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The Palaeoproterozoic Frere Formation (ca 1.89 Gyr old) of the Earaheedy Basin, Western Australia, is a ca 600 m thick succession of iron formation and fine‐grained, clastic sedimentary rocks that accumulated on an unrimmed continental margin with oceanic upwelling. Lithofacies stacking patterns suggest that deposition occurred during a marine transgression punctuated by higher frequency relative sea‐level fluctuations that produced five parasequences. Decametre‐scale parasequences are defined by flooding surfaces overlain by either laminated magnetite or magnetite‐bearing, hummocky cross‐stratified sandstone that grades upward into interbedded hematite‐rich mudstone and trough cross‐stratified granular iron formation. Each aggradational cycle is interpreted to record progradation of intertidal and tidal channel sediments over shallow subtidal and storm‐generated deposits of the middle shelf. The presence of aeolian deposits, mud cracks and absence of coarse clastics indicate deposition along an arid coastline with significant wind‐blown sediment input. Iron formation in the Frere Formation, in contrast to most other Palaeoproterozoic examples, was deposited almost exclusively in peritidal environments. These other continental margin iron formations also reflect upwelling of anoxic, Fe‐rich sea water, but accumulated in the full spectrum of shelf environments. Dilution by fine‐grained, windblown terrigenous clastic sediment probably prevented the Frere iron formation from forming in deeper settings. Lithofacies associations and interpreted paragenetic pathways of Fe‐rich lithofacies further suggest precipitation in sea water with a prominent oxygen chemocline. Although essentially unmetamorphosed, the complex diagenetic history of the Frere Formation demonstrates that understanding the alteration of iron formation is a prerequisite for any investigation seeking to interpret ocean‐atmosphere evolution. Unlike studies that focus exclusively on their chemistry, an approach that also considers palaeoenvironment and oceanography, as well the effects of post‐depositional fluid flow and alteration, mitigates the potential for incorrectly interpreting geochemical data.  相似文献   

Five genetic facies associations/architectural elements are recognised for the epeiric sea deposits preserved in the Early Proterozoic Timeball Hill Formation, South Africa. Basal carbonaceous mudrocks, interpreted as anoxic suspension deposits, grade up into sheet-like, laminated, graded mudrocks and succeeding sheets of laminated and cross-laminated siltstones and fine-grained sandstones. The latter two architectural elements are compatible with the Te, Td and Tc subdivisions of low-density turbidity current systems. Thin interbeds of stromatolitic carbonate within these first three facies associations support photic water depths up to about 100 m. Laterally extensive sheets of mature, cross-bedded sandstone disconformably overlie the turbidite deposits, and are ascribed to lower tidal flat processes. Interbedded lenticular, immature sandstones and mudrocks comprise the fifth architectural element, and are interpreted as medial to upper tidal flat sediments. Small lenses of coarse siltstone–very fine-grained sandstone, analogous to modern continental rise contourite deposits, occur within the suspension and distal turbidite sediments, and also form local wedges of inferred contourites at the transition from suspension to lowermost turbidite deposits. Blanketing and progressive shallowing of the floor of the Timeball Hill basin by basal suspension deposits greatly reduced wave action, thereby promoting preservation of low-density turbidity current deposits across the basin under stillstand or highstand conditions. A lowstand tidal flat facies tract laid down widespread sandy deposits of the medial Klapperkop Member within the formation. Salinity gradients and contemporaneous cold periglacial water masses were probably responsible for formation of the inferred contourites. The combination of the depositional systems interpreted for the Timeball Hill Formation may provide a provisional model for Early Proterozoic epeiric basin settings.  相似文献   

