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The Secretary of the Interior through appropriate staff can inquire into the validity of mining claims through the Act of April 25, 1812 (R.S. 453; 43 USC 2). Validity examinations are also authorized by the Act of July 23, 1955 (USC 601), for management over surface resources of mining claims located prior to the Act [Adams v. United States, 318 F2d 861 (9th Cir 1963).] Validity examinations are normally made in response to one of two circumstances: (1) to process a mineral patent application; or (2) to resolve a conflict between the mining claim and some other use of the land. Federal employees charged with the management of Federal lands have the right and authority to challenge the validity of mining claims for any reason [Estate of Melvin E. Viles, 126 IBLA 162, 164 (1993).] A validity examination of an unpatented mining claim by a Federal Government minerals examiner is to verify or refute a discovery on that claim. The mineral examiner makes a recommendation as to whether a claim is valid or invalid. If a discovery cannot be verified within the limits of the claim, the examiner will normally recommend that the government contest the claim. Concepts for making validity examinations on mining claims are here given. Many mineral deposits are unique and it is important that the mineral examiner use their initiative and adopt whatever detailed procedures may be required.  相似文献   


Based on interviews with corporate executives, this paper examines several decisions to locate pulp and paper mills in British Columbia during the 1960's and early 1970's. It emphasizes locational evaluations of regions, communities, and sites interpreted as parts of wider investment decision processes and longer-run corporate strategies. Relationships between initial locational decisions and post-locational assessments and adjustments are also identified.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, neoliberal reforms, soaring commodity prices and heightened global resource demands have led to significant growth in extractive industry investment across sub-Saharan Africa. A surge of investment has triggered a variety of responses in mineral-rich communities – from outright rejection, to protest over labour conditions, to acceptance in anticipation of gainful employment. Drawing on recent research carried out in Kono District in Sierra Leone, this article critically explores these contrasting responses to mining activities, by focussing on how youth perceive and respond to extractive industry expansion. In doing so, the paper broadens understanding of why youth perceptions of mining investment differ, and illuminates the various factors underlying a diverse range of responses to the expansion of extractive industries. The focus on youth and its heterogeneity as a social category has important policy implications and the paper makes a contribution to understanding the dynamics and diversity of youth livelihood strategies in resource rich developing countries. In making a distinction between autonomous spaces of community-led development 'from below' and corporate controlled spaces of development 'from above', the article reflects on how youth perceptions of extractive industry expansion may also be influencing the ways in which mining companies understand and fashion their business and social responsibility strategies.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships between foreign direct investment (FDI) and natural resource depletion and natural resource rents for a longitudinal (2005–2013: N?=?125 nations) sample of less developed countries (LDCs). Theoretically, we argue that FDI contributes to increased ecological withdrawals and dependence on the natural resource sector for economic growth within countries. We hypothesized that LDCs with higher levels of FDI would also have higher levels of natural resource depletion and income (i.e., rents). We assess whether this hypothesized relationship holds across nations in our sample for four different natural resource depletion and rents measures (energy, forest, mineral, and total natural resources). We find strong support for our hypotheses regarding natural resource depletion and resource rents, with the exception of energy rents. The outcome lends support to the ecological withdrawal and ecostructural theory of foreign investment dependence perspectives.  相似文献   

There have been suggestions in recent literature that neoliberalism and globalisation present positive opportunities for Indigenous communities engaging in resource development projects on their traditional lands. This paper will present evidence from preliminary research on the neoliberal restructuring that has endured for those Indigenous communities of Queensland who have engaged with mineral development opportunities. Initial findings indicate that the State has devolved some of its responsibilities to the mining company in relation to Indigenous development and service provision. This paper develops a theoretical and analytical framework to enable an examination of the implications of this voluntary devolution of responsibility for Indigenous development and service provision and questions whether this represents a positive opportunity for Indigenous people in the region.  相似文献   

