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A new structural–stratigraphic synthesis of the Apennine units of northern Calabria is presented. The Meso-Cenozoic successions are grouped into two tectonic units, named Pollino–Ciagola Unit (PCU) and Lungro–Verbicaro Unit (LVU), comprising terrains formerly attributed to five different tectonic units. FeMg carpholite and blue amphibole record HP–LT metamorphism in the LVU, followed by progressive decompression leading to final greenschist facies re-equilibration during dominantly extensional deformation. Final tectonic emplacement of the LVU over the PCU post-dated the metamorphism of the LVU and was accompanied by intense ductile deformation along zones of strain localisation in footwall rocks. All of the units were later affected by folding and minor thrusting during subsequent Apennine tectonics. To cite this article: A. Iannace et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

This study summarizes the final results of magnetostratigraphic and micropalaeontological investigations of the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary (J/K) limestones at the locality of Brodno near ilina, Western Carpathians, West Slovakia. The aim is to prepare the background for correlation of a Late Tithonian and Early Berriasian biostratigraphic zonation with global magnetoevents (manifested in detailed magnetostratigraphic profiles) between the Tethyan realm and other regions, particularly the Boreal and Pacific realms. Suitable physical properties of the limestones studied, a favourable geological setting and rich microfossil assemblages (calpionellids) at Brodno (magnetozones M21r to M18r) allowed a systematic collection of new data on the original synoptic section, which now has the character of a high-resolution profile across the J/K boundary. Two reverse subzones detected within magnetozones M20n and M19n are named ‘Kysuca Subzone’ and ‘Brodno Subzone’, respectively. Both can be correlated with analogous subzones in the M-sequence of marine anomalies. Their existence can also be confirmed in the Bosso Valley section in Umbria, central Italy. A detailed study of the interval between magnetozones M20n and M17r in the Bosso Valley profile is presently in its final stage. Both magnetostratigraphic profiles, from the Brodno and Bosso Valley localities, were thoroughly investigated in the intervals close to the J/K boundary and are still unique among continent-based profiles in the detection and precise definition of both reverse subzones within M20n and M19n. Samples collected from the boundary strata of the reverse Kysuca Subzone at Brodno indicated a transition from N (R) to R (N) polarity of the Earth's palaeomagnetic field within a time interval of c. ±5 ka. Limestone samples (total number N=368) were subjected to progressive thermal demagnetization in 10–12 thermal fields and to subsequent multi-component analysis of remanence. The C-component, as the carrier of palaeomagnetic directions, was determined in the temperature interval of 300° to 540°, or possibly 580°C. Magnetomineralogical analyses of pilot samples and unblocking temperatures determined for all samples showed that magnetite is the carrier of remanent magnetization. The positions of the individual events of calpionellid stratigraphy relative to the global magnetic polarity timescale are precisely defined. The base of the Calpionella Standard Zone, which is considered a provisional J/K boundary indicator in ammonite-free sections in the Tethyan realm, lies within magnetozone M19n at the level of 35% of its local thickness. None of the boundaries in the calpionellid zonation coincides precisely with any of those in the palaeomagnetic zonation, but the first appearance ofCalpionella grandalpina , indicating the base of the Intermedia Subzone, lies in close proximity to the base of magnetozone M19r.  相似文献   