The basal unit of the Amadeus Basin sequence is the Heavitree Quartzite, and this formation usually forms a single east‐west ridge along the northern side of the MacDonnell Ranges. However, at Alice Springs there are two such ridges. Basement rocks crop out on the northern side of each ridge, and dolomite and shale of the Bitter Springs Formation crop out on their southern sides. The northern outcrop of dolomite and shale is tightly folded, and is separated from the southern outcrop of basement by a major fault. The bedding of the sediments, the axial plane of the fold, and the fault all dip south at about 45°. Inverted facings on parasitic folds indicate that the northern outcrop of quartzite and dolomite plus shale is an antiform in inverted rocks. Hence the southern outcrop of basement and quartzite is synformal, and is interpreted as the frontal part of a fold nappe. The nappe started as a recumbent anticline whose middle limb of quartzite sheared out as the anticline travelled several kilometres southwards relative to the dolomite and shale below, which formed a tight recumbent syncline. Later monoclinal uplift of the northern half of the area tilted the nappe into its present south‐dipping attitude, thus converting the recumbent anticline into a synform and the recumbent syncline into an antiform.  相似文献   

The late Proterozoic Adelaide Geosyncline, along with overlying Cambrian strata, comprises a thick sequence of sediments and sparse volcanics which accumulated in a major rift and passive margin setting. During late syn-rift or early post-rift phases, large volumes of terrigenous and carbonate sediments of the late Proterozoic Umberatana and Wilpena Groups and Cambrian Hawker Group filled the rift. Submarine canyon development was related to at least four of these depositional cycles, the most notable of which resulted in incision and subsequent filling of the major (several kilometres in width and up to 1.5 km deep) submarine canyons by the Wonoka Formation. The Wonoka Formation canyons are not obviously fault controlled. They are interpreted to have been eroded by turbidity currents during a relative low-stand of sea-level. They were subsequently filled by a fining-upwards suite of sediments which reflects subsequent relative rise of sea-level and carbonate platform development. Ultimately the canyon complex was buried by north-westerly progradation of overlying fluvial and slope sequences (Billy Springs Beds and possibly correlative upper Pound Subgroup). It is considered likely that more distal elements of this prograding clastic wedge provided the necessary material for canyon erosion, prior to canyon filling and ultimate burial by what may have been elements of the same depositional cycle. It is considered possible that the series of isolated outcrops of canyon cross-sections within the Wonoka Formation are sections of a single canyon thalweg developed within a considerably broader zone of slope degradation. If this interpretation is correct, then the gorge-like Patsy Springs Canyon lies in more proximal regions of the basin-slope, whereas 40 km to the north-east the lower slope is cut by the Fortress Hill Canyon Complex. Palaeocurrent analyses of channel-fill turbidites within the canyons imply that the Fortress Hill Complex is in fact the outcropping western edge of a sinuous, incised canyon thalweg. The Wonoka Formation canyons, containing basal sedimentary breccias but only minor conglomerates, are considered typical of passive margin canyon development. They are contrasted with the generally highly conglomeratic channel-fills observed in outcropping Tertiary and Cretaceous examples of active margin canyons and upper fan valleys.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of late‐glacial and post‐glacial deposition for the late‐Neogene sedimentary succession of the Archipelago Sea in the northern Baltic Sea. Four genetically related facies associations are described: (i) an ice‐proximal, acoustically stratified draped unit of glaciolacustrine rhythmites; (ii) an onlapping basin‐fill unit of rotated rhythmite clasts in an acoustically transparent to chaotic matrix interpreted as debris‐flow deposits; (iii) an ice‐distal, acoustically stratified to transparent, draped unit of post‐glacial lacustrine, weakly laminated to homogeneous deposits; and (iv) an acoustically stratified to transparent unit of brackish‐water, organic‐rich sediment drifts. The debris‐flow deposits of the unit 2 pass laterally into slide scars that truncate the unit 1; they are interpreted to result from a time interval of intense seismic activity due to bedrock stress release shortly after deglaciation of the area. Ice‐berg scouring and gravitational failure of oversteepened depositional slopes may also have contributed to the debris‐flow deposition. Comparisons to other late‐Neogene glaciated basins, such as the Hudson Bay or glacial lakes formed along the Laurentide ice sheet, suggest that the Archipelago Sea succession may record development typical for the deglaciation phase of large, low relief, epicontinental basins. The Carboniferous–Permian glacigenic Dwyka Formation in South Africa may provide an ancient analogue for the studied succession. Chronological control for the studied sediments is provided by the independent palaeomagnetic and AMS‐14C dating methods. In order to facilitate dating of the organic‐poor early post‐glacial deposits of the northern Baltic Sea, the 10 000 year long Lake Nautajärvi palaeomagnetic reference chronology ( Ojala & Saarinen, 2002 ) is extended by 1200 years.  相似文献   

