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We present families of periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem terminating with homoclinic orbits asymptotic to equilibrium points or to periodic orbits, as opposed to heteroclinic orbits presented in part I. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study symmetric relative periodic orbits in the isosceles three-body problem using theoretical and numerical approaches. We first prove that another family of symmetric relative periodic orbits is born from the circular Euler solution besides the elliptic Euler solutions. Previous studies also showed that there exist infinitely many families of symmetric relative periodic orbits which are born from heteroclinic connections between triple collisions as well as planar periodic orbits with binary collisions. We carry out numerical continuation analyses of symmetric relative periodic orbits, and observe abundant families of symmetric relative periodic orbits bifurcating from the two families born from the circular Euler solution. As the angular momentum tends to zero, many of the numerically observed families converge to heteroclinic connections between triple collisions or planar periodic orbits with binary collisions described in the previous results, while some of them converge to “previously unknown” periodic orbits in the planar problem.  相似文献   

We study the peculiarities of irregular periodic orbits, i.e. orbits belonging to families not connected with the main families or their bifurcation, of Hamiltonian systems of two degrees of freedom. Families of irregular periodic orbits appear in triplets which are either closed or extend to infinity. If these triplets form an infinite sequence they surround an escape region. It seems probable that in general regions covered by irregular families are of high degree of stochasticity.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits associated with the triangular equilibrium points L 4 and L 5, in the gravitational and the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these critical points, are also presented. Hundreds of asymptotic orbits for equal mass of the primaries and for various values of the radiation pressure are computed and the most interesting of them are illustrated. In the Copenhagen case, which the problem is symmetric with respect to the x- and y-axis, we found and present non-symmetric heteroclinic asymptotic orbits. So pairs of heteroclinic connections (from L 4 to L 5 and vice versa) form non-symmetric heteroclinic cycles. The termination orbits (a combination of two asymptotic orbits) of all the simple families of symmetric periodic orbits, in the Copenhagen case, are illustrated.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of boundary value formulations coupled to numerical continuation for the computation of stable and unstable manifolds in systems of ordinary differential equations. Specifically, we consider the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP), which models the motion of a satellite in an Earth–Moon-like system. The CR3BP has many well-known families of periodic orbits, such as the planar Lyapunov orbits and the non-planar vertical and halo orbits. We compute the unstable manifolds of selected vertical and halo orbits, which in several cases leads to the detection of heteroclinic connections from such a periodic orbit to invariant tori. Subsequent continuation of these connecting orbits with a suitable end point condition and allowing the energy level to vary leads to the further detection of apparent homoclinic connections from the base periodic orbit to itself, or the detection of heteroclinic connections from the base periodic orbit to other periodic orbits. Some of these connecting orbits are of potential interest in space mission design.  相似文献   

We investigate the escape regions of a quartic potential and the main types of irregular periodic orbits. Because of the symmetry of the model the zero velocity curve consists of four summetric arcs forming four open channels around the lines y = ± x through which an orbit can escape. Four unstable Lyapunov periodic orbits bridge these openings.We have found an infinite sequence of families of periodic orbits which is the outer boundary of one of the escape regions and several infinite sequences of periodic orbits inside this region that tend to homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits. Some of these sequences of periodic orbits tend to homoclinic orbits starting perpendicularly and ending asymptotically at the x-axis. The other sequences tend to heteroclinic orbits which intersect the x-axis perpendicularly for x > 0 and make infinite oscillations almost parallel to each of the two Lyapunov orbits which correspond to x > 0 or x < 0.  相似文献   

Periodic orbits in an arbitrary 2nd degree and order uniformly rotating gravity field are studied. We investigate the four equilibrium points in this gravity field. We see that close relation exists between the stability of these equilibria and the existence and stability of their nearby periodic orbits. We check the periodic orbits with non-zero periods. In our searching procedure for these periodic orbits, we remove the two unity eigenvalues from the state transition matrix to find a robust, non-singular linear map to solve for the periodic orbits. The algorithm converges well, especially for stable periodic orbits. Using the searching procedure, which is relatively automatic, we find five basic families of periodic orbits in the rotating second degree and order gravity field for planar motion, and discuss their existence and stability at different central body rotation rates.  相似文献   

