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Although the Pacific Northwest is often associated with abundant water and images of wide, salmon-filled rivers, water-related conflicts throughout the region are not uncommon as adequate supplies fall short of increasing demand. This article investigates water stakeholders’ perceptions of local waters and their water-related behaviors within the Willamette watershed of western Oregon. I conducted 25 interviews with key users of the Willamette watershed's water supply. My analyses of these data suggest that stakeholders perceive water as a scarce resource. In addition, the participants indicated strong attachments to local water bodies but demonstrated little incentive in making personal sacrifices to safeguard these “scarce” water supplies. Given that equitable water distribution is a present and growing concern, this case study contributes to a body of knowledge that legitimizes direct experience in shaping resource management, as well as illuminates the complicated relationship between place attachment and environmental behaviors.  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑  刘晨 《地理学报》2012,67(2):239-252
地方感的研究为探讨人地关系提供了新的视角。情境主题餐厅作为能提供特殊体验的一种微观文化空间,为员工构造了一个“异位(heterotopias)”的超现实空间(hyperreality)。本文通过对广州味道云南食府这一典型情境主题餐厅员工的体验式观察和深度访谈,探讨了情境主题餐厅员工对不同尺度空间产生的不同地方感特征及其原因,得出以下结论:① 员工对情境主题餐厅及其所处城市的地方感存在差异。他们对餐厅具有强烈的地方认同和地方依赖,对餐厅所处城市具有地方依赖,但对餐厅以外的其他城市空间不存在地方认同;② 员工对情境主题餐厅地方感特征产生的原因是餐厅融洽的社交环境、良好的工作和生活环境以及较高认同的情境(文化);③ 员工对情境主题餐厅所处城市地方感特征产生的原因是城市所提供的良好工作条件、较差的自然环境、低熟悉的城市空间、对家乡的依恋和对“异乡人”的身份认同;④ 员工对情境主题餐厅及其所处城市的熟悉程度、环境和文化认同程度和归属/依恋程度的差异是员工对两者地方感存在差异的原因。结论对于丰富地方感在微观空间层面的理论与实证研究有重要的价值,能够为城市中其他微观文化空间的地方感研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

黄嘉玲  何深静 《热带地理》2014,34(3):308-318
宗教地理是文化地理重要的研究内容之一,但在中国相关实证研究仍不多见。结合半结构问卷调查和访谈,对广州石室圣心大教堂的非洲裔移民宗教场所地方感特征及其形成机理进行探讨。研究发现:非洲裔移民宗教场所地方依恋和地方认同发展快于地方依赖;非裔移民较强的圣地地方依恋同时存在较强的空间可替代性,但又由于区位等因素存在宗教功能之外的非可替代性;圣地地方依赖则因被宗教教义视为功利性而被掩盖。回归分析表明,社交和场所互动时间是指示地方感的最显著指标。随着非粤宗教文化的融合发展,宏观政治环境以及语言文化隔离等外生因素正对宗教地方感的提高产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Sense of place, including an individual’s attitudes toward specific geographic settings, is generally predicted to influence willingness to engage in place-protective behaviors. Relatively little research, however, has empirically examined the influence of people’s attitudes toward a place on their willingness to pay for environmental protection. Using the example of a payment for ecosystem services (PES) initiative in the McKenzie River watershed, Oregon, USA, we found that place attitudes were a significant predictor of respondents’ willingness to pay for a program designed to benefit drinking water quality. These results suggest that connecting conservation actions to landscapes that are meaningful to people may increase their financial support for PES and other conservation programs. While program managers have little or no influence over stakeholders’ political ideology, gender, or income, managers may be able to influence prospective PES buyers’ awareness and attitudes through targeted communications, thereby potentially increasing support for place-based conservation efforts.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the emerging Hispanic population in Appalachia, which nearly tripled in size to 465,000 between 1980 and 2000. Using 1980, 1990, and 2000 census data, changes in the geographic distribution of Hispanics and in the economic characteristics of counties with growth in Hispanic population are assessed. Results suggest that high‐growth counties are clustered in peripheral areas in the northern and southern subregions and are characterized by higher per capita income and greater economic viability than those areas with relatively low Hispanic population growth.  相似文献   

