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核幔界面反极性磁斑区和地磁场倒转   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用国际参考地磁场模型IGRF1900-2000,在忽略地幔电导率的假设下,求出从地球表面直至核幔界面(CMB)的深部地磁场分布.核幔界面磁场分布的重要特点之一是存在几块“反极性磁斑区”,即在南半球-Z(向上)极性区的总体背景上有两块东西排列的+Z反极性磁斑区──南非斑区(SAF)和南美斑区(SAM),而在北半球+Z(向下)极性区的总体背景上也有两块-Z反极性磁斑区──北极斑区(NPL)和北太平洋斑区(NPA).在1900~2000年的100a当中,南非斑区以0.2~0.3°/a的速度快速向西漂移,斑区面积增大了5倍,通过斑区的磁通量急剧增长了30倍.与此相比,其他斑区的变化要小得多.从CMB向上延伸,反极性斑区在地幔中形成烟筒状的“反极性磁柱”,其中南非反极性柱的高度随时间快速增加,从1900年的200km增加到2000年的900km.按照目前的增长速度估计,600~700a后,南非反极性柱将出露地表,那时,在南非将形成一个地磁场反极性区,这可能标志着一次新的地磁极移或地磁场倒转的开始.由此可以推论,地磁场倒转可能不是全球同时开始和同步发展的,倒转现象更象是首先在一个(或几个)区域出现,然后向周围扩展,继而  相似文献   

地球基本磁场的形成与变化的探讨   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文在铁磁体假说的基础上,探讨地球基本磁场的形成与变化的原因.地球的偶极磁场是由于地球的回转和内核中特殊的磁化环境,使内核中心形成的饱和磁化的永磁球体(即磁核)产生的,磁核的大小和温度负相关.地球的非偶极磁场,由外核内几个可确定的磁偶极子产生,这些磁偶极子,是外核中液态金属的流动,切割磁核的磁场而产生的涡流形成的.  相似文献   

考虑到内地核较小(其半径为外核的1/3),许多地球发电机模型将内核完全忽略(Hollerbach et al.,1992),要不然就将其处理为不导电的绝缘体( Zhang and Busse,1990;Glatzmaier and Roberts,待出版)。在我们以前的稳态模型(Holler-bach and Jones,1993)中,普考虑了有限导电内地核的某些效应,尤其是引起内外核之间的电磁耦  相似文献   

地球磁场多次发生南北(正负)磁极位置的变换和白垩纪超静磁带(CNS)的异常现象,这已为大家所公认.但造成这种异常现象的原因,则是迄今未能很好解答的一个难题. 应用非线性理论对地球磁极倒转和白垩纪超静磁带进行了分析, 认为超静磁带事件意味着地球核幔相互作用和外核流体运动可能处于能量最低的状态,地球磁场系统通过不断地与外界交换物质和能量,维持一种空间或时间的有序结构.在121~83Ma期间,无外星撞击地球引起地磁极性倒转,可能是白垩纪超静磁带出现的原因之一.地球磁场极性的随机倒转具有混沌运动的自逆转特性,混沌理论给地磁极性倒转提出了一个简明的动力机制解释.  相似文献   

古地磁学使用的虚地磁极(VGP)是在地心偶极磁场假设下计算的,由于地球非偶极磁场的存在,VGP一般不同于真地磁极(RGP).为了定量检验非偶极磁场对VGP的影响,本文利用国际参考地磁场模型IGRF 1900~2000,在全球5°×5°的“虚拟测点”网格上计算了VGP和RGP的位置,并求出两种磁极的经纬度偏差和二者的角距离.结果表明,南极地区VGP与GP的角距离最大,可达26°,南大西洋和欧亚大陆北部最大达到24°和18°,其余地区一般小于15°.VGP对RGP的偏差与地磁场分布有关:在非偶极磁场较弱的地区(如太平洋半球),纬度偏差一般不大(≤10°),但是在主要地磁异常区(如南大西洋和南极地区),VGP对RGP的纬度偏差可达25°.VGP对RGP的经度偏差要比纬度偏差大得多,例如在欧亚大陆北部地区,经度偏差分布在-180°到180°的大范围内.  相似文献   

