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The relative contributions of quasi-periodic oscillations from 2 to 35 days to the variability of foF2 at middle northern latitudes between 42°N and 60°N are investigated. The foF2 hourly data for the whole solar cycle 21 (1976–1986) for four European ionospheric stations Rome (41.9°N, 12.5°E), Poitiers (46.5°N, 0.3°E), Kaliningrad (54.7°N, 20.6°E) and Uppsala (59.8°N, 17.6°E) are used for analysis. The relative contributions of different periodic bands due to planetary wave activity and solar flux variations are evaluated by integrated percent contributions of spectral energy for these bands. The observations suggest that a clearly expressed seasonal variation of percent contributions exists with maximum at summer solstice and minimum at winter solstice for all periodic bands. The contributions for summer increase when the latitude increases. The contributions are modulated by the solar cycle and simultaneously influenced by the long-term geomagnetic activity variations. The greater percentage of spectral energy between 2 to 35 days is contributed by the periodic bands related to the middle atmosphere planetary wave activity.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual behaviour of monthly mean winds at a height of 90 km recorded at Grahamstown (33.3°S, 26.5°E) and Adelaide (34.5°S, 138.5°E) between 1987 and 1994 are compared. The zonal wind is found to be consistently stronger at Grahamstown and is always eastward, whereas at Adelaide it sometimes reverses. Maxima tend to occur near the solstices, the primary maximum during summer at Grahamstown, in agreement with satellite results, and during winter at Adelaide. The meridional wind also tends to be stronger at Grahamstown, but at both stations is predominantly northward with a maximum in summer and generally not as strong as the zonal component. This seasonal behaviour is reasonably well understood in terms of the interaction of the mean flow with gravity waves propagating up from below, with coriolis forces also playing an important role in the case of the meridional wind. Satellite observations do not generally support the idea that longitudinal differences between the stations could be attributed to the presence of a tropospheric/stratospheric stationary wave. It is suggested that these differences are more probably associated with local effects. Interannual zonal wind patterns at the two sites are similar over the summer months but are less well correlated during the rest of the year. The underlying causes of this variability are not well understood but are most probably global in nature, at least during the summer.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the break-up of the African tectonic plate into separate Nubian and Somalian blocks, based on recent Global Positioning System (GPS) data. A new, unique velocity field has been obtained by processing all available observations of permanent GPS stations on Africa since 1996. The quantity and distribution of the stations and the length of the time-series of observations exceed that of previous studies by a considerable margin, allowing one to derive a reliable estimate of the differential motion between the Nubia and Somalian plates, which are considered as a single (African) block in the prevailing global tectonic plate models. The estimated relative pole of rotation of Somalia with respect to Nubia is located at 54.8°S; 37.0°E with magnitude −0.069°/Ma, implying distinct opening in the Ethiopian Rift of magnitude ≈7 mm/year and azimuth ≈N94°E, whereas in southeastern South Africa this value is reduced to ≈2 mm/year in almost the same direction. This is in accordance with some of the independent geological and geophysical tectonic models of the Nubia-Somalia plate boundary region. However, the spatial density of the current tracking network is still not optimal to establish the exact location of the entire Somalia-Nubia plate boundary; in particular, the possible branch east of Lake Victoria and heading towards the Mozambique Channel is impossible to confirm or reject at this moment.  相似文献   

We investigate the short-term fluctuations in the period range from 15 to 180 minutes in the electron density variations of the F region ionosphere. Electron density profiles obtained at the ionospheric stations of Pruhonice (49.9° N, 14.5° E) and Ebro (40.8° N, 0.5° E) at five minute time sampling have been used for this analysis. The diurnal changes of the activity of the acoustic gravity wave fluctuations (AGW) show a clear enhancement during and several hours after sunrise. The periods of such AGW's are about 60 to 75 minutes and these waves propagates vertically through the ionosphere from a source located at an altitude of 180-220 km. The most likely source for these events seems to be passage of the Solar terminator.  相似文献   

