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We investigate the properties of clusters of galaxies in the ΛCDM models with a step-like initial power spectrum. We examine the mass function, the peculiar velocities and the power spectrum of clusters in models with different values of the density parameter Ω0, the normalized Hubble constant h and the spectral parameter p that describes the shape of the initial power spectrum. The results are compared with observations. We also investigate the rms bulk velocity in the models, where the properties of clusters are consistent with the observed data. We find that the power spectrum of clusters is in good agreement with the observed power spectrum of the Abell–ACO clusters if the spectral parameter p is in the range p =0.6–0.8. The power spectrum and the rms peculiar velocity of clusters are consistent with observations only if Ω0<0.4 . The models with Ω0=0.3 are consistent with the observed properties of clusters if h =0.50–0.63. For h =0.65, we find that Ω0=0.20–0.27.  相似文献   

The number density of rich galaxy clusters still provides the most robust way of normalizing the power spectrum of dark matter perturbations on scales relevant to large-scale structure. We revisit this constraint in the light of several recent developments: (1) the availability of well-defined samples of local clusters with relatively accurate X-ray temperatures; (2) new theoretical mass functions for dark matter haloes, which provide a good fit to large numerical simulations; (3) more accurate mass–temperature relations from larger catalogues of hydrodynamical simulations; (4) the requirement to consider closed as well as open and flat cosmologies to obtain full multiparameter likelihood constraints for CMB and SNe studies. We present a new sample of clusters drawn from the literature and use this sample to obtain improved results on σ 8, the normalization of the matter power spectrum on scales of 8  h −1 Mpc, as a function of the matter density and cosmological constant in a universe with general curvature. We discuss our differences with previous work, and the remaining major sources of uncertainty. Final results on the normalization, approximately independent of power spectrum shape, can be expressed as constraints on σ at an appropriate cluster normalization scale R Cl. We provide fitting formulas for R Cl and σ ( R Cl) for general cosmologies, as well as for σ 8 as a function of cosmology and shape parameter Γ. For flat models we find approximately σ 8≃(0.495−0.037+0.034M−0.60 for Γ=0.23, where the error bar is dominated by uncertainty in the mass–temperature relation.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the clustering properties of galaxies in the field of redshift range 0.5 ≲ z ≲ 1.5 Ultra Steep Spectrum radio sources selected from the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey and the National Radio Astronomy Observatories Very Large Array Sky Survey. Galaxies in these USS fields were identified in deep near-infrared observations, complete down to   K s= 20  , using the IRIS2 instrument at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. We used the redshift distribution of   K s < 20  galaxies taken from Cimatti et al. (2002) to constrain the correlation length r 0. We find a strong correlation signal of galaxies with   K s < 20  around our USS sample. A comoving correlation length   r 0= 14.0 ± 2.8  h −1 Mpc  and γ= 1.98 ± 0.15 are derived in a flat cosmological model universe.
We compare our findings with those obtained in a cosmological N -body simulation populated with galform semi-analytic galaxies. We find that clusters of galaxies with masses in the range   M = 1013.4–14.2  h −1 M  have a cluster–galaxy cross-correlation amplitude comparable to those found between the USS hosts and galaxies. These results suggest that distant radio galaxies are excellent tracers of galaxy overdensities and pinpoint the progenitors of present day rich clusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

We measure the matter power spectrum from 31 Lyα spectra spanning the redshift range of 1.6–3.6. The optical depth, τ, for Lyα absorption of the intergalactic medium is obtained from the flux using the inversion method of Nusser & Haehnelt. The optical depth is converted to density by using a simple power-law relation,  τ∝ (1 +δ)α  . The non-linear 1D power spectrum of the gas density is then inferred with a method that makes simultaneous use of the one- and two-point statistics of the flux and compared against theoretical models with a likelihood analysis. A cold dark matter model with standard cosmological parameters fits the data well. The power-spectrum amplitude is measured to be (assuming a flat Universe),  σ8= (0.92 ± 0.09) × (Ωm/0.3)−0.3  , with α varying in the range of 1.56–1.8 with redshift. Enforcing the same cosmological parameters in all four redshift bins, the likelihood analysis suggests some evolution in the temperature–density relation and the thermal smoothing length of the gas. The inferred evolution is consistent with that expected if reionization of He  ii occurred at   z ∼ 3.2  . A joint analysis with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe results together with a prior on the Hubble constant as suggested by the Hubble Space Telescope key project data, yields values of Ωm and σ8 that are consistent with the cosmological concordance model. We also perform a further inversion to obtain the linear 3D power spectrum of the matter density fluctuations.  相似文献   