Hyperpycnal currents are river‐derived turbidity currents capable of transporting significant volumes of sediment from the shoreline onto the shelf and potentially further to deep ocean basins. However, their capacity to deposit sand bodies on the continental shelf is poorly understood. Shelf hyperpycnites remain an overlooked depositional element in source to sink systems, primarily due to their limited recognition in the rock record. Recent discoveries of modern shelf hyperpycnites, and previous work describing hyperpycnites deposited in slope or deep‐water settings, provide a valuable framework for understanding and recognizing shelf hyperpycnites in the rock record. This article describes well‐sorted lobate sand bodies on the continental shelf of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, interpreted to have been deposited by hyperpycnal currents. These hyperpycnites of the Jurassic Lajas Formation are characterized by well‐sorted, medium‐grained, parallel‐laminated sandstones with hundreds of metre extensive, decimetre thick beds encased by organic‐rich, thinly laminated sandstone and siltstone. These deposits represent slightly obliquely‐migrating sand lobes fed by small rivers and deposited on the continental shelf. Hyperpycnites of the Lajas Formation highlight several unique characteristics of hyperpycnal deposits, including their distinctively thick horizontal laminae attributed to pulsing of the hyperpycnal currents, the extraction of coarse gravel due to low flow competence, and the extraction of mud due to lofting of light interstitial fluid. Recognition of shelf hyperpycnites in the Lajas Formation of the Neuquén Basin allows for a broader understanding of shelf processes and adds to the developing facies models of hyperpycnites. Recognizing and understanding the geometry and internal architecture of shelf hyperpycnites will improve current understanding of sediment transfer from rivers to deeper water, will improve palaeoenvironmental interpretations of sediment gravity‐flow deposits, and has implications for modelling potentially high‐quality hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

During the late Miocene the Mediterranean experienced a dramatic intensification of opaline accumulation, recorded by the deposition of diatomaceous sediments. The fine lamination of these deposits potentially records annual to sub-annual palaeoceanographic processes that occurred during a critical phase of the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean basin, which eventually led to the Messinian salinity crisis. The diatomaceous facies has been interpreted by previous researchers as the product of intensified upwelling currents and of bottom anoxia formation in the Mediterranean basin. However, until now, no efforts have been made to unravel the sedimentological and micropalaeontological content of these deposits at the lamina-scale. This paper presents the first case study of a systematic scanning electron microscope-based morphological investigation of the diatomaceous sediments deposited during the late Miocene at the northernmost offshoot of the Mediterranean basin (Piedmont Basin, north-west Italy). Using a non-invasive analytical approach, six faciological components (laminae, laminated packets, non-laminated intervals, burrows, opal-rich aggregates and mixed pelletal structures) and their relationships are described and interpreted herein. Following the lamina-scale study of these sediments, an annual sedimentary cycle could be identified and an accumulation rate (ca 50 cm kyr−1) inferred that is atypical for a setting actively influenced by upwelling. The role played by the entanglement of diatom valves in creating a physical barrier to the bioturbation is here emphasized as the main process responsible for the preservation of the laminated fabric of diatomaceous sediments, challenging the supposed role of deep anoxia. These results suggest that the late Miocene diatomaceous deposition in the Piedmont Basin cannot be univocally considered as a by-product of upwelling intensification and seafloor oxygen depletion.