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The dominant livelihood types of farm households have become increasingly differentiated in recent years, which has attracted the attention of researchers. Identifying the characteristics and driving factors of household livelihood differentiation is of great significance for revealing man-land relationship and policy making. Based on the interview data of farm households in typical villages in key ecological function areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, we analyzed the pattern of the dominant diversified livelihood types and the livelihood characteristics among different farm households. Then we assessed the driving forces of livelihood diversification by optimal scaling regression. The results indicated that: (1) In the study area, the dominant livelihood types show two trends of agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 53.07%) and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 46.93%). Moreover, farm households in the agro-pastoral areas are mainly agriculturally dominated (accounting for 75.68%), while farm households in the mountainous areas are mainly non-agriculturally dominated (accounting for 66.93%). (2) The labor allocation and income source of different types of farm households are consistent with their dominant livelihood types. The farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods have more natural resources than those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. In terms of housing conditions, farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods are inferior to those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. (3) The farm labor, dependency ratio, agricultural income, supplemental income and locational conditions have negative impacts on the non-agricultural trend of farm household livelihood decisions, while off-farm labor, non-farm income, education level and the per capita amount of compensation have significant positive impacts on it.  相似文献   

生计多样化背景下种植业非点源污染负荷演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
钟建兵  邵景安  杨玉竹 《地理学报》2016,71(7):1201-1214
依托三峡库区典型村农户访谈数据,基于收益最大目标决策框架,设定农村转型发展中3种农户生计类型情景:农业主导生计、兼业转向生计和非农主导生计,解析种植业产污负荷随主导生计非农转向的演变特征,探讨主导生计类型转向的动力机制。结果表明:① 样区耕地经营现状呈自耕、流转与撂荒并存的多元化发展格局,且表现出“入”小于“出”的特征,不同农户家庭类型间实际人均耕种规模为“半劳动力家庭”>“无劳动力家庭”>“劳动力家庭”;② 种植业单位面积产污负荷中,“半劳动力家庭”最高,“劳动力家庭”次之,“无劳动力家庭”最低,“劳动力家庭”内部又随劳动力人数增加呈先增再减趋势;③ 样区农户生计类型由农业主导向非农主导转型过程中,种植业产污负荷最大减幅达72.01%,兼业转向生计情景下削减幅度为19.61%~29.85%,非农主导生计情景下减幅为35.20%~72.01%,但TN、TP的减量特征并不一致;④ 劳动力配置与生计来源“非农化”促使农户主导生计类型向非农转化,生计非农演变的潜在农户收入/福祉权衡亦驱使生计决策转向非农化,不同农户家庭类型对生计转向的敏感程度表现为“劳动力家庭”>“半劳动力家庭”>“无劳动力家庭”;⑤ 在新型城镇化快速推进和创新新型工业体系构建过程中,山区农户生计类型进一步向非农转变,而这一过程又将促使种植业产生的污染负荷量进一步减少,要大幅削减种植业产污负荷,就必须制定有助于山区农户生计非农化的调控对策。  相似文献   

青藏高原东部山地农牧区生计与耕地利用模式   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
利用分层随机抽样、参与式农村评估及其工具、地块调查、数理统计等方法,对63个农户、272个地块进行了系统的调查与取样,研究了青藏高原东部山地农牧区金川县克尔马村的生计多样化与耕地利用模式。结果表明:①不同类型农户的生计策略选择、组合及收入不同,生计多样化,引入并扩大非农活动是当地生计策略的发展趋势,但不利的自然环境和社会经济条件以及农户自身素质共同影响了生计和土地利用的可持续性;②各种生计策略对土地利用的影响不同,主要影响土地利用类型和土地利用集约化水平;③以非农活动为主的生计多样化可能是该区构建可持续生计的核心,同时也是实现土地可持续利用的根本途径。  相似文献   

