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Landslides are increasing since the 1980s in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China. This is due to the increase of the frequency and intensity of precipitation caused by complex geological structures, the presence of steep landforms, seasonal heavy rainfall, and the intensifcation of human activities. In this study, we propose a landslide prediction model based on the analysis of intraday rainfall (IR) and antecedent effective rainfall (AER). Primarily, the number of days and degressive index of the antecedent effective rainfall which affected landslide occurrences in the areas around Qin Mountains, Li Mountains and Loess Tableland was established. Secondly, the antecedent effective rainfall and intraday rainfall were calculated from weather data which were used to construct critical thresholds for the 10%, 50% and 90% probabilities for future landslide occurrences in Qin Mountain, Li Mountain and Loess Tableland. Finally, the regions corresponding to different warning levels were identified based on the relationship between precipitation and the threshold, that is; “A” region is safe, “B” region is on watch alert, “C” region is on warning alert and “D” region is on severe warning alert. Using this model, a warning program is proposed which can predict rainfall-induced landslides by means of real-time rain gauge data and real-time geo-hazard alert and disaster response programs. Sixteen rain gauges were installed in the Xi’an region by keeping in accordance with the regional geology and landslide risks. Based on the data from gauges, this model accurately achieves the objectives of conducting real-time monitoring as well as providing early warnings of landslides in the Xi’an region.  相似文献   

Applicability and prospect of China’s development zone model in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Development zones have been an important spatial approach to promoting economic development since China's reform and opening-up. They have also been major contributors to the processes of China's industrialization and urbanization. Along with improvements in the worldwide industrial division of labor and the gradual implementation of China's development zones' Go Global strategy, it is necessary for Africa, a hot spot of global industrialization in recent years, to learn from China's development zone model. By attracting China's capital, technology and enterprises to Africa via Sino-African co-built development zones, a pattern of high complementarity and mutual development between China and Africa can be formed which does favor further improvement of the global industrial division of labor. In order to study the applicability and prospect of China's development zone model in Africa as per the above-mentioned international situation, this paper first sorts out the development course of China's development zones and discusses their roles in China's industrialization and urbanization. Subsequently, this paper analyzes the status quo of industrial development in Africa as a whole and the differences in industrial development between China and Africa, aiming to justify the timing of industrial transfer from China to Africa by constructing Sino-African co-built development zones. Lastly, this paper analyzes the current situation of six Sino-African co-built development zones by focusing on their operation modes, industry types and investment promotion models. In the authors' view, Sino-African co-built development zones can function as a new window of China-African cooperation, a new carrier of African industrialization, and a new engine of global industrial restructuring. China should adhere to the general principles of ‘Sino-African Integration, Multi-Cooperation, Mutual Benefit, Scientific Location, Systematic Planning, Cluster Growth and Open Development' in the planning and construction of development zones in Africa, effectively promoting Africa as the very important part of the global industry system.  相似文献   

The Bering Sea circulation is derived as a variational inverse of hydrographic profiles( temperature and salinity) , atmospheric climatologies and historical observation of ocean curents. The important result of this study is estimate of the mean climatological sea surface height (SSH) that can be used as a reference for satellite altimetry sea level anomaly data in the Bering Sea region. Numerical experiments reveal that, when combined with satellite altimetry, the obtained reference SSH effectively constrains a realistic reconstruction of the Amukta Pass circulation.  相似文献   

Based on seismic and drilling data, we calculated tectonic subsidence amounts and rates of the Wan’an Basin by backstripping. The genetic mechanism and syn-rifting process of the basin were analyzed in combination with the regional geological setting. The results reveal that the basin syn-rifted in the Eocene and early Miocene under the control of the dextral strike-slip Wan’an Fault Zone. The transtensional/extentional stresses along this fault zone may be attributed to seafloor spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) in multiple episodes. Extensive basal faults and some small initial rifts in the early Paleogene can be related to southeastward extrusion and clockwise rotation of the Indochina Block. During the Oligocene, the nearly N-S directed spreading of the SCS derived the transtensional stresses in a roughly NW-SE orientation. The basin subsided rapidly in the middle and north to form two major subsidence centers. In the early Miocene, the SCS spread again in a nearly NW-SE direction, resulting in rapid subsidence in the southern basin continuous extending until the period ~16.3 Ma.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Ovarian development of female crustaceans is under the direct regulations of two neurohormones: gonad-inhibiting hormone (GIH) secreted by optic ganglia and gonad-stimulating hormone (GSH) se- creted by brain and thoracic ganglia (Fingerman…  相似文献   