A Late Hauterivian interval (127.5 Ma), called the ‘Faraoni Event’, which is characterised by the deposition of deep-marine black shales in the Mediterranean Tethys, is demonstrably of sufficient geological brevity to be qualified as an anoxic event. This event lies within the Pseudothurmannia catulloi ammonite subzone, coincides with the extinction of the calcareous nannofossil species Lithraphidites bollii, and records an increase in a globular planktonic foraminifer. High quantities of marine organic matter were preserved in pelagic successions from northern and central Italy, Switzerland, southeastern France, southern Spain and probably elsewhere in the Mediterranean Tethys and Atlantic Ocean. Carbon-isotope stratigraphy from Tethyan and Atlantic sections shows a minor positive excursion in the uppermost part of the Hauterivian and Lowermost Barremian, suggesting accelerated extraction of organic carbon from the ocean reservoir just after the ‘Faraoni Event’. The duration of this short event is less than 100 ka according to cyclostratigraphy and coincides with a third-order sea-level rise. It is likely that similar forcing mechanisms responsible for global OAEs operated during this short time interval. To cite this article: F. Baudin, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The Sarliève marsh sediments (Massif Central, France) contain two tephras. The first tephra [, ca. 12 000 BP], regionally well known, enables to date the beginning of lacustrine infill to the Lateglacial. The second tephra, the ‘tephra de Sarliève’, the emitting volcano of which is unknown, would be dated to around the Early Subboreal from pollen data. This occurrence, after the discovery of the ‘tephra de Beaunit’, emphasizes that volcanic eruption(s) occurred in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ or in the volcanic Cézallier more than 1000 years after the last known eruption (Pavin) in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ at around 6.6/6.7 ka (5800/5900 BP). In the Sarliève piles, these tephras, well preserved in thick and more silicated deposits of deltas, were not observed in carbonated basin sediments where they were altered. The abundance of authigenic zeolites formed during the Lateglacial in restricted depocentre lacustrine waters allows us to detect initial CF1 tephra occurrence. To cite this article: A. Fourmont et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The Zgounder ore deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), is hosted in a PII–PIII Proterozoic volcanosedimentary series. Disseminated mineralization is dominated by mercuriferous native silver (2 to 30 wt.% Hg), with few silver sulfosalts (acanthite, pearceite), arsenopyrite and base-metal sulfides. Arsenic grade of arsenopyrite and homogenisation temperatures of fluid inclusions indicate initial conditions of high temperature (above 400 °C). Lead isotope compositions comfort a Late-Proterozoic age and a crustal origin for metals. Similarities are obvious with the neighbouring silver ore deposit of Imiter and lead to consider Zgounder as another example of Neoproterozoic epithermal deposit in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco, a region that appears more and more as a silver metallogenic province. To cite this article: É. Marcoux, A. Wadjinny, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Camptonites have been discovered at Mount Cameroon. They contain phenocrysts of olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± kaersutite ± bi and ocelli of nepheline or analcite and carbonates. 87Sr/86Sri values are similar to those of the basalts of Mount Cameroon (0.7033). The camptonites are interpreted as resulting from fractional crystallization of a basaltic magma generated by a low degree of melting of an infra-lithospheric metasomatized mantle tapped by huge lithospheric cracks. To cite this article: I. Ngounouno et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The structural behavior of -eucryptite (LiAlSiO4) has been investigated using infrared (IR) spectroscopy over a temperature range of 20 to 900 K and FT-Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. IR reflectance measurements show that -eucryptite possesses high reflectivity in the far-IR region, as is consistent with its reported superionic conductivity along the c-axis. On heating, the Li-related IR bands near 246 and 300 cm–1 (with A2 symmetry) broadened and weakened dramatically, presumably as a result of Li+ positional disordering along the structural channels parallel to c. The disordering process appears to induce a framework distortion, as is evidenced by the broadening of some vibrations of Si(Al)–O with increasing temperature. A change in slope in the temperature dependence of the phonon frequency near 300 cm–1 and the linewidth of the 760 cm–1 band at 715 K indicates that Li becomes completely disordered above this temperature. In addition, the temperature dependence of the linewidth for the 760 cm–1 band exhibits an additional change in slope at 780 K, implying the existence of an intermediate state within this temperature range. The detailed structure of this intermediate phase, however, needs further study. Our IR data provide no indication of structural changes between room temperature and 20 K.  相似文献   

The applanation of mountain belts that results in peneplain is generally considered to be caused by the long-term activity of erosion. Peneplanation has been previously defined as the lowering of an elevated topography and the concomitant subduing of its relief. We propose a model following which piedmont sedimentation induces the base level rise, allowing applanation to develop at high elevation and resulting in an elevated ‘peneplain’. This model is illustrated by the morphological evolution of the southern flank of the Pyrenees during the Cainozoic. To cite this article: J. Babault, J. Van Den Driessche, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The analysis of calpionellid associations from jebels Amar and Jédidi sections in North-Atlasic Tunisia provides, for the first time, a precise biozonation of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition succession. In the light of the new data obtained and considering recently published results, the age of Upper Jurassic formations is clarified, allowing correlations with the Tunisian ‘Dorsale’ and the North–South Axis successions. Within the Maghrebides' range, sections from the external zones correlated to the Tunisian successions are quite distinctive from their equivalent in the internal zones. Both have evolved in different palaeogeographic domains related to the early structuration of the northwestern and southwestern Tethys margins. To cite this article: M. Boughdiri et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The Lower Cambrian Saint Petersburg blue clays are composed of predominant illite and chlorite, sometimes accompanied by kaolinite. The <0.1 μm fraction has a high content of illite–smectite mixed layers. Particle-size distribution is more than 50% of clay particles and about 30% of silts. These blue clays correspond to plastic (and soft) clays; they may be compared to the Callovian clays of Bure (France), where storage of natural waste is envisaged. To cite this article: M. Arnould et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1135–1140.


