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Methylmercury (MeHg) and inorganic mercury (Hginorg) were evaluated in the water of a Brazilian estuary, with two size classes of plankton and seven fish species of different feeding habits. Water partition coefficients (PCs) in microplankton were fourfold higher for MeHg than for Hginorg; and water PCs in mesoplankton were 26 times higher for MeHg than Hginorg. Difference between microplankton and mesoplankton MeHg bioaccumulation factor (BAF) was higher (0.60 log units) than Hginorg BAF (0.24 log units), indicating that trophic transfer of MeHg between planktonic organisms is more efficient than Hginorg transference. MeHg concentrations, proportion of mercury as MeHg and its biotransference factors (BTFs) in the microplankton, mesoplankton and fish increased with increasing trophic level while biotic concentrations of Hginorg and proportion of mercury as Hginorg decreased thus indicating that MeHg was indeed the biomagnified species of mercury. MeHg reflected the vertical trophic guilds distribution, due to the fact that the top predator fish presented the highest concentration (0.77 μg g−1 d.w.), followed by the less voracious species (0.43 μg g−1 d.w.); while planktivorous fish presented the lowest concentrations (0.044 μg g−1 d.w.). Hginorg did not present the same behavior. Results suggest that feeding habits and trophic guild are important parameters, influencing biotransference and biomagnification processes.  相似文献   

Clúa de Gonzales et al. (J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 63 (2001) 367) analyzed the monthly means of the geomagnetic aa-index available since 1868 and found enhanced geomagnetic activity in July outside of the known seasonal course of semiannual variation. They pointed out that this behavior is mainly caused by the high values of the geomagnetic activity. Their analysis confirmed results obtained from an analysis of Ap-values nearly 30 years ago but widely unknown to the scientific community. At that time the entire year was analyzed using running means of the activity values averaged to the same date. Aside from the July period, the calculations revealed distinct deviations from the seasonal course—called geomagnetic singularities. The most marked singularity occurs from the middle of March to the end of March characterized by a strong increase from, on average, relatively calm values to the actually strongest ones during the entire year. Some typical time patterns around and after equinox are repeated half a year later. An analysis in 1998 on the basis of the available aa-values confirmed the findings derived from Ap-values and the local activity index Ak from Niemegk, Germany available since 1890. The new results will be presented and discussed. Special attention is paid to the statistical problem of the persistence of geomagnetic perturbations. The main problem under consideration is that the variation of the mean activity is not caused by an accidental accumulation of strong perturbations occurring within certain intervals of days. We assume that the most marked variations of the mean value are not accidental and result from internal processes within the earth's atmosphere but different, particularly small-scale features, are most probably accidental.  相似文献   


MASS LOSS AND EVOLUTION OF O-TYPE STARS. I.A.U. Symposium No. 83. Edited by P. S. Conti and C. W. H. de Loore. Reidel, Dordrecht. (ISBN 90-277-0989-0 pbk) 1979. Price U.S. $31.50.

A MATHEMATICAL INTRODUCTION TO FLUID MECHANICS by A. J. Chorin &; J. E. Marsden, 205 pages, paperback, Springer Verlag. (ISBN 0-387-90406-9 and ISBN 3-540-90406-9) 1979. Price: DM 29—US $16.00.  相似文献   

We thank Allen and Berghuijs for continuing the discussion on field hydrology and data sharing and discuss two incentives to promote data collection and sharing in hydrological sciences: a collaborative attitude and additional funding to make data publicly available.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of magnetospheric factors, such as convection and energetic electron precipitation during the formation of positive disturbances in the total electron content under the conditions of the summer evening ionosphere. à numerical model of the ionosphere and plasmasphere, where time variations in the magnetospheric convection velocity and electron precipitation parameters correspond to the main phase of a magnetic storm, has been used for this purpose. It has been indicated that the total electron content sharply increases (the “dusk effect”) in the eastern and western sectors at approximately the same geomagnetic latitudes corresponding to the subauroral zone provided that a sudden storm commencement is registered in the morning hours. local time. This peak of the total electron content is formed as a result of joint reconstruction of the magnetospheric convection pattern and energetic electron precipitation during the main phase of a storm. In this case, magnetospheric convection plays the main role, raising the F2 layer by 40–80 km into the region with a lower recombination rate.  相似文献   

Srinivasan et al. provide an interesting overview of the challenges for long-term socio-hydrological predictions. Although agreeing with most of the statements made, we argue for the need to take socio-hydrological analysis a step further and add some fundamental considerations, especially concerning the crucial importance of many (conscious and unconscious) assumptions made upfront of the modelling exercise. Eventual assumptions of technological determinism need correction: Models are not “value-free”, but uncertain, subjective and a product of the society in which they were shaped. It is important to acknowledge this uncertainty and bias when making decisions based on socio-hydrological models, considering also that these models are “social and political actors” in and by themselves. Furthermore, socio-hydrological models require a transdisciplinary approach, since physical water availability is only one of the boundary conditions for society. Last but not least, interaction with stakeholders remains important to enable understanding of what the variable of interest is.  相似文献   

The sharing of data and collection of new data are both essential, but they are not inherently complementary. When data are openly available, researchers may be motivated to use those data rather than collect more because field work has costs and risks. The competitive advantage to those who do not put resources towards fieldwork may discourage field hydrology. Allocating efforts towards generating field data, which benefits hydrological sciences, is not necessarily best for individual hydrologists, especially in an era of open data. The objective of this work is to open a conversation on whether individuals’ best interests may contrast with the community’s desire for new observations. If the community wants new field observations, there is a need to consider the shifting balance of incentives and disincentives for pursuing field studies in hydrology.  相似文献   

