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Long-term changes of the fish-killing raphidophyte Chattonella spp. (Chattonella antiqua, Chattonella marina and Chattonella ovata) were examined in relation to environmental factors at 19 sampling stations in Harima-Nada, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan, for 36 years from 1973 to 2008. Long-term trends in the dynamics of Chattonella populations were considered to relate to environmental factors such as nutrient concentrations and water temperature. High nutrient levels during the period from the 1970s to the early 1980s have contributed to the high cell density and large-scale red tides of Chattonella spp. in Harima-Nada. However, nutrient levels exhibited a decreasing trend thereafter, and it is thought that Chattonella spp. cannot form large-scale blooms under the present conditions. After the mid-1990s, the occurrence period of vegetative cells of Chattonella spp. has been several weeks or 1 month earlier than that of the 1970s and early 1980s, and the appearance frequency of Chattonella spp. has increased in the northern coastal area, although the cell density and the spatial scale of the distribution have become lower and smaller than those in the previous decades. It is suggested that the timing of germination of Chattonella cysts has become earlier as a result of the increase in water temperature, and the chances of vegetative growth have also increased, especially at the northern coast where most of large rivers discharge into the Harima-Nada. In addition, the present results revealed that fewer diatoms were also one of the significant factors for the high abundance of Chattonella spp. in Harima-Nada.  相似文献   

Composite analysis was conducted using high-frequency radar data obtained during 2006–2015 in order to gain a better understanding of the current field in the Ariake Sea. The seasonally averaged surface current in the Ariake Sea was directed southward in all seasons, except around river mouths during summer. Heavy rainfall enhanced the outflow along the eastern coast of the Shimabara Peninsula from Isahaya Bay to the southern area 2–5 days after heavy rainfall. Spring–neap differences were clearly seen in the southward current along the Shimabara Peninsula. Interannual variation in the M2 tidal current amplitude was synchronized with the lunar nodal cycle.  相似文献   

对实验室培养的两株海洋微藻海洋卡盾藻和中肋骨条藻的可培养细菌进行了分离鉴定,分别在海洋卡盾藻和硅藻中肋骨条藻不同生长时期分离得到48株和34株可培养细菌,去除重复序列后得到12株不同的菌株。这些菌株分属α-变形杆菌纲、γ-变形杆菌纲、拟杆菌和放线菌。α-变形杆菌纲在两种藻的藻际环境中占据优势,其中红杆菌科是最为常见的科,中肋骨条藻的藻际细菌比海洋卡盾藻更为多样化。海洋卡盾藻生长后期细菌密度大幅度上升,可能导致了藻细胞的衰亡。中肋骨条藻相关细菌中有一株对旋链角毛藻的生长具有明显抑制作用,而大部分海洋卡盾藻相关细菌对角毛藻的生长具有抑制作用。本研究结果说明海洋卡盾藻的藻际细菌也许对其与硅藻的种间竞争中具有一定作用。  相似文献   

A total of 293 measurements of respiration rate were made on planktonic crustaceans collected in different seasons from the Inland Sea of Japan. The relationship between the rate of oxygen consumption (R,μl O2 indiv.−1 hr−1) and body dry weight (W, mg indiv.−1), as expressed by a power function (R=aW b , or logR=loga+b logW), was established as a function of temperature (T, °C). The slope of the regression equation (b) was not significantly affected by seasonal temperature variation, but the intercept of the equation (loga) was strongly influenced by temperature. The equation describing this general relation is logR=(0.0444T−0.333)+0.713 logW.  相似文献   

More than 30 years of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) data for the inner area of the Ariake Sea were analyzed with a box model to show the changes in the average seasonal budget and the decadal-scale variation during the summer. The COD peaked in August and March on average. This summertime peak can be explained by an enhanced riverine load and increased primary production. The peak in March suggested additional organic matter production. There were also two peaks in DIN concentration on average: a summertime peak that could be explained by an enhanced riverine load, and a peak in December that was more complicated to explain. From the 1970s to the early 1990s, the bottom water in this area became increasingly hypoxic due to increased COD during the summer, even though there were minimal increases in terrestrial COD and nutrient loads and there were tidal flats covering a widespread area during this period. The increase in COD was caused by increased net ecosystem production, which was due to enhanced primary production induced by an increased freshwater residence time and decreased bivalve grazing. There was a negative feedback control in which hypoxia progressively increased, leading to declines in bivalve biomass, which in turn decreased the grazing pressure limiting primary production, meaning that primary production increased and the area became even more hypoxic. The net DIN production decreased during the 1980s and the 1990s. This was consistent with the change in net ecosystem production according to the COD.  相似文献   

