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In contrast to Ferry (1980) (X Ca)-values in garnet even lower than 0.1 have a significant effect on the calculated equilibrium temperature using the experimental calibration of the Fe and Mg paritioning between garnet and biotite. Garnet compositions and Mg/Fe — distribution coefficients from samples of the Eoalpine staurolite — in zone in the southern Ötztal are related by the quadratic regression equation: InK D= -1.7500 (±0.0226) + 2.978 (±0.5317)X Ca Gt -5.906(±2.359)(X Ca Gt )2 Temperatures derived by the Ferry and Spear (1978) calibration using chemistry — correctedK D values are petrologically realistic.Analysis of our data supports non ideal mixing of grossular with almandine — pyrope solid solution. The derived excess mixing energies are quite small for the almandine — pyrope solution (W FeMg= –133 cal/mole) and about +2775 cal/mole for the difference between pyrope-grossular and almandine-grossular solutions (W MgCaW FeCa) at metamorphic conditions of 570° C and 5,000 bar. The mixing parameters proposed by Ganguly and Saxena (1984) are not confirmed by our data as they would result in significantly lower temperatures.  相似文献   

The cation exchange reaction Fe3Al2Si3O12 +KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 = Mg3Al2Si3O12+KFe3-AlSi3 O10(OH)2 has been investigated by determining the partitioning of Fe and Mg between synthetic garnet, (Fe, Mg)3Al2Si3O12, and synthetic biotite, K(Fe, Mg)3AlSi3O10(OH)2. Experimental results at 2.07 kbar and 550 °–800 ° C are consistent with In [(Mg/Fe) garnet/(Mg/Fe) biotite] = -2109/T(°K) +0.782. The preferred estimates for ¯H and ¯S of the exchange reaction are 12,454 cal and 4.662 e.u., respectively. Mixtures of garnet and biotite in which the ratio garnet/biotite=49/1 were used in the cation exchange experiments. Consequently the composition of garnet-biotite pairs could approach equilibrium values in the experiments with minimal change in garnet composition (few tenths of a mole percent). Equilibrium was demonstrated at each temperature by reversal of the exchange reaction. Numerical analysis of the experimental data yields a geothermometer for rocks containing biotite and garnet that are close to binary Fe-Mg compounds.  相似文献   

The partitioning of Fe and Mg between coexisting garnet and olivine has been studied at 30 kb pressure and temperatures of 900 ° to 1,400 °C. The results of both synthesis and reversal experiments demonstrate that K D (= (Fe/Mg)gt/(Fe/Mg)OI) is strongly dependent on Fe/Mg ratio and on the calcium content of the garnet. For example, at 1,000 °C/30 kb, K D varies from about 1.2 in very iron-rich compositions to 1.9 at the magnesium end of the series. Increasing the mole fraction of calcium in the garnet from 0 to 0.3 at 1,000 ° C increases K D in magnesian compositions from 1.9 to about 2.5.The observed temperature and composition dependence of K D has been formulated into an equation suitable for geothermometry by considering the solid solution properties of the olivine and garnet phases. It was found that, within experimental error, the simplest kind of nonideal solution model (Regular Solution) fits the experimental data adequately. The use of more complex models did not markedly improve the fit to the data, so the model with the least number of variables was adopted.Multiple linear regression of the experimental data (72 points) yielded, for the exchange reaction: 3Fe2SiO4+2Mg3Al2Si3O12 olivine garnet 2Fe2Al2Si3O12+3Mg2SiO4 garnet olivine H ° (30kb) of –10,750 cal and S ° of –4.26 cal deg–1 mol–1. Absolute magnitudes of interaction parameters (W ij ) derived from the regression are subject to considerable uncertainty. The partition coefficient is, however, strongly dependent on the following differences between solution parameters and these differences are fairly well constrained: W FeMg ol -W FeMg gt 800 cal W CaMg gt -W CaFe gt 2,670 cal.The geothermometer is most sensitive in the temperature and composition regions where K D is substantially greater than 1. Thus, for example, peridotitic compositions at temperatures less than about 1,300 ° C should yield calculated temperatures within 60 °C of the true value. Iron rich compositions (at any temperature) and magnesian compositions at temperatures well above 1,300 °C could not be expected to yield accurate calculated temperatures.For a fixed K D the influence of pressure is to raise the calculated temperature by between 3 and 6 °C per kbar.  相似文献   