An intensification of auroral luminosity referred to as an auroral break-up often accompanies the onset of geomagnetic pulsation (Pi 2) at the dip-equator. One such auroral break-up occurred at 2239 UT on 16 June, 1986, being accompanied by weak substorm activity (AE≈50 nT) which was recorded in all-sky image of Syowa Station, Antarctica (66.2°S, 71.8°E in geomagnetic coordinates). The associated Pi 2 magnetic pulsation was detected by a fluxgate magnetometer in the afternoon sector at the dip-equator (Huancayo, Peru; 1.44°N, 355.9° in geomagnetic coordinates; 12.1°S, 75.2°W in geographic coordinates; L = 1.00). In spite of the large separation of the two stations in longitude and latitude, the auroral break-up and subsequent luminosity modulation were seen to be correlated with the wave form of the ground Pi 2 pulsation. This occurred in such a way that the luminosity maximum was seen to occur at the phase of maximum amplitudes of Pi 2 wave form. We argue that the observed correlation could be interpreted as indicating a Pi 2-modulation of a field-aligned acceleration of the low energy electrons that may occur near the equator of the midnight magnetosphere.  相似文献   

利用阿德莱德(35°S,138°E)和武汉(30.6°N,114.5°E)的流星雷达观测数据首次给出了80~100 km高度上周期为12.66太阳时的大气太阴半日潮汐(N2潮)的季节、高度、年度变化及其与周期为12.42太阳时的大气太阴半日潮汐(M2潮)的对比分析.分析结果表明:武汉和阿德莱德的N2潮和M2潮均有明显的季节、高度和年度变化.N2潮与M2潮的幅度比值大于其引力势之比0.191,在某些年份的不同季节和高度上,N2潮的幅度甚至大于M2潮的幅度.大多幅度之比接近或超过N2潮和M2潮引力势之比的2倍.中低热层的大气太阴N2潮汐值得关注.  相似文献   

Summary In continuation of the investigations of previous years (Kautsky [1973, 1976, 1985]; Kautsky, Jefferies, and Steele [1980]), besides surface water samples, water samples were also taken at depth for the first time along the entire station grid northwards of 53° 30 N (1982) and 53° N (1984).The fundamental distribution pattern of the137+134Cs in the North Sea, within certain limits was practically analogous with that of the previous years. In the South and westwards of Jutland, on the basis of steep activity concentration gradients, one can again clearly recognize the boundary between the water coming out of the Channel from the South and the water coming from the North along the English coast. In the surface water, this boundary between the two water masses — as in previous years — lies between 6° E and 7° E.However, in deep water westwards of Jutland, clear differences of the distribution are observed between the years 1982 and 1984. In August/September 1982, a clear front in the entire water column between surface and bottom is present (Fig. 11). A comparable pattern, in principle, is indicated by the salinity distribution (Fig. 13). In comparison with it, in May/June 1984, a clearly stronger advance of the deep water (on the basis of the activity concentration differences) in the direction of Jutland compared with the surface water is recognizable (Fig. 12). Here also this effect appeared in outline to a certain extent in the salinity distribution (Fig. 14). Altogether, the content of radio caesium in the water of the North Sea from 1982 to 1984 has decreased by 30%. In 1984, it totalled, approximately 2400 TBq137+134Cs, only 0.5% of the circa 481000 TBq40K present in nature in the North Sea.
Verteilung und Gehalt von137+134Cs und90Sr im Wasser der Nordsee in den Jahren 1982 bis 1984
Zusammenfassung In Weiterführung der Untersuchungen vorhergehender Jahre (Kautsky [1973, 1976, 1985]; Kautsky, Jefferies, und Steele [1980]) wurden erstmalig neben Oberflächenwasserproben auf dem gesamten Stationsnetz nördlich von 53° 30 N (1982) und 53° N (1984) auch Tiefenwasserproben entnommen.Das grundsätzliche Verteilungsmuster des137+134Cs in der Nordsee gleicht im Rahmen einer gewissen Variationsbreite praktisch dem der vorhergehenden Jahre. Im Süden und westlich von Jütland ist anhand der steilen Aktivitätskonzentrationsgradienten wieder deutlich die Grenze zwischen dem aus dem Kanal von Süden und dem entlang der englischen Küste von Norden kommenden Wasser zu erkennen. Im Oberflächenwasser leigt diese Grenze zwischen den beiden Wassermassen — wie auch in den Vorjahren — zwischen 6° E und 7° E.Im Tiefenwasser westlich Jütland sind zwischen den Jahren 1982 und 1984 aber deutliche Unterschiede der Verteilung zu beobachten. Im August/September 1982 ist eine klare Front in der gesamten Wassersäule zwischen Oberfläche und Boden vorhanden (Abb. 11). Ein im Prinzip vergleichbares Muster zeigt die Salzgehaltsverteilung (Abb. 13). Dagegen ist im Mai/Juni 1984 ein deutlich stärkeres Vordringen des Tiefenwassers (anhand der Aktivitätskonzentrationsunterschiede) in Richtung Jütland gegenüber dem Oberflächenwasser erkennbar (Abb. 12). Auch hier zeichnet sich dieser Effekt bis zu einem gewissen Grad in der Salzgehaltsverteilung ab (Abb. 14). Insgesamt hat der Gehalt des Radiocaesium im Wasser der Nordseee von 1982 bis 1984 um 30% abgenommen. Er beträgt 1984 mit rund 2400 TBq137+134Cs nur 0,5% der in der Nordsee von Natur aus vorhandenen rund 481 000 TBq40K.

