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利用WRF-Chem模拟研究了植被覆盖率和风速对内蒙古地区一次沙尘过程起沙、输送及沙尘粒径分布的量化影响。同时基于内蒙古地区119个国家站1991—2020年沙尘日数据及中国全球大气再分析数据统计了内蒙古地区1991—2020年沙尘天气频数、风速及植被覆盖率时空分布。结果表明,内蒙古地区1991—2020年沙尘天气频数减小,植被覆盖增加,纬向(经向)风在内蒙古沙尘多发区显著减小。植被覆盖增加对沙尘的影响强于风速减小:植被覆盖率增加5%与风速减小30%对起沙的削减相当,且植被和风速均对沙源地小粒径沙尘的削减作用更强。因此植树造林可以选在细沙粒为主的半荒漠化地区优先开始,在保护原生植被和合理利用水资源的基础上,植树造林最终使植被覆盖率增加10%~15%即可。  相似文献   

康丽泰  陈思宇 《中国沙漠》2017,37(2):321-331
选取中国北方地区2012年4月22-24日的一次沙尘天气过程,综合分析了多种地面与卫星观测资料,并在此基础上采用WRF-Chem模式(Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry)对本次沙尘天气过程的起沙和传输进行数值模拟,并与卫星遥感、地面激光雷达等观测数据进行对比验证。结果表明:此次过程是由地面冷锋和高空短波槽共同作用引起的。WRF-Chem模式模拟结果较好再现了此次沙尘过程的时空分布特征,与地面观测的沙尘天气发生地点基本一致。沙尘天气发生前后,地面观测站各气象要素有明显变化,表现出大风、降温、正变压。WRF-Chem模式模拟的气温和湿度变化趋势与观测基本一致。地面观测得到的PM10质量浓度与消光系数在沙尘过程期间均上升达到高值,模拟能够很好地反映PM10质量浓度的整体变化趋势,但峰值低于观测结果。采用HYSPLIT模式进行后向轨迹模拟,进一步表明本次沙尘过程的源地主要为塔克拉玛干沙漠与古尔班通古特沙漠。前向轨迹模拟结果表明沙尘传输路径自新疆起始,途经内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏、陕西。  相似文献   

东亚沙尘源地、沙尘输送路径的遥感研究   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:27  
东亚沙尘灾害严重影响东亚各国的生态环境 ,在源地大量侵蚀表层土壤 ,在输送过程中严重污染大气环境质量。此外 ,作为气溶胶 ,对区域辐射平衡和天气系统产生重大影响。本文利用 Sea Wi FS遥感数据分析了东亚沙尘灾害的源地、沙尘输送路径 ,结果显示 :东亚沙尘的三个主要源地是蒙古的戈壁、内蒙古中西部的沙漠戈壁和塔克拉玛干沙漠。沙尘输送路径有北路、中路和南路三条 ,北路主要影响中国的东北地区 ,中路主要影响中国的华北地区 ,南路主要影响中国的华中、华东地区。通过遥感确定沙尘源地和沙尘输送路径对于东亚沙尘灾害的治理有指导意义 ,也是对沙尘大气模式的一种检验。  相似文献   

区域气候模式对中国沙尘天气气候特征的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄乾  姚素香  张耀存 《中国沙漠》2012,32(1):188-197
现有的沙尘天气数值预报模式多选用中尺度天气模式单向耦合起沙模式的方式,不适合用来模拟沙尘气溶胶的长距离输送过程,也无法研究沙尘气溶胶辐射效应对气象场的反馈及气候变化的影响。利用一个耦合沙尘模式的高分辨率区域气候模式,模拟了2001年中国北方沙尘天气爆发的时空分布特征。模拟结果与站点观测结果对比发现,模式能够较好地模拟出中国北方主要的沙尘源地分布及沙尘天气爆发的季节变率。分析不同粒径沙尘颗粒的垂直分布特征发现,沙源地表土壤粒子特征、地形对起沙颗粒的大小都有影响;直径超过5 μm的大粒子是北方沙尘天气的主要成分,而影响长江以南的沙尘天气主要以1 μm以下的小粒子为主。对沙尘传输路径的模拟结果和实况观测发现,来自于不同沙源的沙尘天气其影响的范围有显著差异,模式能够较好地模拟出中国主要沙尘传输路径。  相似文献   