Using the ray-bundle method for calculating gravitational lens magnifications, we outline a method by which the magnification probability may be determined specifically in the weak lensing limit for cosmological models obtained from N -body simulations.
16 different models are investigated, which are variations on three broad classes of cold dark matter model: the standard model with  (Ω0, λ 0)=(1.0,0.0)  , the open model with  (Ω0, λ 0)=(0.3,0.0)  and the lambda model, which is a flat model with a cosmological constant  (Ω0, λ 0)=(0.3,0.7)  .
The effects of varying the Hubble parameter, H 0, the power spectrum shape parameter, Γ, and the cluster mass normalization, σ 8, are studied. It is shown that there is no signature of these parameters in the weak lensing magnification distributions. The magnification probability distributions are also shown to be independent of the numerical parameters such as the lens mass and simulation box size in the N -body simulations.  相似文献   

We find the nine bulk flow and shear moments from the SFI++ survey, as well as for subsamples of group and field galaxies. We constrain the velocity power spectrum shape parameter Γ in linear theory using these moments. A likelihood function for Γ was found after marginalizing over the power spectrum amplitude  σ8Ω0.6m  using constraints obtained from comparisons between redshift surveys and peculiar velocity data. We have estimated the velocity noise  σ*  from the data since without it our results may be biased. We also performed a statistical analysis of the difference between the field and group catalogues and found that the results from each reflect the same underlying large-scale flows. We found that we can constrain the power spectrum shape parameter to be  Γ= 0.15+0.18−0.08  for the groups catalogue and  Γ= 0.09+0.04−0.04  for the field galaxy catalogue in fair agreement with the value from Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe .  相似文献   

We present a direct detection of the growth of large-scale structure, using weak gravitational lensing and photometric redshift data from the COMBO-17 survey. We use deep R -band imaging of two  0.5 × 0.5 deg2  fields, affording shear estimates for over 52 000 galaxies; we combine these with photometric redshift estimates from our 17-band survey, in order to obtain a 3D shear field. We find theoretical models for evolving matter power spectra and correlation functions, and fit the corresponding shear correlation functions to the data as a function of redshift. We detect the evolution of the power at the 4.7σ level given reasonable priors, and measure the rate of evolution for  0 < z < 1  . We also fit correlation functions to our 3D data as a function of cosmological parameters σ8 and  ΩΛ  . We find joint constraints on  ΩΛ  and σ8, demonstrating an improvement in accuracy by ≃40 per cent over that available from 2D weak lensing for the same area.  相似文献   

We make use of three-dimensional clustering analysis, inertia tensor methods, and the minimal spanning tree technique to estimate some physical and statistical characteristics of the large-scale galaxy distribution and, in particular, of the sample of overdense regions seen in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). Our investigation provides additional evidence for a network of structures found in our core sampling analysis of the LCRS : a system of rich sheet-like structures, which in turn surround large underdense regions criss-crossed by a variety of filamentary structures.
We find that the overdense regions contain ∼40–50 per cent of LCRS galaxies and have proper sizes similar to those of nearby superclusters. The formation of such structures can be roughly described as a non-linear compression of protowalls of typical cross-sectional size ∼ 20–25  h −1 Mpc; this scale is ∼5 times the conventional value for the onset of non-linear clustering – to wit, r 0, the autocorrelation length for galaxies.
The comparison with available simulations and theoretical estimates shows that the formation of structure elements with parameters similar to those observed is presently possible only in low-density cosmological models, Ωm h ∼0.2–0.3, with a suitable large-scale bias between galaxies and dark matter.  相似文献   

The plethora of recent cosmologically relevant data has indicated that our Universe is very well fitted by a standard Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) model, with     and  ΩΛ≈ 0.73  – or, more generally, by nearly flat FLRW models with parameters close to these values. Additional independent cosmological information, particularly the maximum of the angular-diameter (observer area) distance and the redshift at which it occurs, would improve and confirm these results, once sufficient precise Type Ia supernovae data in the range  1.5 < z < 1.8  become available. We obtain characteristic FLRW-closed functional forms for   C = C ( z )  and     , the angular-diameter distance and the density per source counted, respectively, when  Λ≠ 0  , analogous to those we have for  Λ= 0  . More importantly, we verify that for flat FLRW models z max– as is already known but rarely recognized – the redshift of C max, the maximum of the angular-diameter distance, uniquely gives  ΩΛ  , the amount of vacuum energy in the universe, independent of H 0, the Hubble parameter. For non-flat models, determination of both z max and C max gives both  ΩΛ  and ΩM, the amount of matter in the universe, as long as we know H 0 independently. Finally, determination of C max automatically gives a very simple observational criterion for whether or not the universe is flat – presuming that it is FLRW.  相似文献   

