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Organic geochemical studies have been carried out to assess the qualities of source rocks penetrated by four wells (Kemar-1, Murshe-1, Tuma-1 and Ziye-1) in the Nigerian sector of the Chad basin. The Chad basin is a large intracratonic basin in Central West Africa. Commercial hydrocarbon accumulations have been discovered in some sectors of the basin outside the Nigerian border in a structurally related contiguous basin. Fair to poor quality source rocks are inherent in the sequences penetrated by the studied wells. About 80% of all samples have their total organic carbon (TOC) contents more than 0.5 wt.%, the minimum limit for hydrocarbon generation. Juxtaposition of the hydrogen indices against the TOC and Tmax indicates that the source rocks are entirely gas-prone. However, biomarker chromatograms and extract vs. TOC plots indicate the presence of oil shows in Ziye-1 well at a depth of 1210 m. Although generated hydrocarbons (wherever they have accumulated) would be overwhelmingly gaseous, gas is the energy of the future. The gas resources of this part of Nigeria's inland basins can be economically exploited through policies that will increase the tempo of gas-utilization projects and the construction of a national grid of gas pipelines with nodal points of input and output.  相似文献   

The Grains containing Oil Inclusions (GOI) data in currently gas/condensate-beating Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoir sandstones of Well Pen 5 (the Mosuowan area of central Junggar Basin, NW China) are generally greater than the empirical threshold line of 5%. This is consistent with the gas-condensate section originally containing a palaeo-oil column. In order to assess the origin of the oil trapped in the oil inclusion and its relationship to the free oil/gas-condensate, a detailed molecular geochemical study was carried out for correlation between the free and inclusion oils. The paleo oil is most likely sourced from the Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation, which generated hydrocarbons primarily during Late Triassic and the oils were later secondarily altered and dysmigrated along faults likely during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. In contrast, the current reservoired oil/gas-condensate mainly derived from the Middle Permian Lower Wuerhe Formation, whose peak generation time last from Late Cretaceous even to the present. This paper showed that integrated oil-bearing fluid inclusion analyses have likely allowed a complex multi-phase charge history to be recognized and resolved with a high degree of confidence.  相似文献   

In this study a 2D basin model has been built along a transect crossing the Horn Graben in WNW-ESE direction. The aim of the investigation was to improve the understanding of the thermal evolution of the basin and its influence on possible petroleum systems. The 2D model of the subsurface is based on one seismic line and data from two exploration wells. Both wells TD’ed in Triassic sediments. The updoming of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High began during Late Carboniferous–Early Permian. At the end of the Permian the Horn Graben became active due to regional extension. The subsequent sedimentation history from Triassic to date is well recorded by well reports. A matter of debate has been whether or not significant amounts of Pre-Permian sediments exist in this area of the North Sea. Since organic material rich Paleozoic sediments serve as source rocks in widespread areas of North Germany and the southern North Sea it would be of great importance to know whether the same deposits exist in the Horn Graben. Nielsen et al. (Bull Geol Soc Denmark Copenhagen 45:1–10, 1998) introduced a model, which shows Paleozoic sediments covering the basement at a maximum depth of 6.5 km. Assuming, Paleozoic sediments are underlying the Permian salt deposits there should be an active petroleum system present. The 2D model includes the Paleozoic source rock and tries to explain why two exploration wells have not found petroleum.  相似文献   