The Petexbatún region of Guatemala's Petén tropical forest lowlands has been largely deforested since the early 1980s as landless peasants have turned even national parks into milpas. The soils of these tropical forest, karst landscapes are known mainly from small-scale maps and archaeological investigations. This paper investigates soil catenas and natural slope processes from the region's last virgin tropical forests and compares these with catenas and processes on slashed and burned slopes. Soils were sampled and analyzed for physical, fertility, and taxonomic measures. This primary forest toposequence forms a typical downward translocation catena, with the thickest soils (>200 cm) in depressions, the thinnest soils on shoulder slopes, and moderately thin soils on the crests and backslopes. Most crest and sloping soils are Lithic Rendolls and contain simple O-A-C horizon sequences, and most soils have little sign of either eluviation or illuviation. A few deeper soils on the slopes are Vertic Rendolls and have moderate slick-ensides, whereas footslopes and seasonally drained depressions are well developed Vertisols. The primary forest soil catena was compared with two slash-and-burn milpas, one with comparable slopes and one with steeper slopes. The comparably sloped milpa had soil thicknesses that were 7.9 to 13.8 cm thinner, truncated horizons, and physical evidence of erosion. The steeper milpa had soil thicknesses that were 11.1 to 18.2 cm thinner and also had truncated horizons and physical evidence of erosion. Where ancient Maya terraces (Late Classic, ca. 550 to 830 A.D.) are present in the slash-and-burn landscape, an average of 25 to 46.5 cm soil remain upslope and 9.3 to 16.1 cm remain downslope. The findings show high soil truncation rates and erosion to bedrock in a decade in one place, though ancient Maya terraces are still holding 2.7 to 3.6 times more soil than the surrounding hillslopes. Despite high modern erosion, lake sediments show surprisingly low soil losses in the Maya Late Classic during the period of the most intensive land use. In contrast, studies at Copán, Honduras and in the northern Petén, where terrace evidence is scant, show high rates of erosion during this period. [Key words: soil catenas, tropical deforestation, milpa, soil erosion, Maya Lowlands.]  相似文献   


In Norway, the management of natural and cultural resources is subject to increasing public scrutiny. Conflicts are escalating over many issues concerning the balance between preservation and utilisation. Traditionally conflicts over issues like growth in commercial nature tourism, predator control, forest policies, protected areas management, cultural heritage protection, and rights associated with common access, have been explained in terms of opposing values, attitudes, and goals between urban and rural interests. However, historical differences between the urban and rural in terms of social conditions, employment opportunities, services, cultural norms, and lifestyles are no longer clear-cut or predictable. Nor can differences between urban and rural communities easily explain attitudes or values held in relation to the environment. To examine how a local community and a population of tourists feel about an area we examine data from two separate surveys from the Femundsmarka-Røros region in Southern Norway. This region includes a wilderness-type national park and a historic mining town recognised as a World Heritage Site and including a diverse agricultural landscape. We compare the perspective of the community with that of tourists regarding the strength and nature of attachment to place, and reasons and priorities for resource protection. We also assess how residence and experience of using the area affect attachment to place and attitudes to management priorities. The results have implications both for the management of this particular area, and for how we approach attitude diversity in resource management.  相似文献   

Modern mining law, by facilitating socially and environmentally acceptable exploration, development, and production of mineral materials, helps secure the benefits of mineral production while minimizing environmental harm and accounting for increasing land-use competition. Mining investments are sunk costs, irreversibly tied to a particular mineral site, and require many years to recoup. Providing security of tenure is the most critical element of a practical mining law.Governments owning mineral rights have a conflict of interest between their roles as a profit-maximizing landowner and as a guardian of public welfare. As a monopoly supplier, governments have considerable power to manipulate mineral-rights markets. To avoid monopoly rent-seeking by governments, a competitive market for government-owned mineral rights must be created by artifice.What mining firms will pay for mineral rights depends on expected exploration success and extraction costs. Landowners and mining firms will negotlate respective shares of anticipated differential rents, usually allowing for some form of risk sharing. Private landowners do not normally account for external benefits or costs of minerals use.Government ownership of mineral rights allows for direct accounting of social prices for mineral-bearing lands and external costs. An equitable and efficient method is to charge an appropriate reservation price for surface land use, net of the value of land after reclamation, and to recover all or part of differential rents through a flat income or resource-rent tax. The traditional royalty on gross value of production, essentially a regressive income tax, cannot recover as much rent as a flat income tax, causes arbitrary mineral-reserve sterilization, and creates a bias toward development on the extensive margin where marginal environmental costs are higher.Mitigating environmental costs and resolving land-use conflicts require local evaluation and planning. National oversight ensures that the relative global avaliability of minerals and other values are considered, and can also promote adaptive efficiency by publicizing creative local solutions, providing technical support, and funding useful research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Central to its transformation from a state‐centered to a neoliberal, free‐market economy, in 1997 the Mozambican state passed a radical new land law that guarantees the rights of individuals and communities to occupy land and transfer land‐use titles, a move seen as necessary for attracting private investment. By comparing how the land law has been applied to the Limpopo National Park and several adjacent villages, I show how it has led to geographically uneven land reform. More specifically, outside the park, the law has enabled the semiprivatization of community lands, in theory protecting community land rights. However, the application of the law within the park has resulted in the further nationalization of this space, which is leading to land dispossession for communities within the park's borders. I thus show how neoliberal land reform is giving rise to a seemingly contradictory type of “neoliberal state space.”  相似文献   

