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竞争型公共设施区位决策——概念、选址原则及模型构建   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
宋正娜 《地理科学》2016,36(10):1485-1494
竞争型公共设施竞争性、公益性并存,其区位决策相对更加复杂。首先提出了“竞争型公共设施”的概念,指出“兼顾效率与公平的空间均衡”是其选址的基本原则,并概括出具体选址要求:遵循供需双方的空间相互作用模式、限制至邻近设施的最大出行成本、追求总出行成本最小化、约束设施规模门槛、与低层级设施在出行成本上相区分等。其次构建了基于概率分配规则的重力P中值模型,通过纳入设施规模因子实现区位和规模同步求解,并对邻近设施最大出行成本和设施最小规模进行约束,以实现空间公平-效率、服务质量公平与规模效率等多重目标。最后经过实证检验,优化后的设施布局更为均衡合理。  相似文献   

区位—分配模型是实现公共服务设施最适配置的有效方法之一。传统的P中值模型以效率作为导向,采用“邻近分配”规则,不考虑设施容量(规模),难以适应城市综合医院供需之间相互作用规律下适度均衡、居民随机概率式选择和区位与规模同步求解的布局要求。本文尝试以P中值模型为基础框架,在对P中值模型来源及其适用性进行分析的基础上,构建出基于供需双方(居民—综合医院)空间相互作用的重力P中值模型。新模型通过纳入“邻近就医”最大出行成本因子,确保居民至少邻近1所综合医院(保障空间公平);通过追求总加权出行成本最小化,确保设施空间配置效率;通过纳入设施容量规模因子实现设施区位和规模同时求解;通过纳入最小规模因子,保障设施规模效率和服务质量公平。进一步通过无锡市区综合医院空间配置进行实证检验发现:采用新模型优化后,综合医院空间配置更加公平、居民邻近就医更加便捷,且能够实现与社区卫生设施协同布局,使整个医疗设施体系空间布局更加合理。本文构建的新重力P中值模型(模型的变量参数可作适当调整)可用于竞争型公共设施区位决策,为相关设施布局调整或者规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   


The opportunities available at a demand location are usually measured as the costs of reaching a specified critical number of facilities from that location. This method does not however, account for multistop trips nor for differences in the diversity of supply at the level of individual facilities. In this paper we introduce an alternative measurement method that overcomes these shortcomings. In this method the probability of successfully visiting a specific facility is assumed to be a function of the diversity of supply provided. Trip routes are constructed that have an acceptable probability of success. Then, the expected costs of travelling the optimum route are determined as an indicator of spatial opportunities. The proposed method has been implemented in a GIS environment, using typical GIS data and GIS tools for spatial analysis and display. The results of a case study indicate that the new method, compared to current methods, may lead to different evaluations of the level of opportunities at demand locations.  相似文献   

韦伯型设施区位的可计算模型及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张颖  王铮  周嵬  刘筱  闫丹 《地理学报》2006,61(10):1057-1064
设施布局是城市规划中的热点问题,其中具有代表性的韦伯型设施区位应用广泛,能够于离散的空间点区位中配置设施的最佳位置,可解决诸多类型设施的选址问题。以多设施重心模型、最大福利模型和p-中心模型为例,从地计算的角度出发研究其模型及可计算方法。运用可视化开发工具Delphi 7.0作为开发平台,使用建立在OCX技术基础上的专业GIS控件MapObjects进行集成二次开发,建立设施区位分析系统,实现模型的计算及地理分析功能,并以上海市松江区新桥镇社会事业发展规划为例,运用该系统解决其社会事业发展对应设施选址问题。结果表明具有合理性,能够作为设施规划布局的辅助决策依据。  相似文献   

颜秉秋  高晓路  季珏 《地理科学进展》2015,34(12):1586-1597
养老设施规划配置的关键应着眼于老年群体对养老服务的差异化需求及其动态变化特征。本文提出了基于多主体模拟的理论框架,并通过对前期研究的梳理,归纳出养老机构配置问题中需要考虑的老年人、养老机构等主体的时间变异和空间差异特征、其行为规则以及他们与环境之间的相互作用规律。在此基础上,以北京市为例构建了多主体微观模拟模型,对2010-2030年间养老机构需求与供给态势进行了预测,并讨论了养老设施布局的评估指标,通过设施利用率、百人床位数和空间匹配度等指标,对北京市养老服务设施的规划政策进行了评估。研究表明,多智能体模拟技术对把握人口动向及养老服务需求的不确定性和动态变化特征而言是一个十分有效的研究工具,能够很好地体现各种要素的空间属性。对于北京市的“9064”养老服务规划和养老设施专项规划的分析表明,如果仅仅对养老模式的分担比例和百人床位数进行控制,而忽视对空间布局的管控,养老机构床位空置率有可能出现继续上升的趋势,为此,必须制定城市中心区养老机构的比例,同时对养老机构的定价、选址和服务质量采取必要的管控措施。  相似文献   