Distribution et concentration du caesium 137 et 134 et du strontium 90 dans les eaux de la Mer du Nord au cours des années 1982 et 1984
Résumé Pendant la continuation des recherches des années antérieures (Kautsky [1973, 1976, 1985]; Kautsky, Jefferies et Steele [1980]) et en plus des prélèvements d'eau de surface, on a aussi prélevé pour la première fois, des échantillons d'eau profonde à toutes les stations du réseau au Nord du parallèle 53° 30 N (1982) et du parallèle 53° N (1984).Le modèle fondamental de distribution du caesium 137 et 134 en Mer du Nord est pratiquement analogue, à l'intérieur de certaines limites de latitude, à celui des années antérieures. Dans le Sud et à l'Ouest du Jutland, on peut encore reconnaître clairement, sur la base de forts gradients de concentration d'activité, la frontière entre les eaux venant de la Manche par le Sud et les eaux pénétrant par le Nord le long de la côte anglaise. Pour l'eau de surface, cette frontière entre les deux masses d'eau s'étend, comme dans les années antérieures, entre les méridiens 6° E et 7° E.Cependant, en eau profonde à l'Ouest du Jutland, de réelles différences de distributions ont été observées entre les années 1982 et 1984. En août-septembre 1982, un front net est présent dans toute la colonne d'eau comprise entre la surface et le fond (Fig. 11). Un modèle comparable, dans le principe, est indiqué par la distribution de la salinité (Fig. 13). Par contre en mai–juin 1984 on peut reconnaître, une progression significativement plus forte de l'eau profonde (sur la base des différences de concentration d'activité comparée à celle de l'eau de surface en direction du Jutland (Fig. 12). Ici aussi cet effet est apparu jusqu'à un certain degré dans la distribution de la salinité (Fig. 14). Tout compte fait, la concentration de caesium radioactif a diminué de 30% dans la Mer du Nord entre 1982 et 1984. En 1984 le caesium 137 et 134 totalisait approximativement 2400 TBq ce qui représente seulement 0,5% des 481 000 TBq environ de potassium 40 présent au naturel dans la Mer du Nord.

The spatial and temporal distribution of total ozone over India and its vertical distribution in theatmosphere during 1964–1969 was studied using Dobson spectrophotometer data at a network of six stations in India, Srinagar (34°N), New Delhi (28°N), Varanasi (24°N), Ahmedabad (23°N), Dum Dum (22°N), and Kodaikanal (10°N). The annual and seasonal variations show a clear phase-shift in the occurrence of the ozone maxima and minima as one proceeds from higher to lower latitudes in the tropics. In the northern stations (north of 25°N) the increase in total ozone during the course of the annual variation is caused by the fractional increase in all layers from the ground to 28 km, the main contribution coming from 10–24 km. Above 28 km the concentration changes roughly in accordance with photochemical production.In lower latitudes (south of 25°N) an increase in total ozone amount during the annual cycle is caused by a gradual increase in all the layers from the ground to 36 km above which the variation is negligible.  相似文献   

Summary The mean monthly precipitable water at four tropical stations Madras (13°00N, 80°11E), Waltair (17°42N, 83°18E), Bombay (18°54N, 72°49E) and Nagpur (21°06N, 79°03E) are evaluated for the layer surface to 500 mb (0–5.4 km) of the atmosphere using radiosonde data available for seven years period (1959–1965). The mean monthly precipitable water for the above four stations is also estimated from dew point temperature.The precipitable water in the air column at any station is examined in relation to monsoon flow. The higher values of precipitable water are found to occur over the regions when there is good supply of moisture by the monsoon flow as well as low level convergence. These studies are believed to provide useful information in forecasting the monsoon circulation over the country.  相似文献   

