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赵亮  张争胜  南文龙 《地理学报》2016,71(3):515-523
曾昭璇先生是中国著名的地理学家,地貌学家和教育家.他在学术生涯的不同阶段对地貌学,自然地理学,历史地理学,人类地理学等学科领域均有积极的探索,他对南海地理问题的研究贯穿他的一生,为中国南海地理研究作出重要贡献.他深入研究南海海岸地貌,珊瑚礁地貌,主张采用"地形类型分析法"划分海岸类型,将中国海岸类型划分为山地港湾岸,台地岸与平原岸;他与梁景芬等合著《中国珊瑚礁地貌研究》,系统论述中国珊瑚礁探测史和石珊瑚的种属,生态,地貌特征与发育,并将中国珊瑚礁划分为四大区,六种地貌类型;他完善了珊瑚礁地貌土地名分类,根据《更路簿》划分南海珊瑚岛礁分布区,绘制珊瑚岛礁探测图;他利用历史文献资料考证"石塘"等南海诸岛古地名;他从地质学与地貌学角度论证南海诸岛与中国大陆的陆缘关系,还利用历史地理与地方志等资料佐证了南海诸岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土.  相似文献   

The special issue titled “Putting the Ecology into Palaeoecology” stems from a session with that name that was held at the 2015 International Paleolimnological Association meeting (International Paleolimnology Symposium) in Lanzhou, China. We briefly describe the motivation for the session, and summarise the contributions to this special issue. Additionally, we discuss our perceptions and concerns about the progress, challenges and future directions of palaeolimnology, stressing the importance of meaningful integration of ecological principles and thinking into palaeoapproaches.  相似文献   

A recent wave of participatory and ‘integrated local and scientific knowledge’ methodologies have been conceived, trialled and published in an attempt to offer solutions to the challenges of conducting dryland environmental assessment from a socio-ecological perspective. Some of the key ideas and approaches within this literature are synthesized and reviewed here. Three conceptual elements that, in combination, remain largely absent within the dryland assessment literature, are identified: (1) drylands as political, cultural and economic systems, (2) drylands as complex resilient systems, and (3) drylands as temporally-embedded systems. These conceptual elements are then combined in presenting a new methodological approach, which is based on the participatory modelling of ecosystem services and participatory assessment of future scenarios. It is an approach to environmental assessment that is sensitive to the needs and experience of present and future stakeholders and creates potential avenues for co-operative management decisions and socially-acceptable policies.  相似文献   

Tropical Africa is often seen to have problem economies that are very much alike and suffer from the same development problems. This view is questioned in exploratory analyses of levels of wealth, spatial productivity, the structure of the economy and aspects of the openness of economies and the way they have changed between 1965 and 1995. The analyses reveal differences between economies in both degree and kind. Change to economies was not unidirectional so that they became more disparate and differentiated. The exploratory analyses were extended using factor analysis as a diagnostic tool on a 19-variable by 25 country data set for 1985, 1990 and 1995. This confirmed the findings of the exploratory analyses and revealed changes in the structure of the factors reflecting development in the period. The results are discussed in the context of the literature in a search for explanation and policy formulation.  相似文献   

流动人口分布与区域经济发展关系若干解释(1990、2000)   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
鲁奇  王国霞  杨春悦  曾磊 《地理研究》2006,25(5):765-774
本文对我国1990、2000年间流动人口在东、中、西部和东部地区中环渤海、长江三角洲、珠江三角洲及福建三个亚区的分布变化以及这一分布变化与上述各地区各相关经济与非经济因素变化的关系进行了研究。研究发现,10年中流动人口东、中、西部分布变化与东、中、西部经济发展的变化高度一致;而10年中流动人口在东部地区环渤海、长江三角洲、珠江三角洲及福建这三个亚区层面的分布变化则与经济发展要素变化有一致的方面,也有不一致的方面。珠江三角洲及福建的经济增长带来了流动人口的大幅增长,除珠江三角洲劳动密集型企业众多外,这可能与该区域地方社会人文等文化本底所决定的经济发展制度及习俗有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

