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Turbulent magnetofluids appear in various geophysical and astrophysical contexts, in phenomena associated with planets, stars, galaxies and the universe itself. In many cases, large-scale magnetic fields are observed, though a better knowledge of magnetofluid turbulence is needed to more fully understand the dynamo processes that produce them. One approach is to develop the statistical mechanics of ideal (i.e. non-dissipative), incompressible, homogeneous magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, known as “absolute equilibrium ensemble” theory, as far as possible by studying model systems with the goal of finding those aspects that survive the introduction of viscosity and resistivity. Here, we review the progress that has been made in this direction. We examine both three-dimensional (3-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) model systems based on discrete Fourier representations. The basic equations are those of incompressible MHD and may include the effects of rotation and/or a mean magnetic field B o. Statistical predictions are that Fourier coefficients of the velocity and magnetic field are zero-mean random variables. However, this is not the case, in general, for we observe non-ergodic behavior in very long time computer simulations of ideal turbulence: low wavenumber Fourier modes that have relatively large means and small standard deviations, i.e. coherent structure. In particular, ergodicity appears strongly broken when B o?=?0 and weakly broken when B o?≠?0. Broken ergodicity in MHD turbulence is explained by an eigenanalysis of modal covariance matrices. This produces a set of modal eigenvalues inversely proportional to the expected energy of their associated eigenvariables. A large disparity in eigenvalues within the same mode (identified by wavevector k ) can occur at low values of wavenumber k?=?| k |, especially when B o?=?0. This disparity breaks the ergodicity of eigenvariables with smallest eigenvalues (largest energies). This leads to coherent structure in models of ideal homogeneous MHD turbulence, which can occur at lowest values of wavenumber k for 3-D cases, and at either lowest or highest k for ideal 2-D magnetofluids. These ideal results appear relevant for unforced, decaying MHD turbulence, so that broken ergodicity effects in MHD turbulence survive dissipation. In comparison, we will also examine ideal hydrodynamic (HD) turbulence, which, in the 3-D case, will be seen to differ fundamentally from ideal MHD turbulence in that coherent structure due to broken ergodicity can only occur at maximum k in numerical simulations. However, a nonzero viscosity eliminates this ideal 3-D HD structure, so that unforced, decaying 3-D HD turbulence is expected to be ergodic. In summary, broken ergodicity in MHD turbulence leads to energetic, large-scale, quasistationary magnetic fields (coherent structures) in numerical models of bounded, turbulent magnetofluids. Thus, broken ergodicity provides a large-scale dynamo mechanism within computer models of homogeneous MHD turbulence. These results may help us to better understand the origin of global magnetic fields in astrophysical and geophysical objects.  相似文献   


In this paper, starting from the spectral DIA equations obtained by Veltri et al. (1982), describing the spectral dynamical evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the presence of a background magnetic field B 0, we have derived an approximate form of these equations (shell model) more appropriate for numerical integration at high Reynolds numbers.

We have studied the decay of an initially isotropic state, with an initial imbalance between the energies for the two signs of the cross-helicity. Reynolds numbers up to 105 have been considered.

Numerical results show that the nonlinear energy cascade behaves anisotropically in the k-space, i.e. in the spectra there is a prevalence of the wavevectors perpendicular to B 0 with respect to the parallel wavevectors. This anisotropic effect, which is due to the presence of the background magnetic field, can be understood in terms of the so-called ‘‘Alfvén effect''.

A different source of anisotropy, due to the difference of the energy transfer for the two polarizations perpendicular to k, is recovered, but its effect is found to be mainly concentrated in the injection range.

Only little differences have been found, in the inertial range, in the spectral indices from the Kraichnan 3/2 value, which is valid for an isotropic spectrum. A form for the anisotropic spectrum can be recovered phenomenologically from our results. Values of the spectral indices quite different from the Kraichnan 3 2 value are obtained only when we consider stationary states with different forcing terms for the two modes of Alfvén wave propagation.

