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西江和北江及珠江三角洲西北部汇流区广泛发育全新世的泥炭-淤泥腐木地层,结合剖面的沉积相特征和14C测年数据,对全新世沉积环境和含腐木地层的分布和环境变化进行探讨,获得以下认识:1)在西江和北江下游海侵北界以上的陆相沉积序列中,厚层泥炭主要形成于中晚全新世(7.5―1.5 cal. ka B.P.),集中堆积时间为5.0―1.5 cal. ka B.P.;2)珠江三角洲全新世海侵对三角洲边缘区陆相泥炭沼泽的形成起决定性作用,早全新世(约9―7 cal. ka B.P.)三角洲西北端的高速率河口相粉砂黏土沉积为后来的半咸水沼泽发育奠定了淤泥深厚的物质基础,而西江―北江下游陆相洪冲积或河漫滩沉积则在8 cal. ka B.P.左右开始发育,也为之后的水松泥炭沼泽繁盛奠定了基础;3)三水西南一带是中全新世西江―北江下游泛滥平原至古河口湾的过渡区,潮汐流与河流的双重作用是造成三角洲边缘区大面积泥炭沼泽湿地形成的主要原因;4)泥炭湿地生态环境大多在2.0―1.5 cal. ka B.P.前后在西江和北江被高位洪水平流沉积物埋藏,而在三角洲区域多被泛滥平原洪积物覆盖。多数剖面泥炭腐木迁移的原因与三角洲的快速加积作用导致的潮流与河流空间位置平衡被破坏和水文条件改变有关,晚全新世不断增强的人类农业活动和森林破坏与水土流失也是导致三角洲天然沼泽湿地消失的重要原因。  相似文献   

The Kanas River originates on the southern slope of Youyi Peak, the largest center of modern glaciers in Altai Mountains, China. Three sets of moraines and associated glacial sediments are well preserved near the Kanas Lake outlet, recording a complex history and landscape evolution during the Last Glacial. Dating the moraines allows the temporal and spatial glacier shift and climate during the Last Glacial to be determined, and then constrains when and how the Kanas Lake basin was formed. Dating of the glacial tills was undertaken by utilizing the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) method. Results date four samples from the three sets of moraines to 28.0, 34.4, 38.1, and 49.9 ka and one sample from outwash sediment to 6.8 ka. The Kanas Lake basin is a downfaulted basin and was eroded by glacier before 28.0 ka, and the glacial moraines blocked the glacier-melt water after the glacier retreat, which made the present-day Kanas Lake eventually form at least before 6.8 ka BP. In Altai Mountains, the glacier advance was more extensive in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 than MIS 2, probably because the mid-latitude westerlies shifted northward and/or intensified during the MIS 3, resulting in a more positive glacier mass balance. Nevertheless, the Siberian High dominated the Altai Mountains in MIS 2, resulting in a relative decrease in precipitation.  相似文献   