Mark A Bishop 《Area》2007,39(2):230-241
This paper is an examination of the method of point pattern analysis, its potential and limitations, and a discussion of the patterns of volcano geography for the Mount Gambier volcanic sub-province of southeastern Australia. Two classes of point pattern measure were employed: the centrographic measure of point dispersion and directional bias, and distance-based measures of ordered neighbours. Spatial analysis has shown the distribution and pattern of eruption points to be heterogeneous, anisotropic and not completely spatially random, and offers through the exploration of point dispersion, orientation and pattern, a viewpoint on the geography of a low-volume, basaltic monogenetic volcanic system.  相似文献   

The Gurbantunggut Desert is the largest stable and semi-stable sand desert in China, yet few data exist on vegetation pattern and species-environment relationships for these diverse desert landscapes. The sand dunes of the survey area are mainly of the longitudinal form from north to south, but checkerboard-shaped and honeycomb-shaped forms are also present, with the height of 10–50 m. We measured vegetation and soil data on north–south transects and compared them with vegetation and soil data on east–west transects. Analysis revealed that the varying trend and strength of the species diversity, dominance and cover of the plant communities in the longitudinal and transverse directions across the landscape are significantly different. The results of CCA ordination show that the microhabitats of soil organic matter (OM), soil salts (TS), sorting index (σ), topsoil water-content (SM) and pH relate to the differences in vegetation observed as differences in species assemblage from salt-intolerant ephemerals, micro-subshrubs and subshrubs to salt-tolerant shrubs and micro-arbors. The terrain (alt.) and soil texture (the contents of Mz and φ1) affect the spatial differentiation of many species. However, this spatial differentiation is not so marked on transects running longitudinally with the landscape, in the same direction as the dunes. The species of the desert vegetation have formed three assemblages under the action of habitat gradients, relating to three sections running transversely across the landscape, at right angles to the direction of the dune crests. In the mid-east section of the study area the topography is higher, with sand-lands or dune-slopes with coarse particles. Here the dominant vegetation comprises shrubs and subshrubs of Seriphidium santolium and Ephedra distachya, with large numbers of ephemeral and ephemeroid plants of Senecio subdentatus, and Carex physodes in spring and summer. On the soil of the dune-slopes in the mid-west of the study area, with coarse particles and abundant TK, the plant assemblage of Haloxylon persicum, Soranthus meyeri and Agriophyllum squarrosum is developed. The species composition in the east marginal belt of the study area has similar characteristics to the mid-west section. There is no corresponding section in the north–south transects (except for the north and south margins). This is because the habitats of most plants are located in the middle of the microhabitat gradients in the north–south direction in the desert.  相似文献   

This paper uses postcolonial theory to establish a critique of the concept of 'partnership' in the British Labour government's 1997 White Paper on International Development, which is routed through the colonial metaphor of the British Commonwealth 'family of nations' to reproduce racialized hierarchies and deny mutuality in the contemporary development of Britain and its former colonies. In the course of this critique, the paper urges British geography to acknowledge its own postcoloniality, which will lead to a mainstreaming of concerns about global justice and provide intellectual resources to reimagine the geographies of postcolonial Britain.  相似文献   

Change in spatial economies, industrial technologies and societal attitudes can make long-established systems of resource allocation inefficient. Through a detailed examination of the procedures by which publicly owned forest has been allocated in Tasmania, this paper illustrates spatial, economic and other inefficiencies that have become embedded in the concession system. Analysis shows that the long-term costs of transporting timber to processing sites could be significantly reduced by rationalization of concession boundaries. Recommendations are also made that would produce more efficient use of forest resources. Inter alia, the paper illustrates the vulnerability of peripheral economies to big business enterprises.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an empirical usability experiment on the performance of the space-time cube in a GeoVisual analytics environment. It was developed to explore movement data based on the requirements of human geographers. The interactive environment consists of multiple coordinated views incorporating three graphical representations. For the experiment, two groups of the user, domain experts and non-domain experts, had to execute several map-use tasks to answers specific question. The data collected during the experiment were analysis resulting in a set of usability metrics related to the effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction of developed application. The comparison of both groups showed that domain experts were able to operate the visual analytical environment more effectively and efficiently due to their interest to explore their data. The user feedback derived from the analysis of both experiments was further processed for the improvement of the application.  相似文献   

