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We analyze observations of the compact GHZ-peaked-spectrum radio source in the nucleus of the weakly active galaxy NGC 1052, assuming that the low-frequency turnover in its spectrum is due to synchrotron self-absorption. The analysis is based on a model for an inhomogeneous source of synchrotron radiation. It is shown that the magnetic field is not uniform, but the change in the field strength from the center to the edge of the compact radio source does not exceed an order of magnitude. The maximum magnetic-field strength in the nucleus of NGC 1052 is 20 G < H < 200 G, and the density of relativistic electrons is 0.018 cm−3 < n e < 0.18 cm−3 on scales of 0.1 pc; everywhere in the radio source, the energy density of the magnetic field exceeds the energy density of the relativistic electrons. The physical conditions are similar to those in the nuclei of the nearby radio galaxies 3C 111 and 3C 465, and differ strongly from those in the nucleus of the radio galaxy 0108+388, which is a compact GHz-peaked-spectrum source (these three galaxies were studied by the authors earlier using the same method).  相似文献   

The physical conditions in the radio sources CTA 21 and OF+247 are studied assuming that the low-frequency spectral turnovers are due to synchrotron self-absorption. The physical parameters of the radio sources are estimated using a technique based on a nonuniform synchrotron source model. It is shown that the magnetic-field distributions in the dominant compact components of these radio sources are strongly inhomogeneous. The magnetic fields at the center of the sources are B ~ 10?1 G, and the fields are two to three orders of magnitude weaker at the periphery. The magnetic field averaged over the compact component is B ~ 10?3 G, and the density of relativistic electrons is n e ~ 10?3 cm?3. Assuming that there is equipartition of the energies of the magnetic field and relativistic particles, averaged over the source, 〈E H 〉 = 〈E e 〉 ~ 10?7–10?6 erg cm?3. The energy density of the magnetic field exceeds that of the relativistic electrons at the centers of the radio sources. The derived parameters of CTA 21 and OF+247 are close to those of the hot spots in the radio galaxy Cygnus A. On this basis, it is suggested that CTA 21 and OF+247 are radio galaxies at an early stage of their evolution, when the hot spots (dominant compact radio components) have appeared, and the radio lobes (weak extended components) are still being formed.  相似文献   

We have carried out a search for compact radio sources in the cores of 16 nearby radio galaxies. We detected compact components in four radio galaxies, and found upper limits for the flux density in compact components in ten radio galaxies. VLBI observations enabled the detection of a turnover in the spectra of the two nearby radio galaxies 3C 111 and 3C 465. Using a method based on an inhomogeneous model for a synchrotron source, we estimate the magnetic-field strength and the energy densities in the magnetic field and relativistic electrons in the cores of these radio galaxies. Strong inhomogeneity in the distribution of the magnetic fields in the cores of 3C 111 and 3C 465 is implied by our analysis. The magnetic-field strengths in the central regions of these galactic nuclei, on scales of ~0.1 pc, exceed the mean strength by four to five orders of magnitude, and lie in the range 102 G < H < 104 G.  相似文献   

A possible model for the pulsar PSR J1852+0040 associated with the supernova remnant Kes 79 and detected in place of a central compact object in this remnant is discussed. The main observational properties of the pulsar can be understood as consequences of its weak surface magnetic field (B s < 3 × 1011 G) and short rotational period (P ~ 0.1 s). Its X-ray emission is thermal, and is generated in a small region near the surface of the neutron star due to cooling of the surface as the surface accretes matter from a relict disk surrounding the pulsar. The radio emission is generated in the outer layers of the pulsar magnetosphere by the synchrotron (cyclotron) mechanism. The optical luminosity of J1852+0040 is estimated to be L opt < 1028 erg/s. If the spectral features in another central compact object, 1E 1207.4+5209, are interpreted as electron cyclotron lines, this provides evidence for a weak surface magnetic field for this neutron star as well (B < 6 × 1010 G). The hypothesis that all central compact objects have weak surface fields makes it possible to explain the number of detected central compact objects, the absence of pulsar-wind nebulae associated with these objects, and the fact that no pulsar has yet been detected at the position of SN 1987a. We suggest that, after the supernova remnant has dissipated, the central compact object becomes a weak X-ray source (XDINS), whose weak emission is also due to the weakness of its magnetic field.  相似文献   

