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A study, aimed at characterizing the nature of anthropogenic and biogenic hydrocarbon contamination in the groundwater of Kuwait, was carried out using fluorescence spectroscopy and other analytical techniques. The results of these analyses have demonstrated that the groundwater in certain areas of northern Kuwait has been significantly impacted by contamination originating from the oil-contaminated surface soils. The study revealed that a water-soluble fraction (WSF) of the crude oil surface contamination appeared to be slowly leaching into the freshwater lenses located in the area. The study also showed that hydrocarbon pollutants were practically absent in the brackish water areas of central and southern Kuwait, except for a few isolated sites. However, nonpetroleum hydrocarbons, with ultraviolet-visible absorption characteristics and fluorescence characteristics typically associated with humic substances, were observed at a few sites in the brackish water fields.  相似文献   

Massive oil fires in Kuwait were the aftermath of the Gulf War. This resulted in the pollution of air, water, and soil, the magnitude of which is unparalleled in the history of mankind. Oil fires damaged several oil well heads, resulting in the flow of oil, forming large oil lakes. Products of combustion from oil well fires deposited over large areas. Infiltrating rainwater, leaching out contaminants from oil lakes and products of combustion at ground surface, can reach the water table and contaminate the groundwater. Field investigations, supported by laboratory studies and mathematical models, show that infiltration of oil from oil lakes will be limited to a depth of about 2 m from ground surface. Preliminary mathematical models showed that contaminated rainwater can infiltrate and reach the water table within a period of three to four days, particularly at the Raudhatain and Umm Al-Aish regions. These are the only regions in Kuwait where fresh groundwater exists. After reaching the water table, the lateral movement of contaminants is expected to be very slow under prevailing hydraulic gradients. Groundwater monitoring at the above regions during 1992 showed minor levels of vanadium, nickel, and total hydrocarbons at certain wells. Since average annual rainfall in the region is only 120 mm/yr, groundwater contamination due to the infiltration of contaminated rainwater is expected to be a long-term one.  相似文献   

泉按照出露原因通常可以分为侵蚀泉、接触泉、溢流泉(溢出泉)和断层泉等。根据泉眼和地下水循环深度(或径流位置)的相对关系,泉可以分为表层泉、浅循环泉和深循环泉。地下水在地下流动(循环)的最深处仍然高于泉口,这类泉称为浅循环泉。浅循环泉出露的位置并不在地形最低处,其补给来源主要是大气降水入渗,地下水受到重力作用自高处往低处流动,在地下径流的途径短、时间短,流量一般不大。浅循环泉通常是常温泉、淡水泉(也有咸泉和盐泉),多是常年性泉,也有部分是季节性泉或暂时性泉。广西北竂岭北坡泉和云南顺荡井盐泉是典型的浅循环泉。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion (FI) data provide insights into the origin of hot fluids in Cretaceous and Jurassic reservoirs in south Kuwait. FI data for Cretaceous reservoirs show anomalously high temperatures exceeding 200 °C compared to samples from the Jurassic. In addition, formation water chemical geothermometry data also show anomalous water-rock equilibration temperatures. The preservation of high temperatures indicates rapid migration from depth through deep-seated fault systems. This implies that very hot fluids probably migrated up-fault from near basement to the Cretaceous section. This approach helps to understand the role of hydrothermal activity associated with basement faults in south Kuwait.  相似文献   

浅层地下水卤代烃污染初步研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
笔者通过对某地区浅层地下水中卤代烃(三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯和三溴甲烷)的测试、研究和分析,阐明了该地区浅层地下水中卤代烃污染物主要是三氯甲烷、三氯乙烯和四氯乙烯,主要污染来源是露天堆放的垃圾场、排污河渠和特殊工业企业;确定了污染源分布和包气带岩性是决定该地区卤代烃污染的两个主要因素,冲洪积扇顶部和潜水-承压水过渡带是卤代烃污染的高浓度区;最后对该地区卤代烃污染物的形成和迁移转化机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

本文根据河南省黄河下游影响带众多的水源地勘探孔资料和黄河4条剖面上同位素的分布特征,采用地层分析法、同位素法和数值法较准确地划分了黄河不同河段地表水对地下水的补给深度,其中,郑州剖面补给深度小于250m,中新剖面和开封剖面大于200m,濮阳剖面小于150m.  相似文献   

