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介绍了声电效应的物理基础和利用声电效应进行隧道地震波场物理模拟的可行性研究.基于制作的人工冻砂半空间隧道物理模型和虚拟仪器技术的同一观测平台的声声观测方法与声电观测方法,采用不同的观测排列分别采集了声声直达信号、声声反射信号、声电直达信号、声电反射信号.应用时域分析和频域分析技术对所采集信号进行处理,分离出来自反射界面的纵横波直达声信号、纵横波反射声信号和纵横波直达声电转换信号、纵横渡声电转换反射信号.研究结果表明,相对于声声信号,声电信号采集受固有频率限制小,频谱明显拓宽,时间波列大为缩短,信号分辨率提高,有效的克服了窄带声传感器对隧道地震波场信号采集的影响.此外,由于声电观测中的采用电极接受,电极直径一般为2~3 mm,尺度远远小于声传感器,极大改善了声声观测中由于大尺度换能器带来的模型尺度、耦合性能等诸多方面的困难,增强了隧道地震波场物理模型观测精度.  相似文献   

针对岩石电磁实验研究需要,构建专用岩石电磁辐射信号观测系统。铜板电容传感器的采用,将观测的频率带宽由固定点频拓宽至2.5 kHz—800 kHz的宽频带范围;PXIe-6368数据采集卡的应用,消除了PAC声发射仪的带通滤波和波形前端滤波功能对信号的影响,使观测系统可以记录到原始的EME信号。通过人工信号和岩石加载实验,对观测系统进行检验,发现:该观测系统可以采集2.5 kHz—800 kHz频带范围内0.1 mV以上EME信号,具有每通道最大2 M采样率、最多16通道同步采集功能。本套电磁辐射信号观测系统可以用来检测岩石加载过程中产生的EME信号,也可用于多种岩石物性参数的多通道同步采集。  相似文献   

目前,国内外对面波的频散特性以及声电效应的研究都比较成熟,但是将声电效应应用于面波的频散特性研究当中并不多见.本文介绍了声电效应的物理基础,以及利用声电效应进行面波频散特性物理模拟的可行性研究.基于人工均匀半空间物理模型和同一虚拟仪器技术观测平台,首先采用声声观测方法进行有机玻璃模型实验,然后分别采用声声和声电观测方法对同一冻砂模型进行了多道面波试验,并采集面波信号.应用时域和频域分析技术对所采集信号进行处理,分别得到各模型试验中的面波频散特性曲线.通过相同试验条件下的声声与声电试验结果进行对比分析,验证了声电效应在面波频散特性物理模拟中应用的可行性,以及其相对于传统的超声实验方法所具有的优越性.试验结果表明,与超声实验的信号相比,声电实验信号的频谱有明显拓宽,使面波的勘探深度范围有显著增大,其原因是采集声电信号所用的点电极具有宽带的特征,受固有频率的限制小.此外,由于声电效应试验中采用点电极直径一般为2~3 mm,其尺寸远小于超声换能器(直径约3cm),极大克服了声声试验中由于大尺度换能器带来的诸多方面的困难,可以增强瑞利面波频散特性物理模拟研究的试验观测精度.  相似文献   

断层亚失稳模型指出,在临震亚失稳阶段中各种物理量存在规律性的时空演化特征,控制这些物理参数变化的根本原因是震源的力学过程.为深入观测和分析该过程,文中介绍了一套自主研发的64通道、16位分辨率、4MHz采样频率、可并行连续采集的超动态变形场观测系统(Ultra-HiDAM),首次实现了在4MHz频率下对应变信号和声发射...  相似文献   

曹惠馨  钱书清 《地震学报》1994,16(2):235-241
在单轴压力下对辉长岩、大理岩等岩石破裂过程中产生的电、磁、声信号作了实验研究。实验分干、湿两种情况进行, 测试系统的频响范围为超低频。主要结果是:获得了岩样从受压到解体过程中, 在0-20kHz频段内的电磁辐射和声发射信号的原始波形;岩石破裂过程中电磁信号的辐射强度与岩石的岩性、含水量、破裂强度、加载率和破裂状态有关;岩石破裂过程中的电磁辐射率和声发射率有关系, 它们的最大值在时间上相对应的约占70%,而且电磁辐射信号比声发射信号发育, 持续时间也较长;实验中以铜板天线为接收传感器的电磁信号的主能潜在6kHz以下, 而以电感线圈为接收传感器的电磁信号主能谱在10kHz左右, 声发射的主能谱在3kHz以下;声发射信号出现之前有明显的电磁信号。由于岩石在破裂过程中辐射的电磁信号与声发射有较好的对应关系, 因此可以认为, 岩石破裂实验中获得的电磁辐射信号与岩石破裂有密切的关系。所以, 地震前观测到的电磁辐射异常主要是由岩石的破裂引起的。至于实验中在声发射之前出现的电磁信号, 则可能与压电、压磁效应有关。   相似文献   