Peri-urban areas are usually a heterogeneous mosaic of rural, urban and natural systems which are quite dynamic across time. In this paper we contrast a static and a dynamic-based classification of local administrative units (LAU) in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA) to gain further insights onto the current land cover patterns and recent land cover changes in urban and peri-urban areas of the LMA. Using 16 landscape pattern indicators, we characterized the 211 LAU in the region contrasting a static (2006 data) and a dynamic-based (changes during the period 1990–2006) approach, and used cluster analyses to identify LAU typologies. Using the static approach we identified seven types of LAU, of which two were clearly urban, two could be considered rural, and three could be considered peri-urban. These latter could be distinguished among themselves by the landscape matrix type where urban areas were inserted. The dynamic-based approach yielded five types of LAU with specific trajectories in time, ranging from stable to highly dynamic. The frequency of the different dynamic typologies was not independent from the static ones, with typically urban areas being predominantly stable and rural areas having characteristic and exclusive trajectories of change. Peri-urban LAU were mostly moderately dynamic but shared a typology profile mixing highly dynamic LAU with moderately dynamic and stable ones. The combination of a static and dynamic view provides added value for the formulation of spatial planning policies in peri-urban areas.  相似文献   

要实现黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展,需解决流域生态环境与社会经济发展的可持续问题。运用系统动力学方法,构建社会、经济、资源与环境4个子系统,设计维持现状、优先发展社会、优先发展经济、优先节约资源、优先保护环境以及协同发展6个情景,在对不同情景进行模拟仿真的基础上,探寻实现黄河流域生态环境与社会经济可持续发展的最优方案。结果表明:在协同发展情景中,黄河流域的社会经济得到较快发展,总人口和国内生产总值(GDP)于2030年将分别增长10.93%和499.05%;资源的使用效率得到提高,单位GDP水耗和能耗于2030将分别下降78.31%和68.16%;污染物的排放量可有效降低,工业化学需氧量(COD)排放量和工业二氧化硫(SO2)排放量于2030将分别下降80.64%和80.17%。相较于其他情景,协同发展是黄河流域实现生态环境与社会经济可持续发展的最优方案。  相似文献   

In today’s world, where re-examination has been given to cultural globalization, the relationship between architectures and specific regions is one of many specific issues. At this time, the study of architecture from the perspective of geography has significant meaning for treasuring regional characteristics and protecting the essence of ethnic culture. The study of geo-architecture includes two aspects: the influence of geographical environment upon architecture and reflexively, architectural responses to geographical environment. In “Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series” (4 volumes), published by Springer Nature in 2016, the contents of “geo-architecture” has been interpreted from various angles as form, function, semantics and symbol. This book is the first to be entitled “Geo-Architecture”, which studies the relationship between geography and architecture from the perspective of geographical environment and historical context in China. The book’s research reveals the influences of different geographical scales, such as zone (macro), region (middle) and site (micro) scales, on architecture; it discusses dynamic and systematic thought, including such research elements as “Object-Subject-Time”, and it reflects views on pattern and process of cultural landscape. Research on geo-architecture aims to help construct the security pattern of the cultural landscape for the new requirements of a new era, which is used to optimize spacial structure, stimulate heritage conservation and renewal, respect the geographical environment, pay attention to historical culture and sustain emotional memory.  相似文献   