城市土地利用—交通集成模型的构建与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
牛方曲  王芳 《地理学报》2018,73(2):380-392
中国目前正经历着城市化转型,科学合理的空间政策是城市可持续发展的重要保障,因此开展政策情景实验、辅助空间决策具有重要现实意义。本文构建了土地利用—交通集成模型,模拟城市活动空间分布,称作SDA(Spatial Distribution of Activities)模型。该模型主要包含4个子模型:交通模型、家庭区位模型、经济活动区位模型、房租模型;并以北京市为例模拟土地利用政策对城市空间发展的影响。研究表明,延续过去5年(2009-2013年)房地产开发模式至2030年,则由于周边房地产开发数量较高、房租较低,越来越多的人口和企业将向郊区聚集(增长速度更大)。该趋势与目前疏解北京社会经济活动、缓解交通拥堵的规划目标相一致,模型可以很好地检验土地利用政策情景影响。而“基于活动”的模型被认为是模型发展趋势,因此,本文构建的SDA模型不仅可以检验不同政策对城市空间影响、辅助城市空间决策,也有助于推动LUTI模型的发展及其在国内的应用,丰富和发展国内城市空间模拟分析的研究内容。  相似文献   

Grønhaug, K. Location behaviour regarded as a decision process. Norsk geogr. Tidsskr. 28, 243–252.

The individual firm considers location decisions important but difficult to handle owing to the complexity of the problem and the firm's unfamiliarity with such decisions. This article intends to find out how the individual firm tries to cope with these situations. Several studies are interpreted in a frame of reference where the location behaviour of the firm is looked upon as determined by both internal and external factors. It was found that the new location of the firm in most cases is very close to the old one; internal growth is the principal incentive to start looking for (and to find) a new location; the presumed importance of various location factors differ from one firm to the other – and even within the same industry; when changing to a new location most firms perform only modest search and analytic activities; most firms do not consider their present location as absolutely necessary, but nevertheless only a small number of the firms studied planned to move.  相似文献   

China is now experiencing rapid urbanization. Powerful tools are required to assess its urban spatial policies before implemented toward a more competitive and sustainable development paradigm. This study develops a Land Use Transport Interaction(LUTI) model to evaluate the impacts of urban land-use policies on urban spatial development. The model consists of four sub-models, i.e., transport, residential location, employment location and real estate rent sub-models. It is then applied to Beijing metropolitan area to forecast the urban activity evolution trend based on the land-use policies between 2009 and 2013. The modeling results show that more and more residents and enterprises in the city choose to agglomerate on outskirts, and new centers gradually emerge to share the services originally delivered by central Beijing. The general trend verifies the objectives of the government plan to develop more sub-centers around Beijing. The proposed activity-based model provides a distinct tool for the urban spatial policy makers in China. Further research is also discussed at the end.  相似文献   

Optimal location search is frequently required in many urban applications for siting one or more facilities. However, the search may become very complex when it involves multiple sites, various constraints and multiple‐objectives. The exhaustive blind (brute‐force) search with high‐dimensional spatial data is infeasible in solving optimization problems because of a huge combinatorial solution space. Intelligent search algorithms can help to improve the performance of spatial search. This study will demonstrate that genetic algorithms can be used with Geographical Information systems (GIS) to effectively solve the spatial decision problems for optimally sitting n sites of a facility. Detailed population and transportation data from GIS are used to facilitate the calculation of fitness functions. Multiple planning objectives are also incorporated in the GA program. Experiments indicate that the proposed method has much better performance than simulated annealing and GIS neighborhood search methods. The GA method is very convenient in finding the solution with the highest utility value.  相似文献   

本文基于北京市公共服务设施的地理空间信息数据, 采用最短距离指标定量分析了商品 住房对教育、医疗、体育、文化、商业、绿地公园等6 大类公共服务设施的空间可达性( 以下简称 “可达性”) , 并通过Hedonic 特征价格模型定量分析可达性对商品住房价格的影响。研究结果表 明: 1) 按照“最短距离”可达性比较, 商品住房对绿地公园、医院和健身场所可达性最好, 而对大型 商场、文化设施、体育场馆的可达性较差; 2) 按照商品住房的区位和价格比较, 城市四环以内和高 价商品住房组别对公共服务设施的可达性明显优于其它组别; 3) 特征价格模型的定量分析表明, 重点高中、球类场馆、文化设施和绿地公园这4 种公共服务设施的可达性越好, 则商品住房价格 越高, 即目前北京市公共服务设施的规划布局在一定程度上被资本化入商品住房价格。  相似文献   