Studies on secondary production lead to a better understanding of the functions of the macrobenthic ecosystem.Based on the macrobenthic data obtained at 6 sampling stations from April 2006 to January 2007,Brey's(1990)empirical formula was applied to calculate the secondary production of macrobenthos in the mangrove area of Tong'an Bay.The results showed that the mean annual secondary production of macrobenthos was 13.24gAFDW.m-2·a-1 The mean secondary production in the mangrove habitat was 12.22gAFDW.m-2·a-1,lower than that in the non-mangrove habitat,which was 15.29gAFDW.m-2·a-1.Two possible reasons existed for this difference.First,mollusk and crustacean,which contribute more to the secondary production,probably benefit from longer inundation period in the non-mangrove habitat.Second,the higher organic matter in the mangrove habitat results in hypoxia in the bottom sediment,which may decrease the secondary production.The annual mean production-to-biomass(P/B)ratio in Tong'an Bay was 1.17,with a ratio of 1.27 in the mangrove habitat and 0.96 in the non-mangrove habitat,which was coincident with the much higher density of Limnodriloides sp.and Corophium sp.in the mangrove habitat than in the non-mangrove habitat.The maximum secondary production and P/B ratio of macrobenthos both appeared at sampling station FL2 in April,2006(namely April-FL2)with values of 31.38gAFDW.m-2·a-1 and 2.20,respectively.The macrobenthic secondary production in Tong'an Bay is lower than those in other intertidal studies except that in Haitan Strait,the reason being the different sediment properties.The P/B ratio in Tong'an Bay was the lowest due to the high proportion of crustaceans in the macrobenthic community.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of ‘initial’ soil moisture (SM) in arid and semi-arid Northwestern China on subsequent climate were investigated with a regional climate model. Besides the control simulations (denoted as CTL), a series of sensitivity experiments were conducted, including the DRY and WET experiments, in which the simulated ‘initial’ SM over the region 30–50°N, 75–105°E was only 5% and 50%, and up to 150% and 200% of the simulated value in the CTL, respectively. The results show that SM change can modify the subsequent climate in not only the SM-change region proper but also the far downstream regions in Eastern and even Northeastern China. The SM-change effects are generally more prominent in the WET than in the DRY experiments. After the SM is initially increased, the SM in the SM-change region is always higher than that in the CTL, the latent (sensible) heat flux there increases (decreases), and the surface air temperature decreases. Spatially, the most prominent changes in the WET experiments are surface air temperature decrease, geopotential height decrease and corresponding abnormal changes of cyclonic wind vectors at the mid-upper troposphere levels. Generally opposite effects exist in the DRY experiments but with much weaker intensity. In addition, the differences between the results obtained from the two sets of sensitivity experiments and those of the CTL are not always consistent with the variation of the initial SM. Being different from the variation of temperature, the rainfall modifications caused by initial SM change are not so distinct and in fact they show some common features in the WET and DRY experiments. This might imply that SM is only one of the factors that impact the subsequent climate, and its effect is involved in complex processes within the atmosphere, which needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) is a commercially important fish in China and an ideal aquaculture species. However, culturists experience high larval and juvenile mortality during mass production. To provide insight into ways to improve larviculture techniques, we describe the morphological characteristics and behavior of loach during the larval and early juvenile stages. Yolksae larvae ranged from 2.8 to 4.0 mm body length (BL) between days 0 to 4; preflexion larvae ranged from 3.6 to 5.5 mm BL between days 4 to 6; flexion larvae ranged from 4.8 to 8.1 mm BL between days 5 and 14; and post-flexion larvae ranged from 7. l to 15.7 mm BL between days 11 to 27; the minimum length and age of juveniles was 14.1 mm BL and 23 d, respectively. Loach are demersal from hatch through to the early juvenile stages. A suite of morphological characteristics (e.g., external gill filament and ventral mouth opening) and behavioral traits have developed to adapt to demersal living. We observed positive allometric growth in eye diameter, head length, head height, and pectoral fin length during the early larval stages, reflecting the priorities in the development of the organs essential for survival. Our results provide a basis for developing techniques to improve the survival of larval and juvenile loach during mass production.  相似文献   

