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The concept of studying symbiotic Miras via their molecular emission holds the promise of an improved understanding of the circumbinary environment in symbiotics, but following the largely ineffective maser surveys conducted during the 1970s and 80s there has been a widespread misconception that this avenue of study is a dead end. Here, we present spectral line and continuum maps of R Aqr and H1-36, two objects in which OH and H2O masers were detected during a recent survey of symbiotic Miras.  相似文献   

Summary Over the last decade sensitive observations of radio recombination line emission using high angular resolution synthesis telescopes have become available. As a result it has now become possible to image the physical parameters deduced from radio recombination lines across individual sources. In the case of HII regions this work has resulted in detailed images of radial velocities, electron temperatures and the abundance of singly ionized helium (Y+). Direct observational evidence has been found for pressure broadening and non-LTE effects. Dramatic variations have been found in the ratio of He+ to H+, from as low as a few percent (the galactic centre) to as high 34% in one region of W3. Detailed images have been obtained of the partially ionized medium (CII and H regions) close to HII regions. Observations of recombination lines at very low frequencies have revealed the existence of very low density ionized gas in all directions in our galaxy. Higher resolution observations have led to a partial understanding of this medium. The first complete velocity field of the ionized gas in the centre of our galaxy has been obtained. Very recently the first images were made of extragalactic radio recombination lines, offering the possibility to study the kinematics of the ionized gas in the central few hundred parsecs of external galaxies.  相似文献   

The classic black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 exhibits many similarities to Galactic jet sources (micro-quasars) in soft gamma and hard X-ray rays. This has fuelled suspicions that radio jets also may be present in Cygnus X-1. The lack of radio flaring in Cygnus X-1 has been associated with the presence of continuous jets rather than multiple plasmon ejection however no evidence for this has been observed with the VLA, or with MERLIN. Recent VLBA observations at 15 GHz have detected extended emission and further multi frequency observations are required to confirm the presence of jets on a milliarcsecond level.  相似文献   

New, high-resolution 1.66 GHz MERLIN maps of Cep A2 and LkH101 are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We present new 6.0 and 21.1 cm interferometric observations of Venus. When combined with our previous 3.12 cm work they provide s self-consistent set of high-resolution observations at three wavelengths covering a range in which the opacity of the Venus atmosphere varies by a factor of 50. Model calculations indicate that a model atmosphere of CO2 in adiabatic equilibrium containing uniformly mixed gaseous absorbers surrounding a dielectric sphere cannot simultaneously and adequately predict the radio interferometric measurements at all wavelengths together with the radar and radio occultation measurements.  相似文献   

A high resolution image showing fine structures is crucial for understanding the nature of solar prominence. In this paper, high resolution imaging of solar prominence on the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is introduced, using speckle masking. Each step of the data reduction especially the image alignment is discussed. Accurate alignment of all frames and the non-isoplanatic calibration of each image are the keys for a successful reconstruction. Reconstructed high resolution images from NVST also indicate that under normal seeing condition, it is feasible to carry out high resolution observations of solar prominence by a ground-based solar telescope, even in the absence of adaptive optics.  相似文献   

Moderate-resolution spectra of the C2 Swan 0-1 bandhead, the Na I D lines and the KI resonance lines near 7660 Å obtained at minimum light during the 1988–1989 decline of R CrB are discussed and interpreted in terms of a popular model for R CrB declines. High-resolution spectra obtained at maximum light show blue-shifted chromospheric emission in the cores of the Na I D and the Sc π 4246.8 Å lines  相似文献   

A slow raster scanning device and a germanium bolometer are used to record two dimensional photometric information in the 9–12 μ region; the results can be displayed on a CRT to get real 10 μ photographs of the upper photosphere (τ 5000 ~- 0.1) with a spatial resolution of 2 arc sec. Comparison with simultaneously obtained visible CRT photographs shows a significant improvement of atmospheric seeing at long wavelengths. Bright, small (unresolved?) points are observed around sunspots at 10 μ and may be related to the so-called ‘moustaches’ observed in the wings of strong lines. Umbral intensities are derived from the data and compared to various sunspots models.  相似文献   

Two southern radio galaxies 1331-09 and 1417-20 have been observed with the Fleurs synthesis radio telescope at 1415 MHz. The deduced geometrical and physical parameters show that 1331-09 is a giant radio galaxy having two outer components extending 1.9 Mpc and a central component coinciding with its optical counterpart. Many similarities of its features to CygA suggest that hot spots structure at the outer edge of its components should be expected in a higher resolution map. The source 1417-20 is a rather typical radio galaxy with halo-nucleus structure.  相似文献   

