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Structural reappraisal of several classic rheomorphic ignimbrites in Colorado, Idaho, the Canary Islands and Italy has, for the first time, revealed abundant oblique folds, curvilinear folds and sheathfolds which formed during emplacement. Like their equivalents in tectonic shear-zones, the sheathfold axes lie sub-parallel to a pervasive elongation lineation, and appear as eye structures on rock surfaces normal to the transport direction. With the recognition of sheathfolds, ignimbrites previously inferred to have undergone complex rheomorphic deformation histories are re-interpreted as recording a single, progressive deformation event. In some examples, the trends of sheathfolds and related lineations change with height through a single ignimbrite suggesting that rheomorphism did not affect the entire thickness of ignimbrite synchronously. Instead, we infer that in these ignimbrites a thin ductile shear-zone rose gradually through the aggrading agglutinating mass whilst the flow direction varied with time. This suggests that, in some cases, both welding and rheomorphism can be extremely rapid, with ductile strain rates significantly exceeding rates of ignimbrite aggradation.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

The Miocene Tejeda caldera on Gran Canaria erupted ~ 20 rhyolite–trachyte ignimbrites (Mogán Group 14–13.3 Ma), followed by ~ 20 phonolitic lava flows and ignimbrites (Fataga Group 13–8.5 Ma). Upper-Mogán tuffs have been severely altered immediately within the caldera margin, whereas extra-caldera Mogán ignimbrites, and overlying Fataga units, are apparently unaltered. The altered intra-caldera samples contain minerals characteristic of secondary fluid–rock interaction (clays, zeolites, adularia), and relics of the primary mineral assemblage identified in unaltered ignimbrites (K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, and groundmass quartz). Major and trace-element data indicate that Si, Na, K, Pb, Sr, and Rb, were strongly mobilized during fluid–rock interaction, whereas Ti, Zr, and Nb behaved in a more refractory manner, experiencing only minor mobilization. The δ18O values of the altered intra-caldera tuffs are significantly higher than in unaltered extra-caldera ignimbrites, consistent with an overall low-temperature alteration environment. Unaltered extra-caldera ignimbrites have δD values between − 110‰ and − 173‰, which may reflect Rayleigh-type magma degassing and/or post-depositional vapour release. The δD values of the altered intra-caldera tuffs range from − 52‰ to − 131‰, with ambient meteoric water at the alteration site estimated at ca. − 15‰. Interaction and equilibration of the intra-caldera tuffs with ambient meteoric water at low temperature can only account for whole-rock δD values of around − 45‰, given that ?Dclay–water is ca. − 30‰ at 100 °C, and decreases in magnitude at higher temperatures. All altered tuff samples have δD values that are substantially lower than − 45‰, indicating interaction with a meteoric water source with a δD value more negative than − 15‰, which may have been produced in low-temperature steam fumaroles. Supported by numerical modeling, our Gran Canaria data reflect the near-surface, epithermal part of a larger, fault-controlled hydrothermal system associated with the emplacement of the high-level Fataga magma chamber system. In this near-surface environment, fluid temperatures probably did not exceed 200–250 °C.  相似文献   

 Non-welded, lithic-rich ignimbrites, hereintermed the Roque Nublo ignimbrites, are the most distinctive deposits of the Pliocene Roque Nublo group, which forms the products of second magmatic cycle on Gran Canaria. They are very heterogeneous, with 35–55% volume lithic fragments, 15-30% mildly vesiculated pumice, 5–7% crystals and 20–30% ash matrix. The vitric components (pumice fragments and ash matrix) are largely altered and transformed into zeolites and subordinate smectites. The Roque Nublo ignimbrites originated from hydrovolcanic eruptions that caused rapid and significant erosion of vents thus incorporating a high proportion of lithic clasts into the eruption columns. These columns rapidly became too dense to be sustained as vertical eruption columns and were transformed into tephra fountains which fed high-density pyroclastic flows. The deposits from these flows were mainly confined to palaeovalleys and topographic depressions. In distal areas close to the coast line, where these palaeovalleys widened, most of the pyroclastic flows expanded laterally and formed numerous thin flow units. The combined effect of the magma–water interaction and the high content of lithic fragments is sufficient to explain the characteristic low emplacement temperature of the Roque Nublo ignimbrites. This fact also explains the transition from pyroclastic flows into lahar deposits observed in distal facies of the Roque Nublo ignimbrites. The existence of hydrovolcanic eruptions generating high-density pyroclastic flows, unable to efficiently separate the water vapour from the vitric components during transport, also accounts for the intense zeolitic alteration in these deposits. Received: 5 November 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   