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions provide unique records of ancient biogeochemical processes in marine sediments. Typically, they form in organic‐rich mudstones, where a significant fraction of the bicarbonate required for carbonate precipitation is supplied from the decomposition of organic matter in the sediments. As a result, carbonates that comprise concretions are usually characterized by broad ranges in δ13C and include values that are significantly depleted relative to seawater. This article reports results from a physical, petrographic and geochemical analysis of 238 concretions from the Wheeler Formation (Cambrian Series 3), Utah, USA, which are unusual in several respects. Most prominently, they formed in organic‐poor mudstones (total organic carbon = 0·1 to 0·5%) and are characterized by a narrow range of δ13C that onlaps the range of contemporaneous seawater values. Subtle centre to edge trends in δ13C demonstrate that concretion precipitation was initiated by local chemical gradients set up by microbial activity in the sediments, but was sustained during growth by a large pool of inorganic bicarbonate probably derived from alkaline bottom waters. The large inorganic pool appears to have been important in facilitating rapid precipitation of the concretion matrix, which occurred via both displacive and replacive carbonate precipitation during early diagenesis. Stable isotope data from cogenetic pyrite (δ34S) and silica (δ18O) phases provide insight into the evolution of biogeochemical processes during concretion growth, and suggest that concretions were formed almost entirely during sulphate reduction, with only minor modification thereafter. Concretions of the Wheeler Formation appear to represent an end‐member system of concretion formation in which rapid growth was promoted by ions supplied from sea‐water. As such, they offer insight into the spectrum of processes that may influence the growth of carbonate concretions in marine sediments.  相似文献   

Facies models that adequately represent the diverse range of fine‐grained fluvial systems are currently lacking from the literature. In this paper, the spectrum of these systems on the arid plains of western equatorial Pangea is explored, as well as the source and nature of the fine‐grained sediments. Eight fluvial elements in the Early Permian Clear Fork Formation of north‐central Texas represent channel systems up to 7 m deep with coarse basal deposits, three types of lateral‐accretion deposits and sandstone sheets, with laminated, disrupted and massive mudstones laid down in abandoned channels and on floodplains. The three fine‐grained fluvial styles represent a continuum between two end‐members: sustained lateral accretion of bedload composed of quartzose sediments and mud aggregates on point bars, and oblique accretion of suspended sediment on steep accretionary benches and banks with limited lateral migration. This spectrum is controlled, in part, by grain size and the proportion of suspended to bedload sediments. The presence of rarely documented swept ripples on exhumed accretion surfaces is attributed to rapid decline in water levels and downstream re‐entry of overbank floodwaters into the channel. Rill casts, roots and disrupted mudstones low down in channel bodies indicate periods of near‐dryness. Laterally extensive sheet sandstones were formed by episodic flows in broad, sandbed channels. The fluvial sediments were primarily intrabasinally sourced with extrabasinal sediments brought in during major floods from upland source areas or reworked from local storage in the basin, representing a supply limited system. The upward change in cement composition from mainly calcite and ankerite to dolomite and gypsum with minor celestine implies increasingly saline groundwater and progressive aridification, supporting Late Palaeozoic palaeoclimatic models. By integrating petrographic data with sedimentology, a plethora of information about ancient landscapes and climate is provided, allowing a fuller comparison between the Clear Fork Formation and modern dryland alluvial plains.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping and C and O stable isotopic data from sedimentary carbonate in units both above and below the paleo-erosion surface on the Bitter Springs Formation (BSF) in the northeastern Amadeus Basin, Australia, have clarified the stratigraphy of the area. Isotopic data indicate that the top of the Loves Creek Member of the Bitter Springs Formation is preserved near Corroboree Rock, and is overlain by fenestrate-carbonate-clast breccia, and dolomitic quartz sandstone and chert-pebble conglomerate of the Pioneer Sandstone. The isotopic data, as well as lithologic data, indicate the presence of a 1–2 m-thick cap carbonate preserved between Corroboree Rock and areas 10 km to the northeast. In many places the cap carbonate layer is mostly a syn-sedimentary dolomite-clast breccia, consistent with deposition and disturbance in shallow water. C and O isotopic data also indicate that thin-bedded sandstone and dolomite above the Bitter Springs Formation at Ellery Creek, and a newly discovered massive chert-bearing dolomite at Ross River could both belong to the glaciogenic Olympic Formation. Detailed mapping also provides a more detailed context for the famous black chert microfossil locality in the Bitter Springs Formation at Ross River.  相似文献   