With volume ratio of 8:1:1.5 amongst acidic, intermediate and basaltic rocks, the Cretaceous volcanics around the Songliao Basin are a series of high‐K or medium‐K, peraluminous or metaluminous, calc‐alkaline rocks, lacking typical basalts and peralkaline members of typical rift‐related types. Their eruption ages range between 133 and 127 Ma, 124 and 122 Ma and 117 and 113 Ma respectively. They are high in total (Rare earth element) REE contents (96.1–326 ppm), enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE (LREE/HREE = 4.6–13.8), with negative Eu and Ce anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.04–0.88; Ce/Ce* = 0.60–0.97). They have enriched large‐ion lithophile elements (e.g. K, Ba, Th) and depleted high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ti and Y), suggesting a subduction‐related tectonic setting. The volcanic activities migrated from south to north, forming a successively northward‐stepping volcanic series and showing a feature significantly different from the overlying sedimentary sequence striking northeast. Thus, an overlap basin model was proposed. Accompanied by opening of the basin, the volcanogenic succession was formed at the block‐faulting stage (131–113 Ma) owing to the closure of the Mongolia–Okhotsk ocean in the Jurassic and early Cretaceous, while the overlying sedimentary sequence was unconformably deposited at the spreading stage (Albian–Maastrichtian) owing to the oblique subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate. The volcanic succession constitutes the lower unit of basin filling and is the forerunner of further basin spreading. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deuterium, δ 18O, major ions and dissolved silica in groundwater from semi-arid Mayo-Tsanaga river basin in the Far North Province, Cameroon were used to trace hydrogeochemical processes that control their concentrations and to explore for usability of the water. Electrical conductivity ranges from 57–2,581 μs/cm with alternating low and high values along the hydraulic gradient. Waters from piedmont alluvium show low concentrations in major cations, which peak in Mg within basalt, Na within plain alluvium, and Ca within basalt and the sandy Limani-Yagoua ridge. The initial dominant groundwater composition is CaHCO3, which did not evolve within the basalt and piedmont alluvium, but evolved to NaHCO3 in the granite and plain alluvium. The main processes controlling the major ions composition include the following: (1) dissolution of silicates and fluorite; (2) precipitation of fluorite and carbonate; (3) cation exchange of Ca in water for Na in clay; (4) and anthropogenic activities. The δD and δ 18O ratios vary from −35 to 0.7 and −5.3 to 1.1‰, respectively. The lowest and highest isotope ratios are observed in groundwater within the downstream sandy Limani-Yagoua ridge and the upstream graintes respectively. Variation in isotope ratios depends on altitude effect of −0.48‰ per 100 m between 600 and 850 m asl, and on evaporation, which had insignificant effect on the water salinity. Seventy percent of the groundwater shows poor drinking quality and 90% is suitable for irrigation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study combines mathematical modelling and supporting flume experiments to address the problem of how coastal plain rivers respond to a steady fall in relative sea-level. The theoretical component of the study focuses on the development of a moving boundary model of fluviodeltaic progradation that treats rigorously the dynamics of the shoreline and alluvial–basement transition (the upstream limit of the alluvial river system). Dimensional analysis and numerical solutions to the model governing equations together suggest that, at first order, coastal plain rivers will remain aggradational on a timescale that varies with allogenic sediment and water supply and the fall rate of relative sea-level. In natural fluviodeltaic systems, this intrinsic timescale is likely to vary by several orders of magnitude, suggesting that the aggradational phase of river response can be geologically long-lived. At second order, the duration of alluvial aggradation is controlled by two dimensionless numbers that embody system geometry and the kinematics of alluvial sediment transport. Model predictions were tested in a series of carefully scaled flume experiments. The level of agreement between predicted and measured trajectories for the shoreline and alluvial–basement transition strongly suggests that the moving boundary theory developed here successfully captures the response of small-scale fluviodeltaic systems to falling sea-level. The results of this study have several sequence-stratigraphic implications: a fall in relative sea-level at the shoreline is not a sufficient condition for river incision; the onset of alluvial degradation and sequence-boundary formation need not coincide with a maximum in the rate of sea-level fall; and the onset of sequence-boundary formation is sensitive to allogenic sediment supply.  相似文献   