It is shown that composite radio spectra of the hot spots of the radio galaxy Cygnus A can be fully explained by assuming a nonuniform distribution of the magnetic fields inside the hot spots, without invoking any physical mechanisms other than synchrotron radiation. The magnetic fields are strong (B ?? 10?2?10?1 G) at the center of the hot spots, and decreases at the hot-spot edges to the level of the magnetic field of the radio lobes in which the hot spots are embedded (B ?? 10?4?10?5 G). The difference in the magnetic field between the hot-spot center and edge decreases during the evolution, while the average magnetic-field intensity increases.  相似文献   

Weak, compact radio sources (~100 mJy peak flux, L~1–10 pc) with their spectral peaks at about a gigahertz are studied, based on the complete sample of 46 radio sources of Snellen, drawn from high-sensitivity surveys, including the low-frequency Westerbork catalog. The physical parameters have been estimated for 14 sources: the magnetic field (H ), the number density of relativistic particles (n e), the energy of the magnetic field $(E_{H_ \bot } )$ , and the energy of relativistic particles (E e). Ten sources have $E_{H_ \bot } \ll E_e $ , three have approximate equipartition of the energies $(E_{H_ \bot } \sim E_e )$ , and only one has $E_{H_ \bot } \gg E_e $ . The mean magnetic fields in quasars (10?3 G) and galaxies (10?2 G) have been estimated. The magnetic field appears to be related to the sizes of compact features as $H \sim 1/\sqrt L $ .  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of bright radio sources with known radio spectra in the direction of the nearby cluster of galaxies A569 (z=0.0193). The optical identifications of the sources show that 45% of these radio sources are associated with compact galaxies. A substantial fraction of these galaxies have active nuclei, with the radio emission concentrated toward the galactic center. Some of the cluster galaxies have radio halos, with appreciably weaker radio powers and spectral indices α=0.95±0.2. We compute the magnetic fields in the nuclei and halos of the galaxies for the adopted distance to A569. As expected, the magnetic fields in the galactic halos make a smooth transition to the intergalactic field, while the magnetic fields in the central regions of the galaxies rise sharply toward the nucleus.  相似文献   

Low-frequency pulsations of 22 and 37 GHz microwave radiation detected during solar flares are analyzed. Several microwave bursts observed at the Metsähovi Radio Observatory are studied with time resolutions of 100 and 50 ms. A fast Fourier transformation with a sliding window and the Wigner-Ville method are used to obtain frequency-time diagrams for the low-frequency pulsations, which are interpreted as natural oscillations of coronal magnetic loops; the dynamical spectra of the pulsations are synthesized for the first time. Three types of low-frequency fluctuations modulating the flare microwave radiation can be distinguished in the observations. First, there are fast and slow magneto-acoustic oscillations with periods of 0.5–0.8 s and 200–280 s, respectively. The fast magneto-acoustic oscillations appear as trains of narrow-band signals with durations of 100–200 s, a positive frequency drift dν/dt=0.25 MHz/min, and frequency splitting δν=0.01–0.05 Hz. Second, there are natural oscillations of the coronal magnetic loops as equivalent electrical circuits. These oscillations have periods of 0.5–10 s and positive or negative frequency drift rates dν/dt=8×10?3 Hz/min or dν/dt=?1.3×10?2 Hz/min, depending on the phase of the radio outburst. Third, there are modulations of the microwave radiation by short periodic pulses with a period of 20 s. The dynamical spectra of the low-frequency pulsations supply important information about the parameters of the magnetic loops: the ratio of the loop radius to its length r/L≈0.1, the plasma parameter β≈10?3, the ratio of the plasma densities outside and inside the loop ρei≈10?2, and the electrical current flowing along the loop I≈1012 A.  相似文献   