Seismostratigraphical studies of the 11.8‐km2‐large and ~140‐m‐deep Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Polar Ural Mountains, reveal up to 160‐m‐thick acoustically laminated sediments in the lake basin. Using a dense grid of seismic lines, the spatial and temporal distributions of the sedimentary history have been reconstructed. Three regional seismic horizons have been identified and correlated with the well‐dated 24‐m‐long sediment core retrieved from the lake. Isopach maps constructed from the seismic data show four phases of sedimentation. A contour map of the deepest regional seismic reflector represents the earliest hemipelagic sedimentation in the lake. Three contour maps represent time intervals covering the last 23 cal. ka based on the well‐dated core stratigraphy from the lake. The detailed time constraints on the upper stratigraphical units in the lake allow calculation of the lake's development in terms of sediment fluxes and the denudation rates from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present. The sedimentation in Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye has been dominated by hemipelagic processes during at least the last 24 cal. ka BP only locally interrupted by delta progradation and slope processes. A major shift in the sediment accumulation at c. 18.7 cal. ka BP is interpreted to mark the end of the local glacial maximum, greatly reduced denudation and the onset of the deglaciation period; this also demonstrates how fast the glaciers melted and possibly disappeared at the end of the LGM. The denudation rate during the Holocene is only a fifth of the LGM rate. The age of the oldest stratified sediments in Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye is not well constrained, but estimated as c. 50–60 ka.  相似文献   

Surface and subsurface sedimentary structures produced by salt crusts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The growth and subsequent dissolution of salts on or within sediment may alter sedimentary structures and textures to such an extent that it is difficult to identify the depositional origin of that sediment and, as a result, the sediment may be misinterpreted. To help to overcome such problems with investigating ancient successions, results are presented from a comprehensive study of the morphology and fabrics of three large areas of modern salt flats in SE Arabia: the Sabkhat Matti inland region and the At Taf coastal region, both in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and the Umm as Samim region in Oman. These salt flats are affected by tidal‐marine, alluvial and aeolian depositional processes and include both clastic‐ and carbonate‐dominated surficial sediments. The efflorescent and precipitated salt crusts in these areas can be grouped into two main types: thick crusts, with high relief (>10 cm) and a polygonal or blocky morphology; or thin crusts, with low relief (<10 cm) and a polygonal or blister‐like appearance. The thin crusts may assume the surface morphology of underlying features, such as ripples or biogenic mats. A variety of small‐scale textures were observed: pustular growths, hair‐like spikes and irregular wrinkles. Evolution of these crusts over time results in a variety of distinctive sedimentary fabrics produced by salt‐growth sediment deformation, salt‐solution sediment collapse, sediment aggradation and compound mixtures of these processes. Salt‐crust processes produce features that may be confused with aeolian adhesion structures. An example from the Lower Triassic Ormskirk Sandstone Formation of the Irish Sea Basin demonstrates how this knowledge of modern environments improves the interpretation of the rock record. A distinctive wavy‐laminated facies in this formation had previously been interpreted as the product of fluvial sheetfloods modified by soft‐sediment deformation and bioturbation. Close inspection of laminations seen in core reveals many of the same sedimentary fabrics seen in SE Arabia associated with salt crusts. This facies is the product of salt growth on aeolian sediment and is not of fluvial origin.  相似文献   