The partitioning of Mg and Fe2+ between coexisting olivines and orthopyroxenes in the system MgO-FeO-SiO2 has been investigated experimentally at 1173, 1273, 1423 K and 1.6 GPa over the whole range of Mg/Fe ratios. The use of barium borosilicate as a flux to promote grain growth, and the identification by back-scattered electron imaging of resulting growth rims suitable for analysis by electron microprobe, results in coexisting olivine and orthopyroxenene compositions determined to a precision of±0.003 to 0.004 in molar Fe/(Mg+Fe). Quasi-reversal experiments were performed starting with Mg-rich olivine and Fe-rich orthopyroxene (low KD) and vice versa (high KD), which produced indistinguishable results. The distribution coefficient, KD, depends on composition and on temperature, but near Fe/(Mg+Fe)=0.1 (i.e. mantle compositions) these effects cancel out, and KD is insensitive to temperature. The results agree well with previous experimental investigations, and constrain the thermodynamic mixing properties of Mg-Fe olivine solid solutions to show small near-symmetric deviations from ideality, with between 2000 and 8000 J/mol. Multiple non-linear least squares regression of all data gave a best fit with (implying 5450 J/mol at 1 bar) and , but the two W G parameters are so highly correlated with each other that our data are almost equally well fit with , as obtained by Wiser and Wood. This value implies , apparently independent of temperature. Our experimental results are not compatible with the assessment of olivine-orthopyroxene equilibria of Sack and Ghiorso.  相似文献   

The exchange equilibrium
was studied by reversal experiments as a function of temperature (650 ≤ T ≤ 1000 °C), pressure (10 ≤ P ≤ 20 kbar), and chemical composition. Experiments were performed in a piston-cylinder apparatus using starting mixtures consisting of 95% garnet and 5% ilmenite. At the lower temperatures, 3–5% PbO flux was added to the reactants. The PbO was reduced to metallic lead by the graphite of the capsules. The EMP analysis shows that ilmenite is essentially a solid solution of FeTiO3 and MnTiO3 with up to 4.5 mol% Fe2O3 (for Fe-rich compositions). Garnet is compositionally close to (Fe,Mn)3 Al2Si3O12 but apparently contains up to 1.0 wt% TiO2. As garnet was usually analyzed within 5–15 μm distance from ilmenite grains, the Ti measured in garnet appears to be largely an analytical artifact (due to secondary fluorescence). This was confirmed by analyzing profiles across a couple constructed from ilmenite and Ti-free garnet. The more than 100 exchange runs indicate that the distribution coefficient KD [=(X Mn gnt·X Fe ilm)/(X Fe gnt·X Mn ilm)] is essentially independent of P and decreases with T. With a few exceptions at Mn-rich compositions, the present results are consistent with previous studies on the Fe-Mn partitioning between garnet and ilmenite. Contrary to previous studies, however, the narrow experimental brackets obtained during the present calibration constrain that, at constant T, KD is larger for Mn-rich compositions than for Fe-rich ones. This compositional dependence of KD will complicate garnet-ilmenite geothermometry. Mutually consistent activity models for Fe-Mn garnet and ilmenite, based on a thermodynamic analysis of the present results and other phase equilibria studies in the system Fe-MnO-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2-O2, will be presented in a following contribution (M. Engi and A. Feenstra, in preparation). Received: 12 September 1996 / Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