Six new chrysophycean stomatocysts ornamented with reticulum were illustrated based on SEM observation. They were described following the guidelines of the International Statospore Working Group (ISWG). All samples were collected from the Great Xing’an Mountains, China. Their taxonomic characteristics and habitats were described to provide new information on the biodiversity of chrysophycean stomatocysts. As is common with many morphotypes, their biological affinities remain unknown.  相似文献   

Engineering construction has major influence on the permafrost environment.This paper analyzes the interaction between engineering construction and permafrost environment along the Chaidaer-Muli Railway(simply,CMR) based on the press-state-response(PSR) framework.The permafrost environmental system is divided into three subsystems,consisting of permafrost thermal stability,proneness to the freeze-thawing erosion and permafrost ecological fragility.Each subsystem considers its most important influencing factors.Catastrophe Progression Method(CPM) is applied to calculate the current environment condition along the railway.The result indicates that:(1) as far as the thermal stability is concerned,most sections along the CMR are mainly concentrated in rank Ⅲ(fair situation),and a few in Ⅱ(good situation) and Ⅳ(bad situation),respectively;(2) for the proneness tothe freeze-thawing erosion,the entire railway route falls largely in rank Ⅱ(good situation);(3) along the CMR,the ecological fragility of the permafrost environment is in rank Ⅱ(good situation),or slightly fragile;(4) overall,the permafrost environments along the CMR are in rank Ⅲ(fair situation) or Ⅱcondition(good situation).In general,the permafrost environment along the CMR is fair.It is mainly because a series of active measures of protecting permafrost were taken for stabilizing the CMR foundation soils.On the one hand,we should try our best to minimize the influences that engineering activities have exerted on ecology and environment,on the other hand,the positive measures have made improvements to prevent the permafrost environment from deterioration.  相似文献   

The páramo of the Northern Andes provide critically important ecosystem services to the Northern Andean region in the form of water provisioning and carbon sequestration, both of which are a result of the páramo?s organic-rich soils. Little is known, however, about the hydro-geomorphic characteristics of the rivers that drain these ecosystems. With impending plans for widespread hydro-development and increasing implementation of carbon-sequestering compensation for ecosystem services programs in the region it is imperative that we develop a thorough understanding of the hydrogeomorphic role that rivers play in this unique ecosystem. The objective of this study was to quantify bank erosion along an Amazonian headwater stream draining a small, relatively undisturbed páramo catchment to gain a better understanding of the natural erosion regime and the resulting sediment contributions from this unique ecosystem. This study implemented a combination of field, laboratory, and Geographic Information Systems techniques to quantify bank erosion rates and determine a bank erosion sediment yield from the Ningar River, a small páramo catchment(22.7 km~2) located in the eastern Andean cordillera of Ecuador. Results show that bank erosion rates range from 3.0 to ≥ 390.0 mm/yr, are highly episodic, and yield at least 487 tons of sediment annually to the Ningar River. These results imply that 1) páramo ecosystems substantially contribute to the sediment load of the Amazon River basin; 2) bank erosion is a potentially significant flux component of basin-scale carbon cycles in páramo ecosystems; and 3) hydrologic alteration campaigns(dam building) will likely critically alter these contributions and concomitantly disconnect a critical source of sediment and nutrients to downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

The continuous development of agricultural technologies and produces trade and updated state reforms strongly shape the dominant organizing styles of local agriculture production. Since the end of the 1970s, rural China has witnessed a drastic agriculture transformation featured by de-collectivization, and recently in Taicang, a developed city in the eastern China, a kind of new cooperative farms have replaced the smallholders by pooling households’ contracted farmland, signaling a new shift ten...  相似文献   