韩增林  董梦如  刘天宝  李源 《地理科学》2020,40(11):1774-1783
使用基于Rhino平台的UNA工具包,从住宅楼层面对大连市沙河口区幼儿园、小学和初中3类基础教育设施的空间可达性进行分析,并提出布局优化措施及新增选址方案。主要结论如下:① 各类基础教育设施空间分布不均,存在重复与缺失并存的现象;设施与住宅楼空间分布“错位”现象严重。② 各类基础教育设施均存在服务范围内住宅楼数量较少的问题,学区内的学生上下学需要耗费较长的路程与时间,若设施仅服务于规定服务范围内的居民,则部分设施会存在利用不足的情况。③ 在规定服务范围内,初中的可达比重最大,其次是小学和幼儿园。在规定服务范围外,幼儿园可达性为差及以下的比重最大,其次是初中和小学。④ 设施布局主要存在2个问题:设施供应不足和设施利用不足,对此提出相应的优化思路。并在考虑可达性和供需的情况下,提出2个新增设施参考选址方案,以改善设施可达性。其中方案一增加140所,方案二增加107所。  相似文献   

Location analysis is concerned with the siting of facilities according to various cost criteria. Accessibility‐based cost criteria typically generate different optimal solutions (least‐cost location configurations) and location conflict arises. This paper outlines a new way to resolve such conflict–for single facilities sited in one‐dimensional space. Piecewise‐linear space‐cost curves for two well known criteria, efficiency and equality, are first transformed into standardized (Z‐score) curves. A family of hybrid space‐cost curves is then generated, where each member of the family reflects different fractional weights, w and 1‐w, being placed on efficiency and equality. Decision‐makers or users can assign these weights directly to the two criteria, thereby determining the most appropriate hybrid space‐cost curve used in resolving location conflict. This hybrid curve provides standardized, two‐criteria cost information for all possible facility locations.  相似文献   

This article presents an efficient method for simultaneously finding both the Weber cell and optimal connective paths in a grid. As numerous barriers of arbitrary shape and weighted regions are distributed in the cell map of this research, the problem scenario is similar to working out a real-life facility location selection and path-routing problems in a geographical map. In this study, the Weber problem of finding a single-facility location from an accumulation cost table is generated by a grid wave propagation method (higher-geometry maze router). After finding the Weber point (cell), optimal connective paths with minimum total weighted cost are backtracked between the Weber location cell and the demand cells. This new computation algorithm with linear time and space complexity can be integrated as a spatial analytical function within GIS.  相似文献   

城市区位条件与企业区位动态研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
刘颖  郭琪  贺灿飞 《地理研究》2016,35(7):1301-1313
随着新新经济地理理论的发展,企业异质性的研究逐渐受到重视,不同效率企业的区位选择被认为是造成城市生产效率差异的重要原因。验证企业区位选择对城市生产效率的影响,以及探讨企业区位选择的城市影响要素是研究的关键问题。沿用Baldwin和Melitz等学者的研究思路,从企业区位主动选择与被动选择的视角,理解中国城市生产效率的差异及其变化,分析企业区位自选择效应的空间差异。在此基础上,采用2002-2007年的规模以上工业企业面板数据,通过建立基于企业进入、退出区位动态的回归模型,揭示企业区位自选择效应的作用机制和城市影响因素。研究发现:企业区位自选择效应确实存在,不同效率企业的主动选择和被动选择都会影响城市的生产效率。生产率较高的工业企业倾向于选择科技研发水平高、市场潜力大、产业相对集聚的城市,生产率较低的工业企业更容易因城市高昂的要素成本和激烈的行业竞争,尤其是同行企业竞争而被挤出。此外,政府的政策优惠可以吸引高效率企业进入,但这种政策倾斜也会加剧其他企业的退出。因此,提高科技水平、扩大市场规模、促进产业集聚、合理运用政策调控是提高城市竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