Periodic orbits in an arbitrary 2nd degree and order uniformly rotating gravity field are studied. We investigate the four equilibrium points in this gravity field. We see that close relation exists between the stability of these equilibria and the existence and stability of their nearby periodic orbits. We check the periodic orbits with non-zero periods. In our searching procedure for these periodic orbits, we remove the two unity eigenvalues from the state transition matrix to find a robust, non-singular linear map to solve for the periodic orbits. The algorithm converges well, especially for stable periodic orbits. Using the searching procedure, which is relatively automatic, we find five basic families of periodic orbits in the rotating second degree and order gravity field for planar motion, and discuss their existence and stability at different central body rotation rates.  相似文献   

We analyze nearly periodic solutions in the plane problem of three equal-mass bodies by numerically simulating the dynamics of triple systems. We identify families of orbits in which all three points are on one straight line (syzygy) at the initial time. In this case, at fixed total energy of a triple system, the set of initial conditions is a bounded region in four-dimensional parameter space. We scan this region and identify sets of trajectories in which the coordinates and velocities of all bodies are close to their initial values at certain times (which are approximately multiples of the period). We classify the nearly periodic orbits by the structure of trajectory loops over one period. We have found the families of orbits generated by von Schubart’s stable periodic orbit revealed in the rectilinear three-body problem. We have also found families of hierarchical, nearly periodic trajectories with prograde and retrograde motions. In the orbits with prograde motions, the trajectory loops of two close bodies form looplike structures. The trajectories with retrograde motions are characterized by leafed structures. Orbits with central and axial symmetries are identified among the families found.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the asymptotic solutions of the (N+1)-body ring planar problem, N of which are finite and ν=N−1 are moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the Nth+1 body is infinitesimal. ν of the primaries have equal masses m and the Nth most-massive primary, with m 0=β m, is located at the origin of the system. We found the invariant unstable and stable manifolds around hyperbolic Lyapunov periodic orbits, which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1 and L 2. We construct numerically, from the intersection points of the appropriate Poincaré cuts, homoclinic symmetric asymptotic orbits around these Lyapunov periodic orbits. There are families of symmetric simple-periodic orbits which contain as terminal points asymptotic orbits which intersect the x-axis perpendicularly and tend asymptotically to equilibrium points of the problem spiraling into (and out of) these points. All these families, for a fixed value of the mass parameter β=2, are found and presented. The eighteen (more geometrically simple) families and the corresponding eighteen terminating homo- and heteroclinic symmetric asymptotic orbits are illustrated. The stability of these families is computed and also presented.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of 3:1 resonant motion for planetary systems with two planets, based on the model of the general planar three body problem. The exact mean motion resonance corresponds to periodic motion (in a rotating frame) and the basic families of symmetric and asymmetric periodic orbits are computed. Four symmetric families bifurcate from the family of circular orbits of the two planets. Asymmetric families bifurcate from the symmetric families, at the critical points, where the stability character changes. There exist also asymmetric families that are independent of the above mentioned families. Bounded librations exist close to the stable periodic orbits. Therefore, such periodic orbits (symmetric or asymmetric) determine the possible stable configurations of a 3:1 resonant planetary system, even if the orbits of the two planets intersect. For the masses of the system 55Cnc most of the periodic orbits are unstable and they are associated with chaotic motion. There exist however stable symmetric and asymmetric orbits, corresponding to regular trajectories along which the critical angles librate. The 55Cnc extra-solar system is located in a stable domain of the phase space, centered at an asymmetric periodic orbit.  相似文献   