A new mineralogic geothermometer based on the partitioning of Fe and Mn between garnet and ilmenite has been calibrated by reversal experiments in the P-T range 600–900° C, 2 and 5 kbars and for fO2=QFM. The results constitute a sensitive geothermometer applicable over a broad range of composition and conditions. Garnetilmenite thermometry has advantages relative to existing geothermometers because of its accurate calibration, marked temperature sensitivity and the chemical and structural simplicity of the crystalline solutions involved. Application to natural assemblages reveals that the garnet-ilmenite geothermometer yields temperatures that agree well with other estimates. The reactivity of, and relatively rapid Fe-Mn diffusion in ilmenite may lead to retrograde resetting of high temperature partition values, but these factors may be useful for estimating rock cooling rates. Analysis of the experimental data indicates minor positive deviations from ideality for Fe-Mn garnets and ilmenites. Absolute magnitudes of interaction parameters (W AB) derived from a regression analysis are subject to considerable uncertainty. The partition coefficient is, however, strongly dependent on the difference between solution parameters. These differences are well constrained with a magnitude of W FeMn ilmW FeMn gar 300 cal mol–1. The accuracy and applicability of garnet-ilmenite thermometry will improve with the availability of better thermodynamic data for garnet crystalline solutions.Abbreviations and symbols used in text R universal gas constant (cal/mol/°K) - T absolute temperature (°K or °C) - P pressure (kbars) - V 0 volume change of reaction (1) - H 1, T 0 standard state enthalpy change of reaction (1) at 1 bar and the T of interest, in cal/mole - S T 0 entropy change of reaction (1) at T of interest, in cal/mole/°K - G P,T 0 standard free energy change of reaction (1) at the T and P of interest, in cal/mole - distribution coefficient for Fe-Mn partitioning between garnet and ilmenite - K apparent equilibrium coefficient for reaction (1) - i j activity of component i in phase j - W A-B binary A-B interaction (Margules) parameter - gar garnet - ilm ilmenite - biot biotite - ol olivine - opx orthopyroxene  相似文献   

By means of electron-optical methods the structure and orientation of lamella-like garnet exsolutions in an orthopyroxene from the eclogite of Gilsberg, Saxony Granulite Complex, are investigated. It can be shown that besides the macroscopic and microscopic submicroscopic exsolution lamellae also exist; they have widths up to nearly 5 nm. The intergrowth conditions are such shat (100)op is parallel to {100}gr and [001]op parallel to 〈110〉gr. The lamellae are coherent, but sometimes extended dislocation arrangements are found in microscopic lamellae which are caused by a deformation. These investigations point to formation of the rock as a result of a solid state reaction under high pressure conditions with subsequent diffusive-dissociative exsolution of garnet from primary pyroxene.  相似文献   

 Thermodynamic analysis of Fe- and Mg-bearing plagioclase and silicate liquid was carried out based on reported element partitioning data between plagioclase and silicate liquid in reduced conditions, solution properties of ternary feldspar, standard state properties of plagioclase endmembers and solution properties of multicomponent silicate liquid. Derived mixing properties of Fe- and Mg-bearing plagioclase are in harmony with estimated results from synthetic experiments in the systems CaAl2Si2O8-CaFeSi3O8 and CaAl2Si2O8-CaMgSi3O8. Based on the determined solution properties of the plagioclase, a computer program to calculate the element partition relationships between Fe- and Mg-bearing plagioclase and multicomponent silicate liquid was developed. The FeO, MgO and MgO/(MgO + FeO) in plagioclase predicted from known liquid compositions and pressure are in agreement with measurements within 0.2 wt%, 0.1 wt% and 0.1 (mol ratio), respectively. The Fe3+ content in plagioclase crystallized at high oxygen fugacity can be estimated with this program. The Fe3+/total Fe ratio in plagioclase crystallized near the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer ranges from 0 to 0.5, which is consistent with previous study on natural plagioclase in submarine basalt. Derived solution properties of the Fe- and Mg-bearing plagioclase are also used to calculate equilibrium composition relationship between olivine and plagioclase. Change of X Fo in olivine coexisting with plagioclase affects MgO and FeO contents in plagioclase greatly. The present model predicts X Fo of coexisting olivine from the chemical composition of plagioclase to ±0.1 accuracy at given pressure and temperature. Received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1999  相似文献   