编码源地电阻率观测试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地电阻率的高精度观测是实现地震预测预报的前提之一.面对日益严重的电磁干扰,提出了基于编码源循环互相关辨识技术的地电阻率观测方法,其实质是将待测地质体视为待辨识系统,利用编码源信号激励供电电极A和B产生的电流信号作为系统输入信号,测量电极M与N之间的电压信号作为系统响应输出,将输入和输出信号严格同步采样为时间序列,分别与参考信号进行循环互相关运算并转换至频率域计算获得待探测地电阻率谱(幅度和相位).由于系统环境的干扰和随机噪声与编码源信号不相关,通过循环互相关运算可以达到抑制环境随机噪声和干扰的目的.这种地电阻率观测体系在环境干扰较大的甘肃省兰州观象台和陇南汉王地震台站利用现有的观测场地和线路进行了观测试验,测量结果显示,数据的一致性好、均方差小,说明该方法在强干扰环境下具有较好的抗电磁干扰能力,观测频带较以往直流电法测量有较大的扩展.该方法为现有地面地电阻率台站持续发展提供了技术保障,可为地震预报与科学研究提供高质量的地电阻率观测数据.   相似文献   

地电观测专用高精度数据采集器研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地震地电前兆观测,研制基于ARM9平台和32位模数转换器ADS1281的地电观测高精度数据采集系统,实现了高精度和低噪声采样.本文给出地电观测高精度数据采集系统的硬件设计、软件实现和系统指标测试结果.该系统采样率可设置为1次/s至100次/s,1至6通道任意配置,通信协议符合中国地震局地震前兆台网专用设备网络通信规程,可以满足地震地电传感器信号采集和网络接入需求.  相似文献   

井间电磁成像利用低频电磁波对两井或多井之间进行多点扫描,测量出电磁信号经过地层产生的相位变化和幅度衰减情况,反演得到地层电阻率信息.相位反映地层电参数以及位置的敏感性要优于幅度信息.在进行相位测量时,必须保证在同一时刻对发射监测信号和接收信号进行采集.针对发射和接收系统精确同步测量方法展开研究,提出使用GPS时钟接收机在两口井各自地面系统产生同步时钟信号,把同步时钟信号通过电缆传送到井下,井下通过PLL锁相同步电路和频率补偿电路,完成井下工作主频时钟源的建立,达到地面和井下同步目的.在发射地面和接收地面设置有数传电台,相互之间可传送指令,与同步时钟结合起来,实现井下发射监测信号和接收信号的同步采集.经过测试井间电磁成像发射和接收系统同步误差≤±100 ns.  相似文献   

浅层地震勘探数据拟同步采集时差分析与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
理想的地震勘探数据采集,其硬件系统采用多道同步方式实现,保证多路信号的时间或相位一致性.理论时差分析表明,就地震信号的初至时刻来看,多路同步采集系统也存在系统误差.浅层地震勘探数据记录道数少,采用单个A/D模数转换器件通过逻辑系统控制实现少量地震道的多路循环分时采集,在满足采样定理所需采样频率和不增加地震信号初至系统误差的前提下,可以以较少的硬件成本实现浅层地震信号的有效采集,这种采集方式我们称之为有效拟同步采集;通过实践证明了其采集方式的有效性.  相似文献   

云龙  郭彦双  马瑾 《地震地质》2011,33(2):356-368
在实验室利用96通道应变记录采集系统和分布式多通道瞬态信号采集系统,观测了预切5.拐折断层的标本在变形失稳过程中应变场和声发射事件的时空演化.实验在双轴伺服加载系统上进行.在Y方向按位移控制方式加载,位移速率先后取0.5μm/s、1μm/s、0.5μm/s和0.1μm/s.观测得到:1)标本沿断层发生周期性的黏滑失稳,...  相似文献   

土工结构振动台模型试验除了需采集常规的加速度、位移、应变信号外,还需采集模型场地土中振动孔隙水压力、动土压力等信号,由于同步采集的动态信号的多样性和复杂性,一般的振动台信号采集系统难以满足这样的多种动态信号同步采集要求。基于传感器融合技术和虚拟仪器技术,研发了一套适用于多种类型信号输入的动态信号同步采集系统,可实现80通道动态信号、18通道数字信号的同步采集、回放和频谱分析等功能,并具有界面友好、使用维护方便等特点。  相似文献   