Based on objective data collected from interviews in typical villages of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, the present study devised three livelihood scenarios related to rural transformation development: agriculturally dominant livelihood, multiple-type livelihood and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood. Moreover, the present study reports the trend characteristics of nonpoint source pollution load of crop farming in relation to the transformation of dominant livelihood types, and discussed the primary factors which affect livelihood type transformations. Results indicated the following: (1) The current farmland pattern shows a trend of diversification as self-cultivation, cropland transfer and fallow in the sample region. Dynamic characteristics of cultivated land present a special feature that is more “transfer-into” than “transfer-out”. Various scales of planting are represented among the various households, according to the following decreasing order: half-labor household > non-labor household > adequate labor household. (2) The highest pollution loading produced by crop farming occurs in half-labor households while the lowest occurs in non-labor households. With increasing labor, the pollution load per unit area tends to first increase and then decrease within families with enough labor. (3) As the type of livelihood transitions from agriculturally dominant to non-agriculturally dominant, the maximum reduction of total pollution loading produced by the agricultural industry can reach 72.01%. Compared to agriculturally dominant livelihoods, multiple-type livelihoods produce a pollution load reduction yield of 19.61%–29.85%, and non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods reduce the pollution load yield by 35.20%–72.01%. However, the rate of reduction of total nitrogen is not the same as total phosphorus. (4) The non-agricultural characteristics of labor allocation and income promote the transformation from dominant livelihood types to non-agricultural livelihoods, while potential revenue conversion follows a similar trend. In addition, different household types do not display identical conversion rates, according to the following decreasing order: enough labor household > half-labor household > non-labor household. (5) During rapid urbanization and the building of new industrial systems, the livelihood types of rural households have been further transformed to off-farm household types in the mountainous region; this process will lead to the further reduction of pollution load generated by planting and agriculture. Hence, significant decreases in the planting pollution load necessitate the development of control measures to enhance transformations from agricultural to off-farm livelihoods.  相似文献   

In rural parts of the global South, livelihoods are diversifying away from agriculture. Nevertheless, agriculture typically still remains the backbone of rural life and is usually considered the prime source of economic security, social prestige and self‐identity. The task of narrating these somewhat contradictory processes in a conceptually coherent fashion has proven a major challenge for research. This paper responds to this problem by deploying an adapted version of Andrew Dorward's schema of households ‘hanging in, stepping up or stepping out’ of their landed interests. Dorward's middle‐ground theory provides an appropriate analytical vehicle for capturing the vagaries and situated complexities of the land‐livelihoods nexus. However the theory fails to fully appreciate the extent to which household livelihood decision making rests on complex entanglements that leverage land‐based and nonfarm activities against one another. We demonstrate the critical importance of these processes through the results of in‐depth interviews with 32 households in two north Indian villages. These interviews lead us to propose that land factors in livelihood aspirations in three fundamental ways: an arena for interpenetrated agrarian and nonagrarian livelihood streams; a base for social reproduction; and a bulwark of food (and by extension, livelihood) security through own‐production capabilities.  相似文献   


Government efforts to industrialise and modernise the Lao economy through intensive resource development are having adverse effects on rural livelihoods as resources are degraded and access to limited land and natural resources has intensified. In one of the country's key river basins, Nam Ngum, a series of resource developments including hydropower, mining and agricultural plantations have modified the landscape over the last four decades. Uncoordinated resource developments are putting intense pressure on increasingly scarce natural resources and affecting the lives of people who are dependent on them. Economic diversification of rural households in Feuang District in the Nam Ngum River Basin has created significant discrepancies between the rich and the poor, yet all households remain primarily dependent on agriculture. Land is of enduring importance to rural livelihoods. National development intervention has failed to secure basic livelihoods for rural households.  相似文献   

李小建  高更和  乔家君 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1037-1047
通过对分层随机抽样选取的河南省不同类型的11个村的农户调查和定量分析,发现农户间收入差别很大,村际之间和同村农户之间均如此。全体样本农户收入的基尼系数达0.3936,有的村子已达0.4以上。模型分析表明,农区发展环境因素对农户收入具有重要影响。耕地面积、种植结构、经济基础、乡镇工商业发展水平、城郊区位、交通条件、兼业水平等因素在不同的地形类型和收入类型农户中,对收入提高产生一定的影响。低收入农户中,耕地面积较为重要,而在中等收入农户中,增加了种植结构因素,在高收入农户中,又增加了经济基础、工商水平、城郊区位和交通因素,由此验证了"区域发展阶段不同影响因素有所不同"的理论假设。  相似文献   