北京平原区地下水位预警初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
借鉴美国地质调查局在宾夕法尼亚的地下水位预警方法,从统计学的角度,探索了北京平原区地下水预警方法。对监测井多年长期监测资料进行百分位统计分析,把同一时间(月平均、旬平均、日平均)地下水水位(头)标高值的最小值至百分位5、百分位5至百分位10、百分位10至百分位25、百分位25至百分位75范围内的地下水位分别定义为红色、橙色、黄色和蓝色预警,形成地下水位预警判据。根据地下水水位实时监测数据,实时判定监测井代表区域的地下水预警等级,同时修正和完善地下水位预警判据,称之为监测井单点预警,监测井代表的同一层位的区域的集合,构成不同含水层的地下水位区域预警。对北京平原区2009年12月的地下水位预警结果为:潮白河冲洪积扇顶部和中部潜水含水层地下水位为红色预警,前缘为黄色预警,冲洪积平原为蓝色预警区;城区以南地区为红色预警,海淀山后的西北部地区为红色预警,永定河冲积扇和冲积平原大部分地区黄色和蓝色预警,大石河冲洪积扇地区均为蓝色预警;承压水含水层在潮白河冲洪积扇的前缘为红色预警,冲洪积平原为蓝色预警,北运河山前地带均为橙色预警,城区东、东南地区为橙色和黄色预警,少数地区为橙色预警,除上述地区以外,承压水均为蓝色预警。北京市平原区主要地下水开采地区地下水位已经处于历史的较低水位处,特别是潮白河冲积扇中上部地区以及平谷盆地,地下水位几乎全部处于红色预警区。该预警方法原理明确,方法简便,有望在地下水主要开采区推广应用。  相似文献   

The present study has been undertaken to determine the nature and the factors controlling the distribution of carbonate content in Kuwait Bay sediments. The carbonate content that may be deposited with Kuwait Bay sediments is attributed to the interplay of the deposits fallout from the dust storms over Kuwaiti territory, the deposits carried in suspension by the currents from Shatt Al-Arab area and to the skeletal parts of microorganisms that may be originated in the sediments. The carbonate content increases in the coarse sediments rather than in the fine sediments. The mineral components of the carbonate present are in the form of calcite, aragonite and some dolomite. Therefore, the texture of the sediments, the rate of deposition in addition to the biological interference may exert a considerable control over carbonate distribution.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区地下水环境背景值初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在分析对比国内外研究方法的基础上,选择数理统计方法,运用国际通用统计软件SPSS,对珠江三角洲地下水水质指标TDS、Cl-、SO24-、TFe环境背景值进行研究,并初步探讨了它们的空间分布规律及控制因素。分析认为地形地貌、区域水动力条件及海水入侵等因素对研究区浅层地下水指标的空间分布起主要控制作用。其结果为评价珠江三角洲地区地下水污染状况提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

. A groundwater tracing study was conducted on the Mitchell Plain of southern Indiana to aid in the design of a karst groundwater monitoring program for a proposed landfill facility. Fluorescein and rhodamine WT dyes were introduced into sinkholes at the project site. On-site fluorometric analyses and concentration-dependent sampling were utilized at springs and a local stream for data resolution while minimizing delays between tracing events. As a result of this investigation, springs including a submerged spring that drain groundwater from the site have been identified and two groundwater monitoring stations have been established. The submerged spring was discovered in the streambed at intersections between prominent joints and solution-enlarged bedding-plane partings. It could not have been identified readily during a typical karst hydrogeologic inventory, nor would it have been detected by analyzing charcoal dye receptors with a spectrofluorophotometer.  相似文献   

地下水开采量调查和校核方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水开采量数据的准确与否直接关系到地下水资源评价的精度,进而影响到水资源利用规划。作者在长期调查工作的基础上,总结出地下水开采量调查尤其是农村地下水开采量的调查和校核方法,与同行探讨。  相似文献   

浅析开采条件下地下热水资源的演变   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
地下热水的分布可以分为埋藏型(或盆地型)和出露型(或温泉型。埋藏型分布于沉积盆地深处,热储层规模大,有较大的储存资源,但补给资源极为有限或缺乏,开采地下热水主要是消耗储存资源,可导致热水系统水位持续下降。出露型多见于山区,地下热水以温泉的方式出露地表,其储存资源和补给资源均有限,在温泉附近开采热水可导致温泉流量减小直至干涸。热水系统水位、水温也会持续下降。在某些特定条件下在温泉附近打成的自流孔可使地下热水资源量有所增加。温泉的自封闭作用可使其流量减少。  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation of the Lincang germanium deposit is discussed in the light of the spatial distribution of Ge-rich coal and siliceous rocks,the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite in the Ge-rich coal,the variation of Ge abundance in the coal seams and the geochemical characteristics of the siliceous rocks.The results show that the siliceous rocks intercalated with the coal seamw were deposited from a hyrothermal medium through which germanium was enriched in the coal beds.The primary source of germanium is thought to be the Gerich granite in the basement of the sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