地震数据采集是地震信号数字化必不可少的环节,动态范围是其一个重要的性能指标.实际地震信号的动态范围在160dB以上,而目前普遍使用的24位地震数据采集器动态范围相对较小且在50 Hz采样率时最大只达到135dB,致使24位地震数据采集器在实际使用中对小信号分辨率不够,不能有效提取地震信息;在大地震时又容易使数据采集器出现饱和限幅失真的现象而失去地震监测记录功能.本文针对在地震监测和地震研究中需要具有高分辨率和高动态范围的地震数据采集器这个亟待解决的问题,提出一种采用多通道AD转换器并行分级采集的方法,讨论了通道间失配及其标定.对研制实验样机的测试表明,其动态范围在50Hz采样时可以达到157dB以上,线性度优于0.005%.  相似文献   

In the simulation experiments of earthquakes in laboratory, the instability slip or rupture events are obtained through steady state loading to simulate earthquake processes. In the experiments, steady-state deformation and unstable sliding occur alternately. It is hard to determine the origin time and duration of the instability event of fault, and there may be many instability events in one experiment. Therefore, in order to ensure that sufficient data is obtained at the extremely short instability moment to analyze the mechanical process of the earthquake source, the data acquisition system is required to continuously collect data at high-speed from the beginning of the experiment until the end, and the lasting time can be more than ten hours, so it requires huge storage space. Although the upper frequency limit of the instability signal is unknown exactly, but the previous experiments have shown that the frequency of the signal will reach hundred to several kilohertz, so the sampling frequency of the data acquisition should be above megahertz. In this case of long-time continuous high-frequency data acquisition, it is still necessary to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, previous studies have proved that the source mechanics field has a complex spatial structure, which is difficult to describe with a few measuring points, and it is necessary to perform simultaneous measurements of the source mechanics field for dozens or more measuring points. The combination of long-term continuous recording, high-resolution high-frequency sampling and multi-point simultaneous measurement poses a huge challenge to the technical indicators of the observing system. With the method for composing distributed synchronous acquisition machine group by using multiple high-resolution high-frequency sampling computers, a super dynamic deformation measurement system of high signal-to-noise ratio, which features 64-channel, 16-bit resolution, 4MHz sampling frequency, and parallel continuous acquisition with tens of hours was developed. This system can realize the synchronous acquisition of various signals, such as strain, acoustic emission, electromagnetic waves and displacement, so it is convenient for analyzing the conversion relationship between various physical quantities.  相似文献   

基于小波变换的结构地震响应与能量计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多分辨分析可将地震信号分解到不同的频段。本文推导了运用多分辨分析计算多自由度体系地震响应的基本公式,讨论了各频段地震信号及结构响应的能量分配。最后,通过多自由度体系的算例验证了弹性体系在原始地震作用下的动力响应可以由该地震作用在时域的各小波分量的动力响应叠加而得,同时将高频抑制后的重构信号应用于近似模型的计算,并利用能量分析明确了地震信号与结构响应在各频段的能量分配。  相似文献   

三通道无线振动数据采集系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了一种采用无线方式进行数据传输的振动数据采集系统。在测量端使用低频拾振器拾取振动信号,并用模数转换器实现振动参数的模数转换,精度可达19.5mV。数字振动参数以无线的方式发射出去,在接收端应用远程可视化编程系统接收采集数据。系统对振动信号的采集及时准确,无线技术使得信号传输方便;远端可视化控制系统使振动数据采集、过程监控更加直观。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种采用大功率稳流发射、低噪声测量、宽频带接收以及分布式同步等技术,自主研制的分布式多功能电磁法仪器系统.系统包括大功率电磁法发射机、分布式电磁法接收机、磁场传感器、整流源等设备.采用ARM芯片和FPGA芯片进行发射机的整机控制和信号整形发射,采用PC104工控机和FPGA芯片进行接收机的整机控制和信号处理.在人工场源模式下实现了可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)、谱激电法(SIP)和时域激电法(TDIP)等测量功能;在天然场源模式下实现了大地电磁法(MT)、音频大地电磁法(AMT)的测量功能.发射机在满功率发射的情况下连续可靠运行时间大于12 h,接收机的动态范围大于120 dB,接收机可接收信号频率范围是0.001 Hz~32 kHz.通过典型矿区的野外实验和应用,表明本系统的性能总体上达到了国际先进水平.  相似文献   