Particles can be accelerated to ultrahigh energies E≈1021 eV in moderate Seyfert nuclei. This acceleration occurs in shock fronts in relativistic jets. The maximum energy and chemical composition of the accelerated particles depend on the magnetic field in the jet, which is not well known; fields in the range ~5–1000 G are considered in the model. The highest energies of E≈1021 eV are acquired by Fe nuclei when the field in the jet is B≈16 G. When B~(5–40) G, nuclei with Z<10 are accelerated to E≤1020 eV, while nuclei with Z≥10 acquire energies E≥2×1020 eV. Only particles with Z≥23 acquire energies E≤1020 eV when B~1000 G. Protons are accelerated to E<4×1019 eV, and do not fall into the range of energies of interest for any magnetic field B. The particles lose a negligible amount of their energy in interactions with infrared photons in the accretion disk; losses in the thick gas-dust torus are also negligible if the luminosity of the galaxy is L≤1046 erg/s and the angle between the normal to the galactic plane and the line of sight is sufficiently small, i.e., if the axial ratio of the galactic disk is comparatively high. The particles do not lose energy to curvature radiation if their deviations from the jet axis do not exceed 0.03–0.04 pc at distances from the center of R≈40–50 pc. Synchrotron losses are small, since the magnetic field frozen in the galactic wind at R≤40–50 pc is directed (as in the jet) primarily in the direction of motion. If the model considered is valid, the detected cosmic-ray protons could be either fragments of Seyfert nuclei or be accelerated in other sources. The jet magnetic fields can be estimated both from direct astronomical observations and from the energy spectrum and chemical composition of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Observations of eclipses of the radio pulsar B1259-63 by the disk of its Be-star companion SS 2883 provide an excellent opportunity to study the winds of stars of this type. The eclipses lead to variations in the radio flux (due to variations in the free-free absorption), dispersion measure, rotation measure, and linear polarization of the pulsar. We have carried out numerical modeling of the parameters of the Be-star wind and compared the results with observations. The analysis assumes that the Be-star wind has two components: a disk wind in the equatorial plane of the Be star with a power-law fall-off in the electron density n e with distance from the center of the star \(\rho (n_e \sim \rho ^{ - \beta _o } )\), and a spherical wind above the poles. The parameters for a disk model of the wind are estimated. The disk is thin (opening angle 7.5°) and dense (electron density at the stellar surface n0e ~ 1012 cm?3, β0 = 2.55). The spherical wind is weak (n0e ? 109 cm?3, β0 = 2). This is the first comparison of calculated and observed fluxes of the pulsating radio emission.  相似文献   

The effect of the radius of the tube of open magnetic-field lines on the gamma-ray curvature radiation from the polar regions of a radio pulsar with a non-dipolar magnetic field is analyzed. The pulsar is considered in a polar-cap model with free electron emission from the neutron-star surface. The effect of the non-dipolar magnetic field on the radius of curvature of the field lines and the field intensity is taken into account. In connection with the creation of electron-positron pairs, we take into account only the birth of pairs by curvature radiation in the magnetic field. The small non-dipolarity of the field enables the radio pulsar not to turn off, even after a considerable decrease in the pulsar-tube radius. For instance, with a 20% non-dipolarity (ν = 0.2), a pulsar with B = 1013 G and P = 0.5 s can still operate even for a fivefold decrease in the pulsar-tube radius. A maximum is observed in the dependence of the electrostatic potential in the diode on the non-dipolarity parameter ν at ν ~ 0.5–0.7. The pulse profile in non-thermal X-ray emission for ν ~ 0.5–0.7 may look virtually the same as for ν ~ 0.1–0.2. Decreases in the pulsar-tube radius could be due to a structure of currents in the magnetosphere that results in the pulsar diode on the neutron-star surface occupying only a small fraction of the pulsar tube, with the remainder of the tube containing an outer annular gap. The pulsar-tube size is also affected by the presence of a circum-pulsar disk. A change in the pulsar-tube radius could also be due to an external magnetic field, associated with either a magnetic white dwarf or a circum-pulsar disk.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of the radio flux density of the young supernova remnant Cassiopeia A relative to the radio galaxy Cygnus A have been carried out at 290 and 927 MHz. We have obtained for the mean rates of the secular decrease of the radio emission of Cassiopeia A d 290 MHz = ?0.67 ± 0.04% year?1 for 1978–2005 and d 927 MHz = ?0.71 ± 0.035% year?1 for 1977–2004. The evolution of the radio spectrum of Cassiopeia A is traced based on long-term observations at 38, 151.5, 290, 927, and 2924 MHz.  相似文献   

