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This article examines the former location-based social medium Brightkite, over its three-year life span, based on the concept of natural cities. The term natural cities refers to spatially clustered geographic events, such as the agglomerated patches aggregated from individual social media users’ locations. We applied the head/tail division rule to derive natural cities, based on the fact that there are far more low-density areas than high-density areas on the Earth's surface. More specifically, we generated a triangulated irregular network, made up of individual unique user locations, and then categorized small triangles (smaller than an average) as natural cities for the United States (mainland) on a monthly basis. The concept of natural cities provides a powerful means to develop new insights into the evolution of real cities, because there are virtually no data available to track the history of cities across their entire life spans and at very fine spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, natural cities can act as a good proxy of real cities, in the sense of understanding underlying interactions, at a global level, rather than of predicting cities, at an individual level. Apart from the data produced and the contributed methods, we established new insights into the structure and dynamics of natural cities; for example, the idea that natural cities evolve in nonlinear manners at both spatial and temporal dimensions.  相似文献   

Climate change public opinion research has identified conservative political ideology as the primary predictor of skepticism about climate change’s anthropogenic causes. Most farmers in Idaho are politically conservative, but they are also a unique group for whom observing their environment is part of daily life and work. We use data from in-depth interviews with 30 Idaho farmers to examine the relationship between observations of specific environmental changes and climate concern. We find that while most farmers report noticing changes in precipitation patterns, growing season length, and winter temperatures, few farmers connect these with long-term global climate change. These findings have two important implications: 1) direct experience, even in the form of disruption to an individual’s economic security, is not enough to overcome the influence of political ideology on climate change beliefs, and 2) acknowledging climate variation is not sufficient to convince individuals that the changes are produced by human activities.  相似文献   

Tropical deforestation is widely believed to directly influence the climate at a number of scales. Yet while much has been written about the tropical forest-climate relationship, there is little empirical evidence showing if and how local and regional climates are modified by deforestation. This study presents the results of an analysis of deforestation and climate change in a rain forest in southern Mexico. Records from 18 climate stations in the Selva Lacandona of Chiapas, Mexico were examined and related to an analysis of deforestation based on Landsat images. The area surrounding some stations has been deforested since the stations were established, while the area surroundings others has remained forested. Strong climatic trends were generally evident at the deforested stations, including decreases in the average daily maximum temperature and temperature range. No precipitation changes were observed. A comparison of the results with microclimatic experiments and modeling studies suggests that the climatic impacts of deforestation are overgeneralized at the local scale. Landscape heterogeneity appears to influence the biophysical mechanisms linking tropical forests and climate, and should be explicitly represented in modeling studies.  相似文献   

Stakeholder engagement has become increasingly important in research programs focusing on climate change impact on ecosystem services. Communication between researchers and stakeholders, however, is often impaired by linguistic barriers, different priorities, and time constraints. This article examines the organizational aspects of science–stakeholder interactions, focusing on examples from the Swedish forestry sector. The study highlights the need articulated by the Swedish forestry sector for access to scientific knowledge, and we discuss how to present research findings in formats suitable to serve as decision support. Clear communication about common goals, expectations, resources, and time frames is needed in order to reduce the risk of stakeholder fatigue.  相似文献   

A dendrochronological study was made on fossil tree trunks of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris , preserved in a peat bog at Hanvedsmossen, 50 km SW of Stockholm, Sweden. Of 56 sampled pines, 48 were assembled in a 204-year long floating chro-nology. The chronology spans 1686-1483 BC ± 23 years. The trunks are found at the very bottom of the peat accumulation. Because the roots stand in underlying clay, the tree stand germinated before or simultaneously with bog growth and provides maximum age for bog vegetation development which started c . 1480 BC. The pine growth steadily decreased during the last 30 years of the chronology and most trees died during the same period. It is proposed that the drainage outlets from Hanvedsmossen overgrew with brushwood simultaneously with the succession of pines, resulting in a higher sensitivity of tree growth to small changes in water levels. The preservation of the logs is suggested to be a result of a raised water table providing anaerobic conditions and later the logs were enveloped by peat growth. It is suggested that this period was the initial phase of the ensuing climate deterioration. The climate shifted to wetter conditions, i.e. higher amounts of precipitation, lower temperature or both. This resulted in lower evaporation giving additional peat bog growth and a locally raised water table.  相似文献   