Local and remote wind-coherent responses of sea surface heights (SSHs) off the US West Coast (USWC) are described with statistical and analytical models. The wind transfer functions are statistically derived from surface wind stress at National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoys, located within 50 km from the shoreline, and detided SSHs (SSH anomalies; SSHAs) at shoreline tide gauges for 15 years (1995 to 2009) using linear regression in the frequency domain. A two-dimensional analytical model constrained by the coastal boundary provides a dynamical framework to interpret the data-derived statistical model. Although both transfer functions agree well at low frequency [σ ≤ 0.4 cycles per day (cpd)], they appear to be inconsistent at high frequency (σ ≥ 0.8 cpd; e.g., diurnal and its harmonic frequencies) because of incoherent signals between wind stress and SSHAs as well as their low signal-to-noise ratios. A multivariate regression analysis using wind stress at multiple wind buoys is implemented with a modified expectation maximization. The cross-validated skill increases and becomes saturated as the number of regression basis functions increases, demonstrating the influence of local and remote winds. The skill computed from all available winds off the USWC has a maximum as 0.1 in southern California, 0.2 to 0.3 in central California, and 0.3 to 0.5 in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. The residual SSHAs, incoherent components with all available coastal wind stress off the USWC, still contain poleward propagating signals, considered as components forced by remote winds outside of the domain.  相似文献   

High Fidelity Vibratory Seismic (HFVS) acquisition and separation can play an important role in today's land acquisition schemes. The method – in which multiple vibrators are swept simultaneously using sweeps with known phase encoding and then the data are inverted and separated into individual records – can improve productivity in the field and at the same time improve signal characteristics in the data. It relies on the measured weighted sum of accelerations (base plate and reaction mass) to invert the acquired data and separate the individual vibrator responses. Separation can be sub-optimal if the measured motions vary from the 'true source' input into the ground. Differences in true source and measured source can arise due to poor coupling between vibrators and ground, soil compaction or other factors. Using both a synthetic model and real data, we show that if the true source changes between sweeps but is not measured, vibrator responses can leak into adjacent vibrator responses upon separation. In a recent survey with HFVS acquisition, we observed a 25–30 dB separation between adjacent vibrators, which could be improved with greater reliability of the source measurement. The vibrator leakage can reduce the data quality considerably. We discuss the results of this survey and show that separation is affected by source measurement error. Further, we conclude that it is necessary either 1) to use source measurements that can capture the variability of the true source between sweeps or 2) to compensate for the source measurement variations in processing or in acquisition.  相似文献   

全张量磁梯度数据具有高精度、高分辨率、多参量的优点,能更加清晰地刻画地质体的分布特征,综合利用磁张量梯度数据准确地获得地质体水平位置和深度信息是解释的主要目的.磁张量数据的方向解析信号具有减小倾斜磁化干扰的优点,常被用来圈定磁源体的水平位置,但解析信号强度随着地质体埋深的增加急剧衰减,难以有效识别较深的地质体.张量数据均衡边界识别技术,利用不同方向解析信号的比值函数,能有效地均衡不同深度地质体的响应,同时显示不同深度地质体的边界,提高了对较深地质体的分辨率.磁张量数据深度成像技术根据实测张量数据与假定模型张量数据的相关系数来给定地质体的深度,综合利用多参量数据联合反演提高了反演结果的准确性,且无需进行复杂的反演运算,是大数据量张量数据解释的有效方法.理论模型试验证明:磁张量数据均衡边界识别技术可清晰和准确地识别地质体的水平范围,受倾斜磁化干扰小;磁张量数据深度成像技术可准确地获得地质体的深度信息,具有较强的抗噪性.将上述方法应用于铁矿区实测航磁张量梯度数据解释,获得了铁矿体水平分布与埋深,深度结果与张量欧拉反褶积法计算结果一致.  相似文献   

In order to deconvolve the ghost response from marine seismic data, an estimate of the ghost operator is required. Typically, this estimate is made using a model of in‐plane propagation, i.e., the ray path at the receiver falls in the vertical plane defined by the source and receiver locations. Unfortunately, this model breaks down when the source is in a crossline position relative to the receiver spread. In this situation, in‐plane signals can only exist in a small region of the signal cone. In this paper, we use Bayes' theory to model the posterior probability distribution functions for the vertical component of the ray vector given the known source–receiver azimuth and the measured inline component of the ray vector. This provides a model for the ghost delay time based on the acquisition geometry and the dip of the wave in the plane of the streamer. The model is fairly robust with regard to the prior assumptions and controlled by a single parameter that is related to the likelihood of in‐plane propagation. The expected values of the resulting distributions are consistent with the deterministic in‐plane model when in‐plane likelihood is high but valid everywhere in the signal cone. Relaxing the in‐plane likelihood to a reasonable degree radically simplifies the shape of the expected‐value surface, lending itself for use in deghosting algorithms. The model can also be extended to other plane‐wave processing problems such as interpolation.  相似文献   

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