九寨沟自然观光地旅游者地方感特征分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
地方感是人文主义地理学“人-地”关系研究中的重要内容。旅游是人们感知和认识环境的重要途径和方式, 旅游者地方感是旅游者与旅游地环境相互作用的结果。通过构建旅游者地方感模型, 以九寨沟为案例研究发现, ① 九寨沟旅游者的地方感在自然风景维度、社会人文维度、旅游功能维度和情感依恋维度等四个维度上存在一定差异; ② 九寨沟的自然风景与环境得到了旅游者较高的感知评价和普遍认同, 是旅游者对九寨沟产生情感依恋的主要因素; ③ 旅游者对九寨沟的社会人文环境的感知评价相对较低, 并影响到对九寨沟旅游环境与功能的感知评价; ④ 旅游者赋予九寨沟更多的是自然观光的意义和审美价值, 九寨沟蕴涵 的民俗文化体验的意义和历史价值并未能被旅游者所充分感知和认识, “藏族村寨”的地方特质没有得到旅游者的足够认同; ⑤ 不同类型旅游者之间的感知评价差异集中在九寨沟的藏 族风情、地方文化、旅游服务、游览秩序和旅游氛围等方面。旅游者地方感研究为自然资源和旅游地规划与管理提供了依据, 具有一定的现实指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Fishing communities in Europe are facing significant challenges due to policy measures aimed at reducing fishing effort in order to cope with the “crisis” in key stocks. While it is imperative to ensure sustainability of the resource, such policies may overlook the contribution of fisheries to the social and cultural well-being of coastal communities. This article explores the contribution that sense of place can make to understanding the relationship between fishing and cultural ecosystem services, drawing on case studies from Cornwall, southwest England. Through semistructured interviews with fishing community stakeholders we outline how fishing contributes to sense of place in terms of individual and community identities, as well as a particular place character associated with the physical presence of fishing. We suggest that a co-constructionist account of the relationship between sea and land can provide a starting point for understanding the cultural landscape that emerges as a result of fishing.  相似文献   

吴丽敏  黄震方  王坤  张郴 《热带地理》2015,35(2):275-283
通过对国内外旅游地地方依恋文献资料的梳理,发现研究主要集中在对旅游地地方依恋的概念界定、影响因素、形成机制及影响效应等方面;在方法上,定量研究明显多于定性研究;其理论体系、影响机理及应用领域仍有待深入探讨。国外对旅游地地方依恋研究比国内起步早,主题更为丰富,且在时间与空间尺度均有涉及;今后国内相关研究应注重对旅游地地方依恋的理论体系构建、影响机理剖析及深入挖掘应用领域等方面的探讨,同时还应考虑旅游地的独特性和典型性,兼顾时空尺度对研究可能产生的影响,综合运用定性和定量方法,结合具有中国不同地域文化特质的各类对象,以体现旅游地地方依恋研究的时代性、历史性及动态性。  相似文献   

The sense of place (SOP) conceptual framework offers theoretical and empirical evidence that links peoples’ multifaceted connections to place(s) to their engagement in pro-environmental and conservation behaviors. The bulk of this research has focused on peoples’ connection to high-amenity places and landscapes. Recent research applies SOP in working landscapes—however, these studies encounter “troubles” that include measurement challenges and mixed results in predicting statistical relationships with conservation outcome variables. As authors of some of these studies, we propose three opportunities and corresponding survey items for developing meaningful SOP measures in future working landscapes research: (1) modify existing SOP dimensions and items to better capture the working landscape dynamics; (2) address how scale may affect behavior and SOP dimensions; and (3) incorporate a conservation ethic dimension into the SOP framework in working lands.  相似文献   

苏勤  钱树伟 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1137-1148
地方感强调地方本身具有的特质及人与地之间的情感连结关系, 是近年来国外环境心理学和游憩地理学的热点论题。以世界遗产地苏州古典园林为例, 基于旅游涉入、旅游吸引力、旅游功能、地方感、遗产保护态度与遗产保护行为6 个潜变量, 构建地方感结构关系模型, 通过设计量表并回收909 份有效调查样本, 运用SPSS、Amos 软件及验证性因子分析方法, 探讨了旅游者地方感的影响关系路径及运行机理。研究结果表明:① 由地方感前因影响导入机制与后果效应输出机制构成的“导入—输出”系统机制的运行过程与结果是苏州古典园林旅游者地方感的影响关系机理;② 地方感前因变量旅游涉入、旅游吸引力、旅游功能均对地方感有显著的正向影响, 同时地方感的形成对遗产保护态度及遗产保护行为也具有重要的影响效应;③ 旅游吸引力对地方感的影响最小(0.341), 旅游涉入对地方感的影响最小(0.252);④ 地方感的形成对旅游者的遗产保护态度及遗产保护行为均具有重要的影响效应, 其对遗产保护行为的影响(0.467) 比对保护态度的影响(0.420) 更加显著。对地方感前因变量与后果效应进行整合分析, 探讨地方感影响关系机理, 以期为我国遗产地的遗产保护与旅游发展的协调互利提供借鉴及指明方向。  相似文献   