The Dolomite region is located in the Southern Alps, which were affected by Mesozoic extensional tectonics and by consequent thermal perturbations. In this work, vitrinite reflectance and apatite fission-track analysis are used to estimate the thermal evolution. These methodologies have been applied to the Permo-Mesozoic succession, which crops out along the TRANSALP seismic profile. The regional distribution of the organic matter maturity seems to be mainly controlled by different burials reached during the Norian-Liassic extensional phase, in connection with high heat flow values. The best solutions obtained from thermal modelling of both vitrinite and fission-track data suggest that peak of high heat flow occurred during Bajocian–Bathonian ages, when western Tethys was characterized by intrusions of gabbros and plagiogranites and extrusion of tholeiite basalts. This time coincides with the onset of the drifting phase and related thermal subsidence. The following thermal relaxation occurred during continuous sedimentation and the maximum burial does not coincide with peak temperatures. Cooling history has been carefully analysed through apatite fission-track data on samples collected close to the Valsugana overthrust, which document an important exhumation event at about 10 Ma. The related erosion has been analysed through the combined use of arenite petrography and fission-track analysis on detrital samples of the Veneto foredeep succession, which represents the storage of detritus during Tertiary. These data confirm that after Serravalian the Southalpine domain and related covers were affected by subaerial erosion.  相似文献   

max vs the present depth of the Kupferschiefer, soluble organic matter (SOM) yields, and relative proportions of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons of the SOM provide evidence for an oxidative alteration of organic matter in highly mineralized Kupferschiefer samples near the Rote F?ule zones. This is confirmed by differences in the composition of the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of the soluble organic matter: Saturated hydrocarbons from Rote F?ule samples are dominated by short-chain n-alkanes and higher abundances of pristane and phytane relative to heptadecane (n-C17) and octadecane (n-C18), respectively, compared with samples more distant to the Rote F?ule zone. Compositional changes of the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions with decreasing distance to that zone are characterized by the occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and elevated ratios of phenanthrene to methylphenanthrenes that are attributed to demethylation reactions and resulted in a decrease of the methylphenanthrene index (MPI 1). Kupferschiefer samples from the barren zone of the Polish Basin do not show these alteration patterns. The observed variations in organic matter composition with burial depth are consistent with changes due to increasing thermal maturation. Maturity assessment is achieved from MPI 1 and the methyldibenzothiophene ratio (MDR). From the relationship between the maturity of organic matter in terms of vitrinite reflectance values and depth of the Kupferschiefer strata, a continuous increase in reflectance of vitrinite is obtained within the Polish Basin. The alteration pattern of organic matter related to base metal mineralization of the Kupferschiefer corresponds to changes in the isotopic composition of organic carbon and calcite. Kerogen within, or close to, Rote F?ule zone is enriched in 13C caused by the preferential release of isotopically light organic compounds through progressive degradation of organic matter. The opposite tendency towards lower δ 13C and δ 18O values of calcite provides evidence for isotopic exchange between carbonate and the oxidizing, ore-bearing solutions and for organic matter remineralization. In contrast, organic matter and calcite from the Kupferschiefer do not show regular trends in δ 13C with increasing thermal maturation. Received: 25 June 1999 / Accepted: 1 December 1999  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic Springbok unconformity in the Surat Basin remains to date at odds with our understanding of basin-forming processes. A previously proposed cause for the unconformity is uplift related to the rifting of the Argo landmass from Western Australia, but the great distance between the Surat Basin and the Argo rift-zone argues against this interpretation. A more likely scenario is that the uplift was related to a west-dipping subduction zone along the east Australian margin. Numerous examples around the world link subduction processes, such as tears and detaching segments of the slab, to variations in surface topography. We used geodynamic forward modelling to generate uplift in the overriding plate of a subduction zone, as well as topographic changes that occur as subduction is disrupted by slab breakoff or tears. Our findings suggest that slab tearing can produce distribution and magnitude of uplift consistent with the Jurassic uplift in the Surat Basin, which potentially adds new insights into the tectonic evolution of eastern Australia.  相似文献   