A study of seismic anisotropy was performed using data from earthquakes of the Mexicali Valley. The investigated region encompasses the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field (CPGF), one of the most important fields in the world. The results showed that at most of our stations the average polarization directions of the fast S waves range from N14°W to N17°E. A N-S polarization direction was obtained for the whole area by averaging the polarization directions from all stations used. In terms of the EDA hypothesis, this average trend agrees with the postulated state of stress for southern California, and with fault plane solutions for events of the Mexicali Valley. Notorious deviations from the N-S global trend were found southeast of the CPGF, with polarization trends between N25°E and N67°E, and in the geothermal field, with polarization directions between N7°W and N14°W. The polarization results for these zones indicated stress conditions that are different from the more regional stress pattern. The delay times that were measured between the fast and slow shear waves reached values of up to 0.6 sec, with a mean value of 0.35 sec. Consistent with our polarization results, the larger delay times (0.2–0.6 sec) were found in the CPGF. Smaller or null values were observed at the periphery of the study area. No temporal trends in the delay times were apparent, as shown by data from the two stations that recorded the larger number of events. Overall, we conclude that the splitting effects of this study result from a shallow anisotropy volume. The splitting results are thus interpreted as caused by the preferred orientation of vertical fluid-filled microcracks aligned in a direction that is parallel to the regional stress field. The stronger splitting effects that were observed in the area of the CPGF were found consistent with the geothermal reservoir that is embedded in the sedimentary cover of the zone, at depths of 1 to 4–5 km from the surface. We thus believe that such marked splitting effects have a direct relation with the reservoir of the CPGF.We are grateful to Miguel Navarro, Tito Valdez, and Manuel Luna for their contribution in the operation of RANM and for processing and cataloguing the strong-motion data. Ignacio Méndez and Francisco Farfán helped us with data from the RESNOM system. The study benefited from funding provided by CICESE and from grants awarded by CONACYT to Luis Munguía (Grants F195T and PCCNCNA-031339).  相似文献   

Teleseismic data recorded by stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) are used for a study of upper mantle structure beneath the Baltic Shield using the receiver function technique. The data show very clear conversions from the 410 and 660 km discontinuities. The signals associated with P to S conversions at these discontinuities arrive 1-2 s earlier than predicted by global models such as IASP91 or PREM. We interpret this as a manifestation of higher than average velocities in the mantle beneath the shield, consistent with lower than average global temperatures. For a 1400 km profile along the network, we observe variations of around 1 second in delay times of P410s and slightly less for P660s. Under the assumption that the mantle discontinuities are at a given constant depth, the delay times of the mantle converted phases are tomographically inverted to reveal P and S velocity structure below the stations. Synthetic tests show that this tomographic inversion has the potential to resolve P and S velocity variations at structural scales adequate for upper mantle studies. Results from application to real data appear to be consistent with independently produced mantle velocity structures deduced from normal tomographic arrival time data. For the P velocity model, a north-dipping body of (relatively) low velocity is found for the central part of the profile at 58-64°N. A sharp contrast from low to high velocities that may be associated with the Proterozoic-Archean boundary is found at 66°N.  相似文献   

Summary Winter and summer Mid-Latitude (45oN) atmospheres to 90 km, two of a family of nine atmospheres supplemental to the U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1962), provide information on atmospheric structure by seasons rather than the mean annual data shown in the Standard, which is described for reference. Principal data sources for constructing these atmospheres consisted of summaries of Northern Hemisphere radiosonde observations at stations near, 45oN, and observations made from rockets and instruments released by rockets, from nearly a dozen Northern Hemisphere launching sites.Winter and summer temperature-height profiles begin with surface temperatures of –1° and +21 °C, respectively, and contain three isothermal layers: –58°C at 19 to 27 km in winter and –57.5°C at 13 to 17 km in summer; –7.5° and +2.5°C at 47 to 52 km; and –79.5 and –99°C at 80 to 90 km, respectively. The temperature-height curve for the U.S. Standard has a surface temperature of +15°C with isothermal regions at 11 to 20 km (–56.5°C), 47 to 52 km (–2.5°C), and 80 to 90 km (–92.5°C). In all three atmospheres, temperature gradients for various segments are linear with geopotential, height. Humidity is incorporated into the lowest 10 km of the Supplemental Atmospheres, whereas the Standard is dry. Figures and tables depict temperature, relative humidity, pressure, and density for winter and summer, and temperature, pressure, density, speed of sound, and dynamic viscosity for the U.S. Standard Atmosphere.The Supplemental Atmospheres are mutually consistent; zonal wind profiles, computed from the geostrophic wind equation and selected pressure heights, compare favorably with existing radiosonde and rocket wind observations.  相似文献   