利用WRF-chem模式耦合Shao04起沙参数化方案,研究了2015年内蒙古春季一次冷涡沙尘过程。对比分析模式模拟结果和Micaps、CLIPSO、PM10观测资料后发现,WRF-chem可以较好地刻画沙尘的水平和垂直输送。此次沙源地主要分布在蒙古国南部、内蒙古中部偏北区域和浑善达克沙地。蒙古国南部和内蒙古中部偏北区域最大起沙量分别为77.4 g·m-2和112.7 g·m-2,最大干沉降分别为253.2μg·m-2·s-1和427.2μg·m-2·s-1,内蒙古中部偏北区域的沙尘柱总量(87.3 g·m-2)大于蒙古国南部(41.3 g·m-2)。浑善达克沙地土壤干燥,所以沙尘排放量(215.6 g·m-2)、柱总量(132.7 g·m-2)、沉降速率(809.3μg·m-2·s-1)均较高。沙尘在锋...  相似文献   

起沙系数对沙尘数值模拟影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过综合考虑地表条件,如土地利用、土壤类型、植被覆盖与土壤湿度等,定义了起沙系数,用于改进沙尘数值预报模式中的起沙通量,为沙尘数值预报模式提供客观准确的地面起沙条件,提高了沙尘天气分布预报的准确率\.起沙风系数的引入能够对沙尘数值模拟产生较大的影响,若起沙系数中应用较高精度的土壤水分资料与土壤类型,将能更准确地反映起沙系数的作用。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风的年代际变率对中国气候的影响   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
利用NCEP的海平面气压 (SLP) 资料,按6月~8月10oN~50oN陆 (110oE)、海 (160oE) 气压差 ≤ -5 hPa的累计值代表夏季风强度。每年的值被1951~2000年50年平均值除作为夏季风指数 (SMI)。近50年的SMI序列表明有明显的年代际变化,1970年代中之前强夏季风年 (SMI > 1) 占优势,1976年开始均为弱夏季风年 (SMI < 1)。同时研究了SMI与中国夏季 (6月~8月) 降水量与平均气温的关系。发现夏季风强时中国东部华北多雨,长江少雨,同时长江到淮河气温高,但中国西部在夏季风强时南部多雨,北部少雨,气温为北高南低。夏季风弱时情况相反。同时指出,夏季风的年代际变化还影响到夏季风与中国气候的年际变化关系。  相似文献   

青藏高原毗邻全球大气污染物排放增长最快速的地区,受西风和南亚季风的影响,中亚、南亚等高原周边排放的污染物通过大气环流传输,进入高原并对其气候环境产生重要影响。观测事实表明:近几十年青藏高原东部和南部雪冰中黑碳含量呈显著上升趋势,这可能导致冰川加速融化和积雪持续时间缩短,最终影响青藏高原的水循环过程。前人对青藏高原黑碳的外源输送,特别是南亚大气污染物的贡献及其对高原气候、冰冻圈变化的影响,还没有较清晰和统一的认识。青藏高原污染物定点监测网络的发展及高分辨率区域气候—大气化学模式的应用,为定量评估高原污染物外源输送及气候效应提供了契机。本文在国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“南亚黑碳气溶胶跨境传输及其对青藏高原气候影响的数值模拟研究”的资助下,在以下三个方面取得了进展:①系统性论证了高分辨率区域气候—大气化学模式在高原的适用性,模拟了青藏高原及周边区域黑碳时空分布、传输和沉降过程;②揭示了污染物扩散的机制,评估了大气黑碳的气候及雪冰效应,并对比了自然源粉尘和人为源黑碳对青藏高原气候的影响;③定量估算了不同区域排放对高原黑碳外源输送的贡献率,其中来自南亚的黑碳对青藏高原外源输送的贡献率最高,在非季风期为61.3%,季风期为19.4%。本文揭示了外源输送黑碳对青藏高原气候的影响,为提高一带一路核心区冰冻圈与水资源的管理及预测能力,制定应对环境变化策略及国家气候外交谈判提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中国北方沙尘天气的气候条件   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
翟盘茂  李晓燕 《地理学报》2003,58(Z1):125-131
利用1954~2000年全国700多个测站的气象资料分析了近50年来我国沙尘暴和扬沙天气的季节变化和年际变化特征,特别着重分析了大风、降水等气象要素对沙尘天气形成的影响.结果表明:我国的沙尘天气受到多种气候要素的综合影响,西北地区和内蒙古西部沙尘多发区的沙尘天气频数受气象条件影响最为显著;风速、湿度在沙尘天气的季节变化中影响最大,降水在沙尘天气的年际变化中影响最大.上一年夏季的降水对春季的沙尘天气具有一定的预报意义.  相似文献   