The partitioning of samarium and thulium between garnets and melts in the systems Mg3Al2-Si3O12-H2O and Ca3Al2Si3O12-H2O has been studied as a function of REE concentration in the garnets at 30 kbar pressure. Synthesis experiments of variable time under constant P, T conditions indicate that garnet initially crystallizes rapidly to produce apparent values of D Sm (D Sm=concentration of Sm in garnet/concentration of Sm in liquid) which are too large in the case of pyrope and too small in the case of grossular. As the experiment proceeds, Sm diffuses out of or into the garnet and the equilibrium value of D Sm is approached. Approximate values of diffusion coefficients for Sm in pyrope garnet obtained by this method are 6 × 10–13 cm2 s–1 at 1,300 ° C and 2 × 10–12 cm2 s–1 at 1,500 ° C, and for grossular, 8.3 × 10–12 cm2 s–1 at 1,200 ° C and 4.6 × 10–11 cm2 s–1 at 1,300 ° C. The equilibrium values of D Sm have been reversed by experiments with Sm-free pyrope and Sm-bearing glass, and with Sm-bearing grossular and Sm-free glass.Between 12 ppm and 1,000 ppm Sm in pyrope at 1,300 ° C and between 80 ppm and >2 wt.% Tm in pyrope at 1,500 ° C, partition coefficients are constant and independent of REE concentration. Above 100 ppm of Sm in garnet at 1,500 ° C, partition coefficients are independent of Sm concentration. At lower concentrations, however, D Sm is dependent upon the Sm content of the garnet. The two regions may be interpreted in terms of charge-balanced substitution of Sm3Al5O12 in the garnet at high Sm concentrations and defect equilibria involving cation vacancies at low concentrations. At very low REE concentrations (< 1 ppm Tm in grossular at 1,300 ° C) DREE garnet/liquid again becomes constant with an apparent Henry's Law value greater than that at high concentrations. This may be interpreted in terms of a large abundance of cation vacancies relative to the number of REE ions.The importance of defects in the low concentration region has been confirmed by adding other REE (at 80 ppm level) to the system Mg3Al2Si3O12-H2O at low Sm concentrations. These change D Sm in the defect region, demonstrating their role in the production of vacancies.Experiments on a natural pyropic garnet indicate that defect equilibria are of importance to REE partitioning within the concentration ranges found in nature.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of solution in eutectic (Li, Na)2B2O4 melts at 1023 K were measured for five synthetic orthopyroxenes on the join MgSiO3-FeSiO3. The pyroxenes were synthesized at 1120°C and 20 kbar and thus were presumed to be highly disordered. The measurements indicate a small positive enthalpy of mixing, with WH = 950 cal/MSiO3.Enthalpy of solution measurements were made on a natural, well-ordered orthopyroxene near the composition En52.5Fs47.5 and on this material after heat-treatment at 1150°C and 20 kbar. Irreversible expansion of the unit-cell constants of the natural pyroxene after heat-treatment at various temperatures was used to characterize the degree of M-site disorder. The observed enthalpy of solution decrement of 0.85 kcal/MSiO3 between the natural En52.5 and the same material heated at 1150° corresponds to about half of the maximum possible disordering, or ΔXFeM1? 0.25, which leads to a ΔH of 7.5 kcal/M2Si2O6, for the exchange reaction: Fe(M2) + Mg(Ml) = Fe(Ml) + Mg(M2) if M-site interaction energy terms are ignored. This ΔH is larger than inferred from any of the analyses of site-occupancy data except that of Besancon (1981), who gave a very similar value. The measured ΔH of disorder and the WH of mixing together indicate a large ΔH as great as 3.2 kcal for the reciprocal reaction: Fe2Si2O6 + Mg2Si2O6 = Fe(M2)Mg(M1)Si2O6 + Fe(M1)Mg(M2)Si2O6 as anticipated by Sack (1980).As a consequence of the inferred magnitudes of ΔHof the exchange and reciprocal reactions, departures from ideality of Gibbs energy of mixing of orthopyroxene are very small at 700°–1000°C. Activities of MgSiO3 and FeSiO3 may be replaced by their mol fractions at all temperatures in most petrologic calculations.  相似文献   

Olle Dahl 《Lithos》1972,5(1):33-55
The distribution of Mg in garnet exchange equilibria has been examined in three regional metamorphic and four eclogitic parageneses. Garnet cell volume has been found to have a significant effect on the distribution of Mg between garnet and coexisting ferromagnesian minerals. When the activity of Mg is corrected for the variation in cell volume, the range in variation of the distribution coefficients is strongly reduced within each group. Also the relative positions of the different groups in the distribution diagrams are in better accordance with geological evidence of crystallization temperatures. It is proposed that the effect of the garnet cell volume on the Mg distribution may be used as a geobarometer. The distribution of Ca between garnet and plagioclase is also discussed and it is found that the Ca partitioning is not suitable for geobarometry, as this partioning is dependent on the Mg/Fe ratio of the garnet.  相似文献   