The rocketsonde data obtained from the launchings made at Thumba (8°3215N, 76°5148E) during the winter period 1970–71, as already reported, have indicated that warmings of noticeable magnitude occurred at high levels (upper stratosphere and mesosphere) over this tropical station during the period mentioned. The mean monthly radiosonde temperatures of 50, 100 and 300 mb levels at Thumba (Trivandrum) and Delhi (28°35N, 77°12E) during the same period have also pointed out certain anomalies consistent with the warmings referred to above at Thumba. The radiosonde temperatures of the two stations, Thumba (Trivandrum) and Delhi, have now been examined, along with the values of total ozone, for the ten winter periods commencing from 1961–1962. The analysis has pointed out the possibility of high-level warmings also having occurred in the past over the Indian region during the winters of 1963–1964 and 1967–1968, which are also the periods when prominent warmings are definitely known to have occurred at higher latitudes. The behaviour of total ozone has been found to be different in the different years of the warmings. The features noticed have been presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Regular measurements of the atmospheric ozone in the Brazilian sector were started at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45.0°W), and Natal (5.8°S, 35.2°W) in May 1974 and November 1978, respectively. The results of the total ozone measurements carried out at these two stations up to 1981 are presented in this communication and compared with other low-and mid-latitude stations. Although Natal is an equatorial station, it presents a prominent annual variation, and the average total ozone content is high compared to satellite measurements. During 1977–78, abnormally low values of total ozone were observed at Cachoeira Paulista. Some preliminary results about the QBO 9quasi-biennial oscillation) during 1974–81 are also presented.  相似文献   

Evaluations of radiosonde soundings over North America and Europe, measurements aboard commercial airlines, and permanent ozone registrations at nineteen ground-based stations between Tromsö, Norway, and Hermanus, South Africa, yield three belts of higher ozone intrusion from the stratosphera and maximum values of the annual means at about 30°N, at between 40°–45°N and at about 60°N. A marked decrease of the annual mean values of the tropospheric ozone is detected towards the equator and the pole, respectively.In the northen hemisphere the maximum of the annual cycle of the tropospheric ozone concentration occurs in spring at high latitudes and in summer at mid-latitudes.For the tropical region from 30°S to 30°N a strong asymmetry of the northern and southern hemisphere occurs. This fact is discussed in detail. The higher troposphere of the tropics seems to be a wellmixed reservoir and mainly supplied with ozone from the tropopause gap region in the northern hemisphere. The ozone distribution in the lower troposphere of the whole tropics seems to be controlled by the up and down movements of the Hadley cell. The features of large-scale and seasonal variation of tropospheric ozone are discussed in connection with the ozone circulation in the stratosphere, the dynamic processes near the tropopause and the destruction rate at the earth's surface.  相似文献   

We use the hydrographic data obtained during the joint survey of the Yellow Sea by the First Institute of Oceanography, China and the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Korea, to quantify the spatial structures and temporal evolution of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM). It is indicated that the southern YSCWM is a water mass that develops in summer and decays in fall. In winter, due to the intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), the central area (approximately between 34°N and 35°N, 122°E and 124°E) of the Yellow Sea is mainly occupied by relatively high temperature water (T>10 °C). By contrast, from early summer to fall, under the seasonal thermocline, the central area of Yellow Sea is occupied by cold water (T<10 °C). In summer, the southern YSCWM has two cold cores. One is formed locally southeast of Shandong Peninsula, and the other one has a tongue-like feature occupying the area approximately between 34°N and 37°N, 123°E and 126°E. The bottom layer temperature anomalies from February to July in the cold tongue region, along with the trajectories of the bottom floaters, suggest that the cold water mass in the northeast region has a displacement from the north to the central area of the Yellow Sea during the summer.  相似文献   