We investigate the large-scale clustering of radio sources in the FIRST 1.4-GHz survey by analysing the distribution function ( counts in cells ). We select a reliable sample from the the FIRST catalogue, paying particular attention to the problem of how to define single radio sources from the multiple components listed. We also consider the incompleteness of the catalogue. We estimate the angular two-point correlation function w (θ), the variance Ψ2 and skewness Ψ3 of the distribution for the various subsamples chosen on different criteria. Both w (θ) and Ψ2 show power-law behaviour with an amplitude corresponding to a spatial correlation length of r 0 ∼ 10  h −1Mpc. We detect significant skewness in the distribution, the first such detection in radio surveys. This skewness is found to be related to the variance through Ψ3 =  S 32)α, with α = 1.9 ± 0.1, consistent with the non-linear gravitational growth of perturbations from primordial Gaussian initial conditions. We show that the amplitude of variance and the skewness are consistent with realistic models of galaxy clustering.  相似文献   

We test an analytic model for the two-point correlations of galaxy clusters in redshift space using the Hubble volume N -body simulations. The correlation function of clusters shows no enhancement along the line of sight, owing to the lack of any virialized structures in the cluster distribution. However, the distortion of the clustering pattern arising from coherent bulk motions is clearly visible. The distribution of cluster peculiar motions is well described by a Gaussian, except in the extreme high-velocity tails. The simulations produce a small but significant number of clusters with large peculiar motions. The form of the redshift-space power spectrum is strongly influenced by errors in measured cluster redshifts in extant surveys. When these errors are taken into account, the model reproduces the power spectrum recovered from the simulation to an accuracy of 15 per cent or better over a decade in wavenumber. We compare our analytic predictions with the power spectrum measured from the APM cluster redshift survey. The cluster power spectrum constrains the amplitude of density fluctuations, as measured by the linear rms variance in spheres of radius 8  h −1 Mpc, denoted by σ 8. When combined with the constraints on σ 8 and the density parameter Ω derived from the local abundance of clusters, we find a best-fitting cold dark matter model with     and     , for a power spectrum shape that matches that measured for galaxies. However, for the best-fitting value of Ω and given the value of Hubble's constant from recent measurements, the assumed shape of the power spectrum is incompatible with the most readily motivated predictions from the cold dark matter paradigm.  相似文献   

A key prediction of cosmological theories for the origin and evolution of structure in the Universe is the existence of a 'Doppler peak' in the angular power spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations. We present new results from a study of recent CMB observations which provide the first strong evidence for the existence of a 'Doppler peak' localized in both angular scale and amplitude. This first estimate of the angular position of the peak is used to place a new direct limit on the curvature of the Universe, corresponding to a density of Ω = 0.7+0.8−0.5, consistent with a flat universe. Very low-density 'open' universe models are inconsistent with this limit unless there is a significant contribution from a cosmological constant. For a flat standard cold dark matter dominated universe we use our results in conjunction with big bang nucleosynthesis constraints to determine the value of the Hubble constant as H 0 = 30 − 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 for baryon fractions Ωb = 0.05 to 0.2. For H 0 = 50 km s−1 Mpc−1 we find the primordial spectral index of the fluctuations to be n  = 1.1 ± 0.1, in close agreement with the inflationary prediction of n  ≃ 1.0.  相似文献   

We constrain the velocity power spectrum shape parameter Γ in linear theory using the nine bulk flow and shear moments estimated from four recent peculiar velocity surveys. For each survey, a likelihood function for Γ was found after marginalizing over the power spectrum amplitude  σ8Ω0.6m  using constraints obtained from comparisons between redshift surveys and peculiar velocity data. In order to maximize the accuracy of our analyses, the velocity noise σ* was estimated directly for each survey. A statistical analysis of the differences between the values of the moments estimated from different surveys showed consistency with theoretical predictions, suggesting that all the surveys investigated reflect the same large-scale flows. The peculiar velocity surveys were combined into a composite survey yielding the constraint  Γ= 0.13+0.09−0.05  . This value is lower than, but consistent with, values obtained using redshift surveys and cosmic microwave background data.  相似文献   