Les « argiles bleues » du Cambrien Inférieur de Saint-Pétersbourg sont constituées d'illite dominante et de chlorite, avec parfois présence de kaolinite. Des interstratifiés illite/montmorillonite sont très abondants dans la phase <0,1 μm. Du point de vue granulométrique, outre plus de 50% de particules argileuses, il existe une phase silteuse de l'ordre de 30%. Du point de vue pétrophysique, ce sont des argiles plastiques, de consistance molle. Elles sont subhorizontales et ont jusqu'à 116 m d'épaisseur. Outre l'absence de métamorphisme, malgré leur âge, leur caractère le plus remarquable est leur réseau de fracturation, bien observable en carrière. Les joints sont nets, sans remplissage ni cimentation. Les plans verticaux sont particulièrement développés. Le volume unitaire des blocs de matrice ne dépasse guère 1 m3. Des traces d'oxydation témoignent de circulations d'eau. Ces argiles silteuses anciennes peuvent aider à mieux connaı̂tre et comprendre les argilites silteuses épigénétiques calloviennes du site de Bure (Haute-Marne, France), où un stockage souterrain de déchets nucléaires est envisagé. Pour citer cet article : M. Arnould et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1135–1140.  相似文献   

The monotony of the surface and of the deep structure of the Sahel domain in eastern Tunisia (low topographic area covered by a Quaternary series) induces the possible existence of an important subsiding collapsed block and associated faulted zones. Gravity data analyses have permitted the reconnaissance of the crustal and gravimetric setting of the northern part of the Sahel domain and the discussion of main outlines of subsurface structures. The deep structure of a particular zone (Kairouan–Sousse–Monastir area) demonstrates the existence of an east-west en-doigt-de-gant crustal thinning confirmed by the gravity data. This deep structuring is perfectly showed by the high-resolution second-order enhanced analytic signal technique developed to image geologic boundaries such as contacts and faults. This technique, correlated with the distribution of all seismic events in the last century, has permitted to define an important east–west Kairouan–Sousse–Monastir tectonic corridor (CKSM). This corridor corresponds to major faults oriented east-west, were some folded structures can be developed. To cite this article: H. Gabtni, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The discovery of a level of lithophaga in the entrance of the karstic spring of the ‘Fontaine de Vaucluse’ indicates a pre-Pliocene age and supports a Messinian origin for the present spring. To cite this article: É. Gilli, P. Audra, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

In the Meskala-Kourimat area, the Bouabout Syncline aquifer system, intersected by the Igrounzar Wadi, feeds most of the karstic sources of the region. This aquifer is contained within Cenomanian and Turonian limestones and dolomitic limestones. The base of the system corresponds to the lower Cenomanian grey clays, and the top to the Senonian white marls. Hydrodynamic studies of various springs shows that each water source is different from the other, indicating a heterogeneous underground reservoir belonging to a complex karst system. The springs waters show a large chemical variability in space and time. These waters are a mixture of chloride, sulphate, Na and Mg. High Mg contents of some springs result from dissolution of evaporite, confirmed by low Ca/Mg ratios. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in spring water increases from upstream to downstream, probably as a response to residency time, but also due to interaction with Cenomanian evaporites. However, the springs are good for drinking water, as well as for irrigation. The monthly survey of selected springs indicated a large chemical variability but with little or no correlation between discharge and TDS.Stable isotope data (18O) suggests that the altitude of the recharge area, for this aquifer system, is 1200 m. The 18O gradient versus altitude, established on springs whose recharge areas are well known is, −0.25% versus SMOW/100 m. When compared with the ‘Meteoric Water Line’ established on worldwide spring water whose recharge areas are well known, the Essaouira Basin shows rain recharge without any significant evaporation.  相似文献   

