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Radiative transfer calculations for interstellar H2O have been performed using accelerated A-iteration (ALI) techniques. The results show strong maser action from known maser transitions, as well as predicting new strong maser transitions for > 1.5 THz.  相似文献   

From the observed data of 17 Class-II methanol masers and their asociated HII regions and infrared sources and using the maser photon emission rate and the brightness temperature as two constraints on the pump, we conclude that infrared sources with a brightness temperature of about 100 K and a photon rate of about 1053s−1, associated with compact HII regions are the most probable pumping source  相似文献   

This paper gives a generalised theory of hydromagnetic stability of the interface between two infinitely-conducting, compressible plasmas with the latter accelerated perpendicular to the interface and streaming parallel to the interface and subjected to a constant magnetic field parallel to the streaming direction. The method used is adapted from the one given by Plesset and Hsieh (1964) for the hydrodynamical case and the general dispersion relation is found to involve Whittaker's functions and their first derivatives. The familiar Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability problems are recovered from the general dispersion relation in the appropriate special cases.  相似文献   

We have compared the results of a number of published class I methanol maser surveys with the catalogue of high-mass outflow candidates identified from the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire survey (known as extended green objects or EGOs). We find class I methanol masers associated with approximately two-thirds of EGOs. Although the association between outflows and class I methanol masers has long been postulated on the basis of detailed studies of a small number of sources, this result demonstrates the relationship for the first time on a statistical basis. Despite the publication of a number of searches for class I methanol masers, a close physical association with another astrophysical object which could be targeted for the search is still lacking. The close association between class I methanol masers and EGOs therefore provides a large catalogue of candidate sources, most of which have not previously been searched for class I methanol masers. Interstellar masers and outflows have both been proposed to trace an evolutionary sequence for high-mass star formation, therefore a better understanding of the relationship between class I methanol masers and outflow offers the potential for comparison and amalgamation of these two evolutionary sequences.  相似文献   

This paper presents observations of OH maser lines of W 33A for the transitions 2Π3/2, J = 3/2, F = 1 → 1 and F = 2 → 2. Two models, a thin tube and a sphere, were used for modelling the masing region and a molecular hydrogen density of about 107 cm−3 was obtained. To give a maser photon emission of the order of 1046 s−1, both models require a pump rate of 1 OH cm−3s−1, while the sphere model requires a higher pump efficiency.  相似文献   

We present VLBI observations of 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers in three star-forming regions, NGC7538, W75N and S252. Our results reveal linear structures in the VLBI maps and monotonic velocity gradients in the three sources. All these results are consistent with Keplerian disks of diameter of 1000–2000 AU around young stars of mass (10–30) M.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of the bremsstrahlung gamma-ray emissivity of the galactic disk. We show that there are large uncertainties in the production spectrum of photons in the medium energy range (10–100 MeV) due to our lack of knowledge of the interstellar electron spectrum below a few hundred MeV. In fact, gamma-ray observations can be of great help in determining this spectrum. At present, the spectral shape of the local gamma-ray emissivity above 30 MeV is available, thanks to the SAS-II and the COS-B satellites. Comparing it to our calculations, we determine the local interstellar electron flux in the 50–500 MeV range; the corresponding integrated gamma-ray emissivity above 100 MeV is equal to 2.4×10–25 photons s–1 (H-atom)–1, 60% higher than previously accepted values.  相似文献   

In recent years, the need to replace rate equations for studying grain-surface chemistry in the modelling of interstellar clouds has become apparent. In this article, we discuss the three new replacement methods that have been suggested to date, and contrast their relative strengths and weaknesses. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have calculated the opacity as resulting from different interstellar grain models, molecules, atoms, and ions. The resulting opacities have been applied to a numerical code used to follow the thermal evolution of a contracting cloud in one dimension. An exact analytical and computational developments of both Mie theory for isolated grains and Güttler's formulae for composite grain models have been used to calculate the extinction coefficients. We have studied two models of composite grain and three models of isolated grain. The opacity of interstellar grains has been calculated in the temperature range 10–1500 K. The molecular opacity is splitted into continuous and line opacities. The different sources of continuous opacity have been studied. The line opacity has also been included. The atomic opacities are also considered. The hydrodynamical equations are solved explicitly but the energy and Poisson equations are solved implicitly.It has been found that the thermal evolution during contraction of protostellar clouds is sensitive to both: the assumed grain models and the considered chemical composition. A cloud of an initial temperature of 10 K collapsed to a stage in which the temperature increases to 91 000 K and the density reached to 0.16 g cm–3.  相似文献   

Class II methanol masers are found in close association with OH main-line masers in many star-forming regions, where both are believed to flag the early stages in the evolution of a massive star. We have studied the formation of masers in methanol and OH under identical model conditions for the first time. Infrared pumping by radiation from warm dust at temperatures >100 K can account for the known maser lines in both molecules, many of which develop simultaneously under a range of conditions. The masers form most readily in cooler gas (<100 K) of moderately high density  (105–108 cm-3)  , although higher gas temperatures and/or lower densities are also compatible with maser action. The agreement between the current model (developed for methanol) and the established OH maser trends is very encouraging, and we anticipate that further tuning of the model will further improve such agreement.
We find the gas-phase molecular abundance to be the key determinant of observable maser activity for both molecules. Sources exhibiting both 6668-MHz methanol and 1665-MHz OH masers have a typical flux density ratio of 16; our model suggests that this may be a consequence of maser saturation. We find that the 1665-MHz maser approaches the saturated limit for OH abundances >10−7.3, while the 6668-MHz maser requires a greater methanol abundance >10−6. OH-favoured sources are likely to be less abundant in methanol, while methanol-favoured sources may be less abundant in OH or experiencing warm (>125 K), dense (∼107 cm−3) conditions. These abundance requirements offer the possibility of tying the appearance of masers to the age of the new-born star via models of gas-phase chemical evolution following the evaporation of icy grain mantles.  相似文献   