The 7.05 Ma Rattlesnake Tuff covers ca. 9000 km2, but the reconstructed original coverage was between 30000 and 40000 km2. Thicknesses are remarkably uniform, ranging between 15 and 30 m for the most complete sections. Only 13% of the area is covered with tuff thicker than 30 m, to a maximum of 70 m. The present day estimated tuff volume is 130 km3 and the reconstructed magma volume of the outflow is 280 km3 DRE (dense rock equivalent). The source area of the tuff is inferred to be in the western Harney Basin, near the center of the tuff distribution, based mainly on a radial exponential decrease in average pumice size, and is consistent with a general radial decrease in welding and degree of post-emplacement crystallization. Rheomorphic tuff is found to a radius of 40–60 km from the inferred source.Four facies of welding and four of post-emplacement crystallization are distinguishable. They are: non-welded, incipiently welded, partially welded and densely welded zones; and vapor phase, pervasively devitrified, spherulite and lithophysae zones. The vapor phase, pervasively devitrified and lithophysae zones are divided into macroscopically distinguishable subzones. At constant thickness (20±3 m), and over a distance of 1–3 km, nonrheomorphic sections can cary between two extremes: (a) entirely vitric sections grading from nonwelded to incipiently welded; and (b) highly zoned sections. Highly zoned sections have a basal non- to densely welded vitric tuff overlain by a spherulite zone that grades upward through a lithophysae-dominated zone to a zone of pervasive devitrification, which, in turn, is overlain by a zone of vapor-phase crystallization and is capped by partially welded vitric tuff. A three-dimensional welding and crystallization model has been developed based on integrating local and regional variations of 85 measured sections.Strong local variations are interpreted to be the result of threshold-governed welding and crystallization controlled by residence time above a critical temperature, which is achieved through differences in thickness and accumulation rate.  相似文献   

The relationship between rift zones and flank instability in ocean island volcanoes is often inferred but rarely documented. Our field data, aerial image analysis, and 40Ar/39Ar chronology from Anaga basaltic shield volcano on Tenerife, Canary Islands, support a rift zone—flank instability relationship. A single rift zone dominated the early stage of the Anaga edifice (~6–4.5 Ma). Destabilization of the northern sector led to partial seaward collapse at about ~4.5 Ma, resulting in a giant landslide. The remnant highly fractured northern flank is part of the destabilized sector. A curved rift zone developed within and around this unstable sector between 4.5 and 3.5 Ma. Induced by the dilatation of the curved rift, a further rift-arm developed to the south, generating a three-armed rift system. This evolutionary sequence is supported by elastic dislocation models that illustrate how a curved rift zone accelerates flank instability on one side of a rift, and facilitates dike intrusions on the opposite side. Our study demonstrates a feedback relationship between flank instability and intrusive development, a scenario probably common in ocean island volcanoes. We therefore propose that ocean island rift zones represent geologically unsteady structures that migrate and reorganize in response to volcano flank instability.Editorial responsibility: T. DruittThis revised version was published online in February 2005 with typographical corrections and a changed wording.  相似文献   

This study investigated geological evidence for near-surface crustal deformation in a high-strain shear zone that has been geodetically identified but which is not associated with obvious tectonic landforms. Fieldwork was conducted in the east–west-trending southern Kyushu high-strain shear zone (SKHZ), Japan, focusing mainly on occurrences of fracture zones, which are defined by a visible fracture density of >1 per 10 cm2 and are commonly associated with cataclasite, fault breccia, and gouge. The area in which east–west-trending fracture zones are dominant is restricted to the east–west-trending, ~2-km-wide aftershock area of the 1997 Northwestern Kagoshima Earthquakes. Analysis of slip data from minor faults using the multiple inverse method, irrespective of whether the faults are in fracture zones, reveals that the area where the calculated main stress field is consistent with the current stress field estimated from focal-mechanism solutions of microearthquakes is restricted to the east–west-trending aftershock area. This finding for the SKHZ contrasts with the case of the Niigata–Kobe Tectonic Zone, which is a major strain-concentration zone with many exposed active faults in central Japan and for which the stress field estimated using fault-slip data is considered to be uniform and coincides with the current stress field. The cumulative amount of displacement estimated from the areal density of fracture zones in the SKHZ study area is smaller than that estimated from geodetically measured strain rates. Investigations based on slip data from minor faults and fracture-zone occurrence could help to identify concealed faults that are too small to generate tectonic landforms but which are sufficiently large to trigger major earthquakes.  相似文献   

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