Paleorecords from multiple indicators of environmental change provide evidence for the interactions between climate, human alteration of watersheds and lake ecosystem processes at Lake Tanganyika, Africa, a lake renowned for its extraordinary biodiversity, endemism and fisheries. This paper synthesizes geochronology, sedimentology, paleoecology, geochemistry and hydrology studies comparing the history of deltaic deposits from watersheds of various sizes and deforestation disturbance levels along the eastern coast of the lake in Tanzania and Burundi. Intersite differences are related to climate change, differences in the histories of forested vs. deforested watersheds, differences related to regional patterns of deforestation, and differences related to interactions of deforestation and climate effects. Climate change is linked to variations in sediment accumulation rates, charcoal accumulation, lake level and water chemistry, especially during the arid-humid fluctuations of the latter part of the Little Ice Age. Differences between forested and deforested watersheds are manifested by major increases in sediment accumulation rates in the latter (outside the range of climatically driven variability and for the last 40 years unprecedented in comparison with other records from the lake in the late Holocene), differences in eroded sediment and watershed stream composition, and compositional or diversity trends in lake faunal communities related to sediment inundation. Variability in regional patterns of deforestation is illustrated by the timing of transitions from numerous sedimentologic, paleoecologic and geochemical indicators. These data suggest that extensive watershed deforestation occurred as early as the late-18th to the early-19th centuries in the northern part of the Lake Tanganyika catchment, in the late-19th to early-20th centuries in the northern parts of modern-day Tanzania, and in the mid-20th century in central Tanzania. Rapid increases in sediment and charcoal accumulation rates, palynological and lake faunal changes occurred in the early-1960s. We interpret this to be the result of greatly enhanced flushing of sediments in previously deforested watersheds triggered by extraordinary rainfall in 1961/62. Regional differences in deforestation histories can be understood in light of the very different cultural and demographic histories of the northern and central parts of the lake shoreline. Incursion of slaving and ivory caravans from the Indian Ocean to the central coast of Lake Tanganyika by the early-19th century, with their attendant diseases, reduced human and elephant populations and therefore maintained forest cover in this region through the late-19th to early-20th centuries. In contrast, the northeastern portion of the lakeshore did not experience the effects of the caravan trades and consequently experienced high human population densities and widespread deforestation much earlier. These studies demonstrate the importance of paleolimnological data for making informed risk assessments of the potential effects of watershed deforestation on long-term lake ecosystem response in the Lake Tanganyika catchment. Differences in sediment yield and lake floor distribution of that yield, linked to factors such as watershed size, slope, and sediment retention, must be accounted for in management plans for both human occupation of currently forested watersheds and the development of future underwater reserves.  相似文献   

The lithology, radiocarbon chronology, granulometry, geochemistry and distribution of diatoms were investigated in three sediment cores from fresh-water Figurnoye Lake in the southern Bunger Hills, East Antarctica. Our paleolimnological data provide a record of Holocene environmental changes for this region. In the early Holocene (prior to 9.0 ± 0.5 kyr BP), warm climate conditions caused intensive melting of either the floating glacier ice mass or glaciers in the immediate lake surroundings, leading to the accumulation of terrigenous clastic sediments and limiting biogenic production in the lake. From ca. 9.0 ± 0.5 to 5.5 ± 0.5 kyr BP, highly biogenic sediments dominated by benthic mosses formed, indicating more distal glaciers or snowfields. A relatively cold and dry climate during this period caused weaker lake-water circulation and, likely, occurrence of lake ice conditions were more severe than present. The distribution of marine diatoms in the cores shows that, sometime between 8 and 5 kyr BP, limited amounts of marine water episodically penetrated to the lake, requiring a relative sea-level rise exceeding 10–11 m. During the last ca. 5.5 ± 0.5 kyr BP, sedimentation of mainly biogenic matter with a dominance of laminated microbial mats occurred in the lake under warm climatic conditions, interrupted by relative coolings: the first one around 2 kyr BP and then shortly before recent time. Between ca. 5.5 and 4 kyr BP, the drainage of numerous ice-dammed lakes took place in the southern Bunger Hills and, as a result, drier landscapes have existed here from about 4 kyr BP.  相似文献   