Marked fluctuation of concentrations of90Sr and137Cs was observed in the bottom waters at the entrance of Wakasa Bay during 1987–1992, and the cause was investigated. The concentrations of90Sr and137Cs in the bottom waters were significantly low when the upper level of the Japan Sea Proper Water (JSPW) was high and covered the sampling depth, but high when the upper level of the JSPW was low. The cause of the fluctuation observed in the bottom waters is, therefore, suggested to be the vertical fluctuation of the upper level of the JSPW on the shelf slope, which has been little described before.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine whether the principle that “divalent cation predominance in the pore water precludes quick clay development” applies to the Ariake Bay sediments. The chemical and geotechnical properties of an Ariake clay sediment are presented, and sensitivity is discussed with a focus on pore-water salinity and cation composition. In recent years, reduction of pore-water salinity has occurred due to permeation of river water through the sediments because of overpumping of groundwater. Sodium remains the dominant pore-water cation in an upper zone, whereas divalent cations are dominant in the deeper zone. Divalent cation domination in the deeper zone is ascribed to Ca release from nearby cement-stabilized sediments and to Mg increase in response to a change in river water quality. The upper zone's sensitivity ranged from 15 to 77, and the remolded strength was mostly <0.5 kPa, such that quick clay was present over much of its depth. In contrast, the deeper zone's sensitivity was <40, and its remolded strength exceeded 0.5 kPa; quick clay was not present despite the <2 g/L salinity. The absence of quick clay is ascribed to the high remolded strength caused by the pore-water divalent to monovalent cation ratio being greater than 0.25.  相似文献   

The species composition and trophic structure of the Barents Sea fish assemblage is analysed based on data from research survey trawls and diet analyses of various species. Atlantic cod was the dominant fish species encountered, accounting for more than 55% by abundance or biomass. Only five fish species (long rough dab, thorny skate, Greenland halibut, deepwater redfish and saithe) were sufficiently abundant to be considered as possible food competitors with cod in the Barents Sea. However, possible trophic competition is not high, due to low spatial and temporal overlap between cod and these other species. Analyses of fish assemblages and trophic structures of the Barents Sea and other areas (North Sea, Western Greenland, Newfoundland-Labrador shelf) suggest that Barents Sea cod is the only cod stock for which the ability to recover may not be restricted by trophic relations among fishes, due to a lack of other abundant predatory species and low potential for competition caused by spatial-temporal changes.  相似文献   

Water masses in the East Sea are newly defined based upon vertical structure and analysis of CTD data collected in 1993–1999 during Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas (CREAMS). A distinct salinity minimum layer was found at 1500 m for the first time in the East Sea, which divides the East Sea Central Water (ESCW) above the minimum layer and the East Sea Deep Water (ESDW) below the minimum layer. ESCW is characterized by a tight temperature–salinity relationship in the temperature range of 0.6–0.12 °C, occupying 400–1500 m. It is also high in dissolved oxygen, which has been increasing since 1969, unlike the decrease in the ESDW and East Sea Bottom Water (ESBW). In the eastern Japan Basin a new water with high salinity in the temperature range of 1–5 °C was found in the upper layer and named the High Salinity Intermediate Water (HSIW). The origin of the East Sea Intermediate Water (ESIW), whose characteristics were found near the Korea Strait in the southwestern part of the East Sea in 1981 [Kim, K., & Chung, J. Y. (1984) On the salinity-minimum and dissolved oxygen-maximum layer in the East Sea (Sea of Japan), In T. Ichiye (Ed.), Ocean Hydrodynamics of the Japan and East China Seas (pp. 55–65). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers], is traced by its low salinity and high dissolved oxygen in the western Japan Basin. CTD data collected in winters of 1995–1999 confirmed that the HSIW and ESIW are formed locally in the Eastern and Western Japan Basin. CREAMS CTD data reveal that overall structure and characteristics of water masses in the East Sea are as complicated as those of the open oceans, where minute variations of salinity in deep waters are carefully magnified to the limit of CTD resolution. Since the 1960s water mass characteristics in the East Sea have changed, as bottom water formation has stopped or slowed down and production of the ESCW has increased recently.  相似文献   

