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Summary Between three at a time of the four quantities ellipticity of the niveau-ellipsoid of the earth, gravity flattening, gravity gradient flattening and ellipticity of the isogravitational surface touching the niveau-ellipsoid at the equator there are functional relations in form of determinant equations.
Zusammenfassung Zwischen jeweils drei der vier Grössen Abplattung des Niveauellipsoids der Erde, Schwereabplattung, Schweregradientabplattung und Abplattung der das Niveauellipsoid im Äquator berührenden Fläche konstanter Schwerebeschleunigung werden Funktionalbeziehungen in Form von Determinantengleichungen aufgestellt.

Based on the synchronous joint gravity and magnetic inversion of single interface by Pilkington and the need of revealing Cenozoic and crystalline basement thickness in the new round of oil-gas exploration, we propose a joint gravity and magnetic inversion methodfor two-layer models by concentrating on the relationship between the change of thicknessI and position of the middle layer and anomaly and discuss the effects of the key parameters. Model tests and application to field data show the validity of this method.  相似文献   

Summary The method of relaxation has been applied to the upward continuation of gravity and magnetic data. The method yields results that are more accurate than those given byPeters' scheme, and has certain added advantages. In an alternative approach, the finite Fourier sine transform has been used to reduce an area relaxation to a series of line relaxations. The results, again, are very satisfactory. Only the two-dimensional problem is considered, but, with the help of a digital computor, the method is directly extensible to three-dimensional problems.Presented at the symposium on Geophysical Prospecting held by the Central Board of Geophysics at Baroda (India) between Aug. 15–17, 1959. Published by kind permission of Secretary, Central Board of Geophysics.  相似文献   

The application of the R-approximation method based on the use of the Radon integral transform within the framework of the method of linear integral representations to the interpretation of detailed gravity and magnetic data is considered in this paper. The results are presented for some research areas located in Russia and in the Crimea (Ukraine). The method determines the distribution of anomalous field elements, construction of the analytical continuation of fields, and their linear transformations with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

重磁数据三维物性反演方法进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了重磁数据三维物性反演方法中的几个关键问题.主要包括正演快速算法、反演框架、约束因子讨论、反演算法实现等方面.正演快速算法主要讨论了等效存储几何格架技术、基于GPU加速的并行计算技术以及小波压缩技术.三维物性反演则是在最小二乘意义下使目标函数达到极小的线性或非线性反演.指出,对于特定地质问题需要谨慎选择不同且合适的约束方法乃至反演算法,才能达到好的效果.最后讨论了重磁数据三维物性反演较好的应用前景及发展方向.  相似文献   

The paper describes algorithms of data processing using methods of wavelet analysis. The main integral transforms of 2-D data based on ideas of multiscale analysis and the Radon transform are examined. The latter belongs to the class of beamlet transforms. They are briefly characterized and their application is illustrated by simple geophysical examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents a reasonable gridding-parameters extraction method for setting the optimal interpolation nodes in the gridding of scattered observed data. The method can extract optimized gridding parameters based on the distribution of features in raw data. Modeling analysis proves that distortion caused by gridding can be greatly reduced when using such parameters. We also present some improved technical measures that use human-machine interaction and multi-thread parallel technology to solve inadequacies in traditional gridding software. On the basis of these methods, we have developed software that can be used to grid scattered data using a graphic interface. Finally, a comparison of different gridding parameters on field magnetic data from Ji Lin Province, North China demonstrates the superiority of the proposed method in eliminating the distortions and enhancing gridding efficiency.  相似文献   

本文利用澳大利亚北领地West Arnhem Land 地区实测重力异常数据并联合DEM(9")和SRTM3(3")地形高程数据,使用移去-恢复技术和Stokes积分方法计算了该地区两条剖面的重力梯度及其功率谱密度,使用FFT方法解算了整个地区的重力梯度值,结果证明了联合重力异常数据和高分辨率地形高程数据能有效地提高重力梯度的解算精度;功率谱密度的计算结果与国外成熟的重力梯度功率谱密度模型相吻合,表明高于0.3 Hz频率范围的功率谱密度可看做噪声,为重力梯度数据处理中噪声的辨别和剔除提供了借鉴,另外对重力梯度辅助导航基准图的构建以及重力梯度测量系统的标定提供了有益的探索.  相似文献   

The basic theoretical foundations of the spectral analysis of gravity and magnetic data based on the approximation approach have been considered and corresponding expressions implementing various statements of the F-approximation method have been derived [Strakhov and Kerimov, 1999; 2000; 2001]. The author considered the algorithms and computer implementation of the F-approximation of anomalous gravity and magnetic fields presented in the results of testing with the use of a number of model examples and data on the accuracy of the model field approximation earlier on in [Kerimov, 2003]. In this paper, I consider methodological features of constructing the F-approximation from the detailed gravity and magnetic surveys, anomalous gravity and magnetic fields reconstructed with the use of the F -approximation, and examples of the field transforms obtained with the use of this approach.  相似文献   

重力和重力梯度数据三维相关成像   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了重力异常三维相关成像方法和重力梯度数据三维相关成像方法,并提出了基于异常分离的三维相关成像方法来提高成像分辨率.通过合成Y型岩脉模型和合成多个直立长方体组合模型的重力异常和重力梯度数据试验分析,验证了本文三维相关成像方法可显示出异常地质体的空间赋存状态和等效剩余质量分布,具有良好的纵向和横向分辨率.  相似文献   