Butterflies are widely studied due to their key ecosystem functions.For this reason,they are used in ecosystem assessment,formulating conservation plans and in raising the environmental awareness.Quantification of different factors affecting diversity of butterflies is important for their effective conservation.In this study,we investigated abiotic and biotic factors affecting species richness and community composition of butterflies along an elevational gradient in Manang region,central Nepal.We also tested if butterfly species follow the Bergmann’s rule.A total of 57 butterfly species belonging to 39 genera and 8 families were recorded in the study area.Out of a total of 127 plant species identified in the study region,only 67 plant species were visited by butterflies as nectar sources.Species richness of butterflies increased with increasing elevation.Species richness was significantly higher in places with shrubs compared to other places and also in autumn than in summer.Species richness of butterflies also depended on composition of plant species occurring at the localities.Butterfly species composition varied among sampling localities.It was also determined by habitat type,elevation,sampling time,plant species and interactions of elevation×time.The relationship between butterfly size and elevation was in the opposite direction than expected according to the Bergmann’s rule.In conclusion,protection of butterfly diversity can only be achieved by protecting different habitats across the diverse physiography of the region and different plant species,in particular herbs and shrubs.Our results do not support the Bergmann’s rule for butterflies along an elevational gradient in our region.  相似文献   

Based on the principle of conservative matter removal in estuary,a new method is proposed for estimating the ratio of sediment resuspension in estuaries with fine suspended sediments in the turbidity maximum zone(TMZ) of the Changjiang(Yangtze) estuary during 2005.Results show that there was a range of 18.7%±27.9% to 73.9%±22.5% per annum of total suspended particulate matter(SPM),with an average of 49.2%.Nearly half of the particulate matter in the TMZ originates from sediment resuspension.This indicates that sediment resuspension is one of the major mechanisms involved in formation of the TMZ.Compared with traditional method for calculating these ratios in the estuary,this new method evaluates the dynamic variation of SPM content carried by river runoff from the river mouth to the ocean.The new method produced more reliable results than the traditional one and could produce a better estimation of resuspension flux for particulate matter in estuaries.  相似文献   

The Himalaya represents a vast mountain system and globally valued for its significant role in regulation of global as well as regional climate that has direct impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services crucial for sustenance of millions of people in Himalaya and adjoining areas. However, mountain regions worldwide are impacted by climate change and at the same time represent distinctive area for the assessment of climate related impacts. Climate change impacts in Himalayan region have its implications on food production, natural ecosystems, retreat of glacier, water supply, human and animal health and overall human well being. The livelihood and food security of the people inhabited in region largely depend on climate sensitive sectors i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry and their interlinkages with each other, and has the potential to break down food and nutritional security as well as livelihood support systems. People’s perception and understanding of climate can be an important asset when it comes to adaptation to climate change impact; however it is not taken into consideration for the development of policy design and implementation of modern mitigation and adaptation strategies by governments and other civil society organizations. The knowledge of local people and farming communities for rural landscape management and sustainable use of bioresources is gaining credence as a key strategy to cope up with the climate change. Therefore, the present study analyzes the indigenous knowledge of local people and their perceptions on climate change, and also documented adaptation approaches at local level in mountain ecosystem of western Himalaya. The study could be useful to policy makers to design appropriate adaptation strategies to cope up with the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

As a matter of expediency, most existing corporate-based urban networks can only be quantitatively measured by either counting the number of linkages or calculating the product of estimated service values. However, the impreciseness arising due to the limits of quantitative analysis may prove fatal to studies about non-market economies like China. Employing the capital investment dataset as an example, we build a capital-weighted intervention network as well as an unweighted control network to carry out an examination of the quantitative validity in China’s corporate-based urban network analysis. Both the overall spatial pattern and top city-dyads within the capital-weighted network witness Beijing, as the most dominant city, overshadow the performance of the others, and the unweighted network shows multilateral interactions between China’s top cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. To further interpret the noticeable differences, we divide the overall network into two subnetworks, inferred by focusing on state-owned enterprises(SOEs) and private enterprises. The results show that the public and private sectors have separately created vastly different subnetworks in China and that SOEs play a much more significant role in terms of capital. Besides fresh insights into China’s urban network, this study provides a cautionary tale reminding researchers of the essentiality and complexity when making a quantitative distinction between different linkages.  相似文献   