We study the geometry and topology of the large-scale structure traced by galaxy clusters in numerical simulations of a box of side 320 h −1 Mpc, and compare them with available data on real clusters. The simulations we use are generated by the Zel'dovich approximation, using the same methods as we have used in the first three papers in this series. We consider the following models to see if there are measurable differences in the topology and geometry of the superclustering they produce: (i) the standard cold dark matter model (SCDM); (ii) a CDM model with Ω0 = 0.2 (OCDM); (iii) a CDM model with a 'tilted' power spectrum having n  = 0.7 (TCDM); (iv) a CDM model with a very low Hubble constant, h  = 0.3 (LOWH); (v) a model with mixed CDM and HDM (CHDM); (vi) a flat low-density CDM model with Ω0 = 0.2 and a non-zero cosmological Λ term (ΛCDM). We analyse these models using a variety of statistical tests based on the analysis of: (i) the Euler–Poincaré characteristic; (ii) percolation properties; (iii) the minimal spanning tree construction. Taking all these tests together we find that the best-fitting model is ΛCDM and, indeed, the others do not appear to be consistent with the data. Our results demonstrate that despite their biased and extremely sparse sampling of the cosmological density field, it is possible to use clusters to probe subtle statistical diagnostics of models, which go far beyond the low-order correlation functions usually applied to study superclustering.  相似文献   

We present ROSAT [High Resolution Imager (HRI) and Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC)] and ASCA observations of the two luminous ( L x ∼ 1041−42 erg s−1) star-forming galaxies NGC 3310 and 3690. The HRI shows clearly that the sources are extended with the X-ray emission in NGC 3690 coming from at least three regions. The combined 0.1–10 keV spectrum of NGC 3310 can be described by two components, a Raymond–Smith plasma with temperature kT  = 0.81+0.09−0.12 keV and a hard power law, Γ = 1.44−0.20−0.11 (or alternatively a harder Raymond–Smith plasma with kT  ∼ 15 keV), while there is no substantial excess absorption above the Galactic column value. The soft component emission is probably a super wind while the nature of the hard emission is more uncertain with the likely origins being X-ray binaries, inverse Compton scattering of infrared photons, an active galactic nucleus or a very hot gas component (∼108 K). The spectrum of NGC 3690 is similar, with kT  = 0.83+0.02−0.04 keV and Γ = 1.56+0.11−0.11. We also employ more complicated models such as a multi-temperature thermal plasma, a non-equilibrium ionization code or the addition of a third softer component, which improve the fit but not at a statistically significant level (2σ). These results are similar to recent results on the archetypal star-forming galaxies M82 and NGC 253.  相似文献   

correlator of the galaxy density field Q 21 is examined from the point of view of biasing. It is shown that, to leading order, it depends on two biasing parameters b b 2, and on q 21, the underlying cumulant correlator of the mass. As the skewness Q 3 has analogous properties, the slope of the correlation function −γ, Q 3 and Q 21 uniquely determine the bias parameter on a particular scale to be b  = γ/6( Q 21 −  Q 3), when working in the context of gravitational instability with Gaussian initial conditions. Thus on large scales, easily accessible with the future Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the 2 Degree Field Survey, it will be possible to extract b b 2 from simple counts-in-cells measurements. Moreover, the higher order cumulants, Q N , successively determine the higher order biasing parameters. From these it is possible to predict higher order cumulant correlators as well. Comparison of the predictions with the measurements will provide internal consistency checks on the validity of the assumptions in the theory, most notably perturbation theory of the growth of fluctuations by gravity and Gaussian initial conditions. Since the method is insensitive Ω, it can be successfully combined with results from velocity fields, which determine Ω0.6/b, to measure the total density parameter in the Universe.  相似文献   

This work investigates the use of a well-known empirical correlation between the velocity dispersion, metallicity and luminosity in Hβ of nearby H  ii galaxies to measure the distances to H  ii -like starburst galaxies at high redshifts. This correlation is applied to a sample of 15 starburst galaxies with redshifts between   z = 2.17  and   z = 3.39  to constrain  Ωm  , using data available from the literature. A best-fitting value of  Ωm= 0.21+0.30−0.12  in a Λ-dominated universe and of  Ωm= 0.11+0.37−0.19  in an open universe is obtained. A detailed analysis of systematic errors, their causes and their effects on the values derived for the distance moduli and  Ωm  is carried out. A discussion of how future work will improve constraints on  Ωm  by reducing the errors is also presented.  相似文献   

We determine cosmological and evolutionary parameters from the 3CR K -band Hubble diagram and K -band number counts, assuming that the galaxies in question undergo pure luminosity evolution. Separately the two data sets are highly degenerate with respect to choice of cosmological and evolutionary parameters, but in combination the degeneracy is resolved. Of models that either are flat or have  ΩΛ=0  , the preferred ones are close to the canonical case  Ωcold  matter=1  ,  ΩΛ=0  , with luminosity evolution amounting to 1 mag brighter at   z =1  .  相似文献   

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