This article discusses the implementation of a pedagogical tool aimed at the refutation of secondary school (grade ten-equivalent) students' persistent climate change misconceptions. Using a lesson study approach, the materials and intervention techniques used were developed collaboratively with geography teachers. The objective is two-pronged: to closely monitor how children learn through refutation-oriented approach and to document how teachers process the experience. A pretest and post-test comparison showed that there was significant improvement in the students' climate change conceptual understanding following the intervention.  相似文献   

Despite widespread media coverage of livestock-related issues and growing scientific evidence linking meat production and climate change, systematic content analysis of this relationship in media coverage has been surprisingly minimal. In this article, we combine actor-network theory with framing theory to develop the basis for “story-networks”—networks of actants and artifacts that shape how a media report or “story” is framed. We coded livestock-related articles from a major U.S. newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, over the 1999–2010 period to understand how various actants and artifacts shaped different story-networks. Just 5% of all livestock articles addressed connections with climate change; these articles focused on technology, lifestyle, or policy. Distinctive story-networks characterized each category, framing the livestock–climate change linkage as an issue to be addressed through either technological innovation, individual lifestyle choices, or policy action. In each story-network type, varying configurations of actants and artifacts were involved, including the cattle themselves.  相似文献   

ZHAO Xin 《地理学报(英文版)》2005,15(3):F0002-F0002
The International Symposium on Arid Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ISACS) was held on May 23-24, 2005 in Lanzhou, Northwest China. It was co-sponsored by China Meteorological Administration (CMA), People's Government of Gansu Province of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and some other related organizations from Canada, USA and Australia. A total of some 200 scholars from China and across the world participated in this event. About 170 oral and poster presentations were presented and discussed during this symposium.  相似文献   

《Global Environmental Change》(全球环境变迁)是一本国际性的学术季刊,1990年12月创刊。面对环境恶化对地球生物的生存所造成的严重威胁,该刊旨在探讨人类及其公共政策在全球环境变迁过程中所造成的影响及所起的作用。其研究课题包括:滥伐森林、(人为)沙漠化、土壤退化、物种灭绝、海平面升高、酸雨、臭氧层的破坏、大气层的温度变化、核冬天、新技术灾害的发生、自然灾害的消极影响,等等。该刊由美国 Rutgers 大学与联合国大学联合主办,编委会成员来自美国、英国、德国、加拿大、日本、中国等18个国家,主编为美国 Rutgers 大学地理系 J.K.米切尔教授。该刊为英文,每年三、六、九、十二月在英国 Butterworth-Heinemann 出版公司出版。中科院地理所图资室订有此刊,欢迎地理学界、环境科学及关心地理环境保护与利用的各界人士阅读和利用。  相似文献   

Climate change in the Sanjiang Plain disturbed by large-scale reclamation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionIn recent 20 years, Chinese scientists have conducted a lot of studies on characteristics and regularity of climate variation over China on various spatial and temporal scales. Most of the studies using temperature records have shown that the…  相似文献   

This article presents a large-scale analysis of the trajectories of individual cities and regions in the world city network between 2000 and 2012. The methodology used to examine cities' evolving network centralities is based on advanced producer services firms “interlocking” cities through their worldwide distribution of offices. We do not limit our analysis to a limited set of putative world cities, but incorporate 157 cities from all world regions into this global urban analysis. Absolute and relative measures of change are developed to reveal the major dimensions of change. The most notable finding is that significant connectivity gains have been limited to a small set of cities (Dubai, Shanghai, Beijing, and Moscow in particular) in the face of persisting core–periphery patterns at the level of the global economy, with New York and London remaining firmly at the apex. At the same time, overall levels of connectivity in the world city network have clearly risen, suggesting an increasingly integrated network. In geographical terms, a west-to-east shift is discernible, albeit uneven.  相似文献   