We distinguish between regular orbits, that bifurcate from the main families of periodic orbits (those that exist also in the unperturbed case) and irregular periodic orbits, that are independent of the above. The genuine irregular families cannot be made to join the regular families by changing some parameters. We present evidence that all irregular families appear inside lobes formed by the asymptotic curves of the unstable periodic orbits. We study in particular a dynamical system of two degrees of freedom, that is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, and has also a triple resonance in its unperturbed form. The distribution of the periodic orbits (points on a Poincaré surface of section) shows some conspicuous lines composed of points of different multiplicities. The regular periodic orbits along these lines belong to Farey trees. But there are also lines composed mainly of irregular orbits. These are images of the x-axis in the map defined on the Poincaré surface of section. Higher order iterations of this map , close to the unstable triple periodic orbit, produce lines that are close to the asymptotic curves of this unstable orbit. The homoclinic tangle, formed by these asymptotic curves, contains many regular orbits, that were generated by bifurcation from the central orbit, but were trapped inside the tangle as the perturbation increased. We found some stable periodic orbits inside the homoclinic tangle, both regular and irregular. This proves that the homoclinic tangle is not completely chaotic, but contains gaps (islands of stability) filled with KAM curves.  相似文献   

Several families of periodic orbits exist in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. This work studies orbital motion of a spacecraft among these periodic orbits in the Earth–Moon system, using the planar circular restricted three-body problem model. A new cylindrical representation of the spacecraft phase space (i.e., position and velocity) is described, and allows representing periodic orbits and the related invariant manifolds. In the proximity of the libration points, the manifolds form a four-fold surface, if the cylindrical coordinates are employed. Orbits departing from the Earth and transiting toward the Moon correspond to the trajectories located inside this four-fold surface. The isomorphic mapping under consideration is also useful for describing the topology of the invariant manifolds, which exhibit a complex geometrical stretch-and-folding behavior as the associated trajectories reach increasing distances from the libration orbit. Moreover, the cylindrical representation reveals extremely useful for detecting periodic orbits around the primaries and the libration points, as well as the possible existence of heteroclinic connections. These are asymptotic trajectories that are ideally traveled at zero-propellant cost. This circumstance implies the possibility of performing concretely a variety of complex Earth–Moon missions, by combining different types of trajectory arcs belonging to the manifolds. This work studies also the possible application of manifold dynamics to defining a suitable, convenient end-of-life strategy for spacecraft placed in any of the unstable orbits. The final disposal orbit is an externally confined trajectory, never approaching the Earth or the Moon, and can be entered by means of a single velocity impulse (of modest magnitude) along the right unstable manifold that emanates from the Lyapunov orbit at \(L_2\) .  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a restricted equilateral four-body problem where a particle of negligible mass is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of three masses (called primaries) which move on circular orbits around their center of masses such that their configuration is always an equilateral triangle (Lagrangian configuration). We consider the case of two bodies of equal masses, which in adimensional units is the parameter of the problem. We study numerically the existence of families of unstable periodic orbits, whose invariant stable and unstable manifolds are responsible for the existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic connections, as well as of transit orbits traveling from and to different regions. We explore, for three different values of the mass parameter, what kind of transits and energy levels exist for which there are orbits with prescribed itineraries visiting the neighborhood of different primaries.  相似文献   

We studied systematically cases of the families of non-symmetric periodic orbits in the planar restricted three-body problem. We took interesting information about the evolution, stability and termination of bifurcating families of various multiplicities. We found that the main families of simple non-symmetric periodic orbits present a similar dynamical structure and bifurcation pattern. As the Jacobi constant changes each branch of the characteristic of a main family spirals around a focal point-terminating point in x- at which the Jacobi constant is C  = 3 and their periodic orbits terminate at the corotation (at the Lagrangian point L4 or L5). As the family approaches asymptotically its termination point infinite changes of stability to instability and vice versa occur along its characteristic. Thus, infinite bifurcation points appear and each one of them produces infinite inverse Feigenbaum sequences. That is, every bifurcating family of a Feigenbaum sequence produces the same phenomenon and so on. Therefore, infinite spiral characteristics appear and each one of them generates infinite new inner spirals and so on. Each member of these infinite sets of the spirals reproduces a basic bifurcation pattern. Therefore, we have in general large unstable regions that generate large chaotic regions near the corotation points L4, L5, which are unstable. As C varies along the spiral characteristic of every bifurcating family, which approaches its focal point, infinite loops, one inside the other, surrounding the unstable triangular points L4 or L5 are formed on their orbits. So, each terminating point corresponds to an asymptotic non-symmetric periodic orbit that spirals into the corotation points L4, L5 with infinite period. This is a new mechanism that produces very large degree of stochasticity. These conclusions help us to comprehend better the motions around the points L4 and L5 of Lagrange.  相似文献   