加热环境对人工合成磁赤铁矿热磁行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
热磁测量,包括高温磁化率和高温磁化强度测量,是根据热磁曲线转折点的温度(居里点、尼尔点或相变点)鉴定样品中磁性矿物种类的有效方法.本文选取两个人工合成磁赤铁矿样品,利用四种热磁测量仪器分析不同的条件下测得的热磁曲线.依据样品与空气接触程度,将测量环境设为开放、封闭、封闭(通入氩气或氮气)三类.结果表明:热磁测量环境的开放程度对居里点和曲线可逆程度产生极大的影响.封闭环境下测得的居里点较开放环境下的低,分别对应磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿;开放系统的热磁曲线不可逆程度高于封闭系统.造成这些差异的原因是氧化还原条件的不同.本文的磁赤铁矿样品在封闭的条件下,加热至250 ℃左右开始转化为磁铁矿,因此无法通过居里点被正确识别;在开放的氧化环境下,加热的最终产物为赤铁矿,能够测得正确的居里点.本实验结果启发人们:在不同的加热环境下,磁性矿物可能表现出不同的热磁行为,根据单一的热磁曲线,很容易对样品中磁性矿物的种类造成误判.全面对比不同条件下的测量结果,才能够得出更为准确的结果.  相似文献   

地磁极章动是一个与地磁场起源和古地磁学中的轴向地心偶极子假说直接有关的问题。对于这一问题的研究,存在着各种不同的观点。本文采用了与上述研究者不同的方法,求出了近两千年来地磁极的章动轨迹。 一、方法 按一般的做法,只有在某个地点的磁倾角和磁偏角皆为已知的情况下才能求出当时的地磁极位置。但是,由于可供测量偏角的标本远比可供测量倾角的标本为罕见,因此,目前得  相似文献   

关于西沙海槽正磁异常带的地球物理认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部西沙海槽存在东西向正磁异常带,长约350 km,前人推测为基性或超基性物质反磁化的反映.通过对西沙海槽大比例尺高精度航磁资料分带化极处理和反演拟合,发现西沙海槽正磁异常带由海槽北缘隐伏强磁性体斜磁化引起.磁性体埋深超过9 km,推测是残留洋壳(蛇绿岩),为海南岛昌江—琼海断裂带或海南岛九所—陵水断裂带所代表的缝合带在南海北部的延伸段.  相似文献   

The International Geomagnetic Reference Field models (IGRF) for 1900–2000 are used to calculate the geomagnetic field distribution in the Earth’ interior from the ground surface to the core-mantle boundary (CMB) under the assumption of insulated mantle. Four reversed polarity patches, as one of the most important features of the CMB field, are revealed. Two patches with +Z polarity (downward) at the southern African and the southern American regions stand out against the background of ™Z polarity (upward) in the southern hemisphere, and two patches of ™Z polarity at the North Polar and the northern Pacific regions stand out against the +Z background in the northern hemisphere. During the 1900–2000 period the southern African (SAF) patch has quickly drifted westward at a speed of 0.20–.3° /a; meanwhile its area has expanded 5 times, and the magnetic flux crossing the area has intensified 30 times. On the other hand, other three patches show little if any change during this 100-year period. Extending upward, each of the reversed polarity patches at the CMB forms a chimney-shaped “reversed polarity column” in the mantle with the bottom at the CMB. The height of the SAF column has grown rapidly from 200km in 1900 to 900km in 2000. If the column grows steadily at the same rate in the future, its top will reach to the ground surface in 600–700 years. And then a reversed polarity patch will be observed at the Earth’s surface, which will be an indicator of the beginning of a magnetic field reversal. On the basis of this study, one can describe the process of a geomagnetic polarity reversal, the polarity reversal may be observed firstly in one or several local regions; then the areas of these regions expand, and at the same time, other new reversed polarity regions may appear. Thus several poles may exist during a polarity reversal.  相似文献   