Binary predictor patterns of geological features are integrated based on a probabilistic approach known as weights of evidence modeling to predict gold potential. In weights of evidence modeling, the log e of the posterior odds of a mineral occurrence in a unit cell is obtained by adding a weight, W + or W for presence of absence of a binary predictor pattern, to the log e of the prior probability. The weights are calculated as log e ratios of conditional probabilities. The contrast, C = W +W , provides a measure of the spatial association between the occurrences and the binary predictor patterns. Addition of weights of the input binary predictor patterns results in an integrated map of posterior probabilities representing gold potential. Combining the input binary predictor patterns assumes that they are conditionally independent from one another with respect to occurrences.  相似文献   

Conflict over water is a significant phenomenon in many parts of the world where globally linked neoliberal economic activities encroach on the lands of indigenous peoples. This case study from Chile examines how water scarcity affecting indigenous agricultural communities in the Chilean Altiplano has been exacerbated by legally sanctioned mining‐related practices. Notably, the legal framing of the 1981 Water Code promotes private ownership of water rights and enhanced mining activity usually at the expense of the ancestral territorial rights of indigenous communities. In the case of the Atacameño community of Chiu Chiu, a serious decrease in subsistence and agriculture production has been suffered as a consequence of reduced flow in the Loa River, resulting from the water intensive needs and extraction practices of the nearby Chuquicamata mine owned by Codelco, the National Copper Corporation of Chile. Via an analysis of the political ecology of competing rationalities this paper explores how an economic rationality based on utilitarian and reductionist thinking manifested by Codelco has taken precedence locally over a socionatural rationality grounded in holistic thinking and sustainability concerns as articulated by the Chiu Chiu community.  相似文献   

Floristic composition and environmental factors vary widely among plant communities in the alpine belt. Thus far no study has attempted to measure all relevant site conditions in a larger number of alpine communities. Here we show (1) which environmental factors were highly correlated with the floristic composition of the 14 plant communities investigated in the Swiss Alps and (2) which plant communities have similar environmental affinities. In every plant community investigated, the main factors potentially having an impact on plant life were measured and the floristic composition was defined. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to determine linkage between plant communities and complex environmental gradients. The first axis of the NMDS corresponds to a climate gradient (temperature/wind speed), and the second axis corresponds to a soil gradient (soil suction/pH/Ca content). With the exception of the Nardus grassland and Carex curvula turf, plant communities belonging to the same phytosociological class are exposed to very similar combinations of environmental factors. Our study shows that the variation between phytosociological classes is much larger than within classes. Still, the variation of environmental factors within individual classes leads to a further differentiation of the floristic composition. Thus, our study reinforces the validity of the phytosociological classification.  相似文献   

53 pollen traps and surface samples were collected in order to detect the characteristics of pollen assemblages and their relationships with vegetation and climate in 16 forest communities located in 10 mountains in northern China. The results show that 72% of the pollen taxa (80 taxa) are the same between the traps and the surface samples. The dominant taxa in the plant communities are consistent with the main pollen taxa in the pollen assemblages at the same sites. In Pinus plant communities, both Pinus pollen influx and concentration are higher, indicating the high pollen productivity and good pollen preservation ability of Pinus. In Picea and Abies plant communities, Picea and Abies have lower pollen influxes but higher concentrations, suggesting their low pollen productivities but better pollen preservation abilities. In Betula and Quercus plant communities, Betula and Quercus have higher pollen influxes but lower concentrations, revealing their high pollen productivities but poor pollen preservation abilities. The study of relationships between pollen and vegetation with discriminant analysis shows that pollen assemblages from both trap and surface samples can reflect the characteristics of different communities and distinguish different ecological areas, but surface samples can reflect the dominant components of communities much better than the traps. The study on correlations between pollen assemblages and climate with DCCA reveals that significant correlations exist between pollen assemblages and mean temperature of the coldest month (r = 0.84 for trap samples, r = 0.72 for surface samples), and then annual mean precipitation (r = 0.73 for trap samples, r = 0.71 for surface samples).  相似文献   

This paper draws from world‐systems and sustainable livelihoods approaches to analyze the connections between multinational exports of rutile (titanium oxide), diminished ecological resources and resource‐based livelihoods, and gendered household dynamics in a peripheralized mining region in Sierra Leone. The discussion focuses on how the extraction of mineral resources instigated by exogenous capital investors forces links to household transformation, particularly the vulnerability context of women. Using archival records and field survey data, the case study of rutile mining in southwestern Sierra Leone connects the low‐waged mining labour of traditional resource‐based subsistence communities and deepening marginalization of and financial pressures on women in mining households to global mineral markets. The study focuses on women's coping mechanisms that are embedded within traditional social networks in relation to an external intervention, a low‐tech mechanical cassava grater, intended to strengthen their livelihoods. It finds that the potential for this transformation is impeded by sociocultural, environmental and financial limitations.  相似文献   

