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The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was unprecedented in terms of storm activity in the United States, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Given the impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Honduran Mosquitia sparked little attention despite being hit by two hurricanes and a tropical storm in 2005. This article recounts the history of these storms in the Afro-Caribbean community of Batalla, drawing from public weather advisories and testimony of local residents obtained through participatory research. We contextualise this local history with results from the first paleotempestological study undertaken in the Mosquitia to shed light on long-term risk of catastrophic storms in the region and to demonstrate the value of integrating these two research approaches. Our findings contribute to recent ethnographic research on hazards by describing how a coastal people understand and respond to tropical cyclones and how landscape change influences the vulnerability of a coastal area. Although residents have not witnessed a storm as intense as those documented in the paleotempestological record, their knowledge and perceptions show how tropical cyclones can be disasters while leaving behind no sedimentary records. The paleotempestological evidence, however, reminds us that catastrophic hurricanes have struck the Mosquitia in the past and will do so again in the future. Understanding the interactions between contemporary human perceptions and responses and long-term hurricane risk provides insight for emergency managers and local stakeholders to better prepare for such a catastrophic event.  相似文献   

本地居民对居住地景观的审美感知水平对于区域大尺度景观的保护与持续利用具有重要影响,这在相对欠发达但具有较高审美价值景观资源的地区意义更为重大。本文以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州为例,基于620份针对当地居民的调查问卷与现场调研,通过构建Logistic回归模型,分析了怒江州本地居民对居住地景观的审美感知状况及相关影响因素。结果表明,怒江州本地居民对于居住地景观的审美感知水平较高,有75.81%的受访者认为居住地周边景观是美的。对这一审美感知具有影响的因素共有8项,在直接影响因素中,是否在保护区内、行政村周边高程标准差具有正向影响;行政村到最近县城距离、是否认为近年生态环境恶化、是否认为旅游开发存在不好的影响、是否希望进入城市生活具有负向影响。在间接影响因素中,包括住房类型和家中是否有电视都具有正向影响。本文据此尝试提出提高怒江州居民对居住地景观审美感知水平、促进当地景观保护与持续利用的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Creating opportunities for students to actively apply hazards theory to real-life situations is often a challenge in hazards geography courses. This article presents a project, the Jocko Lakes Fire Project, that implemented learning strategies to encourage students to be active in wildfire hazards research. Wildfire hazards stand out as an increasing threat to communities in forested areas given current and projected rates of urbanization, the growing concentration of wealth in hazard-prone areas, the increasing costs of forest wildfire reduction, and climate change. Components of the project involved students in problem definition and the articulation of a research plan; identifying and collecting relevant data; and analyzing and documenting the wildfire hazard event. The student-based evaluation of the project and its outcomes highlights the ways in which this approach can increase understanding of local hazard scenarios, familiarity with relevant theory, geographical knowledge, and skills in research.  相似文献   

Community impacts from oil development in the Bakken Shale, located in the north central region of the United States, have been well reported in the press, including highly publicized accounts of social disruption. Less examined are communities on the periphery of such development, which experience related impacts unique to their location. Twenty-eight long-time residents from three Bakken periphery communities were interviewed to evaluate social and environmental impact perceptions, including perceived risks of place disruption. Findings suggest that whereas place meanings and identities were disrupted by the oil boom in Bakken core communities, they remain intact in these periphery communities. Findings further suggest periphery residents view their proximal location to the Bakken region as a social and economic “Goldilocks Zone:” close enough to benefit from spillover economic impacts, yet far enough away to avoid serious negative social impacts. This research extends understanding of place disruption and development impacts in energy periphery communities.  相似文献   

The number of people living in wildfire-prone wildland–urban interface (WUI) communities is on the rise. However, no prior study has investigated wildfire-induced residential relocation from WUI areas after a major fire event. To provide insight into the association between sociodemographic and sociopsychological characteristics and wildfire-related intention to move, we use data from a survey of WUI residents in Boulder and Larimer counties, Colorado. The data were collected 2 months after the devastating Fourmile Canyon fire destroyed 169 homes and burned more than 6,000 acres of public and private land. Although this study is working with a small migrant sample, logistic regression models demonstrate that survey respondents intending to move in relation to wildfire incidence do not differ sociodemographically from their nonmigrant counterparts. They do, however, show significantly higher levels of risk perception. Investigating destination choices shows a preference for short-distance moves.  相似文献   

