精确地统计出洪水的面积。结果表明FY-1B在洪水监测中大有潜力。 相似文献
海冰表面积雪厚度是冰冻圈和全球气候系统的重要组成部分,在海洋、海冰和大气的能量传输中起着关键的作用。针对目前缺乏南极海冰表面积雪厚度国产卫星遥感数据产品的问题,本文探索应用FY-3BMWRI被动微波亮温数据开展南极海冰表面积雪厚度的遥感反演研究。结果表明基于2016年FY-3BMWRI18.7GHz、36.5GHz垂直极化亮温及海冰密集度数据,采用Comiso03模型反演的积雪厚度结果较Markus98更好,与AWI2016年部署在威德尔海的浮标(2016S31、2016S37、2016S40)观测的积雪厚度同日同像元对比的偏差为-1.72cm。FY-3BMWRI反演的2016年南极海冰表面积雪厚度与美国雪冰数据中心发布的GCOM-W1AMSR-2积雪厚度产品整体上具有较好的一致性(时空平均偏差为-0.11cm、相关系数为0.90),积累期和稳定期(4—10月)两者差异较小(时空平均偏差为-0.81cm,相关系数为0.93),消融期(11月—次年3月)差异较大(时空平均偏差为2.76cm,相关系数为0.85),差异主要分布在威德尔海北部和东南极冰边缘区。开展FY-3BMWRI南极海冰表面积雪厚度遥感反演研究可为应用国产卫星数据开展业务化极地冰雪环境动态监测、评估南极海冰变化及其全球效应提供科学数据和技术支撑。 相似文献
本文根据1978—1987年OSL的可见光影像及地面台站积雪记录,评价了NASA的用微波亮温反演积雪深度的算式。还根据DEM资料,用GIS技术把中国西部分成高山、高原、低山、丘陵及盆地五个单元,分别求得各区域订正算式,并以此计算了中国西部1978—1987年各季的平均雪盖率与雪量及它们的年际变化,为本区积雪影响东亚气候研究,提供了可靠基础资料。 相似文献
基于遥感技术的厦门市植被覆盖变化监测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以厦门市为研究区域,以2000年的Landsat 7和2013年的Landsat 8为研究数据,利用ENVI软件分析了2000年和2013年厦门市植被覆盖变化情况。 相似文献
基于高分遥感数据的地表覆盖专题监测研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
董仲奎 《测绘与空间地理信息》2016,(12):58-59
为推动高分遥感数据在地理国情地表覆盖专题监测工作中的应用,研究了基于高分遥感数据开展地理国情地表覆盖专题监测的技术路线和数据处理与分析方法,探讨了专题监测系统的模块和功能设置,以期为地理国情地表覆盖专题监测工作提供参考。 相似文献
世界卫星海洋遥感三十年 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
全面扼要地介绍30a来世界卫星海洋遥感所取得的主要成就及主要海洋卫星探测器的技术性能,重点介绍海洋遥感——海洋水色、海面地形、海面风场以及波浪、溢油和海冰监测等方面的技术进步和应用研究进展。 相似文献
Mengmeng Wang Natarajan Ishwaran Tianhua Hong Andy Bell Zhaoming Zhang 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2020,13(3):393-409
ABSTRACTEast Rennell of Solomon Island is the first natural site under customary law to be inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Potential threats due to logging, mining and agriculture led to the site being declared a World Heritage in Danger in 2013. For East Rennell World Heritage Site (ERWHS) to ‘shed’ its ‘Danger’ status the management must monitor forest cover both within and outside of ERWHS. We used satellite data from multiple sources to track forest cover changes for the entire East Rennell island since 1998. 95% of the island is still covered by undisturbed forests; annual average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for the whole island was above 0.91 in 2015. However, vegetation cover in the island has been slowly decreasing, at a rate of –0.0011 NDVI per year between 2000 and 2015. This decrease less pronounced inside ERWHS compared to areas outside. While potential threats due to forest clearing outside ERWHS remain the forest cover change from 2000 to 2015 has been below 15%. We suggest ways in which the Government of Solomon Islands could use our data as well as unmanned air vehicles and field surveys to monitor forest cover change and ensure the future conservation of ERWHS. 相似文献
Modelling for prediction of global deforestation based on the growth of human population 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Deforestation due to ever-increasing activities of the growing human population has been an issue of major concern for the global environment. It has been especially serious in the last several decades in the developing countries. A population-deforestation model has been developed by the authors to relate the population density with the cumulative forest loss, which is defined and computed as the total forest loss until 1990 since prior to human civilisation. NOAA-AVHRR-based land cover map and the FAO forest statistics have been used for 1990 land cover. A simulated land cover map, based on climatic data, is used for computing the natural land cover before the human impacts. With the 1990 land cover map as base and using the projected population growth, predictions are then made for deforestation until 2025 and 2050 in both spatial and statistical forms. 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(1):22-49
Abstract Global land cover is one of the fundamental contents of Digital Earth. The Global Mapping project coordinated by the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping has produced a 1-km global land cover dataset – Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organizations. It has 20 land cover classes defined using the Land Cover Classification System. Of them, 14 classes were derived using supervised classification. The remaining six were classified independently: urban, tree open, mangrove, wetland, snow/ice, and water. Primary source data of this land cover mapping were eight periods of 16-day composite 7-band 1-km MODIS data of 2003. Training data for supervised classification were collected using Landsat images, MODIS NDVI seasonal change patterns, Google Earth, Virtual Earth, existing regional maps, and expert's comments. The overall accuracy is 76.5% and the overall accuracy with the weight of the mapped area coverage is 81.2%. The data are available from the Global Mapping project website (http://www.iscgm.org/). The MODIS data used, land cover training data, and a list of existing regional maps are also available from the CEReS website. This mapping attempt demonstrates that training/validation data accumulation from different mapping projects must be promoted to support future global land cover mapping. 相似文献
遥感技术在我国土地利用/覆盖变化中的应用 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
介绍了遥感技术的发展与现状及其在我国土地利用/覆盖变化中的应用,说明了遥感技术在土地资源管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 相似文献
In high-altitude areas, snow cover plays a significant role in mountainous hydrology. Satluj, which is a snow-fed river, is a part of the Indus River system in the western Himalayas. Snow cover area (SCA) variability in this river basin affects the spatio-temporal flow availability and avalanche events. Keeping this in mind, the present study focuses on SCA variability and its relationship with various topographical features such as elevation, slope and aspect. The study has been carried out in the upper part of the Satluj River Basin on the basis of MODIS Terra (MOD10A2) data from 2001 to 2014. It has been noticed that the average annual SCA in this part of the Satluj River Basin varies from 44 to 56% with an average of about 48% of the total basin area of 16, 650 km2. Further, snow accumulation and depletion curves have been suggested for assessing the SCA in the study area. 相似文献