An experimental study of Ca-(Fe,Mg) interdiffusion in silicate garnets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ca-(Fe,Mg) interdiffusion experiments between natural single crystals of grossular (Ca2.74Mg0.15 Fe0.23Al1.76Cr0.04Si3.05O12) and almandine (Ca0.21Mg0.40 Fe2.23Mn0.13Al2.00Cr0.08Si2.99O12 or Ca0.43Mg0.36Fe2.11 Al1.95Si3.04O12), were undertaken at 900–1100 °C and 30 kbar, and pressures of 15.0–32.5 kbar at 1000 °C. Samples were buffered by Fe/FeO in most cases. Diffusion profiles were determined by electron microprobe. Across the experimental couples the interdiffusion coefficients () were almost independent of composition. The diffusion rates in an unbuffered sample were significantly faster than in buffered samples. The temperature dependence of the (Ca-Fe,Mg) interdiffusion coefficients may be described by
at 30 kbar and 900–1100 °C. This activation energy is marginally higher than previous experimental studies involving Ca-free garnets; the interdiffusion coefficients are higher than previous studies for Fe-Mg and Fe-Mn exchange in garnet. The pressure dependence of (Ca-Fe,Mg) at 1000 °C yielded an activation volume of 11.2 cm3 mol−1, which is higher than previous results from studies involving garnet and olivine. Comparison with simulation studies suggests a vacancy mechanism for divalent ion migration in garnet, with extrinsic processes being dominant up to very high temperatures. Received: 15 December 1996 / Accepted: 3 November 1998  相似文献   

The orthopyroxene crystal structure can be viewed as the stacking of alternating tetrahedral and octahedral layers parallel to the (100) plane. Easy glide occurs in the (100) plane at the level of the octahedral layer to prevent breakage of the strong Si-O bonds. Dislocations with c and b Burgers vectors have been activated in (100) by room temperature indentation in an orthoenstatite gem quality single crystal. Investigations in transmission electron microscopy show that the b dislocations (b?9 Å) are not dissociated while the c's (c=5.24 Å) are dissociated into four partials. This result is interpreted by considering the oxygen sublattice as a distorted FCC one. The four c partials are thus Shockley partials bounding three stacking faults. For the two outer ones, synchroshear of the cations is necessary to keep unchanged their sixfold coordination; the oxygen sublattice is locally transformed into a HCP lattice. This accounts for the observed low splitting (?100 Å) of these faults as compared to the median one (?500 Å) which does not affect the oxygen sublattice and does not require cation synchroshear. In a Fe rich orthopyroxene (eulite), semi coherent exsolution lamellae have been studied. Either only c edge dislocations or both b and c edge dislocations occur in the phase boundaries depending upon the thickness of the lamellae. Only the c dislocations are dissociated. From the observed spacing between these mismatch dislocations a crude estimate of the exsolution temperature is proposed T ex ? 700° C.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of Fe on the stabilities of carbonate (carb) in lherzolite assemblages by determining the partitioning of Fe and Mg between silicate (olivine; ol) and carbonates (magnesite, dolomite, magnesian calcite) at high pressures and temperatures. Fe enters olivine preferentially relative to magnesite and ordered dolomite, but Fe and Mg partition almost equally between disordered calcic carbonate and olivine. Measurement of K d (X Fe carb X Mg ol /X Fe ol X Mg carb ) as a function of Fe/ Mg ratio indicates that Fe–Mg carbonates deviate only slightly from ideality. Using the regular solution parameter for olivine W FeMg ol of 3.7±0.8 kJ/mol (Wiser and Wood 1991) we obtain for (FeMg)CO3 a W FeMg carb of 3.05±1.50 kJ/mol. The effect of Ca–Mg–Fe disordering is to raise K d substantially enabling us to calculate W CaMg carb -W CaFe carb of 5.3±2.2 kJ/mol. The activity-composition relationships and partitioning data have been used to calculate the effect of Fe/Mg ratio on mantle decarbonation and exchange reactions. We find that carbonate (dolomite and magnesian calcite) is stable to slightly lower pressures (by 1 kbar) in mantle lherzolitic assemblages than in the CaO–MgO–SiO2(CMS)–CO2 system. The high pressure breakdown of dolomite + orthopyroxene to magnesite + clinopyroxene is displaced to higher pressures (by 2 kbar) in natural compositions relative to CMS. CO2. We also find a stability field of magnesian calcite in lherzolite at 15–25 kbar and 750–1000°C.  相似文献   