The Amadeus Basin displays subtle magnetic anomalies that trace strata for considerable distance, highlighting complex folding patterns. Magnetic modelling techniques can be utilised on these stratiform anomalies to extrapolate the near-surface structure of the basin. However, because of the mathematical trade-off between the dip and magnetisation of bodies, the dips of the bodies cannot be known unless the magnetisation is also known. Normally it would be optimal to measure the magnetisation, but this is not always possible or feasible. In this study, we investigate the relationships between dip and magnetisation using an approach that would generally be considered a little backward, i.e. constraining magnetisation direction using geological data. Three study areas were chosen to investigate a number of stratigraphic horizons, the Waterhouse Range, Glen Helen and Ross River areas. Modelling results suggest that some layers primarily retain induced magnetisation, remanence is dominant in others, but both are present in most. Remanence is mainly associated with relatively oxidised units that contain only hematite (e.g. Arumbera Sandstone), and we have demonstrated that these magnetisations predate folding of the Ross River Syncline. In some cases, the anomalies represent redox zonation within units, e.g. the Pertatataka Formation near Glen Helen, where discrete magnetic layers correspond to thin grey (reduced, magnetite-rich) horizons interbedded with more prevalent red (oxidised, hematite-rich) horizons. We also found that where magnetised units are relatively thin and occur near the surface, their magnetic response is sharp, and in aeromagnetic data such adjacent anomalies commonly overlap to form a single anomaly, thus misrepresenting the magnetic field, and mis-mapping the actual magnetic horizons. While the magnetic properties of the causative bodies are variable, we have demonstrated that a better understanding of the magnetic properties of these magnetised horizons can be used to provide insights into the structure and tectonic history of the Amadeus Basin.  相似文献   

This applied research deals with the numerical modelling and transient simulation of the joint surfacewater/groundwater flows that characterize the freshwater/saltwater hydrology of the coastal alluvial valley of the Low Guadalhorce River, Malaga, Spain. The MELEF model used was mainly adapted and calibrated for a simulation period of two hydrological years 1989/1990–1990/1991, before the current channelling of the river, where floods and low precipitations have been recorded. The model calibration process was performed with the aid of phreatic levels measured in numerous wells and piezometers, as well as recharges from precipitation and irrigation on the alluvial surface, which was also assessed by the hydrologic model SSMA-2. The present numerical approach can predict the forthcoming hydrology of the coastal alluvial of the Guadalhorce River after its final channelling.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地西部环崖南凹陷的油气勘探亟需寻找接替领域.针对勘探研究中存在的3个地质问题,利用丰富的钻井和地震资料对红河断裂活动特征及其对环崖南凹陷构造-沉积-成藏的影响开展深入分析.认为红河断裂的走滑活动通过F1断层向琼东南盆地西部传递剪切应力,其演化与环崖南凹陷的构造-沉积作用具有良好的时空耦合关系,并控制了环崖南凹陷...  相似文献   

库车盆地的早白垩世地层为一套干旱气候条件下的红层沉积,包括洪积扇砾岩、间歇性河流砂砾岩、风成细砂岩和粉砂岩、沙漠湖相紫红色泥岩等类型的沉积,组成一个较为典型的沙漠沉积体系。在库车河剖面,下白垩统红层中发育一些厚层至块状的“高能细砂岩和高能粉砂岩”,多为岩屑长石石英砂岩和长石岩屑石英砂岩。它们以良好的分选性和较高的结构成熟度、较细的粒度、较低的成分成熟度和大型交错层理的发育为特征,显示出较为明显的风成沉积特点。  相似文献   

孟栋伟  陈小强 《地下水》2012,(3):153-154
建立并实施水功能区限制纳污制度是当前水资源保护管理工作的核心内容,也是实行最严格水资源管理制度的具体体现。本文针对塔河流域已开展的相关工作及其存在的问题进行了分析,并对塔河流域水功能区限制纳污红线管理今后可开展的工作进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

西气东输管道工程EJ065桩附近边坡稳定性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西气东输管道工程EJ065桩附近边坡陡峻,并处于强震区,必须进行墩位地基所在岩体和岩壁边坡稳定性评价(包括震动条件下),以评价跨越墩位的适宜性,通过野外地质调查确定研究区的区域地震活动,工程地质条件和受力边界条件,采集样品进行测试获取岩体的基体物理力学指标,作者进行了不同条件下(天然,饱和,震动力)的边坡三维模拟定量分析,评价了边坡的稳定性,提出了工程建议。  相似文献   