Integral to the geographic discipline are cross-cultural analyses, many of which use languages outside of the researcher’s own. There are few analyses, however, that address issues of translation that are inherently geographic; namely, that language is understood as a manifestation of place and culture. This article argues that the results of environmental interviews must be interpreted through a lens that evaluates how the translation of a word, or even a concept, is understood differentially based on one’s sense of place. Interviews were conducted in three of the Etsha villages situated in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, comparing perceptions of changes in both the local area and the flooding regime. Findings show qualitatively and quantitatively how residents perceive environmental change in light of their residential histories and their production of place. These results highlight that environmental change in an area is perceived in the context of previous residences, including the length of time spent in residence and the environmental characterization of that place. The process of interviewing regarding such change, especially when translation is necessary, should therefore proceed by incorporating inquiries about previous residences and the environments of those areas to correctly contextualize environmental change in a particular area.  相似文献   

Increases in wildfire frequency and extent in rangelands pose a growing threat to private property and ecosystem health. The state of Idaho, USA, recently promoted rangeland fire protection associations (RFPAs)—nonprofit organizations of local citizens who contribute to firefighting efforts on public rangelands—as one way to mitigate rangeland wildfire risk. This study used in-depth interviews with RFPA members and land management professionals to explore the local circumstances that influenced the establishment and functioning of one RFPA. Results indicate that intergenerational ties to “working the land,” existing reciprocity among neighbors, a culture of self-reliance, and informal social networks all contributed to RFPA formation and functioning. Interaction between RFPA members and professionals improved their relationships and promoted shared understandings about wildfire response. We conclude by discussing conditions that might enable or inhibit RFPAs in other areas and how our findings advance research on adapting mitigation programs to local context.  相似文献   

Interviewers presented 400 residents of Pinellas County, Florida, with sets of hypothetical hurricane threats to assess the effect of hurricane probability forecasts and other risk indicators on public response to the threats. Evacuation notices from local officials were more important than other threat variables, and hurricane probabilities did little to modify that effect. Respondents appeared to comprehend and use the probability information reasonably. Evacuation behavior in actual hurricane threats is consistent with the survey findings.  相似文献   

Interviewers presented 400 residents of Pinellas County, Florida, with sets of hypothetical hurricane threats to assess the effect of hurricane probability forecasts and other risk indicators on public response to the threats. Evacuation notices from local officials were more important than other threat variables, and hurricane probabilities did little to modify that effect. Respondents appeared to comprehend and use the probability information reasonably. Evacuation behavior in actual hurricane threats is consistent with the survey findings.  相似文献   

随着北京市“国际一流的和谐宜居之都”建设步伐的加快,城市低收入社区居民的社会公平满意度越来越受到重视,居民的居住环境空间公平将受到更多的关注。本研究结合地理学和社会学对居住环境空间公平相关理论,基于2017年北京典型低收入社区的调研数据,实证分析了居住环境主客观条件对低收入社区居民社会公平感知的影响。结果发现:不同类型社区的居民社会公平感知水平差异明显;服务设施、就业可达性和建成环境对个体社会公平满意度也均有不同程度的影响,居住环境满意度对低收入社区社会公平感知的影响中存在调节效应,同时居民社会公平满意度因居民社会经济属性而异。  相似文献   

Following the 1938 hurricane that damaged much of the New England coast, New London, Connecticut, responded like most communities by leveraging federal and state funds to rebuild and augment engineered mitigation structures. Eighty years of subsequent storm experience, however, illustrates that a small number of nonstructural mitigation projects, especially private property acquisitions, have had significant long-term effects on New London's coastal resiliency, especially in the Ocean Beach neighborhood. Archival research identifies that these nonstructural mitigation projects were not initially intended to reduce hurricane or flooding risk but were aimed at removing structures determined to be public nuisances and reducing fire hazard. Therefore, New London's post-1938 mitigation experience underscores how community-scale mitigation planning following one disaster can greatly affect the outcome of future disasters. Analytically, New London's experience offers a compelling case study to critically compare two competing environmental mitigation approaches following the same disaster and to offer insight into the environmental legacies of both.  相似文献   