Due to difficulties in correlating aeolian deposits with coeval marine facies, sequence stratigraphic interpretations for arid coastal successions are debated and lack a unifying model. The Pennsylvanian record of northern Wyoming, USA, consisting of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sequences deposited in arid, subtropical conditions, provides an ideal opportunity to study linkages between such environments. Detailed facies models and sequence stratigraphic frameworks were developed for the Ranchester Limestone Member (Amsden Formation) and Tensleep Formation by integrating data from 16 measured sections across the eastern side of the Bighorn Basin with new conodont biostratigraphic data. The basal Ranchester Limestone Member consists of dolomite interbedded with thin shale layers, interpreted to represent alternating deposition in shallow marine (fossiliferous dolomite) and supratidal (cherty dolomite) settings, interspersed with periods of exposure (pedogenically modified dolomites and shales). The upper Ranchester Limestone Member consists of purple shales, siltstones, dolomicrites and bimodally cross‐bedded sandstones in the northern part of the basin, interpreted as deposits of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate tidal flats. The Tensleep Formation is characterized by thick (3 to 15 m) aeolian sandstones interbedded with peritidal heteroliths and marine dolomites, indicating cycles of erg accumulation, preservation and flooding. Marine carbonates are unconformably overlain by peritidal deposits and/or aeolian sandstones interpreted as lowstand systems tract deposits. Marine transgression was often accompanied by the generation of sharp supersurfaces. Lags and peritidal heteroliths were deposited during early stages of transgression. Late transgressive systems tract fossiliferous carbonates overlie supersurfaces. Highstand systems tract deposits are lacking, either due to non‐deposition or post‐depositional erosion. The magnitude of inferred relative sea‐level fluctuations (>19 m), estimated by comparison with analogous modern settings, is similar to estimates from coeval palaeotropical records. This study demonstrates that sequence stratigraphic terminology can be extended to coastal ergs interacting with marine environments, and offers insights into the dynamics of subtropical environments.  相似文献   

Comparison of catchment geomorphology and lithostratigraphical analysis of sediments in two small neighbouring alpine lakes show that the minerogenic influx into the lakes has varied significantly during the Holocene, despite similarities in environmental setting. One lake contains a homogeneous organic‐rich sediment sequence whereas the sediment of the other lake is laminated and has a higher minerogenic content. X‐ray radiographs are used to visualise lithostratigraphical structures and provide high‐resolution density data. We find that moderate differences in geomorphology and process activity in the lakeshore region around alpine lakes can significantly affect the lake sediment composition. Minerogenic sediment accumulation rates vary strongly over time, owing to different depositional processes, which complicate temporal reconstructions. We also find that non‐glacial processes deposit minerogenic sediment layers with similar characteristics (high density, low organic content) as layers interpreted as having a glaciofluvial origin. This has implications for palaeoclimate studies based on proglacial lacustrine sediment. Our results indicate that erosion of surface sediments in the catchments characterised the early Holocene. A low and constant minerogenic inflow indicates that stable environmental conditions (with little fluvial erosion) were established in the catchments during the middle Holocene. The variability in sediment composition increased again in the late Holocene, possibly as a result of short‐term climate fluctuations superimposed on a general climate deterioration trend. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dolomitization is commonly associated with crustal‐scale faults, but tectonic rejuvenation, diagenetic overprinting and a fluid and Mg mass‐imbalance often makes it difficult to determine the dolomitization mechanism. This study considers differential dolomitization of the Eocene Thebes Formation on the Hammam Faraun Fault block, Gulf of Suez, which has undergone a simple history of burial and exhumation as a result of rifting. Stratabound dolostone bodies occur selectively within remobilized sediments (debrites and turbidites) in the lower Thebes Formation and extend into the footwall of, and for up to 2 km away from, the Hammam Faraun Fault. They are offset by the north–south trending Gebel fault, which was active during the earliest phases of rifting, suggesting that dolomitization occurred between