Ultra low frequency (ULF) wave activity in the high-latitude ionosphere has been observed by a high frequency (HF) Doppler sounder located at Tromsø, Norway (69.71°N, 19.2°E geographic coordinates). A statistical study of the occurrence of these waves has been undertaken from data collected between 1979 and 1984. The diurnal, seasonal, solar cycle and geomagnetic activity variations in occurrence have been investigated. The findings demonstrate that the ability of the sounder to detect ULF wave signatures maximises at the equinoxes and that there is a peak in occurrence in the morning sector. The occurrence rate is fairly insensitive to changes associated with the solar cycle but increases with the level of geomagnetic activity. As a result, it has been possible to characterise the way in which prevailing ionospheric and magnetospheric conditions affect such observations of ULF waves.  相似文献   

Ground-based Fabry–Perot spectrometer observations from the Australian Antarctic stations of Davis and Mawson show an upward wind ≥100 m s−1 in the thermosphere at ∼240 km altitude on the night of Day of Year 159 in 1997. The wind was from a region located poleward of the poleward edge of the discrete auroral oval, and is identified as a further event of the type seen at Mawson, and elsewhere, in earlier work. The upward wind was first seen over Davis station at ∼22:00 UT. As the auroral oval moved northward the region of upward wind followed, and was seen at Mawson (some 4° magnetically north of Davis) just over 1 h later. It is shown that the presence of the large upward wind does, at times, affect the horizontal wind inferred from the off-zenith observations. Correcting the affected measurements for the non-zero upward wind leads to a horizontal wind field more consistent with that derived from observations before and after the vertical wind event. A lower limit of the area of the region of upward wind over Mawson and Davis on this night is estimated as ∼6×1011 m2. The estimated power required to drive the upward wind over this area at 240 km altitude is of order 6×109 W. We estimate that this represents between 3 and 7% of the geomagnetic power input in the southern hemisphere during this interval.  相似文献   

The variations of total ozone at Alma-Ata (43°N, 76 °E) and ozone profiles obtained by balloon sounding at Tateno (36°N, 140°E), Wallops Island (38°N, 75°W) and Cagliari (39°N, 9°E) in the periods of Forbush decreases (FD) in galactic cosmic rays have been analysed. A decrease of total ozone was observed in the initial stage of the FD and an increase 10–11 days later. The average total deviations calculated using the superposed epoch method for 9 FD events are equal to 30 D. U. in the positive and to –18 D. U. in the negative phase. The changes of average ozone profiles, associated with 26 FD events, are more significant in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere. The decrease of the partial ozone pressure at a height of 12–15 km is about 30 mb. These vertical variations of ozone coincide with the average changes of the respective temperature profiles. A cooling, on the average, of 3°C was observed at 12–15 km, and a heating of 4°C below this level.  相似文献   

Fracture system in Phlegraean Fields (Naples,southern Italy)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the 1983 seismic crisis in the Phlegraean Fields bradyseismic region (southern Italy), a structural analysis of the area was carried out.With a detailed field survey based on a net of 34 measure stations, a total of 536 fractures (mainly joints and a few normal faults) were measured on a 10 × 10 km area in volcanites capable of memorizing post depositional stress activity by fracturing.The analysis of the collected data was performed with the data bank of the University of Rome computer facilities. The azimuthal analysis of total fractures showed a nonrandom distribution with 5 major sets: N13°E, N45°E, N14°W, N55°W and E-W. These preferential orientations have been detected with an automatic fitting of gaussian curves (bell curves) on the azimuthal histograms. The areal distribution showed that all these fracture sets are in general present in the main collapse area. An azimuthal analysis performed by selecting the data collected for rocks older than 4,600 y BP showed a possible youngest age for the N14°W set (domain) (E-W extension). Fractures with an «opening» wider than 1 cm presented the same 5 azimuthal sets and fit fairly well with a concentric distribution around the main collapse area. The presence of an analogous radial pattern is not evident. A tentative interpretation model relates the superficial fracture sets to two possible causes: volcanic activity, including doming and collapsing, and propagation of active tensile deformations in the sedimentary basement due to regional stress trajectories.Contribution of «Centro di Studio per la Geologia dell'Italia Centrale», CNR, Roma.  相似文献   

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