The comparison of our results with the observations of the v and B fluctuations in the interplanatery space shows that the anisotropy found in interplanetary fluctuations might be attributed only partially to the result of a nonlinear energy cascade.  相似文献   

We present simulations of the 3D nonlinear induction equation in order to investigate the temporal evolution of large-scale magnetic fields in spiral galaxies. Our model includes differential rotation, ambipolar diffusion and, based on small-scale turbulence, eddy diffusivity and the tensorial -effect with magnetic feedback. The nonaxisymmetric spiral pattern and – if considered – the vertical stratification of the galaxy are represented in its density and turbulence profile. Neglecting vertical stratification the lifetime and geometry of an initial magnetic field depend on the correlation time of interstellar turbulence corr . Short correlation times increase the lifetime of the initial magnetic field, but the field is rapidly wound up. Its pitch-angles develop to zero. The magnetic field has disappeared after at most 1 to 1.5 Gyr. A resonance like phenomenon is found by tuning the pattern velocity of the galactic spiral. The simulations then show an exceptional amplification of the magnetic field in the case that the pattern speed and a magnetic drift velocity have similar values. Considering a vertical stratification we achieve sufficiently long living grand-designed magnetic fields excited by dynamo action. The behaviour and geometry of the resulting field is again significantly influenced by the correlation time corr . Small values of corr lead to axisymmetric fields with small pitch-angles and field-concentration between the spiral arms. Increasing the correlation time the solutions show larger pitch-angles; and depending on very large correlation times the galactic dynamo rather generates fields clearly within the spiral arms and having a bisymmetric structure.  相似文献   


We introduce a general expansion approach to obtain a fully consistent closed set of magnetohydrodynamic equations in two independent variables, which is particularly useful to describe axially symmetric, time-dependent problems with weak variation of all quantities in the radial direction. This is done by considering the hierarchy of expanded magnetofluid equations in cylindrical coordinates and equating terms with equal powers in the radial coordinate r. From geometrical considerations it is shown that the radial expansions of the pertaining physical quantities are either even series or odd series in r; this introduces a significant reduction in the number of variables and equations. The closure of the system is provided by appropriate boundary conditions. Among other possible applications, the method is relevant for the analysis of structure and dynamics of magnetic field concentrations in stellar atmospheres.  相似文献   

We present an improved formalism for translationally invariant magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with anisotropic pressure and currents with a field aligned component. The derivation of a Grad-Shafranov type equation is given along with a constraint which links the shear field to the parallel pressure. The difficulties of the formalism are discussed and various methods of circumventing these difficulties are given. A simple example is then used to highlight the methods and difficulties involved.  相似文献   


We describe a sequence of two-dimensional numerical simulations of inflection point instability in a stably stratified shear flow near the ground. The fastest growing Kelvin-Helmholtz modes are studied in detail; in particular we investigate the growth inhibiting effect of the ground which is predicted by linear theory and the Reynolds number dependence of the process of growth to finite amplitude. We consider flows which are both above and below the critical Reynolds number (Re = 300) which has been reported by Woods (1969) to mark the boundary between flows which have turbulent final states and those which do not. A global energy budget reveals a fundamental difference in character of the finite amplitude billows in these two Reynolds number regimes. However, for relatively high Reynolds numbers (Re = 103) we do not find any explicit evidence for secondary instability. Above the transition Reynolds number the modified mean flow induced by wave growth is characterized by a splitting of the original shear layer and of the in version in which it is embedded.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is the natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a spiral null point, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. A steady magnetic field is assumed, as well as the existence of a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point. Outside the diffusion region the plasma and magnetic field move ideally. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flows are found to be rotational in nature, as is the change in connections of the magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

We study the emergence of braided magnetic fields from the top of the solar interior through to the corona. It is widely believed that emerging regions smaller than active regions are formed in the upper convection zone near the photosphere. Here, bundles of braided, rather than twisted, magnetic field can be formed, which then rise upward to emerge into the atmosphere. To test this theory, we investigate the behaviour of braided magnetic fields as they emerge into the solar atmosphere. We compare and contrast our models to previous studies of twisted flux tube emergence and discuss results that can be tested observationally. Although this is just an initial study, our results suggest that the underlying magnetic field structure of small emerging regions need not be twisted and that braided field, formed in the convection zone, could suffice.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is a natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a null point with current directed parallel to the fan plane, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. The magnetic field is assumed to be steady, and a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point is also assumed, outside which the plasma is ideal. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flow is found to cross the spine and fan of the null, and thus transfer magnetic flux between topologically distinct regions. Solutions are also found in which the flow crosses either the spine or fan only.  相似文献   