Polarity zones of sedimentary sections reflect a pattern of alternating polarity of the geomagnetic field recorded by the remanent magnetization of rocks. Unfortunately, this pattern can have been modified by the variable sedimentation rate, which complicates the identification of polarity zones against the reference geomagnetic polarity time scale. To avoid this obstacle, the present paper suggests a transform applied to both the sequence of levels of polarity reversal horizons and the sequence of ages of polarity reversals before computing their cross-correlation. This transform usually reduces the impact of the variable sedimentation rate so that a sequence of more than eight polarity reversal horizons may be identified without biostratigraphic constraints. Numerical experiments involving random processes to simulate both the duration of polarity reversals and the sedimentation rate proved, however, that not all the parts of a hypothetical stratigraphic section spanning the past 165 Ma would be equally suitable for dating by magnetic polarity stratigraphy. A program performing both the compilation of polarity zones from the directions of the primary magnetization sampled along a section and subsequent identification of these polarity zones is made available online.  相似文献   

A statistical model for the quick reversals during a geomagnetic pole transition is put forward by combining the modern geomagnetic field and paleomagnetic field. The decrease of geomagnetic intensity determines the reversals, and the quick reversals are possibly caused by the interaction between g01 and the other geomagnetic components.  相似文献   

本文通过对 D 磁变仪的定向讨论和实验发现, D 磁变仪可在 Z 仪等固定铁磁影响环境中, 直接用“扭头正反向对称法”定向, 且无须再做任何改正。其定向结果在某种意义上较在无磁环境中定向后再做 Z 磁系等影响改正的方法可靠。  相似文献   


The geomagnetic field and its frequent polarity reversals are generally attributed to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes in the Earth's metallic and fluid core. But it is difficult to identify convincingly any MHD timescales with that over which the reversals occur. Moreover, the geological record indicates that the intervals between the consecutive reversals have varied widely. In addition, there have been superchrons when the reversals have been frequent, and at least two, and perhaps three, 35-70 Myr long superchrons when they were almost totally absent. The evaluation of these long-term variations in the palaeogeophysical record can provide crucial constraints on theories of geomagnetism, but it has generally been limited to only the directional or polarity data. It is shown here that the correlation of the palaeogeomagnetic field strength with the field's protracted stability during a fixed polarity superchron provides such a constraint. In terms of a strong field dynamo model it leads to the speculation that the magnetic Reynolds number, and the toroidal field, increase substantially during a superchron of frequent reversals.  相似文献   

设想地磁观测室墙体和屋顶均采用没有任何磁性的木材作为主要建筑材料,无任何金属构件,采用木工工艺和竹钉进行加固。按此思路进行地磁观测室的建设实践和研究,探索出一定技术对策用以解决施工难题,并以此指导建成无磁、结实、美观、抗震、符合地磁观测规范要求的地磁观测室,为地磁观测室建设开辟一条新途径,可在类似台站推广应用。  相似文献   

本文由外斯的分子场理论推出:铁磁物质的居里点要随压强的变化而变化,地球的内核会因受到巨大的压强使居里点提高,超过内核的温度而保持铁磁性,为地磁成因的铁磁体假说找到了依据.  相似文献   

地磁倒转与生物灭绝因果关系研究五十年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
魏勇  万卫星 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3841-3850
地磁场源于地球内部的地核发电机,经由近3000 km厚的地幔和地壳到达地面,穿过生物圈、大气层和电离层后延展至太空形成磁层.地磁场对生物圈有双重保护作用:阻挡了高能粒子向内入侵,也避免了氧和水等挥发性物质向外逃逸.尽管地磁场在几十亿年的时间里帮助维持了地球的宜居性,人们仍认为地磁倒转所导致的保护作用削弱会给生物圈带来深刻的负面影响,甚至是生物灭绝.本文梳理地磁倒转与生物灭绝因果关系研究的五十年发展历程,结合历史背景评介早期"一对一"假说的得与失,并着重阐述空间环境变化在最新提出的"多对一"假说中的重要作用.这些研究成果已经清晰地说明,从地核到磁层的地球各圈层是一个耦合的复杂系统,地球演化中的重大事件应当从地球系统科学的角度来看待,并借助比较行星学来研究和理解.  相似文献   

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