The application of semi‐automatic interpretation techniques to potential field data can be of significant assistance to a geophysicist. This paper generalizes the magnetic vertical contact model tilt‐depth method to gravity data using a vertical cylinder and buried sphere models. The method computes the ratio of the vertical to the total horizontal derivative of data and then identifies circular contours within it. Given the radius of the contour and the contour value itself, the depth to the source can be determined. The method is applied both to synthetic and gravity data from South Africa. The Matlab source code can be obtained from the author upon request.  相似文献   

重磁异常相关成像法是一种快速确定场源位置的有效方法,其相关系数极大值表征地质体中心位置.现有方法需已知地质体构造指数,本文提出重磁不同阶梯度比值的相关成像方法,可有效去除构造指数的影响,并讨论不同组合梯度比值的应用效果.对于磁异常数据,考虑到剩磁的影响,将采用解析信号及其梯度的比值来获取地质体的分布.通过理论模型试验,证明梯度比值相关成像法可以确定地质体中心位置,也具备良好的抗噪性.此外,解析信号二阶垂直梯度与解析信号比值的相关成像结果最稳定,精度和分辨率最高,为了降低噪声的干扰,在二阶及以上导数计算时采用Laplace方程来完成.将本文方法应用于埃及Hamrawien地区的实测磁数据的解释,反演获得地下异常体的深度在680 m和808 m.  相似文献   

Fourier transforms of the theoretical gravity effect due to a two-dimensional asymmetrical triangular prism have been derived. Evaluation of the parameters from the analysis of the Fourier Spectra has been outlined.  相似文献   

提升小波:可用于重磁资料处理的新方法   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
小波变换在重磁资料处理中得到了广泛应用.通过提升结构构造的二代小波继承了一代小波的优良属性,并且具有灵活性、适应性、易于快速实现等优点.二代小波比一代小波有很多优点和好的属性,其应用范围更为广泛.本文介绍了提升结构构造二代小波的思想,并讨论了其在重磁资料处理中的应用前景.  相似文献   

Commonly, geomagnetic prospection is performed via scalar magnetometers that measure values of the total magnetic intensity. Recent developments of superconducting quantum interference devices have led to their integration in full tensor magnetic gradiometry systems consisting of planar‐type first‐order gradiometers and magnetometers fabricated in thin‐film technology. With these systems measuring directly the magnetic gradient tensor and field vector, a significantly higher magnetic and spatial resolution of the magnetic maps is yield than those produced via conventional magnetometers. In order to preserve the high data quality in this work, we develop a workflow containing all the necessary steps for generating the gradient tensor and field vector quantities from the raw measurement data up to their integration into high­resolution, low­noise, and artefactless two‐dimensional maps of the magnetic field vector. The gradient tensor components are processed by superposition of the balanced gradiometer signals and rotation into an Earth‐centred Earth‐fixed coordinate frame. As the magnetometers have sensitivity lower than that of gradiometers and the total magnetic intensity is not directly recorded, we employ Hilbert‐like transforms, e.g., integration of the gradient tensor components or the conversion of the total magnetic intensity derived by calibrated magnetometer readings to obtain these values. This can lead to a better interpretation of the measured magnetic anomalies of the Earth's magnetic field that is possible from scalar total magnetic intensity measurements. Our conclusions are drawn from the application of these algorithms on a survey acquired in South Africa containing full tensor magnetic gradiometry data.  相似文献   

卫星重磁观测数据覆盖范围广、更新周期快是现代地球物理中重要的数据类型之一.随着卫星重磁观测技术的不断发展,卫星重磁观测数据的精度和分辨率得到了大幅提高,被广泛的应用于探索地球、月球、火星等天体内部物质分布、结构、构造等地学问题的研究.在研究过程中,对卫星重磁数据选择合适的处理和反演方法是后续能否进行精确分析解释的重要前提.基于球坐标系下的卫星重磁数据解算、正、反演方法为大尺度地学问题的球面研究为更贴近于实际地质情况提供了方法技术支持.本文针对卫星重磁数据的曲面数据和大尺度应用研究的特点,对近年来提出的球坐标系下Tesseroid单元体的正、反演方法进行了较为全面的阐述.可为国内同行深入了解卫星重磁数据在球坐标系下的研究现状和开展进一步的研究提供参考,促进卫星重磁数据在我国地球系统科学领域中发挥更大作用.  相似文献   

研究九瑞矿集区成矿地层和岩体的三维分布特征可为区域成矿背景和成矿规律研究提供新的信息,实现研究区深部及外围找矿突破.本文首先综合分析研究区区域地质及地层和岩石密度和磁化率特征,然后将区域地质和12条地质剖面信息利用自行开发的GIF2UBCmodel程序构建剩余密度和磁化率参考模型和上下边界约束模型,实现了带约束重磁数据三维反演.反演结果揭示九瑞矿集区剩余密度和磁化率三维分布特征,解译了矿集区主要地层和岩体分布特征.该区存在邓家山—东雷湾以及武山—丁家山两个大型岩体;盖层褶皱与结晶基底隆起方向一致,是深部基地隆起的继承.通过与矿集区已知矿床对比发现,高磁性岩体边缘和基底隆起(高密度体)两翼为成矿有利区.  相似文献   




渤海湾地区壳幔结构重磁综合研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
渤海湾盆地是华北克拉通破坏的中心,其东部渤海海域深部结构研究对认识华北克拉通破坏范围及动力学过程具有重要意义.为此,本文选取自河北新城经天津静海沿东南方向进入渤海海域的剖面进行重磁反演,研究其地壳结构特征.通过对该地区文献调研及2010年渤海海陆联测初步结果建立初始模型,结合本地区密度、磁化率特征进行二度半体重磁异常反...  相似文献   

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