Researchers often measure human–place bonds via place attachment scales across a variety of settings. However, scale use does not always include an evaluation of the scales’ psychometric properties, especially in multisite studies. Failure to consider a place attachment scale’s measurement properties makes both validity and reliability assumptions and may lead to improper data interpretation. Hence, this investigation assessed a place attachment scale across three sites via data collected on site in natural resource protected areas in Colorado, Minnesota, and Germany. A series of confirmatory factor analyses assessed the hypothesized two-dimensional (i.e., place identity and place dependence) model, Cronbach’s alphas calculated a measure of internal consistency, and a multigroup procedure cross-validated the scale. Some items did not load on the hypothesized dimension and the pattern of factor loadings was not equivalent across settings, suggesting assessment of place attachment scales may be necessary when used in new contexts.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):905-931
Although the concept of sense of place has a long history in the social sciences, relatively few studies have attempted a quantitative analysis of sense of place at the neighborhood level. This study reports on the empirical findings of a sense of place survey developed and tested in two contrasting neighborhoods in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Southwest Mountain, an upper-middle-class suburban neighborhood and Northeast Industrial, a lower-income, working-class neighborhood located in the heart of the city's industrial district. The principal objective is to assess the relationship between sense of place and the socio-demographic characteristics of residents living in neighborhoods of very different socioeconomic status. This study also introduces a method for calculating a neighborhood sense of place score derived from a fully tested, validated survey instrument. It was found that sense of place was strongest in Southwest Mountain, and among seniors, long-term residents, unmarried people, and immigrants. In addition, residents with a lower level of education and those in the unpaid labor force had a stronger sense of place.  相似文献   

林元城  杨忍  赖秋萍  王敏 《热带地理》2020,40(4):732-743
采用网络资料收集、深度访谈和问卷调查等方法,对潮汕宗祠的地方意义、情感互动和内生效用展开分析,探讨了潮汕宗祠对地方感的塑造作用及其与乡村治理的内在关联。研究发现,潮汕宗祠作为同姓宗亲地域联系和情感连结的物质空间载体,通过其蕴含的地方文化、宣传展演和节庆活动等构建乡村地域的情感依恋与价值认同,进而形成地方依恋和地方认同。此外,潮汕宗祠通过建筑的形式扎根于地方,并作为乡村地域的异质性空间重构着乡村的地方性,并赋予乡村空间更多的文化内涵,以塑造乡村主体的共同价值和情感认同。诚然,潮汕宗祠的地方意义是通过多主体的共同缔造来实现的,以历史文化、个体记忆和物质资本等塑造自身的地方、民族的地方和跨界的地方。研究基于地方感和乡村治理的视角,强调物质文化载体的社会建构作用,探索乡村文化空间与乡村治理的互动,在实证层面回应了文化治理的积极意义。就现实意义而言,文章通过对潮汕宗祠地方性和根植性的讨论,旨在为乡村文化空间的营造、文化自信的建立和乡村治理提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

茂名市地名与地形关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战赤嘉 《热带地理》2015,35(3):437-442
地形是自然环境中影响地名的一个重要地理要素,通过对茂名市88个镇和其下辖1 513个村地名的统计,结合地名志等文献资料中的地名来源,发现茂名市地名与地形的关系密切,且山地地区地名与地形关联性最强,丘陵地区次之,平原台地地区最小。地形影响地名的产生,地名也反映着居住地选择的趋向,显示了茂名的地名文化。通过对茂名市地名与地形各个要素之间关系的分析,得出了山区的聚落多选择建立在山谷中比较低平的区域;丘陵地区的居住地常选择在山坡和山谷、山间的低地;平原台地地区有较多地名与单座山有关。  相似文献   