Rare‐earth element and Y partitioning between garnet and monazite was measured in metamorphic rocks from western Norway to provide more confidence in tying monazite U/Th–Pb dates to P–T conditions recorded in garnet. A subset of samples has low‐Y garnet mantles and low‐Y monazite cores that gave Y‐partitioning temperatures similar to independently determined metamorphic temperatures. In combination with previously published data, these monazite–garnet pairs have temperature‐dependent partitioning of the HREE from Dy to Lu, and nonsystematic partitioning of the LREE from La–Gd. The temperature‐dependent partitioning must be considered when using HREE to assess which portions of garnet and monazite might have coexisted, but experiments are needed to place the dependence on a firm footing.  相似文献   

The solubility of alumina in orthopyroxene coexisting with garnet   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The solubility of alumina in complex orthopyroxenes crystallised in equilibrium with garnet has been determined over the pressure-temperature range 8–30 Kb and 800–1250° C. The results are in good agreement with predictions made using the simple thermodynamic model of Wood and Banno (1973). The model has been refined using a combination of the new data on orthopyroxenes of about En60Fs40 (with variable calcium content) and previously published data on more magnesian systems. Given analyses of coexisting Orthopyroxene and garnet in natural assemblages it is possible to calculate a P-T curve for the rock which should, in most cases, be accurate to within 2 or 3 kbar.  相似文献   

 The partitioning of Mg and Fe between magnesiowüstite and ringwoodite solid solutions has been measured between 15 and 23 GPa and 1200–1600 C using both Fe and Re capsule materials to vary the oxidation conditions. The partitioning results show a clear dependence on the capsule material used due to the variation in Fe3+ concentrations as a consequence of the different oxidation environments. Using results from experiments performed in Fe capsules, where metallic Fe was also added to the starting materials, the difference in the interaction parameters for the two solid solutions (W FeMg mwW FeMg ring) is calculated to be 8.5±1 kJ mol−1. Similar experiments performed in Re metal capsules result in a value for W FeMg mwW FeMg ring that is apparently 4 kJ higher, if all Fe is assumed to be FeO. Electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) spectroscopic analyses, however, show Fe3+ concentrations to be approximately three times higher in magnesiowüstite produced in Re capsules than in Fe capsules and that Fe3+ partitions preferentially into magnesiowüstite, with K D Fe3+ ring/mw estimated between 0.1 and 0.6. Using an existing activity composition model for magnesiowüstite, a least–squares fit to the partitioning data collected in Fe capsules results in a value for the ringwoodite interaction parameter (W FeMg ring) of 3.5±1 kJ mol−1. The equivalent regular interaction parameter for magnesiowüstite (W FeMg mw) is 12.1±1.8 kJ mol. These determinations take into account the Fe3+ concentrations that occur in both phases in the presence of metallic Fe. The free energy change in J mol−1 for the Fe exchange reaction can be described, over the range of experimental conditions, by 912 + 4.15 (T−298)+18.9P with T in K, P in kbar. The estimated volume change for this reaction is smaller than that predicted using current compilations of equation of state data and is much closer to the volume change at ambient conditions. These results are therefore a useful test of high pressure and temperature equation of state data. Using thermodynamic data consistent with this study the reaction of ringwoodite to form magnesiowüstite and stishovite is calculated from the data collected using Fe capsules. Comparison of these results with previous studies shows that the presence of Fe3+ in phases produced in multianvil experiments using Re capsules can have a marked effect on apparent phase relations and determined thermodynamic properties. Received: 13 September 2000 / Accepted: 25 March 2001  相似文献   

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