Variations in the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) since the early middle Miocene were inferred from data on age-depth relationships, sediment carbonate, and benthic foraminifers from ODP sites 794, 795, and 797. The CCD remained relatively shallow during much of the middle Miocene–Pliocene, and deepened sharply at the beginning of the Pleistocene. Since then it has fluctuated rapidly, possibly in relation to the onset of the northern hemisphere glacial cycles in the late Pliocene. The average CCD has deepened since at least the early middle Miocene, coinciding with the long-term drop in eustatic sea level. Received: 5 November 1998 / Revision accepted: 2 February 2000  相似文献   

CDB-P (phosphorus extractable by the citrate-dithionite-bicarbonate extraction procedure) was used as the indicator of bio-available inorganic P in the suspended and surface sediments in the inner part of Ariake Bay. The CDB-P pool of suspended and surface sediments in the tidal flat area was estimated to be 10 ton and 90 ton, respectively (total of 100 ton), which corresponds to 1.5 times the average dissolved inorganic phosphorus standing stock. During the summer periods of hypoxia, the CDB-P concentration in the surface sediments decreased with the decline of Eh, losing 43–47% of the CDB-P observed in April. These results suggest that the phosphorus dynamics have been affected by the decrease of resuspended sediment concentrations brought about by the reduction of the tidal currents and phosphate release from the surface sediments during frequently occurring summer hypoxia events.  相似文献   

Samples were collected during one annual cycle (April 2007–March 2008) at Alfacs Bay (NW Mediterranean Sea) central station in order to assess the influence of organic nutrients in the growth of the microalgae assemblage, with special reference to Pseudo-nitzschia spp. This potentially toxic diatom forms natural and recurrent blooms in the study area. To assess further the relationship between Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and nutrients an enrichment experiment with high molecular weight dissolved organic matter (HMWDOM) was performed with field samples obtained during a Pseudo-nitzschia spp. bloom. HMWDOM was extracted from water collected at Alfacs Bay. Five bioassays were prepared: N + P (seawater with addition of nitrate and phosphate), DOM (addition of HMWDOM), (−N + P) + DOM (nitrogen deficient, with addition of phosphate and HMWDOM), (N + P) + DOM (addition of nitrate, phosphate and HMWDOM), seawater control (without added nutrients), and B + DOM (control of bacteria, without microalgae). The experiment was run in batch mode over 4 days. Results from the field study revealed that the concentrations of organic nutrients mostly surpassed the inorganic pool. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was the most frequent and abundant taxa of the microalgae community. The micro-planktonic assemblage was arranged according to a seasonal factor (ANOSIM and cluster analysis). DON, nitrate and silicate were the most important abiotic parameters contributing to the dissimilarities between seasons (SIMPER analysis) and thereby potentially influencing the seasonal distribution of microalgae in the representative station. In the experimental investigation, Pseudo-nitzschia cells increased by the end of the experiment in the DOM bioassay but no respective increase was observed for chlorophyll a. This could point to an acquisition of nutrients through the DOM fraction that would conjointly reduce the need of chlorophyll a. The data obtained suggest that organic nutrients may exert an important role in the development of microalgae, including Pseudo-nitzschia spp., in the selected location.  相似文献   

A comparative account of primary productivity (PP), in the characteristically turbid and highly dynamic waters of Ariake Bay, measured by 13C uptake and fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) was conducted to ensure compatibility between the two methods. Estimates from both methods depicted strong linearity for both short-term (r2 > 0.90) and daily (r2 = 0.42–0.93) measurements, except in the near-surface (∼0 m) layer. 13C-based short-term (1 h; in situ) PP estimates showed similar magnitudes and trend with the instantaneous PP measured by FRRF concurrently. Whereas, unlike short-term measurements, the daily PP estimates from both methods showed large difference, with FRRF-based time integrated daily PP resulting in 1.09–1.82 times higher than the carbon-based daily (24 h; simulated in situ) PP. This difference between daily PP estimates was mainly due to: (1) the temporal variation of water column chlorophyll a (Chl a) because of frequent moving of water mass, and (2) the dissimilarity in ambient light field conditions between the two methods. Results revealed that considering the above two environmental factors invariable over a daylength, fairly close approximation of daily PP, compared to 13C-based daily PP, could be obtained from FRRF. Hence, FRRF-based daily PP can be considered as more realistic in this highly dynamic water body like Ariake Bay where water column parameters are subjected to strong temporal variation. The relationship between Chl a-specific photosynthetic rate (PB) and the corresponding photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the water column (PAR–PB relationship) was found to be linear for FRRF and curvilinear for 13C-based measurements in the near-surface layer, for the same intensities of incident PAR, and this is thought to be the primary basis for the higher difference in PP estimates at the near-surface layer. Considering the minor variations in FRRF-based time series of PAR–PB relationships, a combined and/or instantaneous PAR–PB relationship in combination with incubation Chl a and light field condition was used to obtain fairly close estimates of daily water column integrated PP from FRRF.  相似文献   