We present the results of radio sounding observations probing the inner solar wind near the minimum of the solar-activity cycle, using polarized pulses from PSR B0525+21 and PSR B0531+21 received when the lines of sight toward these pulsars were close to the Sun. The observations were obtained in June 2005 and June 2007 on the Large Phased Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute at 111 MHz. An upper limit for the scattering of giant pulses from PSR B0531+21 due to their passage through the turbulent solar-wind plasma is determined. The arrival-time delays for pulses from PSR B0531+21 are used to derive the radial dependence of the mean density of the circumsolar plasma. The resulting density distribution indicates that the acceleration of fast, high-latitude solar-wind outflows continues to heliocentric distances of 5–10R , where R is the solar radius. The mean plasma density at heliocentric distances of about 5R is 1.4 × 104 cm?3, substantially lower than at the solar-activity maximum. This is associated with the presence of polar coronal holes. The Faraday rotation measure at heliocentric distances of 6–7R is estimated. Deviations of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field from spherical symmetry are comparatively modest in the studied range of heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

A model for non-uniform source of synchrotron radiation with a power-law radial distribution of the magnetic field and relativistic-electron density along one-or two-sided jets is described. Non-relativistic jets with both constant cross sections (collimated jets) and cross sections that are proportional to distance (conical jets) are considered. Formulas that can be used to determine source parameters from the spectral index, source size, and index of the relativistic-electron energy spectrum based on multi-frequency observations are obtained. In the case of a conical jet, these formulas coincide with the analogous formulas for a spherical source obtained by A.P. Marscher. Relations that can be used to estimate the magnetic-field strength from the brightness temperature in the self-absorbed region are also obtained. As examples, the inhomogeneous-source model is applied to the compact radio sources at the centers of the Milky Way, Sgr A*, and the low-luminosity galactic nuclei M81* and M87*, which are associated with supermassive black holes. The inner radius of the radiation region is determined. For Sgr A*, this distance turns out to be comparable to the gravitational radius, smaller than the radius of the last stable orbit for a non-rotating black hole, and consistent with the radius of the last stable orbit expected for a rotating black hole. The inner radii in M81* and M87* are ~15 R S , an order of magnitude larger than for Sgr A*. Estimates of the magnetic field at the inner radius are 400 G for M81*, 0.65–5.3 kG for Sgr A*, and 20–100 kG for M87*. These magnetic fields and the Blandford-Znajek model for the radiation of a rotating black hole are used to estimate the rotational speed of the black holes, which are in agreement with the characteristic variability time scales for these three objects. However, the accuracy of these estimates is modest, and is limited primarily by the accuracy of interferometric measurements at millimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   

The distribution of the directions of the space velocities of 67 radio pulsars is shown to be strongly anisotropic. This anisotropy cannot be explained by the structure of our Galaxy or by various types of solar motions. Pulsars with stronger surface magnetic fields B have higher velocities V. The mean value of V for B < 1010 G is 108 km/s, while 〈V〉 = 340 km/s for B > 1010 G. These results must be taken into account when identifying a mechanism to explain the observed pulsar velocities and their anisotropy.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional simulations of time-dependent solar magnetogranulation are used to analyze the horizontal magnetic fields and the response of the synthesized Stokes profiles of the IR FeI λ1564.85 nm line to the magnetic fields. The 1.5-h series of MHD models used for the analyses reproduces a region of the magnetic network in the photosphere with an unsigned magnetic flux density of 192 G at the solar surface. According to the magnetic-field distribution obtained, the most probable absolute strength of the horizontal magnetic field at an optical depth of τ 5 = 1(τ 5 denotes τ at λ = 500 nm) is 50 G, while the mean value is 244 G. On average, the horizontal magnetic fields are stronger than the vertical fields to heights of about 400 km in the photosphere due to their higher density and the larger area they occupy. The maximum factor by which the horizontal fields are greater is 1.5. Strong horizontal magnetic flux tubes emerge at the surface as spots with field strengths of more than 500 G. These are smaller than granules in size, and have lifetimes of 3–6 min. They form in the photosphere due to the expulsion of magnetic fields by convective flows coming from deep subphotospheric layers. The data obtained qualitatively agree with observations with the Hinode space observatory.  相似文献   