We investigated paleolimnological records from a series of river deltas around the northeastern rim of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa (Tanzania and Burundi) in order to understand the history of anthropogenic activity in the lakes catchment over the last several centuries, and to determine the impact of these activities on the biodiversity of littoral and sublittoral lake communities. Sediment pollution caused by increased rates of soil erosion in deforested watersheds has caused significant changes in aquatic communities along much of the lakes shoreline. We analyzed the effects of sediment discharge on biodiversity around six deltas or delta complexes on the east coast of Lake Tanganyika: the Lubulungu River delta, Kabesi River delta, Nyasanga/Kahama River deltas, and Mwamgongo River delta in Tanzania; and the Nyamuseni River delta and Karonge/Kirasa River deltas in Burundi. Collectively, these deltas and their associated rivers were chosen to represent a spectrum of drainage-basin sizes and disturbance levels. By comparing deltas that are similar in watershed attributes (other than disturbance levels), our goal was to explore a series of historical experiments at the watershed scale, with which we could more clearly evaluate hypotheses of land use or other effects on nearshore ecosystems. Here we discuss these deltas, their geologic and physiographic characteristics, and the field procedures used for coring and sampling the deltas, and various indicators of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Climate change in the northeastern United States has been inferred for the last deglaciation to middle Holocene (∼16,600 to 6000 calendar years ago) using multi-proxy data (total organic matter, total carbonate content, δ18 O calcite and δ13 C calcite) from a 5 m long sediment core from Seneca Lake, New York. Much of the regional postglacial warming occurred during the well-known Bolling and Allerod warm periods (∼14.5 to 13.0 ka), but climate amelioration in the northeastern United States preceded that in Greenland by ∼2000 years. An Oldest Dryas climate event (∼15.1 to 14.7 ka) is recognized in Seneca Lake as is a brief Older Dryas (∼14.1 ka) cold event. This latter cold event correlates with the regional expansion of glacial Lake Iroquois and global meltwater pulse IA. An increase in winter precipitation and a shorter growing season likely characterized the northeastern United States at this time. The Intra-Allerod Cold Period (∼13.2 ka) is also evident supporting an “Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation” at this time. The well-known Younger Dryas cold interval occurred in the northeastern United States between 12.9 and 11.6 ka, consistent with ice core data from Greenland. In the Seneca Lake record, however, the Younger Dryas appears as an asymmetric event characterized by an abrupt, high-amplitude beginning followed by a more gradual recovery. Compared to European records, the Younger Dryas in the northeastern United States was a relatively low-amplitude event. The largest amplitude and longest duration anomaly in the Seneca Lake record occurs after the Younger Dryas, between ∼11.6 and 10.3 ka. This “post-Younger Dryas climate interval” represents the last deglacial climate event prior to the start of the Holocene in the northeastern United States, but has not been recognized in Greenland or Europe. The early to middle Holocene in the northeastern United States was characterized by low-amplitude climate variability. A general warming trend during the Holocene Hypsithermal peaked at ∼9 ka coincident with maximum summer insolation controlled by orbital parameters. Millennial- to century-scale variability is also evident in the Holocene Seneca Lake record, including the well-known 8.2 ka cold event (as well as events at ∼7.1 and 6.6 ka). Hemispherical cooling during the Holocene Neoglacial in the northeastern United States began ∼5.5 ka in response to decreasing summer insolation.  相似文献   

在野外考察研究的基础上,在河南禹州全新世黄土-古土壤剖面系统采样,利用X-荧光光谱仪测定了常量元素的含量,并与磁化率、粘粒含量及碳酸钙含量变化曲线对比发现:常量元素氧化物(Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、MgO)含量随土壤地层呈现有规律变化,即在古土壤层(S0)中含量最高,表土层(MS)中次之,在黄土层(L1、Lt、L0)中最低;Na2O在古土壤层淋失,在黄土层相对富集。深入分析表明,淮河上游全新世黄土为风力沉积物,来源于黄河下游泛滥平原的风沙活动和沙尘暴沉积。在古土壤层和表土层形成时期,气候温暖湿润,虽然仍然有沙尘暴发生,但是成壤作用和次生粘化作用较强;在黄土层堆积时期,气候干旱寒冷,黄河下游泛滥平原植被稀疏,风沙活动和沙尘暴强烈,风化成壤作用极其微弱。这些化学成分含量与磁化率相关性很强,表明它们主要受全新世气候与成壤环境变化的控制。  相似文献   

A radiocarbon-dated core, NC, taken in the alpine Blue Lake in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia provides a Holocene record of sedimentation that consists mainly of organic clays. Two types of quartz grains are recovered from 81 samples from the core. One type consists of angular grains, with frequently shattered faces, which originates from granitic lithologies present within the small catchment area of the lake. The other type is characteristically rounded to subrounded, often textured with frequent silica coating and is considered to have been deposited within the lake and its catchment by aeolian processes. These aeolian grains are thought to have been transported along the main dust path that ferries aeolian dust from the Mallee region, west of the Snowy Mountains, as far as the southeastern Tasman Sea. Aeolian grains with the largest size occur over approximately the last 1.6 ka of the Holocene and this indicates an increase of climatic instability, with arid phases that commenced about 3.5 ka. At 2 ka, a wet period in southeastern Australia coincided with low aeolian input at Blue Lake. The period of consistent reduced aeolian activity spans the 7.6 to 5.5 ka interval at Blue Lake.  相似文献   