1980-2010年石羊河流域生态服务类型变化与分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
苏芳  尚海洋  张志强 《冰川冻土》2017,39(4):917-925
根据石羊河流域1980年、1990年和2010年三期遥感影像数据,基于GIS技术方法,分析了石羊河流域各县市的土地利用方式变化情况。评估了流域主要生态系统生态服务价值量,分析了30 a来流域生态系统服务价值在时间和空间上的变化。结果表明:过去30 a来,石羊河流域的土地利用变化主要以耕地、草地、未利用土地的变化为主。石羊河流域生态系统服务的总价值呈减少趋势,生态服务价值在空间分布上表现为下游呈增加趋势、中上游表现为减少趋势。流域下游生态服务价值增加的主要原因是流域生态保护与恢复措施取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

奥陶纪是柴达木盆地北缘早古生代碰撞造山演化的重要时期,柴达木地块与滩间山岛弧碰撞起始时限以及欧龙布鲁克海盆盆地类型、构造-古地理格局一直存在争议。本文在对欧龙布鲁克地块早奥陶世碎屑岩沉积野外观测及室内分析的基础上,测试了30个砂泥岩样品的主量元素、微量元素及稀土元素含量。结果表明,石灰沟组碎屑岩建造具有快速堆积、低成分成熟度、低结构成熟度的特征;该套碎屑岩沉积于活动大陆边缘背景下的弧后前陆盆地,碎屑物质来自南部由大陆上地壳与岛弧物质组成的上隆基底;早奥陶世(488~472 Ma)柴达木地块与滩间山岛弧陆-弧碰撞已经开始,但陆-弧碰撞起始时间不会早于493Ma。在此基础上,结合前人研究成果,认为早古生代欧龙布鲁克地块处于滩间山岛弧北部,盆地沉降、沉积演化受柴达木盆地北缘洋盆俯冲及柴达木地块-滩间山岛弧碰撞控制,寒武纪发育弧后伸展盆地,奥陶纪初期转为弧后挤压前陆盆地,弧后伸展与弧后挤压、沉积体系转换发生在490~480Ma之间。该成果从沉积学角度为柴达木盆地北缘陆-弧碰撞起始时限提供了新的制约。  相似文献   

饶松  朱亚珂  胡迪  胡圣标  王强 《地质学报》2018,92(6):1176-1195
大地热流是盆地动力学成因及构造演化过程的客观反映,不同时代、不同动力学背景形成的盆地,大地热流差异极大,因此盆地构造—热演化研究不仅能够揭示盆地不同演化阶段的地温场特点,而且能够有效地约束盆地在特定地质演化历史时期的动力学机制和构造属性。本文针对准噶尔盆地深层多期复杂热史的特点,在盆地现今地温场研究的基础上,采用镜质体反射率和裂变径迹等古温标,结合古地温梯度法和古热流法定量恢复了准噶尔盆地二叠纪以来的热历史,进而分析了早—中二叠世期间盆地构造属性。研究表明,准噶尔盆地从早二叠世开始呈现出热流持续降低的热流演化特征,二叠纪期间,盆地热流值很高,多数钻井的古热流在75~85m W/m~2之间,少数钻井揭示的古热流更高,超过了100mW/m~2;中—新生代,热流持续、逐渐降低,直至现今的42.5mW/m~2。早—中二叠世,盆地的最高热流地区在中央坳陷和南部坳陷。以早—中二叠世期间高古热流为切入点,结合区域地质、地球物理和地球化学等资料,论证了准噶尔盆地早—中二叠世期间的裂谷构造属性。这一认识不仅是重新认识准噶尔地区晚古生代碰撞造山和陆内盆山体制转换的基础,而且对于准噶尔盆地深层石炭系、二叠系烃源岩油气进一步勘探具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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