Maps of the radio source 3C 120 obtained from VLBA+ observations at 8.4 GHz at five epochs in January–September 2002 are presented. The images were reconstructed using the maximum entropy method and the Pulkovo VLBImager software package for VLBI mapping. Apparent superluminal motions of the brightest jet knots have been estimated. The speeds of jet knots decreases with distance from the core, changing from (5.40±0.48)c to (2.00±0.48)c over 10 mas (where c is the speed of light) for a Hubble constant of 65 km s?1 Mpc?1. This can be explained by interaction of the jet with the medium through which it propagates.  相似文献   

Observations of the molecular cloud G1.6-0.025 in the 2K-1K and J0-J?1E series and 5?1-40E line of CH3OH, the (2-1) and (3-2) lines of SiO, and the 7?7-6?6 line of HNCO are described. Maps of the previously observed extended cloud with Vlsr~50 km/s and high-velocity clump with Vlsr~160 km/s, as well as a newly detected clump with Vlsr~0 km/s, have been obtained. The extended cloud and high-velocity clump have a nonuniform structure. The linewidths associated with all the objects are between 20 and 35 km/s, as is typical of clouds of the Galactic center. In some directions, emission at velocities from 40 to 160 km/s and from ?10 to +75 km/s is observed at the clump boundaries, testifying to a connection between the extended cloud and the high-velocity clump and clump at Vlsr~0 km/s. Compact maser sources are probaby contributing appreciably to the emission of the extended cloud in the 5?1-40E CH3OH line. Non-LTE modeling of the methanol emission shows that the extended cloud and high-velocity clump have a relatively low hydrogen density (<104 cm?3). The specific column density of methanol in the extended cloud exceeds 6×108 cm?3s, and is 4×108?6×109 cm?3s in the high-velocity clump. The kinetic temperatures of the extended cloud and high-velocity clump are estimated to be <80 K and 150–200 K, respectively. Possible mechanisms that can explain the link between the extended cloud with Vlsr~50 km/s and the clumps with Vlsr~0 km/s and ~160 km/s are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The emergence of antibiotics residues in pharmaceutical industrial wastewater has been a significant environment problem. However, current methods of treating antibiotic-polluted wastewater are inefficient, of high cost and time-consuming. In this study, highly effective enzymatic Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles were developed, which is extremely simple and can degrade antibiotics in a fast manner at a low cost. β-Lactamase, a representative enzyme for β-lactam antibiotic degradation, was covalently immobilized on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles modified with amino groups by a simple cross-linking process. The immobilized β-lactamase displayed a wider pH and temperature range for penicillin G degradation than the free enzyme. Meanwhile, the thermostability and storage stability of the immobilized β-lactamase were improved. Fifty milligrams magnetic nanoparticles immobilized with β-lactamase can thoroughly degrade 100 mL penicillin G (5–50 mg L?1) within 5 min. Even if the β-lactamase immobilized on the nanoparticles was reused 35 times in the 5 mg L?1 penicillin G solution, it still kept more than 95% degradation efficiency. These suggest that magnetic nanoparticles immobilized with β-lactamase have a sufficient capacity for degrading antibiotics in wastewater and will serve as a practical and economical solution to antibiotic pollution in pharmaceutical industrial wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Artyukh  V. S. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(3):167-173

An expression for the intensity of synchrotron emission from a radio source (in the optically thin regime) in terms of the energy densities in the magnetic field and particles is obtained, based on a definition of a relativistic electron related to its rest energy. A relationship is obtained between the energy densities in particles Ee and the magnetic field EH for a physical system containing a magnetic field and relativistic electrons in a minimum-energy state. A method for estimating the Doppler factors of the relativistic electrons has been developed. This method does not requires that all radio sources have the same radiation energies (brightness temperatures): it is sufficient that the energies of the magnetic fields and relativistic particles in the source be approximately equal. The method yields Doppler-factor estimates with reasonably good accuracy, even when there are modest deviations from energy equipartition in the radio source,making it applicable to many radio sources. The method is used to estimate the Doppler factor of the radio jet in CTA 21.


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