Modern climate research has shown that the Asian summer monsoon water vapor transport is limited to the eastern part of the Qilian Mountains. On the Holocene millennial-scale, whether the northwest boundary of the summer monsoon varies according to climate change is a key scientific issue. Yanchi Lake is located in the northern Qilian Mountains and the middle of the Hexi Corridor, where the modern climate is less affected by the Asian summer monsoon. It is a key research area for examining the long-term variations of the Asian summer monsoon. Paleoclimatic data, including AMS ^14C dates of pollen concentrates and bulk organic carbon, lithology, grain-size, mineral composition and geochemical proxies were acquired from sediments of Yanchi Lake. The chronological results show that the lower part of the lacustrine section is formed mainly in the Late Glacial and early Holocene period, while the proxies' data indicate the lake expansion is associated with high content of mineral salts. The middle part of this section is formed during the transitional period of the early and middle Holocene. Affected by the reworking effect, the pollen concentrates AMS^14C dates from the middle part of the section are generally older than those from the lower part. Since the mid-Holocene, Yanchi Lake retreated significantly and the deposition rate dropped obvi- ously. The Yanchi Lake record is consistent with the Late Glacial and Holocene lake records in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the climatic records in typical monsoon domain, which indicate the lake expansion and the strong Asian summer monsoon during the Late Glacial and early Holocene. The long-term monsoonal pattern is different from the lake evolution in Central Asia on the Holocene millennial-scale. This study proves the monsoon impacts on the northwestern margin of the summer monsoon, and also proves the fact that the northern boundary of the summer monsoon moves according to millennial-scale climate change.  相似文献   

青海湖盆地因其独特的地理位置和气候环境,对气候变化响应敏感,是研究环境变化重要的场所。本研究在青海湖湖东沙地获取两个剖面,采用AMS14C测年,结合岩性、粒径组分和常量元素氧化物及其比值等多指标分析方法,重建了湖东沙地8.4 ka BP以来的环境演变过程。结果表明:除少量沉积物处于中等化学风化阶段外,大部分沉积物处于物理风化和初级化学风化阶段,说明自8.4 ka BP以来研究区气候环境总体上相对寒冷干燥。在千年尺度上,研究区不同时间段的气候环境存在较大的差异。8.4—4.2 ka BP气候相对温暖湿润;其中,8.4—6.2 ka BP河湖相和风成相沉积互层,表明存在明显的百年尺度气候波动;6.2—4.2 ka BP化学风化和淋溶作用较强,表明季风降水较多,径流较强,发育了较为稳定的湖泊沉积环境。4.2 ka BP以来湖泊消失,化学风化和淋溶作用减弱,沉积物从砾石转变为砂质黄土,显示气候较为冷干且波动较大。对比分析表明,中晚全新世以来青海湖湖东沙地的气候变化特征与东亚季风边缘区其他区域基本一致,并主导了区域沉积环境的演变过程。  相似文献   

青海湖江西沟遗迹是青藏高原东北缘一处有连续地层的重要细石器文化遗存,对其人类活动指标(石器、动物碎骨、陶片等) 与环境指标(磁化率、色度、孢粉及集成结果) 对比分析表明:细石器文化与环境变化关系密切,在全新世JXG2 细石器狩猎者一直生活在以蒿为主的草原环境.在9 ka BP以前的早全新世,环境状况不断好转,人类已经在湖区活动,并逐渐增强;9 ka BP后最佳的水热组合,较高的草原覆盖,为细石器狩猎者提供充足的食物来源,推动文化进入鼎盛期;6 ka BP后随着环境干冷化,细石器文化也开始衰弱.孢粉分析发现9~6 ka BP高的禾本科含量及种类丰富的杂草花粉,与人类活动有关;尤其是禾本科含量在6.7~4 ka BP保持较高水平,此时段恰是陶片开始出现并普遍使用的时期,推测与JXG2 先民尝试种植农作物有关.高原东北缘在6 ka BP之前为细石器文化,6 ka BP之后高原史前文化开始发生分化,细石器狩猎者活跃在海拔较高的高原上,农业种植者占据了较低的河谷地带,在二者交接地带,形成了兼具细石器文化与农业种植文化特征土著新石器文化.  相似文献   

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