We study hurricane risk on the U.S. Gulf Coast during 1950‐2005, estimating the wind damage and storm surge from every hurricane in this extended period. Wind damage is estimated from the known path and wind speeds of individual storms and calibrated to fit actual damage reports for a sample of Gulf Coast storms. Storm surge is estimated using the SLOSH model developed by NOAA. These models provide the first comprehensive overview of the hurricane storm hazard as it has been experienced over a fifty‐six‐year period. We link the estimated damage with information on the population and specific socio‐demographic components of the population (by age, race, and poverty status). Results show that white, young adult, and nonpoor populations have shifted over time away from zones with higher risk of wind damage, while more vulnerable population groups–the elderly, African Americans, and poor—have moved in the opposite direction. All groups have moved away from areas with high risk of storm surge since 1970. But in this case, perhaps because living near the water is still perceived as an amenity, those at highest risk are whites, elderly, and nonpoor households. Here exposure represents a trade‐off between the risk and the amenity.  相似文献   

基于非表征理论和启动效应范式实验方法,以广东省江门市启明里的地方品牌为例,通过对比居民与非居民内隐感知差异、本地居民外显和内隐感知的差异,分析人们内隐感知对于地方品牌建构的影响。研究发现:1)受到日常生活经验的影响,本地居民与非本地居民对启明里的品牌个性的内隐感知存在差异,二者对启明里的品牌个性建构起不同的意义,本地居民将日常生活的记忆和体验融入其中,而非本地居民仅将其视为城市更新的工程;2)本地居民对启明里地方品牌外显和内隐感知的差异表明启明里地方品牌对于本地居民而言只是一种“快餐式”的消费和自我表达的工具,缺乏情感、价值观念层面的认同;3)地方品牌化不能只关注符号性景观构建,而需要重视本地居民日常生活中内隐的、非表征的空间邂逅的作用,这有助于为地方品牌注入可持续的价值提升动力,增进本地居民对品牌的认同和自信。  相似文献   

旅游地居民感知与态度研究是旅游地理学研究的重要主题之一, 居民感知的跨区域、 跨文化的共时性分析是该领域研究未来努力的方向之一。选择世界遗产地西递和九寨沟为研 究案例, 进行旅游地居民旅游影响感知的比较研究。结果显示: ① 两地居民对旅游发展均表 现出积极态度, 但九寨沟居民的响应程度和支持程度更为强烈, 其旅游经济收入上要远高于 西递。② 九寨沟居民在旅游经济收益、旅游社会文化影响、旅游环境影响的上的感知均明显 强于西递, 同时在旅游经济成本感知上也明显强于西递。③ 相关分析和回归分析分别从样本 基本特征中识别了西递和九寨沟居民支持旅游发展态度的相关因素和判别指标。分析结果表 明, 不同类型的旅游地具有不同的旅游社区特征, 在旅游地性质、对旅游业的依赖程度、经 济发展水平、旅游资源产权归属、旅游管理体制、主客文化差异等社区特征上不同的东道主 社区应该有着不同的旅游感知。按照社会交换理论, 无论是从资产的收益权还是从受干扰补 偿方面, 西递古村落居民相对九寨沟风景区居民具有更高的收益期望, 这也导致了其实际获 益远低于期望收益, 故相对九寨沟居民, 西递表现出低估旅游经济收益、社会收益而高估社 会成本的倾向。  相似文献   

Natural hazards lead to unexpected and often dire situations for people who have few resources and little control over the environment in which they live. Kutubdia, an island in the southeastern part of Bangladesh, experiences frequent natural hazards that impact the livelihoods of its people and put them in vulnerable situations. The research elaborated here is the result of 300 household surveys collected from persons in Kutubdia's fishing communities. The surveys investigated the perception and consequences of natural hazards on the fishing communities. The results indicated that the experience of natural hazards—cyclones, erosion, and flooding are examples—have increased over the years. Coastal erosion displaced seventy‐two (24 percent) fishers, forcing them to relocate their houses several times and imposing multiple challenges on their lives. Literacy was not associated with perceptions of environmental changes or changes in fishing. However, young fishers—less than forty years of age—perceived that environmental changes had affected fish catch more than their older colleagues.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the American suburb has emerged as a principal destination for new immigrants to the United States, both documented and undocumented. Whereas some suburban communities have responded to perceived undocumented immigrants with hostility in the form of exclusionary local immigration policies, others have introduced policies designed to welcome immigrants independent of federal legal status. In this article, I employ a qualitative comparative case study analysis of four local immigration policies in the Chicago and Washington DC metropolitan areas to explain how suburbs justify their policy positions. I find that these suburban communities relied on conceptions of American identity and the ‘American Dream’ in support of their policies, but leveraged these tropes in vastly different ways depending on the broader strategic purposes of the policies. These divergent suburban immigration policies both challenge traditional notions of suburban political and cultural homogeneity and reveal how such heterogeneity has produced a distinct unevenness in contemporary local policy responses to undocumented immigration within metropolitan regions.  相似文献   