Severe unidirectional Fourier truncation of the equations for 2-D incompressible flow leads to a system of three coupled PDEs in one space dimension with the same quadratic invariants as the original set (i.e. energy and enstrophy). Numerically generated equilibria for inviscid, truncated versions of the reduced system are well approximated by Kraichnan's energy-enstrophy equipartition spectra. Viscous calculations for decaying turbulence at moderate resolution (1024 degrees of freedom) also appear to be consistent with a direct, k ?3, enstrophy cascading inertial range when the dissipation is small. Dissipation range intermittency in the form of spatially intermittent enstrophy dissipation with occasional strong bursts producing linear phase locking is also observed. In contrast to full 2-D simulations, no tendency towards the emergence of isolated, coherent vorticity structures is observed. The model consequently mimics some, but not all, of the properties of the full 2-D set.  相似文献   

 In this study we aim at comparing turbulence parameters from field observations and model simulations under convective conditions. The comparison is focused on the depth dependence and temporal dynamics of viscous and diffusive dissipation rates ɛ and χ. The near-surface observations were obtained by using a quasi-free-rising profiler which measured small-scale shear and temperature fluctuations to within the vicinity of the water surface. Convective conditions during the experiment are characterized by low wind speeds (between 0 and 4 m s−1) and a typical heat loss of about 150 Wm−2. We applied a state-of-the-art two-equation k-ɛ turbulence model with an algebraic second-moment closure scheme. The qualitative agreement of the turbulence quantities resulting from observations and simulations is rather good. The temporal dynamics of the temperature field is simulated correctly, whereas in the spatial dynamics some deficiencies of the model due to its local character can be seen. It is concluded that such models realistically reproduce convective turbulence and therefore represent a reasonable compromise between complexity and simplicity, so that they can be used with acceptable costs in large-scale models. Received: 31 October 2001 / Accepted: 20 September 2002 Acknowledgements The whole project was intitiated by Peter Schlittenhardt, who strongly supported the development of the observational technique in uprising mode and encouraged us to undertake the experiment in Lake Maggiore; for which we will thank him most. Performing the measurement campaign was only possible with the help of several colleagues from the Marine Environment Unit at the Joint Research Centre. Thanks to all of them, but especially to Dirk van d. Linde, Ulisse Devisioni, Bjarke Rasmussen and Hartmut Prandke. The Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Verbania Pallanza, provided the boat Livia for the installation and removal of the measurement system; thanks to the master Stefano Maurizio for his engagement. Ute Tschesche provided the data evaluation and presentation software and Judith Challis helped to polish our English. Part of the study was␣supported by the PROVESS project (MAS3-CT97-0159); thanks to our sponsors at the European Commission. We are further grateful to two anonymous referees for their constructive comments. Responsible Editor: Charitha Pattiaratchi  相似文献   


In 1996, St Pierre (1996) reported numerical simulations of a buoyant blob migrating across the earth's outer core and subject to the combined effects of rotation and an azimuthal magnetic field. He noted that the blob rapidly fragments into a series of plate-like structures. Quite independently, Davidson (1995, 1997) discovered a similar behaviour in the context of low- R m turbulence (without a Coriolis force) and showed that this phenomenon has its roots in the destruction of angular momentum by the Lorentz force. The purpose of this paper is to pull together these earlier studies and, in particular, to determine whether or not St. Pierre's platelets are also a consequence of the destruction of angular momentum. We confirm that this is indeed the case.  相似文献   

A new methodology based on wavelet analysis is used to estimate steep wave statistics under depth-limited conditions and the corresponding high concentration sediment statistics. Steep waves here are defined as wave crests within the wavelet transform exceeding a root mean square derived acceleration threshold. The method is applied to laboratory data obtained in a large-scale wave-flume experiment conducted in 2005 at Oregon State University's O. H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory from an acoustic Doppler velocimeter and a fiber optic backscatter sensor array above a mobile sand bed. The steep wave and high concentration statistical results for the erosive condition suggest that sand suspensions are intermittent when a wave-breaking timescale (the ratio of breaking wave height and rms wave velocity) is used to detect the concurrence among steep wave, high velocity turbulent fluctuations, and sand concentration events near the bed. More importantly, at 1 cm above the bed, though the accretive case has more steep wave events, the erosive case has more steep waves and concurrent high concentration events, suggesting a more intense breaking wave process near the sensors. The use of a longer time window, based on the dominant wave period in the detection process of steep wave and high concentration events at 1 cm above the bed, does not change the resulting statistics for the erosive condition. However, increased percentages of high concentration events correlated with steep wave and high velocity turbulence events for the accretive condition are obtained. These increased percentages are conjectured to be due to advection of non-local turbulent events and sediment concentration peaks from upstream.  相似文献   