rift initiation (26 Ma) and rift climax (15 Ma). Geochemical data suggest that dolomitization occurred from evaporated (ca 1·43 concentration) seawater at less than ca 80°C. Geothermal convection is interpreted to have occurred as seawater was drawn down surface‐breaching faults into the Nubian sandstone aquifer, convected and discharged into the lower Thebes Formation via the Hammam Faraun Fault. Assuming a ca 10 Myr window for dolomitization, a horizontal velocity of ca 0·7 m year−1 into the Thebes Formation is calculated, with fluid flux and reactivity likely to have been facilitated by fracturing. Although fluids were at least marginally hydrothermal, stratabound dolostone bodies do not contain saddle dolomite and there is no evidence of hydrobrecciation. This highlights how misleading dolostone textures can be as a proxy for the genesis and spatial distribution of such bodies in the subsurface. Overall, this study provides an excellent example of how fluid flux may occur during the earliest phases of rifting, and the importance of crustal‐scale faults on fluid flow from the onset of their growth. Furthermore, this article presents a mechanism for dolomitization from seawater that has none of the inherent mass balance problems of classical, conceptual models of hydrothermal dolomitization.  相似文献   

A combined sedimentological and high-resolution petrographic analysis was conducted on a glacial-age (20,000–65,000 cal yr BP) sediment core from Baldwin Lake, Southern California. The results of this research represent the most complete glacial-age, terrestrial climate record from Southern California to date. These results are used to characterize the different sediment types and to investigate the difference in depositional processes and environments between the core's three predominant sediment types: massive, semi-laminated, and laminated sediments. Massive sediments are commonly associated with a blocky texture and/or desiccation cracks, are organic-poor, have high magnetic susceptibility values, and are coarser-grained. Thin-sections from massive sediments reveal a homogenous sediment fabric. Sub-centimeter-scale laminated and centimeter-scale semi-laminated sediments are generally organic-rich, have low magnetic susceptibility values, and are finer grained. Thin-sections from laminated and semi-laminated sediments reveal diffuse sub-millimeter- to millimeter-scale laminae. This combination of sedimentological and high-resolution petrographic data enabled us to characterize four sediment facies, each related to specific depositional processes and environments: (1) a playa lake; (2) a perennial shallow lake; (3) an intermediate lake with variable lake level; and, (4) a perennial deep lake. At centennial-to millennial-timescales, lower lake levels are represented by deposition of massive to semi-laminated sediments in a playa to a perennial shallow lake environment. At similar timescales, higher lake levels are recorded by semi-laminated to laminated sediments deposited in an intermediate lake to a perennial deep lake environment. These results provide an additional sedimentological study for comparison to similar arid environment basins, and for comparison to existing regional paleoclimatic reconstructions.  相似文献   

The 600 m thick prograding sedimentary succession of Wagad ranging in age from Callovian to Early Kimmeridgian has been divided into three formations namely, Washtawa, Kanthkot and Gamdau. Present study is confined to younger part of the Washtawa Formation and early part of the Kanthkot Formation exposed around Kanthkot, Washtawa, Chitrod and Rapar. The depositional architecture and sedimentation processes of these deposits have been studied applying sequence stratigraphic context. Facies studies have led to identification of five upward stacking facies associations (A, B, C, D, and E) which reflect that deposition was controlled by one single transgressive — regressive cycle. The transgressive deposit is characterized by fining and thinning upward succession of facies consisting of two facies associations: (1) Association A: medium — to coarse-grained calcareous sandstone — mudrocks alternations (2) Association B: fine-grained calcareous sandstone — mudrocks alternations. The top of this association marks maximum flooding surface as identified by bioturbational fabrics and abundance of deep marine fauna (ammonites). Association A is interpreted as high energy transgressive deposit deposited during relative sea level rise. Whereas, facies association B indicates its deposition in low energy marine environment deposited during stand-still period with low supply of sediments. Regressive sedimentary package has been divided into three