Instrumentation for obtaining high time resolution dynamic spectra of solar radio bursts at decimetric wavelengths is described. The spectrograph sweeps the frequency range of 565–1000 MHz at a rate of 100 times per second. All data are recorded both on film and as an analog signal on magnetic tape. The frequency and flux calibrations are discussed. A sampling system which allows the activity at three discrete frequencies to be plotted on a chart recorder is described.  相似文献   

We investigate the symbiotic star BI Crucis (BI Cru) through a comprehensive and self-consistent analysis of the spectra emitted in three different epochs: 1960s, 1970s and late 1980s. In particular, we would like to find out the physical conditions in the shocked nebula and in the dust shells, as well as their location within the symbiotic system, by exploiting both photometric and spectroscopic data from radio to UV. We suggest a model which, on the basis of optical imaging, emission-line ratios and spectral energy distribution profile, is able to account for collision of the winds, formation of lobes and jets by accretion onto the white dwarf (WD), as well as for the interaction of the blast wave from a past, unrecorded outburst with the interstellar medium (ISM). We have found that the spectra observed throughout the years show the marks of the different processes at work within BI Cru, perhaps signatures of a post-outburst evolution. We then call for new infrared and millimeter observations, potentially able to resolve the inner structure of the symbiotic nebula.  相似文献   

Due to similarity of the intrinsic polarization changes near phase 0.8 and due to other similar physical features observed both in o Ceti and R Aqr it is suggested that the activity in R Aqr system is caused by a flaring region on a single star.  相似文献   

As evidence for energy release in microflares, high time resolution observations of solar radio emission obtained with our “synchronous observation system of solar radio radiation with high time resolution at four frequencies (1.42, 2.13, 2.84 and 4.26 GHz)” from December 1989 to April 1993 are presented in this paper. The observed events include weak ms spikes, “spike-likes”, fast pulsations as well as two kinds of newly discovered fast fine structures, i.e., microwave type III bursts and microwave patch-like structures. A statistical study of the duration of fast fine structures has been made and on its basis the various types of phenomena are illustrated with actual examples.  相似文献   

We have determined the spectral energy distribution at wavelengths between 6 cm and 850 μm for the prototypical S(stellar)-type symbiotic star, CI Cygni, during quiescence. Data were obtained simultaneously with the Very Large Array and the SCUBA submillimetre (sub-mm) camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The data have allowed us to determine the free–free turnover frequency of the ionized component, facilitating a model-dependent estimate of the binary separation to compare with the known orbital parameters of CI Cyg and to critically test the known models for radio emission from symbiotic stars. In particular, our data rule out the two most popular models: ionization of the giant wind by Lyman continuum photons from its hot companion, and emission resulting from the interaction of winds from the two binary components.  相似文献   

Observation and research on solar radio emission have unique scientific values in solar and space physics and related space weather forecasting applications,since the observed spectral structures may carry important information about energetic electrons and underlying physical mechanisms.In this study,we present the design of a novel dynamic spectrograph that has been installed at the Chashan Solar Radio Observatory operated by the Laboratory for Radio Technologies,Institute of Space Sciences at Shandong University.The spectrograph is characterized by real-time storage of digitized radio intensity data in the time domain and its capability to perform off-line spectral analysis of the radio spectra.The analog signals received via antennas and amplified with a low-noise amplifier are converted into digital data at a speed reaching up to 32 k data points per millisecond.The digital data are then saved into a highspeed electronic disk for further off-line spectral analysis.Using different word lengths(1–32 k)and time cadences(5 ms–10 s)for off-line fast Fourier transform analysis,we can obtain the dynamic spectrum of a radio burst with different(user-defined)temporal(5 ms–10 s)and spectral(3 kHz~320 kHz)resolutions.This enables great flexibility and convenience in data analysis of solar radio bursts,especially when some specific fine spectral structures are under study.  相似文献   

We compare temporal power spectra of solar atmospheric oscillations in plage and quiet Sun regions occurring on different parts of a time series of high-quality spectrograms. For periods shorter than 300 s, the oscillation amplitude in the photospheric and low chromospheric parts of the plage is reduced. There is a significant increase in long period power in the chromospheric plage. Our results provide no clear evidence that plages are heated by the dissipation of short-period waves.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST-78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We describe the properties of dark structures which are seen in the K-line wings and which seem to propagate inward into the K-line core, or upward in the solar atmosphere. These so-called dark whiskers appear to be related to the bright disturbances (bright whiskers) described by Liu (1974). Both may be related to the shocks that heat the chromosphere and corona.  相似文献   

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