We study the multiple periodic orbits of Hill’s problem with oblate secondary. In particular, the network of families of double and triple symmetric periodic orbits is determined numerically for an arbitrary value of the oblateness coefficient of the secondary. The stability of the families is computed and critical orbits are determined. Attention is paid to the critical orbits at which families of non-symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate from the families of symmetric periodic orbits. Six such bifurcations are found, one for double-periodic and five for triple-periodic orbits. Critical orbits at which families of sub-multiple symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate are also discussed. Finally, we present the full network of families of multiple periodic orbits (up to multiplicity 12) together with the parts of the space of initial conditions corresponding to escape and collision orbits, obtaining a global view of the orbital behavior of this model problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with the circular Sitnikov problem as a subsystem of the three-dimensional circular restricted three-body problem. It has a first analytical part where by using elliptic functions we give the analytical expressions for the solutions of the circular Sitnikov problem and for the period function of its family of periodic orbits. We also analyze the qualitative and quantitative behavior of the period function. In the second numerical part, we study the linear stability of the family of periodic orbits of the Sitnikov problem, and of the families of periodic orbits of the three-dimensional circular restricted three-body problem which bifurcate from them; and we follow these bifurcated families until they end in families of periodic orbits of the planar circular restricted three-body problem. We compare our results with the previous ones of other authors on this problem. Finally, the characteristic curves of some bifurcated families obtained for the mass parameter close to 1/2 are also described.  相似文献   

The Sitnikov configuration is a special case of the restricted three-body problem where the two primaries are of equal masses and the third body of a negligible mass moves along a straight line perpendicular to the orbital plane of the primaries and passes through their center of mass. It may serve as a toy model in dynamical astronomy, and can be used to study the three-dimensional orbits in more applicable cases of the classical three-body problem. The present paper concerns the straight-line oscillations of the Sitnikov family of the photogravitational circular restricted three-body problem as well as the associated families of three-dimensional periodic orbits. From the stability analysis of the Sitnikov family and by using appropriate correctors we have computed accurately 49 critical orbits at which families of 3D periodic orbits of the same period bifurcate. All these families have been computed in both cases of equal and non-equal primaries, and consist entirely of unstable orbits. They all terminate with coplanar periodic orbits. We have also found 35 critical orbits at which period doubling bifurcations occur. Several families of 3D periodic orbits bifurcating at these critical Sitnikov orbits have also been given. These families contain stable parts and close upon themselves containing no coplanar orbits.  相似文献   

An enlarged averaged Hamiltonian is introduced to compute some families of periodic orbits of the planar elliptic 3-body problem, in the Sun-Jupiter-Asteroid system, near the 3:1 resonance. Five resonant families are found and their stability is studied, The families of symmetric periodic orbits of the elliptic problem appear near the corresponding fixed points which have been computed in this model and the coincidence is good for moderate values of the eccentricity of the asteroid for two of these families; the other three families do not fulfil the Sundman condition and they cannot be considered as families of periodic orbits of the real model.  相似文献   

We present special generating plane orbits, the vertical-critical orbits, of the coplanar general three-body problem. These are determined numerically for various values of m3, for the entire range of the mass ratio of the two primaries. The vertical-critical orbits are necessary in order to specify the vertically stable segments of the families of plane periodic orbits, and they are also the starting points of the families of the simplest possible three-dimensional periodic orbits, namely the simple and double periodic. The initial conditions of the vertical-critical periodic orbits of the basic families l, m, i, h, b and c and their stability parameters are determined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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