facies associations consisting of: (1) Association C: gypsiferous mudstone-siltstone/fine sandstone (2) Association D: laminated, medium-grained sandstone — siltstone (3) Association E: well laminated (coarse and fine mode) sandstone interbedded with coarse grained sandstone with trough cross stratification. Regressive succession of facies association C, D and E is interpreted as wave dominated shoreface, foreshore to backshore and dune environment respectively. Sequence stratigraphic concepts have been applied to subdivide these deposits into two genetic sequences: (i) the lower carbonate dominated (25 m) transgressive deposits (TST) include facies association A and B and the upper thick (75m) regressive deposits (HST) include facies association C, D and E. The two sequences are separated by maximum flooding surface (MFS) identified by sudden shift in facies association from B to C. The transgressive facies association A and B represent the sediments deposited during the syn-rift climax followed by regressive sediments comprising association C, D and E deposited during late syn-rift stage.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most sensitive regions of Antarctica to climate change. Here, ecological and cryospheric systems respond rapidly to climate fluctuations. A 4.4 m thick laminated diatom ooze deposited during the last deglaciation is examined from a marine sediment core (ODP Site 1098) recovered from Basin I, Palmer Deep, western Antarctic Peninsula. This deglacial laminated interval was deposited directly over a glaciomarine diamict, hence during a globally recognised period of rapid climate change. The ultra‐high‐resolution deglacial record is analysed using SEM backscattered electron imagery and secondary electron imagery. Laminated to thinly bedded orange‐brown diatom ooze (near monogeneric Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. resting spores) alternates with blue‐grey terrigenous sediments (open water diatom species). These discrete laminae are interpreted as austral spring and summer signals respectively, with negligible winter deposition. Sub‐seasonal sub‐laminae are observed repeatedly through the summer laminae, suggesting variations in shelf waters throughout the summer. Tidal cycles, high storm intensities and/or intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water onto the continental shelf introduced conditions which enhanced specific species productivity through the season. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A pit located near Ballyhorsey, 28 km south of Dublin (eastern Ireland), displays subglacially deposited glaciofluvial sediments passing upwards into proglacial subaqueous ice‐contact fan deposits. The coexistence of these two different depositional environments at the same location will help with differentiation between two very similar and easily confused glacial lithofacies. The lowermost sediments show aggrading subglacial deposits indicating a constrained accommodation space, mainly controlled by the position of an overlying ice roof during ice‐bed decoupling. These sediments are characterized by vertically stacked tills with large lenses of tabular to channelized sorted sediments. The sorted sediments consist of fine‐grained laminated facies, cross‐laminated sand and channelized gravels, and are interpreted as subglaciofluvial sediments deposited within a subglacial de‐coupled space. The subglaciofluvial sequence is characterized by glaciotectonic deformation structures within discrete beds, triggered by fluid overpressure and shear stress during episodes of ice/bed recoupling (clastic dykes and folds). The upper deposits correspond to the deposition of successive hyperpycnal flows in a proximal proglacial lake, forming a thick sedimentary wedge erosively overlying the subglacial deposits. Gravel facies and large‐scale trough bedding sand are observed within this proximal wedge, while normally graded sand beds with developed bedforms are observed further downflow. The building of the prograding ice‐contact subaqueous fan implies an unrestricted accommodation space and is associated with deformation structures related to gravity destabilization during fan spreading (normal faults). This study facilitates the recognition of subglacial/submarginal depositional environments formed, in part, during localized ice/bed coupling episodes in the sedimentary record. The sedimentary sequence exposed in Ballyhorsey permits characterization of the temporal framework of meltwater production during deglaciation, the impact on the subglacial drainage system and the consequences on the Irish Sea Ice Stream flow mechanisms.  相似文献   

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