 An integrated geological, geoelectrical and hydrochemical investigation of shallow groundwater occurrence in the Ibadan area, southwestern Nigeria, is presented. The primary objective was to characterise the groundwater in a typical low-latitude environment underlain by Precambrian crystalline basement complex rocks. The dominant rocks comprise suites of gneisses and quartzites. Chemical analyses of the groundwater show that the mean concentration of the cations is in the order Na>Ca>Mg>K while that for the anions is Cl>HCO3>NO3>SO4. Statistical analyses, using the product-moment coefficient of correlation, indicate positive correlations between the following pairs of parameters: TDS and conductivity (r=0.96); Na++Mg2+ and Cl (r=0.95); Na++K+ and Ca2+ (r=0.43); Na++K+ and HCO3 (r=0.17); Ca2+ and Mg2+ (r=0.74); Ca2+ and HCO3 (r=0.33); Ca2++Mg2+ and HCO3 (r=0.31) and pH and HCO3 (r=0.54). A very weak negative correlation was recorded between pH and Cl, with r=–0.003. Five groundwater groups have been identified, namely, (1) the Na-Cl, Na-Ca-Cl, Na-Ca-(Mg)-Cl; (2) the Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3-Cl, Na-Ca-HCO3-Cl, and Ca-HCO3-Cl; (3) the Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3, Ca-Na-HCO3; (4) Ca-Na-Cl-(SO4)-HCO3 and (5) the Ca-(Mg)-Na-SO4-HCO3. The different groups reflect the diversity of bedrock types and consequently also of the products of weathering. Most of the water sampled is unfit for drinking on account of the high NO3 content. It can, however, be used for irrigation purposes as the sodium hazard is low while the salinity hazard ranges from low to medium. Resistivity soundings indicate the presence of a thick weathering profile, which could be up to 60 m. Such sites should be the target for any long-term and sustainable groundwater development in the area. Received: 15 April 1998 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

通过2003年我院在农业地质外业调查中,在闵家镇幅化探采样时,应用GPS和GIS相结合做测制采样点分布图的试验,探索采用MapGIS图象配准,GPS和GIS相结合来绘制采样点位图的新方法。这种新方法的运用使管理人员能及时地掌握外业生产质量和工作进度情况,并可杜绝外业收队后发现采样点偏离、漏点等无法补救等问题,提高了工作质量和工作效率。  相似文献   

某堤防工程中防渗墙对地下水运动规律影响的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许季军  肖利  张伟  吴昌瑜 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):524-530
在1998年之后,长江堤防部分堤段采用了垂直防渗墙措施来处理堤身和堤基中存在的渗流隐患问题,但与此同时,也有人担心防渗墙实施后,会影响原有的江水与地下水之间补给排泄关系而带来新的环境问题.本文将以某实施了防渗墙的堤段为例,采用GMS软件中的MODFLOW计算模块模拟分析临江地层中地下水与江水的动态互动关系,并重点讨论了防渗墙实施后对这种关系的影响,分析结果认为,防渗墙实施后一般不会带来新的地下水环境问题.  相似文献   

勘探实践和地质地球化学分析显示,膏盐岩作为一种化学沉积岩虽然本身不具备生烃能力,但其岩系组合中不同程度富含的生烃物质,使得膏盐岩层系可作为海相盆地非常重要的烃源岩,因此,我国的高演化、低有机质丰度的海相膏盐岩层系也可以作为良好的烃源岩。分析表明:海相膏盐岩层系烃源岩具有多元化的生烃物质、异常活跃的有机-无机相互作用和膏盐岩层系特殊的物理化学条件,这些因素共同影响着其生烃物质来源、有机质热演化进程、产物的组分及产率、稳定同位素组成等特征,因此研究膏盐岩层系烃源岩的形成演化特征,对于我国海相膏盐岩层系源-藏匹配、生烃机理、烃源岩评价等问题具有重要的勘探实践和理论研究意义。此外,由于海相膏盐岩层系在成源和矿物组成方面的特殊性,传统的烃源岩评价指标如TOC、氯仿沥青"A"、S1+S2等难以适用于海相膏盐岩层系烃源岩,而采用总生烃碳的概念评价烃源岩演化及生烃潜力应该更为客观可靠。  相似文献   

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