Volunteers play a key role in natural resource management: their commitment, time and labour constitute a major contribution towards managing environments in Australia and throughout the world. From the point of view of environmental managers, much interest has focused on defining tasks suitable to volunteers. However, we argue that an improved understanding of what motivates volunteers is required to sustain volunteer commitments to environmental management in the long term. This is particularly important given that multiple government programs rely heavily on volunteers in Australia, a phenomenon also noted in the UK, Canada, and the USA. Whilst there is considerable research on volunteering in other sectors (e.g. health), there has been relatively little attention paid to understanding environmental volunteering. Drawing on the literature from other sectors and environmental volunteering where available, we present a set of six broad motivations underpinning environmental volunteers and five different modes through which environmental volunteering is manifested. We developed and refined the sets of motivations and modes through a pilot study involving interviews with volunteers and their coordinators from environmental groups in Sydney and Bass Coast. The pilot study data emphasise the importance of promoting community education as a major focus of environmental volunteer groups and demonstrate concerns over the fine line between supporting and abusing volunteers, given their role in delivering environmental outcomes.  相似文献   

流域特征的精确提取对深入研究流域水文过程和水资源管理至关重要。利用DEM数据进行数字流域特征分析,尤其在难以进入、地形复杂的无资料山区,可高效精准地提取、统计和研究地貌和水系特征。基于Arc GIS实验平台,利用DEM数据,从流域产汇流形成以及洪水调蓄角度对那陵格勒河山谷段进行流域特征提取。结论如下:1)流域地貌特征表明产汇流面较大,地面侵蚀过程较强,重力侵蚀过程较弱。2)流域水系为狭长形弯曲河道,主河道比降小。实际沟谷网络密度为1.71~2.32 km/km2。3)流域地貌特征使子流域的沟谷集水面广量大且速度快,易形成大的径流汇入主河道;但流域水系特征可降低主河道汇流速度,延长汇流时间,有利调蓄,洪峰不易集中。  相似文献   

谢涤湘  常江  朱雪梅  陈鑫 《热带地理》2014,34(4):482-488
近年来历史文化街区成为中国城市旅游的热点,但其过于商业化的发展模式也受到普遍质疑。文章以广州荔枝湾涌为例,采用问卷调查,分别从景观环境、社会人文、旅游功能和地方依恋等4个维度对游客的地方感特征进行了分析,发现随着年龄的增长,文化水平的提高,游客更为关注景区的社会人文环境和景区给予的情感体验;逗留时间越长,对景区环境的评价更低;随着客源地距离的增加,游客的地方依恋逐渐下降。进而指出环境质量的提升使游客对荔枝湾涌的风景与环境有了较高的感知与认同,在对历史文化、景区特色及旅游秩序满意的同时,也表现出了对文化遗产保护效果、景区的商业及其他配套服务功能的失望。进一步提出历史文化街区的旅游发展,应充分挖掘和展示地方独特的文化特质,加强地方性营造,完善配套设施,合理确定旅游市场定位,挖掘旅游发展潜力。在传承城市历史文化的同时,增强城市历史文化旅游的特色和持续吸引力。  相似文献   

大城市健身消费与地方建构   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
林耿  沈建萍 《地理学报》2011,66(10):1321-1331
随着全球消费社会的到来,消费如何重塑人地关系日渐成为人文地理学研究的选题, 西方学界自20 世纪90 年代即开启了消费实践与地理学的全面联结。这种学术观照自然而然地延展到消费关系中折射出来的地理想象、地方认同和空间生产等主题之中。作为城市化衍生的生活方式,健身消费成为身体地理、空间想象和地方建构等研究交汇的重要议题。研究援引建构取向的地方理论以及行动者网络理论,分析行动者对“健身”的转译过程,指出行动者的消费关系社会性地建构了一个地理想象的“健康天堂”,健身的消费想象,与话语权力的凝视和影响是高度相关的。地理空间生产一种功能性消费关系和节点型人地关系,后者将本土消费关系想象式地嵌入到全球消费文化脉络之中,将人地关系从本土联结和延伸到全球。 通过身体实践的方式,行动者网络下的健身消费关系将微区位建构为多层次的地方。地方是一个现实与虚拟、本土与全球交互的关键节点,一种多向度的节点型人地关系可以在地理微区位中得到体现。  相似文献   

数字流域研究与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
数字地球的产生及其技术体系的完善,为建立数字流域提供坚实的技术支撑。数字流域是以地理空间数据为基础,具有多维显示和表达流域状况的虚拟流域,是数字地球的重要组成部分。文章从探讨数字流域的概念入手,阐述了其组成与数据监测获取、传输网络、海量存储、流域模拟、可视化与虚拟现实等关键技术,并简要分析了数字流域的应用与前景。  相似文献   

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