梁育填  周政可  刘逸 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1449-1461
随着“走出去”战略的实施和“一带一路”倡议的提出,中国在全球化经济中逐渐成为国际投资的主要力量之一。海外华人华侨网络曾经积极促进外商对华的直接投资,是否在这个过程中再次扮演积极的作用,是当前经济地理领域尚未充分探究的问题。因此,本文从经典的区位选择问题切入,探究海外华人华侨网络与中国企业海外投资的区位选择的关系,利用2001-2016年中国企业投资东南亚国家的数据,通过混合逻辑模型回归分析海外华人华侨对中国企业投资区位的影响。结果表明:① 从整体上看,东南亚各国的华人华侨规模和中国企业对外直接投资的区位选择之间存在显著的正相关关系;② 从投资时间上看,海外华人华侨规模与中国企业对外直接投资区位选择之间的关系显著性呈现扩大趋势,说明华人华侨在促进中国企业对外投资方面存在较大潜力;③ 从投资的行业和环节上看,不同行业和不同职能部门的企业在东南亚投资中海外华人华侨在其投资区位选择中所起的作用不同。  相似文献   

We chose five communities, representing a mild to severe gradient of grassland desertification in a semi-arid area of Ordos Plateau, northwestern China, to explore the spatial relationships among plant species, above-ground biomass (AGB), and plant nutrients (N and P). Community 1 (C1) was dominated by Stipa bungeana; Community 2 (C2) by a mix of S. bungeana and the shrub Artemisia ordosica; Community 3 (C3) by A. ordosica; Community 4 (C4) by a mix of Cynanchum komarovii and C. komorovii; and Community 5 (C5) by C. komorovii. Quantitative methods, including geostatistics, were used to compare community composition, structure, and indicators of ecosystem function (i.e. AGB, plant N and P) in five 16-m2 plots. The highest AGB, plant nitrogen (N) and plant phosphorus (P) were found in lightly degraded community C2. With increasing desertification effects from C3 to C5, the AGB, N, and P decreased significantly while plant density remained unchanged. The spatial variations of AGB were higher in shrub-dominated communities (C1 and C5) than in grass-dominated communities (C2–C4). Strong spatial relationships were detected within and among the communities, with stronger relationships between AGB and density than between AGB and species richness. Spatial patterns of plant N and P were different from those of AGB, reflecting different N and P contents of individual plants and different species that can redistribute soil resources in these communities. The AGB was positively correlated with soil nutrients (TOC, TN, TP, and IN), except for soil AP. We concluded that several specific aspects of ecosystem properties were directly associated with the conversion of the grass and shrub “functional types” in these degraded grasslands.  相似文献   

Based on interviews with corporate executives, this paper examines several decisions to locate pulp and paper mills in British Columbia during the 1960's and early 1970's. It emphasizes locational evaluations of regions, communities, and sites interpreted as parts of wider investment decision processes and longer-run corporate strategies. Relationships between initial locational decisions and post-locational assessments and adjustments are also identified.  相似文献   


Bétaré-Oya is one of the gold mining districts in the eastern region of Cameroon. Structural controls on gold mineralization were examined along the Bétaré-Oya Shear Zone, providing further clues on favorable areas for mineral exploration. GIS-based methods combining point pattern (i.e., quadrat count, Fry analysis) and distance distribution analysis were employed here to delineate the spatial patterns of known gold deposits and to evaluate their spatial association with geological structures. Results show that the gold deposits in this area are spatially clustered. At the regional scale, the Fry plot indicates an alignment of deposits, suggesting that gold mineralization is controlled by structures oriented NNE–SSW and NE–SW. At the deposit scale, an alignment is also evident, indicating that the mineralization is also controlled by ENE–WSW-trending structures. The cumulative relative frequency distribution of distances from lineament features to gold occurrence points (DM) and to non-occurrence points (DN) ratio (DM/DN) was used to rank these two major structural trends and their relative importance as mineralization control. The yielded grades show that NE–SW-trending lineaments, akin to P-type structures, play a major role in controlling the gold mineralization in the area compared to other structures. Beyond the goal to foster mineral prospection in the Bétaré-Oya gold district, information yielded in the present study provides relevant criteria for further exploration in the eastern region of Cameroon.



This paper proposes a new approach to the mining exploration drillholes positioning problem (DPP) that incorporates both geostatistical and optimization techniques. A metaheuristic was developed to solve the DPP taking into account an uncertainty index that quantifies the reliability of the current interpretation of the mineral deposit. The uncertainty index was calculated from multiple deposit realizations obtained by truncated Gaussian simulations conditional to the available drillholes samplings. A linear programming model was defined to select the subset of future drillholes that maximizes coverage of the uncertainty. A Tabu Search algorithm was developed to solve large instances of this set partitioning problem. The proposed Tabu Search algorithm is shown to provide good quality solutions approaching 95% of the optimal solution in a reasonable computing time, allowing close to optimal coverage of uncertainty for a fixed investment in drilling.


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