The pelagic ecosystem of the Moroccan Atlantic coast is influenced by the spatiotemporal variability of upwelling. The changes in the physicochemical and biological parameters as well as their interrelationship and regrouping by the principal components analysis allowed us to subdivide the Atlantic coast in four active areas: two areas located at the north of Cape Juby (28°N), characterised by a summery activity and two areas located at the south, active permanently, with a variable intensity. To cite this article: A. Makaoui et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The space group and hydrogen positions of -(Al0.84Mg0.07Si0.09)OOH are investigated using a single crystal synthesized using a multi-anvil apparatus under conditions of 1000 °C and 21 GPa. The space group determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction is to Pnn2, with unit-cell parameters of a=4.6975(8) Å, b= 4.2060(6) Å, c=2.8327(4) Å, and V=55.97(1) Å3. Partial occupancy of the Al site by Mg and Si suggests the possibility of a limited solid solution between -AlOOH, stishovite, and a hypothetical CaCl2-type Mg(OH)2 that is 16% denser than brucite. Difference-Fourier maps reveal two small but significant Fourier peaks attributable to hydrogen atoms. Atomic distances and angles around the first peak indicate a hydrogen bond with O···O distances of 2.511 Å, while those around the second peak are suggestive of a bifurcated hydrogen bond with O···O distances of 2.743 and 2.743 Å.  相似文献   

One uses the principle of flexural isostasy to represent the uplift of the ‘Seuil du Poitou’ in response to erosion. The model indicates that a different uplift of on the last five millions years resulted from an erosion paradoxically stronger in the crystalline basement than in the limestones bedrock. To cite this article: J.-C. Maurin, K. Renaud, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1149–1155.  相似文献   

Equilibrium 2H/1H fractionation factors (αeq) for various H positions in alkanes, alkenes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, alcohols, and ethers were calculated between 0 and 100 °C using vibrational frequencies from ab initio QM calculations (B3LYP/6-311G**). Results were then corrected using a temperature-dependent linear calibration curve based on experimental data for Hα in ketones (Wang et al., 2009). The total uncertainty in reported αeq values is estimated at 10–20‰. The effects of functional groups were found to increase the value of αeq for H next to electron-donating groups, e.g. OR, OH or O(CO)R, and to decrease the value of αeq for H next to electron-withdrawing groups, e.g. (CO)R or (CO)OR. Smaller but significant functional group effects are also observed for Hβ and sometimes Hγ. By summing over individual H positions, we estimate the equilibrium fractionation relative to water to be −90‰ to −70‰ for n-alkanes and around −100‰ for pristane and phytane. The temperature dependence of these fractionations is very weak between 0 and 100 °C. Our estimates of αeq agree well with field data for thermally mature hydrocarbons (δ2H values between −80‰ and −110‰ relative to water). Therefore the observed δ2H increase of individual hydrocarbons and the disappearance of the biosynthetic δ2H offset between n-alkyl and linear isoprenoid lipids during maturation of organic matter can be confidently attributed to H exchange towards an equilibrium state. Our results also indicate that many n-alkyl lipids are biosynthesized with δ2H values that are close to equilibrium with water. In these cases, constant down-core δ2H values for n-alkyl lipids cannot be reliably used to infer a lack of isotopic exchange.  相似文献   

High gamma-radioactivity in carbonates is usually ascribed to uranium of detrital minerals and organic matter, and to thorium and potassium of clays. The present study based on Urgonian marls and marly limestones (France) shows that some of the most radioactive values correspond instead to some ‘pure’ limestones. These peaks are generally associated with a sequence boundary or a maximum flooding surface. Low-level γ-spectrometry and ICP–MS analyses show that although high radioactivities are mostly associated with uranium, there is no obvious correlation between uranium enrichment and lithology. Also, correlation between high radioactivity and argillaceous beds might not be systematic. To cite this article: M.C. Raddadi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Outcrops of talc schists extending over >1 km have been discovered within the garnet- and muscovite-bearing mica schist of the Pan-African belt near Yaoundé (Cameroon). Mineralogical studies show that a metamorphism of the upper greenschist facies was prolonged by hydrothermal reactions. This latter led to the transformation of hornblendites into talc schists. Chemically, talc schists and relicts of hornblendite remind ultrabasic rocks, and REE patterns point to E-MORB and peridotite. It is thus suggested that the talc schists and relicts of hornblendite may correspond to slices of a dismembered Pan-African ophiolite set. To cite this article: C. Nkoumbou et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The recharge altitude estimation of thermal springs from northern and eastern Morocco using 18O and 2H contents requires the definition of regional isotopic altitudinal gradients (?0.25‰ for 100 m for the Rif and ?0.30‰ for the East) and the calculation of residence time using 14C. The altitudes of emergence vary widely between 170 and 1040 m under the altitude of the recharge areas. The 18O and 2H compositions of palaeowaters (>10000 yr BP) indicate two effects, altitude and palaeoclimate. To cite this article: A. Winckel et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 469–474.  相似文献   

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