温室气体诱导的渐变气候效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵凤生  石广玉 《地理学报》1995,50(5):430-438
本文设计了一个能量平衡模式和改进的箱室扩散海洋模式的耦合模式,模拟了大气中CO2浓度突然加倍和近百年来由于大气中温室气体浓度增加引起的全球地表气温变化,说细地讨论了海洋对全球气温变化的延缓作用,并对下一世纪大气中CO2浓度变化春诱导的全球地表温变化进行了数值公式。  相似文献   

A regional climate model, RegCM3, coupled with an online dust module, is used to simulate the radiative forcing (RF) and temperature response of dust aerosols over East Asia in the latest decade (2000–2009). The simulation results show that the geographical and seasonal differences of dust aerosols distribution over East Asia are obvious. There exist two extremes of dust aerosols with column burden (CB) greater than 1,000 mg/m2; one is in the Taklimakan Desert of the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, China, and the other is in the Badain Jaran Desert of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, China. The maximum value of CB appears in spring, the secondary maximum in winter, and the minimum in autumn. The RF of dust aerosols has distribution characteristics similar to CB. The regional averaged RF over East Asia at the top of atmosphere (TOARF) is ?1.72 W/m2 in spring and ?1.17 W/m2 in autumn, and that at the surface (SURRF) is ?4.34 W/m2 in spring and ?2.33 W/m2 in autumn. The temperature at the surface is decreased by dust aerosols; the regional averaged temperature decrease over East Asia is 0.154 °C in spring and 0.085 °C in autumn. There are different impacts of dust aerosols on air temperature at different heights. The air temperature is decreased by dust aerosols in the lower troposphere, but the extent of the decrease diminishes with increasing height. The air temperature is in fact increased by dust aerosols at the height of 300–400 hPa in spring, which is greatly different from that in autumn.  相似文献   

2021年3月中旬,东亚中部包括中国北方大部分地区,爆发了持续性的沙尘天气,引发了人们对于沙尘源区、防风固沙生态建设工程效益的高度关注.提出了一个新的地表起尘量估算方法,使用高精度、大范围的气象数据,计算了这次沙尘天气的地面起沙条件、大风过程中的输沙状况,估算了不同时刻的起尘量,获得了14、15日蒙古和中国北方荒漠地区...  相似文献   

A regional climate model (RegCM3), coupled with an online dust module, is used to simulate the spatio-temporal distribution and emission flux of dust aerosol (smaller than 20 μm in diameter) over East Asia in the period from 2000 to 2009. The model performance is firstly evaluated against available observations. Simulation results show that the model can capture the characteristics of spatio-temporal distribution of dust aerosol very well over East Asia. There always exist two extremes of dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) and column burden (CB), one is in the Taklimakan Desert of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, and the other is in the Badain Jaran Desert of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, China. The maximum value of CB appears in spring, secondary maximum in winter and minimum in autumn. To the east of 110°E, dust is transported eastward from a maximum center at a height of 700 hPa over the East Asian continent. Dust emission sources are mainly located in the Taklimakan Desert, Badain Jaran Desert, North Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Southwest Mongolia. There is also an obvious seasonal variation of dust emission flux (EF). Annual mean dust EF is 1,015.34 mg/(m 2 ·d), of which 62.4% and 2.3% are re-deposited onto the East Asian continent through a dry and wet deposition process, respectively, and the remaining 35.3% is injected into the atmosphere or subject to long-range transport.  相似文献   

The impact of the northward jump and westward movement of the East Asian westerly jet core from the western Pacific Ocean to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on precipitation distribution of eastern China is studied. It is concluded that on the one hand, the northward jump of the jet causes the precipitation belt to move northward from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley and withdraw during the Mei-yu season; on the other hand, the westward movement of the jet core has no correspondence with withdrawal of the Mei-yu season. However, the earlier or later occurrence of the westward movement of the jet has an influence on the process of the rain belt moving northward than the northward jump of the jet: the rain belt moves northward from the middle-lower Yangtze River valley to the Huaihe River and then to an area between the Yellow River and Huaihe River during years when the time of the westward movement of the jet core is later than that of the northward jump of the jet and from the middle-lower Yangtze River valley to an area between the Yellow River and Huaihe River in other years. Further analysis shows that: (1) The northward jump of the jet and the westward movement of the East Asian westerly jet core causes significant variation of the general atmospheric circulation in middle latitudes and water vapor transport from the western Pacific, but not from the Bay of Bengal. (2) Impact of the northward jump and the westward movement of the East Asian westerly jet core on circulation are different, therefore, water vapor transport from the western Pacific and its impact on the rain belt are different. The earlier or later occurrence of the westward movement of the jet core than the northward jump of the jet causes the process of circulation and water vapor transport to be different which produces a different process of the rain belt moving northward.  相似文献   

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