Land cover classification (LCC) in arid regions is of great significance to the assessment, prediction, and management of land desertification. Some studies have shown that the red-edge band of RapidEye images was effective for vegetation identification and could improve LCC accuracy. However, there has been no investigation of the effects of RapidEye images’ red-edge band and vegetation indices on LCC in arid regions where there are spectrally similar land covers mixed with very high or low vegetation coverage information and bare land. This study focused on a typical inland arid desert region located in Dunhuang Basin of northwestern China. First, five feature sets including or excluding the red-edge band and vegetation indices were constructed. Then, a land cover classification system involving plant communities was developed. Finally, random forest algorithm-based models with different feature sets were utilized for LCC. The conclusions drawn were as follows: 1) the red-edge band showed slight contribution to LCC accuracy; 2) vegetation indices had a significant positive effect on LCC; 3) simultaneous addition of the red-edge band and vegetation indices achieved a significant overall accuracy improvement (3.46% from 86.67%). In general, vegetation indices had larger effect than the red-edge band, and simultaneous addition of them significantly increased the accuracy of LCC in arid regions.  相似文献   

This study aimed at gaining an understanding of the formation of residents’ Environmental Conservation Behaviour (ECB) to promote sustainable tourism development in Chinese mountain areas. In particular, a theoretical framework was constructed by merging residents’ mountain attachment and their environmental values, and awareness of environmental consequences based on the Cognition Behaviour Theory. This research sampled 642 residents with convenience sampling method in Jiuzhaigou and Mount Qingcheng, and structural equation modelling analysis was conducted to identify the relationships among the above variables. Results verified that mountain attachment affected people’s awareness of environmental consequences, which then affected their ECB. Environmental values and mountain attachment directly and positively influenced ECB. Moreover, awareness of environmental consequences played the most prominent role in predicting ECB among all the predictors in this study. In all, this study derived several significant implications which can not only contribute to environmental management policies in tourism field but also help to improve the levels of the antecedents of residents’ ECB and promote sustainable tourism development in Chinese mountain areas.  相似文献   

This study is the first to describe and illustrate the dinoflagellate genus Dicroerisma in the open Pacific Sea and in the southern hemisphere. Eleven individuals ascribed to Dicroerisma psilonereiella were encountered in subsurface waters (〉70 m depth) from 34°N to 33°S. Another specimen that differs from the type is also illustrated. These findings reveal that Dicroerisma is a widespread genus and that there is tentative existence of another species within the genus.  相似文献   

The reasonable development and utilization of mountainous regions closely relates to local economic development and ecological security. The wine production region in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains in Ningxia, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with its excellent terroir, is emerging as one of China’s three major geographical attractions. Based on surveys of tourism resources and spatial analysis for this wine producing region, we propose a highly representative and practicable path for wine tourism development. Based on China’s national standard in Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources (GB/T 18972-2003), which recommended the types and grades of tourism resources in one area, we conduct an analysis of resource characteristics and the current state of development. Using ArcGIS software, spatial autocorrelation analysis, average nearest neighbor analysis, as well as clustering and outlier analysis, we are able to derive the spatial distribution characteristics of tourism resources. Our survey showed that tourism resources in this area are relatively abundant and have good quality and clear combination advantages. Nonetheless, there are resources shortage for wine tourism and poor integration of wine production with the tourism industry. Regarding the spatial distribution of resources, we revealed the current states of and issues surrounding regions with concentrated resources, as well as characteristics of this clustering. Finally, we proposed a development path for wine tourism in this region based on the five dimensions of management mode, industrial path, product development, spatial optimization, and market development.  相似文献   

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