Genovesa Crater Lake is a remote, hypersaline lake in the northern Galápagos archipelago that contains a finely laminated sediment record. This sediment record has the potential to provide a high-resolution history of past climate variability in the eastern tropical Pacific. Here we present modern climate, lake, and sediment observations from 2009 to 2012 to explore how local climate variability influences Genovesa Crater Lake and its sediments. Surface lake temperature is strongly linked to air temperature and is highly seasonal. Temperature stratification is strongest during the warm season, whereas temperature becomes more uniform through the water column in the cool season. Deeper and earlier mixing occurred during the 2010 La Niña, which subsequently delayed 2011 cool season mixing and maximum warm season surface temperatures in 2011 and 2012. Lake salinity changes are influenced by precipitation, evaporation and persistent seawater influx. The largest declines in subsurface salinity follow months after the rainy season, when temperatures cool and fresher surface water from the previous warm/wet season mixes into the subsurface. Between 2009 and 2012, more calcium carbonate precipitated during a period of higher salinity. The period of highest calcium carbonate abundance measured in sediment records that span the late nineteenth to twentieth century coincides with the failure of two consecutive rainy seasons in 1988 and 1989 as well as the coldest monthly sea surface temperature measured at Puerto Ayora in 1989. More calcium carbonate-rich laminae from AD 1550 ± 70 to 1675 ± 90 may indicate a greater frequency of prolonged droughts or cooler temperatures, although enhanced productivity may also modulate carbonate precipitation. More Ca-rich laminae in Genovesa coincide with dry conditions inferred from other Galápagos sediment proxies, as well as prolonged dry and cool conditions inferred from reconstructions of the Southern Oscillation Index and NINO3 sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   


This study uses a novel spatial approach to compare population density change across cities and over time. It examines spatio-temporal change in Australia’s five most populated capital cities from 1981 to 2011, and documents the established and emerging patterns of population distribution. The settlement patterns of Australian cities have changed substantially in the last 30 years. From the doughnut cities of the 1980s, programs of consolidation, renewal and densification have changed and concentrated population in our cities. Australian cities in the 1980s were characterised by sparsely populated, low density centres with growth concentrated to the suburban fringes. ‘Smart Growth’ and the ‘New Urbanism’ movements in the 1990s advocated higher dwelling density living and the inner cities re-emerged, inner areas were redeveloped, and the population distribution shifted towards increased inner city population densities. Policies aimed at re-populating the inner city dominated and the resultant changes are now visible in Australia’s five most populated capital cities. While this pattern has been reported in a number of studies, questions remain regarding the extent of these changes and how to analyse and visualise them across urban space. This paper reports on a spatial method which addresses the limitations of changing statistical boundaries to identify the changing patterns in Australian cities over time and space.  相似文献   

In this paper, conformal geometric algebra (CGA) is introduced to construct a Delaunay–Triangulated Irregular Network (DTIN) intersection for change detection with 3D vector data. A multivector-based representation model is first constructed to unify the representation and organization of the multidimensional objects of DTIN. The intersection relations between DTINs are obtained using the meet operator with a sphere-tree index. The change of area/volume between objects at different times can then be extracted by topological reconstruction. This method has been tested with the Antarctica ice change simulation data. The characteristics and efficiency of our method are compared with those of the Möller method as well as those from the Guigue–Devillers method. The comparison shows that this new method produces five times less redundant segments for DTIN intersection. The computational complexity of the new method is comparable to Möller’s and that of Guigue–Devillers methods. In addition, our method can be easily implemented in a parallel computation environment as shown in our case study. The new method not only realizes the unified expression of multidimensional objects with DTIN but also achieves the unification of geometry and topology in change detection. Our method can also serve as an effective candidate method for universal vector data change detection.  相似文献   

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