基于秦巴山商洛地区农户问卷调查数据,在可持续生计框架下,聚焦不同群体之间生计资本状况,并探讨其农户生计资本对生计策略选择的影响以及生计资本的耦合性。结果表明:(1) 山区农户生计策略出现明显分化,依据非农收入比重分为纯务工型、务工主导型、兼业型和纯农型4种类型。(2) 调研样本中农户生计资本有限和不均衡,呈现金融资本和社会资本相对较高,自然资本、人力资本偏低的特征。非贫困户中兼业型生计资本总值最高,务工主导型、纯务工型次之,纯农型最低;贫困户中务工主导型生计资本总值最高,纯务工型、兼业型次之,纯农型最低。(3) 非贫困户中人均耕地面积、人均林地面积、耕地质量、职业技能水平、政治资源、就业网络对纯务工型农户向务工主导型、兼业型转变有着积极影响,家庭人均收入、男性劳动力比例则具有负向影响;家庭人均收入和职业技能水平对于纯务工型向纯农型转变有负向影响。贫困户中人均耕地面积、人均林地面积、政治资源对纯务工型农户向务工主导型、兼业型和纯农型转变具有正向影响,家庭人均收入、劳动力教育水平、职业技能水平、联系成本则具有负向影响。(4) 非贫困农户生计资本耦合度依次为兼业型>务工主导型>纯务工型>纯农型;贫困农户则为兼业型>纯务工型>务工主导型>纯农型。因此,开展农户可持续性生计研究,对于农户减贫、促进乡村地区发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines rural livelihoods and the prospects for participatory conservation through a case study of Qwaqwa National Park (QNP) in South Africa. The park was established in 1992 in the context of South Africa's transition to democracy, growing ecotourism in the country and global movements towards conservation involving and benefiting local people. The paper argues that the protracted conflict between park residents and management led to new patterns of livelihood activities and household formation, and resulted in material and social differentiation amongst park households. The goals of park management, with a commitment to nature conservation and ecotourism, were at odds with the livelihood practices of park residents. Conflicts arose over stocking levels, overgrazing, wood-cutting and deforestation and over the use of other natural resources, including water and medicinal plants. The park was the site of a Rand Water project that employed many residents. Residents found themselves between a rock and a hard place as they resisted attempts by the management to reduce stocking levels and yet relied on management to gain access to sources of paid employment.  相似文献   

This paper examines how transnational gold mining operations are transforming rural household livelihoods in the Cajamarca region of Peru. In particular, this paper evaluates how Newmont Mining Corporation's Minera Yanacocha (MYSA) mining operations are altering access to the produced, human, natural and social capital resources that households utilize to produce their livelihoods. The paper argues that while access to produced and human capital resources has increased in the past decade, albeit unevenly, access to natural and social capital resources has declined. The paper begins with a discussion of new frameworks for evaluating local livelihood change and household access to resources. Subsequently, the paper describes Peru's new transnational mining sector, livelihoods and livelihood change in the Cajamarca region. The paper then presents the results of case study field research evaluating the impacts of MYSA on household access to resources in three communities. Finally, the paper concludes with a critical discussion of livelihoods frameworks and how they can contribute to geographic studies.  相似文献   

基于生计视角的异质性农户转户退耕决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆市贫困与生态脆弱区的云阳县、石柱土家族自治县376 户农户调研基础上, 将农户划为纯农户、农业主导户、非农主导户和弃农农户, 基于生计视角对农户转户退耕决策进行了解释。结果表明:①重庆市农户兼业普遍, 兼业是农户重要的生计策略;从纯农户到弃农农户, 农户生计资产依次递增, 尤其是人力资产、金融资产和社会资产。②随着兼业程度提高, 农户生计策略逐渐多元化。纯农户生计高度依赖土地;农业主导户开始选择非农兼业;非农主导户生计多样化指数最高;弃农农户生计已经转移到非农产业。③生计是影响农户转户退耕决策的关键因素:纯农户生计资产匮乏, 决策受政策导向明显;作为理性经济人, 对土地经济收益的依赖使农业主导户转户退耕意愿不明显, 对政策响应平淡;非农主导户将权衡转户退耕的补偿与损失, 政策响应模糊;弃农农户资产丰富, 对转户退耕决策响应积极。基于户籍制度改革和可持续生计视角, 本文提出了理性政府行为的3 大对策, 即:建立转户退耕的社保及补偿、激励机制;基于农户生计视角, 实施各种工程措施及惠民政策, 促进农户生计策略多元化;针对不同区位的农户实施差别化的政策。  相似文献   