步行不仅是一种原始、便捷的交通方式,同时也是体力活动的重要组成部分,对于提升公共健康、改善交通拥堵和减轻污染排放等均有重要的积极意义。然而,包括青少年在内的城市居民步行比例持续下降,体力活动水平日益降低。青少年正处于身心发育的关键时期,体力活动的缺乏将导致肥胖等慢性非传染病,为其将来发展埋下巨大的健康隐患。如何通过对建成环境进行干预,提高青少年步行通学比例,从而提高其体力活动水平,引起了不少学者的关注,取得了较为丰硕的研究成果。然而,既有研究存在以下不足:第一,大部分已有研究以西方城市为案例,很少研究关注中国城市;第二,绝大部分既有研究基于线性或广义线性的假设考察建成环境对步行通学的影响,很少研究关注两者之间的非线性关系。鉴于此,论文以厦门岛为案例,基于极限梯度提升模型,考察青少年家和学校建成环境对其步行通学的影响。研究发现:① 通学距离是影响青少年步行通学最重要的因素,其相对贡献接近4成(39.99%);② 建成环境(以5Ds模型表征)作用显著,家、校建成环境相对贡献合计达36.28%,超过社会经济属性(23.73%),离市中心的距离和道路交叉口密度等变量具有重要作用;③ 全部建成环境变量和主要社会经济属性变量均与青少年步行上学存在非线性关系,且存在明显的阈值效应。研究为城市决策者关于提高青少年步行通学倾向提供了丰富的政策启示。  相似文献   


This paper is a case study of issues that have frustrated and slowed the development of a geographical information system for automation of topographic information processing within the U.S. Army. The findings, which are universal to all large organizations attempting to develop an initial capability, reinforce the notion that today most problems in the development of geographical information systems are rooted in organizational rather than technological issues. An iterative prototyping approach is suggested as a means of preventing similar situations when introducing such technology into large organizations. This ‘hands-on’ approach allows the organization and the people to adopt and evolve in parallel with the technology and improves the chances for success.  相似文献   


The characteristics of a soil information system based on the fuzzy relational database model as defined by Zemankova-Leech and Kandel are presented. The proposed system maintains all the advantages of the more conventional relational implementations but enhances them in two ways: (1) the system can cope with incomplete or even imprecise data; and (2) the users are allowed to express their subjective view of the stored data. The retrieval and processing of data approximately resemble the way that humans think and reason. The INGRES relational database management system was used for the implementation of the system.  相似文献   

With the rapid economic development during the last 30 years in China, more and more disparities have emerged among different regions. It has been one of the hot topics in the fields of physical geography and economic geography, and also has been the task for Chinese government to handle. Nevertheless, to quantitatively assess the impacts of physio-geographical patterns (PGP) on the regional development disparity has been ignored for a long time. In this paper, a quantitative method was adopted to assess the marginal ef-fects of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity using the partial determination coefficients. The paper described the construction of the evaluation model step by step following its key scien-tific thinking. Total GDP, per capita GDP, primary industrial output value and secondary in-dustrial output value were employed in this study as the indicators to reflect the impacts of PGP on the regional development disparity. Based on the evaluation methods built by re-searchers, this study firstly analyzed the temporal impacts of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development in China during the past 50 years, and then explained the spatial differences at each development stage. The results show that the spatio-temporal disparity in China is highly related to the PGP, and that the marginal contribution rate could be employed as an effective way to quantitatively assess the impact of the PGP on spa-tio-temporal disparity of the regional development.  相似文献   

Talking whilst walking: a geographical archaeology of knowledge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jon Anderson 《Area》2004,36(3):254-261
This paper explores how understandings of the knowledge and lives of individuals can be gained through making geographical context more explicit within qualitative research methods. The paper will focus on 'conversations in place'. More particularly, it will suggest that conversations held whilst walking through a place have the potential to generate a collage of collaborative knowledge. Drawing on the work of Casey, the paper builds upon the notion of the 'constitutive co-ingredience' of place and human identity, and, through using documentary and empirical examples, will argue that 'talking whilst walking' can harness place as an active trigger to prompt knowledge recollection and production.  相似文献   

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