Diffusion of a magnetic field through a plasma is discussed in one-, two- and three-dimensional configurations, together with the possibility of describing such diffusion in terms of a magnetic flux velocity, which, when it exists, is in general non-unique. Physically useful definitions of such a velocity include doing so in terms of the energy flow or in such a way that it vanishes in a steady state. Straight field lines (or plane flux surfaces) diffuse as if flux is disappearing at a neutral sheet, whereas circular field lines (or cylindrical flux surfaces) do so as if flux is disappearing at an 0-type neutral line. In three dimensions it is not always possible to define a flux velocity, for example when the magnetic flux through a closed field line is changing in time. However, in at least some such cases it is possible to describe the behaviour of the magnetic field in terms of a pair of quasi-flux-velocities.  相似文献   

Data collected from the York River estuary demonstrate the importance of asymmetries in stratification to the suspension and transport of fine sediment. Observations collected during two 24-h deployments reveal greater concentrations of total suspended solids during the flood phase of the tide despite nearly symmetric near-bed tidal current magnitude. In both cases, tidally averaged net up-estuary sediment transport near the bed was clearly observed despite the fact that tidally averaged residual near-bed currents were near zero. Tidal straining of the along-channel salinity gradient resulted in a stronger pycnocline lower in the water column during the ebb phase of the tide and appeared to limit sediment suspension. Indirect measurements suggest that the lower, more intense, pycnocline on the ebb acted as a barrier, limiting turbulent length scales and reducing eddy diffusivity well below the pycnocline, even though the lower water column was locally well mixed. In order to more conclusively link changes in stratification to properties of near-bed eddy viscosity and diffusivity, longer duration tripod and mooring data from an additional experiment are examined, that included direct measurement of turbulent velocities. These additional data demonstrate how slight increases in stratification can limit vertical mixing near the bed and impact the structure of the eddy viscosity below the pycnocline. We present evidence that the overlying pycnocline can remotely constrain the vertical turbulent length scale of the underlying flow, limiting sediment resuspension. As a result, the relatively small changes in stratification caused by tidal straining of the pycnocline allow sediment to be resuspended higher in the water column during the flood phase of the tide, resulting in preferential up-estuary transport of sediment.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

The generation of magnetic fields in space plasmas and in astrophysics is usually described within the framework of magnetohydrodynamics. Turbulent helical flows produce magnetic fields very efficiently, with correlation length scales larger than those characterizing the flow. Within the context of the solar magnetic cycle, a turbulent dynamo is responsible for the so-called alpha effect, while the Omega effect is associated to the differential rotation of the Sun.We present direct numerical simulations of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic dynamos including two-fluid effects such as the Hall current. More specifically, we study the evolution of an initially weak and small-scale magnetic field in a system maintained in a stationary regime of hydrodynamic turbulence, and explore the conditions for exponential growth of the magnetic energy. In all the cases considered, we find that the dynamo saturates at the equipartition level between kinetic and magnetic energy, and the total energy reaches a Kolmogorov power spectrum.  相似文献   


We consider the turbulent dynamo action in a differentially rotating flow by making use of a kinematic approach when the effect of a generated magnetic field on turbulent motions is neglected. The mean electromotive force is calculated in a quasilinear approximation. Differential rotation can stretch turbulent magnetic field lines and break the symmetry of turbulence in such a way that turbulent motions become suitable for the generation of a large scale magnetic field. The presence of shear changes the type of an equation governing the mean magnetic field. Due to shear stresses the mean magnetic field can be generated by a turbulent dynamo action even in a uniform turbulence. The growth rate depends on the length scale of the mean field being faster for the field with a smaller length scale.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis and use of statistical and correlation approaches for the analysis of turbulence time series are described. In particular, the analysis of data from high frequency current meter measurements using MINITAB is presented and the data files and analytical routines are included on the software disk.  相似文献   


The exact numerical and approximate analytical solutions of the simplest nonlinear integral equation with second order nonlinearity for the averaged Green function are presented. It is assumed that the turbulence is stationary, homogeneous, isotropic and incompressible. Numerous examples of turbulent spectra are considered (peak-like spectrum, spectra of Kolmogorov's type with different forms of “pumping” regions, stepwise spectra etc.). Special emphasis is given to investigating the case of so called “frozen” turbulence when the parameter ξ =u 0τ/R→∞ where uτ0,R 0 are characteristic velocity, lifetime and space scale of turbulent pulsations, respectively. It is shown that these solutions allow us to calculate the turbulent diffusivities accurately for arbitrary spectra with any values of the parameter ξ. The results take into account the possible helicity of turbulence concerned only with scalar passive fields (number density and temperature).  相似文献   

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