乡村旅游被认为是山区乡村振兴的有效模式,但即使在旅游山区,仍存在大量传统农村。论文以浙江省平阳县为例,运用参与式农村评估、GIS与遥感技术相结合,选取典型旅游村水口村和农业村法洪村,从农户生计变迁、乡村土地利用转型、宅基地功能演变3个方面分析旅游特色山区乡村发展及其分化。结果表明:① 生存型生计阶段(1949—1977年),法洪村和水口村高度依赖农业;组合型生计阶段(1978—2013年),两村由单一农业生计向农业和外出务工组合转变;发展型生计阶段(2014—2018年),法洪村以外出务工为主,水口村以旅游经营和外出经商并重。② 1978年前,两村地类变更主要是林地转为耕地;1978—2014年,主要是林地转为建设用地;2014年后,法洪村耕地转为林地、住宅用地,水口村林地、耕地转为旅游相关用地。③ 1978年前,两村宅基地均以农业生产功能为主;1978—2014年,两村宅基地的农业生产功能开始衰退;2014年后,法洪村以生活居住功能为主,水口村以旅游接待功能为主。④ 两村发展分化是自然环境、人文景观、能人带动、市场变化等综合影响的结果。研究认为,即使是在旅游特色山区,也只有自然和人文景观独特、有能人带动、顺应市场变化的乡村,才能较好地发展乡村旅游,大部分资源禀赋一般的乡村仍将以传统农业为主,因此,山区乡村振兴要顺势而为、择优助推。  相似文献   

西南地区是我国水电资源最富集和贫困人口最集中的地区,加快水电资源开发是促进西南贫困地区发展和农户生计资产改善的重要途径之一。本文以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州为案例,通过华电云南分公司访谈和政府部门座谈等方法,提出建立水电开发的效益共享机制并论证了其必要性和可行性。研究结果表明,企业税负重、补偿标准低、电价不合理、发展条件薄弱是水电开发不能同时带动地方经济发展和农户生计资产改善的主要制约因素。基于特定要素模型和持久性收入理论,提出了移民参与水电开发效益共享的长效补偿机制,构建了理论分析模型并分析了移民搬迁前、后对理论模型的影响。在此基础上,提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

还原论与农户地理研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
李小建 《地理研究》2010,29(5):767-777
依据科学研究的还原论方法和数学逻辑,分析指出农区经济活动的最基本组织单元是农户。基于地理学、经济学、组织学相关原理,建立了农户地理研究的基本框架。农户地理研究的主要内容包括农户自主发展能力研究、农户区位研究、农户发展环境研究、农户与地理环境相互关系研究。除了单一农户研究之外,农户地理还包括通过正式联系或非正式联系所形成的农户群研究。中国的特殊国情决定了农户在农区经济中的重要地位,农户与地理环境的长期相互作用轨迹及其相互印记又决定了农户地理研究在地理学中的特殊意义。沿着这一方向的研究,有利于建立富有中国特色的经济地理理论。  相似文献   

刘璐璐  李锋瑞 《中国沙漠》2020,40(1):233-244
探索贫困地区退耕农户的生计资本与生计策略关系,对实现精准扶贫、乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。基于甘肃会宁县退耕农户调查数据,构建了具有区域特色的生计资本指标体系,采用熵值法测算生计资本,运用Logistic回归模型探讨了退耕农户生计策略选择问题。结果表明:(1)研究区退耕农户拥有的生计资本中人力资本指数最低,且各生计资本值存在差异;(2)金融资本中的现金收入可以显著增加退耕农户选择非农型生计策略的概率,而自然资本中的平地面积、物质资本中的耐用消费品价值和金融资本中的资金获得渠道会显著降低退耕农户选择非农型生计策略的概率;(3)对于不同退耕程度的农户,现金收入依旧可以显著增加选择非农型生计策略的概率,而抑制两类农户选择非农型生计策略的生计资本指标则存在差异。基于此,提出改善退耕农户的金融资本的多项措施,进而提高农户的非农生计意愿,更好地解决贫困问题。  相似文献   

增强贫困山区脱贫农户的生计可持续性不仅是新时期农村扶贫的现实需求,更是推动乡村振兴的客观要求。论文从生计资本、生计策略及生计环境出发,建立了脱贫农户的生计可持续性评价指标体系,利用陇南山区脱贫农户的入户调查资料,评估贫困山区脱贫农户的生计可持续性、识别脱贫农户的生计障碍。研究发现:① 从川坝河谷区、半山区到高山区,从早期脱贫到后期脱贫,脱贫农户的生计可持续性依次降低,且务工型与农工互补型脱贫农户的生计可持续性强于其他生计方式农户;② 陇南山区生计不可持续脱贫农户比重达28.83%,高山区、传统务农型及后期脱贫户中生计不可持续农户比重较高,而川坝河谷区、农工互补型与务工型及早期脱贫户中该比重较低;③ 生计不可持续脱贫户均面临着多元生计障碍,其中近2/3的农户面临多维资本—环境阻滞型与多重要素阻滞型障碍;④ 针对生计不可持续脱贫农户面临的多元生计障碍,需分类实施多维生计干预。  相似文献   