Observations of currents aimed to study the flow near a spawning aggregation reef, Gladden Spit off the coast of Belize, reveal unusually strong currents on 19–20 October 2009 (the current speed was over 1?m?s?1, when the mean and standard deviation are 0.2?±?0.12?m?s?1). During this short time, the water level was raised by 60–70?cm above normal in one place, but lowered by 10–20?cm in another location just 2?km away. The temperature dropped by over 2°C within a few hours. Analyses of local and remote sensing data suggest that a rare combination of an offshore Caribbean cyclonic eddy, a short-lived local tropical storm, and a Spring tide, all occurred at the same time and creating a “perfect storm” condition that resulted in the unusual event. High-resolution simulations and momentum balance analysis demonstrate how the unique shape of the coral reef amplified the coastal current through nonlinear flow–topography interactions. The suggested mechanism for the water level change is different than the classical wind-driven storm surge process. The study has implications for the influence of external forcing on mixing processes and physical–biological interactions near coral reefs.  相似文献   

The parametric catalogues of historical earthquakes in East Siberia contain large data gaps. Among these is a 15-year period in the late nineteenth century (1886–1901). This period was not covered by any of macroseismic catalogues known; neither acquisition nor systematization of macroseismic data was ever performed for that purpose. However, 15 years is a rather long period in which large seismic events may have occurred. The present paper deals with the previously unknown earthquake that occurred on November 13, 1898. The primary macroseismic data were taken from regional periodicals. On the strength of all the evidence obtained, the earthquake epicenter is localized in Western Transbaikalia, near the western end of the Malkhansky Range; the magnitude is estimated at M?=?5.9. The information about the large earthquake of November 13, 1898 provides filling significant gaps in knowledge for seismicity in Western Transbaikalia and a better understanding of seismic potential of faults therein. The obtained results show that the periods of seismic quiescence in catalogues may be related to insufficient information on seismicity of Eastern Siberia in the historical past rather than to the absence of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

The technique of the wavefield polarization is applied to ambient vibrations recorded in the Mefite d’Ansanto area, an important non-volcanic natural emission of low temperature CO2 enriched gases. Twenty-five measurements were performed in the study area, eleven near the emission site and the other fourteen in different sites within an area of 5 km. Polarization is assessed both in the frequency and time domain through the individual-station horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and covariance-matrix analysis, respectively. We find a significant tendency of ground motion in the gas emission area to be polarized in the horizontal plane, with a N115° predominant trend. This polarization tends to disappear while moving far from the site. According to previous papers in other study areas, such a directional effect is likely caused by fault-induced fractures and tends to be orthogonal to the fracture strike. The predominant NW–SE regional faulting does not fit the N115° polarization direction. To explain observations, we propose an interpretation in terms of a NE–SW oriented, local transfer fault as inferred from the lineament analysis. The intersection of the damage zone of this fault with the regional NW–SE normal fault system could easily be the responsible for the gas emissions since it favors a locally increased crustal weakness.  相似文献   

The inputs and breakdown of terrestrial leaf litter in streams is a fundamental ecological process that sustains in-stream foodwebs and secondary production. In temporary rivers, litter breakdown is reduced during dry phases, but the long-term effect of alternating drying and wetting cycles on litter breakdown is still poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that leaf litter breakdown (LLB) in temporary rivers is primarily controlled by flow permanence (the number of flowing days over a given period expressed in %), and that drying events affect LLB during leaf fall periods through reduction of microbial activity and the modification of aquatic invertebrate assemblages. LLB rates (k), microbial activity and invertebrate assemblages were determined in winter at ten cross-sections scattered along a flow permanence gradient on the temporary Albarine River, France. Results demonstrated that summer drying events affected the breakdown process for up to 6 months after flow has resumed in the river. LLB rates decreased exponentially with decreasing flow permanence, and with increasing drying event duration and frequency. These exponential relationships were observed for flow permanence variables calculated for the river for both 24-years and 1-year time periods prior to the experiment. A decrease in flow permanence from 100 to 85% led to a four-fold decrease in leaf litter breakdown rate. Microbial activity, which typically did not differ between cross-sections, failed to explain the between-cross-section differences in k. By contrast, invertebrate assemblages and, shredders, in particular, decreased exponentially with decreasing flow permanence and with increasing drying event duration and frequency.  相似文献   

The arguments presented in Melsen et al. advance ideas in the “Panta Rhei” decade (2013–2022) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, which focuses on change in hydrology and society. While we reiterate that, despite acknowledged shortcomings, the enterprise of integrating societal feedbacks into hydrological models is beneficial in prediction and adaptive management, we also agree with the sentiments of the authors. In response, we offer concrete steps the socio-hydrologic community can take to educate modellers to become aware about unconscious biases embedded in model structure and clearly communicate assumptions. We stress the need for “knowledge brokers” that can help modellers work with stakeholders, instead of doing everything themselves. We also caution, however, against the danger of over-reaching. Young scholars already pay a big price by having to master both the natural and social sciences. As coupled human–water problems increase in societal importance, along with calls for more holistic thinking, we also need to promote an academic culture that rewards reaching across the aisle.  相似文献   

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