煤矿区居民的环境污染感知——以陕西省韩城矿区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史兴民  刘戎 《地理研究》2012,31(4):641-651
选择陕西省韩城矿区的下峪口矿和燎原矿为研究区域,通过实地访谈和454份有效问卷,利用秩和检验等统计方法,探讨了居民对环境污染的感知的影响因素。主要结论是:(1)矿区居民对环境普遍不满意,他们认为最严重的环境污染是大气污染,其次是噪音污染。矿区环境污染的最主要原因是煤炭加工(洗选、炼焦),采煤并不是最主要的环境污染原因。(2)在居民属性与环境污染感知方面发现:性别对环境污染的感知无明显的影响。年龄和居住时间对大气污染、水污染和噪音污染的感知有显著正向影响。文化程度对水污染、噪音污染和环境卫生感知有显著负向影响,这与文化集团性有关。居住空间对水污染和噪音污染有显著负向影响,说明水污染和噪音污染感知表现出空间层次性。研究结果可以为矿区的环境治理、政策制定等提供参考。  相似文献   

罗秋菊 《地理科学》2010,30(5):693-701
现有大多数研究是从"反馈问题(reactive)"的视角出发研究事件活动发生之后的影响结果。将研究重心转向大型事件发生之前的规划和管理阶段,以积极的"未雨绸缪(proactive)"视角审视大型事件重要的利益相关者——居民的感知变化具有重要意义。在广州亚运会举办前,先后相隔5.5个月对居民进行调研,研究显示,随着举办时间的推近,居民对大型事件的影响感知也随之发生变化。主要的变化表现一是居民对大型事件关注度增加,居民作为东道主的自我存在感有增强之势;二是居民对大型事件的感知由无形影响逐渐转化为有形影响;三是居民对大型事件的社会成本的感知越来越强烈,对经济成本和社会公共利益的感知减弱,同时对社区利益的感知有逐渐增强之势;四是居民对事件的态度越来越理性,对负面影响的关注有增强之趋势。  相似文献   


Increasing wolf populations are a concern for wildlife managers in the Midwestern U.S. Understanding the psychological mechanisms that contribute to public perceptions of risk will enable development of strategies that seek to mitigate these risks, and suggest where outreach efforts may facilitate acceptance of wolves. We examined the psychological factors that influence Illinois residents’ perceived risks from wolves. We hypothesized that individuals’ perceived risks from wolves were a function of their attitudes toward wolves, negative affect toward wolves, and basic beliefs about wildlife. Data were obtained from a survey of the Illinois public (n?=?784). Negative affect and attitudes toward wolves were direct predictors of perceived risks. Basic beliefs predicted attitudes and negative affect toward wolves. Negative affect predicted attitudes. Basic beliefs had direct and indirect effects on perceived risks.  相似文献   

路幸福  陆林 《地理科学》2015,35(11):1404-1411
边缘型地区旅游开发较晚,因生态环境和经济环境比较脆弱,容易受到来自现代化各种因素的影响,环境认同与边缘型地区旅游发展的支持具有相关性,并且环境认同也会影响居民对旅游影响的态度,进而影响旅游支持度。以泸沽湖为例,采用封闭式问卷调查法与结构式访谈法收集居民环境认同、旅游影响的态度和旅游支持的资料,并对数据进行回归分析。结果发现边缘型地区旅游地居民的环境认同较高,对旅游发展持相对谨慎的态度;边缘型地区居民的旅游支持还取决于居民对旅游积极影响的态度,而不是对消极影响的态度;居民对旅游的文化积极影响关注度略大于旅游经济影响。因此,边缘型地区的旅游发展要避免一些核心地区旅游发展过程中的环境破坏、过度商业化等问题,以环境保护为前提,以旅游利益共享为原则,统筹规划,实现旅游可持续发展。  相似文献   

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