The changing contexts in the drylands of Africa in which pastoralists operate pose potential negative effects for the livelihood sustenance of pastoralists. We examined present livelihood adaptations among Afar pastoralists in north eastern Ethiopia through a household survey. With an average per capita income of 1.20 USD a day (PPP-adjusted in 2006), all households surveyed in the study area fall below the international 2 USD a day poverty line. Most Afar pastoralists have become increasingly involved in farming and non-farming/non-pastoral activities, but do not display a total detachment from traditional mobile herding. Pastoral households are still less likely to diversify their livelihoods, while semi-pastoral and agro-pastoral households keep livestock more as an additional insurance against failure in other livelihood activities such as farming. This indicates combining livestock production and farming has improved or at least constrained declines in livelihood outcomes. Our quantitative findings are congruent with the general patterns of pastoral livelihood contraction occurring in the region even if a substantial group of pastoralists continue to engage in keeping livestock. These findings are highly relevant in a management context, suggesting more encompassing, and locally adapted policy and development strategy rather than a wholesale abandonment of support to pastoral livelihood styles.  相似文献   

梳理产业选择与培育的经验,分析产业发展对农户生计的影响,对于促进生态移民区的乡村产业振兴、农户生计恢复与可持续发展具有重要意义.论文以中国最大单体移民迁入区宁夏吴忠市红寺堡区为研究区,针对4大乡村产业各选1个样本村,采用问卷调查法和半结构访谈法获取数据,在比较不同产业投入产出效益的基础上,探究不同产业发展对移民生计产出...  相似文献   

Increasing urbanisation in sub-Saharan Africa transforms spatial configurations in and around towns and cities. At the same time wild natural resources play an important role in African livelihoods. Yet, little is known about the impact of urbanisation on the socio-spatial dynamics of the use of wild natural resources. Here we examined the importance of these resources for livelihoods, differences in their use between different locations along the urban-rural continuum, and the respective temporal dynamics. A total of 1158 households were interviewed in six medium-sized cities distributed across five African countries using a standardised questionnaire supplemented by expert interviews and spatial analyses employing Geographic Information Systems. Overall, even though periurban and rural households were more likely to use wild natural resources than those in the urban areas, the use of these resources was generally high along the entire urban-rural continuum. Despite the increasing urban pressure on these resources, they remain an integral part for most households, not only for those lacking access to productive resources, but also for those with a higher standard of living. This trend was found across all study towns, despite the marked differences in their respective socio-spatial as well as environmental settings.  相似文献   

过去十年来频繁发生的几次极端洪涝灾害事件引发了人们对洞庭湖地区湿地资源保护、湿地生态系统服务与人类发展和社区生计之间关系的持续争论。本文根据2000-2008年间所获取的1683份系统问卷调查数据,从定量和定性的角度重点分析了洞庭湖区西畔山洲垸内的湿地合理利用和可持续管理等最佳实践及其社会经济效益,得出如下研究结论:(1)退田还湖后,在西畔山洲垸开展的基于社区的湿地资源合理利用活动在恢复、保护湿地的同时,大幅提高了社区经济收入和福利水平,同时又降低了社区应对粮食短缺、贫困、洪灾等方面的脆弱性,增强了社区可持续发展的自然资源基础;(2)社区妇女、年长的农民以及低收入群体从这些实践活动中获益较大;(3)自2000年开展上述合理利用活动以来,参与这些活动的家庭收入持续增加,比没参加活动的家庭获得了更高的收入,也拥有了更多的财产,而即使在2001年这些由外部主导的替代生计活动停止资助以后,其仍然对社区内的收入提高具有显著的累积贡献作用;(4)区域内社会组织结构发生积极变化,社区基层组织从无到有,社区参与共管、自治能力以及社区居民的环保意识都得到了大幅提高,社区自我发展的能力已经形成。目前,越来越多的周边社区居民已经加入有机柑橘、有机蔬菜等有机农业生产活动或对加入表示出极大的兴趣;(5)生计水平提高的原因可以归结为当地社区的自我驱动和积极参与、国家政策机遇、公私合作的伙伴关系(PPP)的建立、社区基层组织建设以及适应性管理方法的应用等。  相似文献   

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