Summary Recent developments in the theory of element production and the chemical evolution of the galaxy are presented. Following this, observational data and their interpretation are given. A case by case analysis of results for D, He, Li and CNO isotope data in the disk and center of our galaxy is presented; previous results for element gradients are also summarized.The primordial abundances of D and He cannot be directly obtained from observations; corrections for stellar processing are discussed. From these data and the Li abundances, it appears that the abundance of the light elements is consistent with the standard big bang. In agreement with previous results, the range of, the baryon to photon ratio, is 5–8 10–10. If the amount of non-baryonic matter is small, these results indicate an open universe, in the standard big bang model.New data show a gradient in the (12C/13C) and (16O/18O) ratios with galactocentric distance, DGC. The presence of a gradient in the (14N/15N) ratio is less clear and there is no measurable gradient in the (32S/34S) ratio. In the interstellar medium near the sun, the carbon isotope ratio is –20 percent lower than the solar system ratio. This indicates that there has been only a moderate amount of enrichment of the nearby interstellar medium since the formation of the solar system. These results and previously determined galactic element gradients are interpreted in the framework of chemical evolution models. Delayed recycling of nucleosynthesis products is essential for the correct interpretation of the results. Comparisons of data with galactic evolution models are discussed.This article was processed by the author using the Springer-Verlag TEX AAR macro package 1991  相似文献   

Composite interstellar grains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper reviews and analyses various observational data about the local interstellar medium (LISM)-a volume with a radius of about 200 pc near the Sun. There are collected radio, IR, optical, UV, and X-ray observations of the ISM and data on the Sco-Cen association. All available information confirms Weaver's (1979) conclusions that the Sun is located near an edge of a giant cavern with a radius of about 180 pc and the cavern center coincides with the Sco-Cen associated center. The outer rim of the cavern is observed as numerous, very longHi flaments, filaments of the interstellar polarization, and soft X-rays radiated by coronal gas with a temperature of about 106K. Close environment (from 10–4 to 2–5 pc) of the Sun is filled by warm (about 104 K)Hi with the number density 0.1–0.2 cm–3, which is a corona of the local cloud of the ISM. The central part of the cloud is observed to the galactical center direction at a distance of 10–20 pc as Sancini and van Woerden's (1970)Hi filament. The cloud blown round by stellar winds has a horseshoe-like shape, bordering the Sun. Tinbergen's (1982) patch of polarization is observational evidence of the shape.Several arguments are given to show that the bright spots of soft X-rays (130–284 eV) near the galactic poles are produced by an interaction of stellar winds with outer edge of the local cloud near the ends of the patch of polarization. Lyman continuum radiation from Sco-Cen stars was shown to be probably the main source of ionization of extendedHii regions of low density in the LISM. Various data evidence that the North Polar Spur is a SNR in the local cavern with the age of about 105 years. Interaction of the local cavern with an interstellar absorption-free tunnel stretched for more than 1 kpc along the galactical longitudel=240° is discussed. In conclusion several actual problems of investigation of the LISM were formulated.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of temperature fluctuations expected for various grain materials exposed to the interstellar radiation field. It is shown that in all but the densest clouds average grain temperatures in the 5–10 K range are of little statistical significance because of large fluctuations produced by absorbed photons from the interstellar radiation field. At higher average temperatures large fluctuations may still be present for certain grain materials and grain radii. The effect of these fluctuations on the simple problem of H atom recombination on grain surfaces is discussed.  相似文献   

High brightness temperatures ( T b) implied by quasar intraday variability may be explained by coherent emission, or else by physically implausible bulk relativistic Lorentz factors Γ ≥ 100. Previous theory asserts that various absorption mechanisms will block escape of such coherent, high-brightness sources. Yet this same theory fails to account for laboratory experiments detecting collective emission. Probably this is because present theory is inadequate, and should not be used to rule out collective radiation processes.  相似文献   

We propose that photocycloaddition reactions in molecular complexes in normal interstellar clouds will create unusually large molecules. These may be sufficiently radiation stable to be circulated with the interstellar gas, and so provide convenient nucleation centres for growth of loosely bound grains in dark regions.  相似文献   

Recent observations of stellar composition suggest that elements in the Sun are significantly more abundant than in other stars. The reduction in the available element budget implies a drastic revision in current models of interstellar dust. Theoretical models are therefore exploring fluffy, porous physical structure for the grain material. Since a detailed exact treatment of extinction cross-sections is mandatory for a correct understanding of the nature of interstellar dust, we present a technique based on the multipole expansions of the electromagnetic field, which has proven to be general, flexible and powerful in treating scattering of light by porous, composite, arbitrarily shaped particles. The results of this study speak in favour of core–mantle structures characterized by the presence of porosities.  相似文献   

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