Location siting is an important part of service provision, with much potential to impact operational efficiency, safety, security, system reliability, etc. A class of location models seeks to optimize coverage of demand for service that is continuously distributed across space. Decision-making and planning contexts include police/fire resource allocation for a community, siting cellular towers to support cell phone signal transmission, locating emergency warning sirens to alert the public of severe weather and other related dangers, and many others as well. When facilities can be sited anywhere in continuous space to provide coverage to an entire region, this is a very computationally challenging problem to solve because potential demand for service is everywhere and there are an infinite number of potential facility sites to consider. This article develops a new parallel solution approach for this location coverage optimization problem through an iterative bounding scheme on multi-core architectures. The developed approach is applied to site emergency warning sirens in Dublin, Ohio, and fire stations in Elk Grove, California. Results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach, enabling real-time analysis and planning. This work illustrates that the integration of cyberinfrastructure can significantly improve computational efficiency in solving challenging spatial optimization problems, fitting the themes of this special issue: cyberinfrastructure, GIS, and spatial optimization.  相似文献   

公共交通影响下的北京公共服务设施可达性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蒋海兵  张文忠  韦胜 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1239-1249
本文尝试利用大量微观空间数据从供需角度评价北京公共交通影响下的公共服务设施可达性及其空间效率和供需匹配情况,分别采用比例法与最短时间距离法测算公共服务设施的可达性,运用定序变量相关法与因子空间叠置法分析公共设施可达性的供需匹配程度。结果表明:北京居住小区公共设施总体可达性水平较高。其中,4环以内各类公共设施可达性水平最高,居住小区到公共设施的平均时间20分钟内的小区占比高达90%以上;5-6环可达性水平最差,平均时间20分钟内的小区占比在50%以下。高需求高可达性街道比重相对较高,而高需求低可达性街道主要分布于5-6环的东部和北部地区。在公共设施中,小学可达性最好,而医院和购物中心则更强调空间效率。针对识别出的公共设施的高需求低可达性街道,应从出行方式、公共交通线路与公共服务设施建设等方面采取对策,化解公共设施的供需矛盾问题。  相似文献   


A neglected aspect of facility location problems is the geometric representation of the facilities sited and clients served. Point objects represent these entities in most facility location problems. This can cause solution error and limit the range of potential solutions. The increasing capabilities of geographical information systems (GIS) to represent, store and manipulate spatial entities provides a substantial but unrealized potential for more sophisticated geometric representation in facility location problems. This paper provides a framework for realizing this potential. Specifically, this paper: (i) synthesizes existing formulations; (ii) develops a unified mathematical framework; (iii) identifies feasible computational strategies that can be implemented within a GIS framework, and; (iv) discusses potential GIS-based solution algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental study that attempts to uncover some of the reasons why community residents find mental health facilities undesirable as potential neighbors. Respondents were asked to evaluate a variety of public facilities by indicating how similar they are in terms of “noxiousness.'’They were also asked how close they would prefer to live to each of the different facility types. From the results of the study it is possible to suggest some alternative strategies for siting new mental health facilities, such as co-locating them with other human-service agencies or locating them within larger facilities.  相似文献   

吴磊  尹梁明  杨登宇  郭源园 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1829-1839
文章引入“多样化联系空间”视角,使得空间附着了更多的社会、经济、制度和文化等内涵,并以此作为城市微区位和企业区位选择的空间基础。理论上,企业在城市微区位的选址不仅是通过市场机制与经济因素发生,也特定于区位的经济、社会和地理的紧密交织及其交互作用,其理论机制是空间的多样化联系以“成本共担”的形式降低企业的生产成本和交易成本,从而引致企业的区位选择和空间集聚;并以深圳市的高新电子信息企业为例,应用OLS回归、地理加权回归(GWR)和半参数地理加权回归(SGWR)模型,对城市微区位、多样化联系与企业区位选择的耦合进行实证分析,结果显示城市微区位存在显著的空间异质性,且存在全局变量和局部变量的差别,这在一定程度上验证了城市微区位的多样性、异质性。  相似文献   

史进  贺灿飞 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1282-1296
新企业是产业空间重构的重要驱动力。采用1998-2007年中国工业企业数据库,以金属制品业为例,发现金属制品业新企业成立的活跃地区由东部沿海转向中西部地区,特别是中部地区。随后建立“全球链接、区域竞争和地方环境”的分析框架,通过城市层面的面板Tobit模型,考察新企业成立空间差异的影响因素,并突出企业效率在这些因素作用过程中的影响。研究发现:① 外向型城市有利于新企业成立;低效率的新企业只是追求劳动力的低成本,但是高效率的新企业还能兼顾劳动力的高质量。② 区域市场潜力大的城市有利于新企业成立。③ 市场化环境好的城市有利于新企业成立,地方化经济对新企业成立无显著影响,而适度的相关多样化能够促进高效率新企业成立。  相似文献   

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