Effects of vertical stability on spring blooms of phytoplankton were investigated for the western subarctic Pacific ocean using a one-dimensional (depth) ecosystem model. In the model, vertical stability was expressed by diffusion constants calculated from observed density distribution. Dynamics of phytoplankton in blooms was calculated by the model using the vertical diffusion. Then, the calculated results were compared with the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) data. The comparison shows that the shallow surface mixed layer causes early start days of spring blooms at inshore (northern) stations. In addition, spring blooms continue long at inshore (northern) stations since a water column has weak stability. This is because weak stability of a water column causes large nutrient supply from a deep layer and large diffusive transport of phytoplankton biomass from the subsurface maximum.  相似文献   

During CREAMS expeditions, fCO2 for surface waters was measured continuously along the cruise tracks. The fCO2 in surface waters in summer varied in the range 320–440 μatm, showing moderate supersaturation with respect to atmospheric CO2. In winter, however, fCO2 showed under-saturation of CO2 in most of the area, while varying in a much wider range from 180 to 520 μatm. Some very high fCO2 values observed in the northern East Sea (Japan Sea) appeared to be associated with the intensive convection system developed in the area. A gas-exchange model was developed for describing the annual variation of fCO2 and for estimating the annual flux of CO2 at the air-sea interface. The model incorporated annual variations in SST, the thickness of the mixed layer, gas exchange associated with wind velocity, biological activity and atmospheric concentration of CO2. The model shows that the East Sea releases CO2 into the atmosphere from June to September, and absorbs CO2 during the rest of the year, from October through May. The net annual CO2 flux at the air-sea interface was estimated to be 0.032 (±0.012) Gt-C per year from the atmosphere into the East Sea. Water column chemistry shows penetration of CO2 into the whole water column, supporting a short turnover time for deep waters in the East Sea. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The commercially important sergestid shrimp,Sergia lucens (Hansen), has long been considered an endemic species of Japan because it had been found only in Suruga Bay and neighbouring waters. Recently, however, a considerable amount of a similar shrimp was caught by trawl nets off Tung-kang, southwestern Taiwan. This shrimp is distributed at depths of 100–300 m on the continental slope, around a deep submarine canyon adjacent to the mouth of the Kao-ping River. A morphological comparison with specimens from Suruga Bay reveals that the shrimp is identical toS. lucens. However, a slight difference in the patterns of water-soluble proteins was observed in a thin layer isoelectrophoretic examination. A difference was also observed in the spawning season of the two populations, indicating sexual and geographic isolation. Considering the distribution and phylogeny of the family Sergestidae, based on a possible evolutionary development from a benthic neritic organism to a pelagic oceanic one along the generaSicyonella-Sergestes-Sergia, it is assumed thatS. lucens entered a lower epipelagic habitat in the coastal waters from the warm oceanic mesopelagic habitat of the original stock. A hypothesis is proposed that speciation ofS. lucens from the original stock occurred when it was trapped in a semi-enclosed inlet (the paleo-East China Sea Gulf) that existed at the present Okinawa Trough during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene. The inlet was deep, but had a neritic environment due to drainage from ancient large river systems, including the paleo-Yangtze River. The species expanded its distribution to the neighbouring waters during the warm interglacial period. However, a rapid rise in sea level after 14,000 years significantly changed the environmental conditions in the distributional area and the species could not expand into a neritic environment, which was too shallow for survival. Accordingly,S. lucens populations remained only in Suruga Bay and Tung-kang waters, where the environment has remained stable for the last 17,000 years or more. The two areas have the following common characteristics:
  1. A large amount of fresh water is discharged into the deep submarine canyon adjacent to the river mouth.
  2. The northeastern part is surrounded by land so that a direct inflow of boreal water into the environment is blocked.
  3. Warm Kuroshio extension water intrudes and mixes with water from the rivers, and for Suruga Bay there is a current system that keeps distribution of the eggs and larvae restricted to the local habitats.
Taiwan annually exported some tens of metric tons of the driedS. lucens to Japan for the last few years, but the standing stock of Tung-kang waters is probably not as large as that in Suruga Bay.  相似文献   

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