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Observations of the lunar surface with the orbiting Apollo Alpha Particle Spectrometer during the Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 missions have shown spatial and temporal variations in radon emission. There are a number of well localized features in the spatial distribution of lunar222Rn and her daughter210Po which apparently correlate with sites of reported transient visual events. There are sources at Aristarchus, Grimaldi and possibly Tsiolkovsky. Activity of210Po shows enhancement at most maria edges at rates far in excess of222Rn activity. This demonstrates unequivocally the presence of time varying radon activity at the maria edges, taking place at the present time. The increased radon emission is probably caused by sporadic internal activity. In analogy to terrestial processes, radon may be merely a trace component accompanying the release of larger quantities of more common gases to the lunar surface.  相似文献   

Optical observations were made from the orbiting spacecraft to craters on the lunar surface during Apollo missions 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. Very accurate selenographic locations for 31 craters have been obtained from these data. The estimated radius values, with respect to the center of mass of the Moon, for the near side maria were smaller than the nominally accepted value of 1738 km. Gross figure of the Moon estimates were obtained for both a sphere and a constrained ellipsoid. These data appear to provide some proof that there is a displacement between the center of figure and the center of mass of the Moon.  相似文献   

New crater size-shape data were compiled for 221 fresh lunar craters and 152 youthful mercurian craters. Terraces and central peaks develop initially in fresh craters on the Moon in the 0–10 km diameter interval. Above a diameter of 65 km all craters are terraced and have central peaks. Swirl floor texture is most common in craters in the size range 20–30 km, but it occurs less frequently as terraces become a dominant feature of crater interiors. For the Moon there is a correlation between crater shape and geomorphic terrain type. For example, craters on the maria are more complex in terms of central peak and terrace detail at any given crater diameter than are craters in the highlands. These crater data suggest that there are significant differences in substrate and/or target properties between maria and highlands. Size-shape profiles for Mercury show that central peak and terrace onset is in the 10–20 km diameter interval; all craters are terraced at 65 km, and all have central peaks at 45 km. The crater data for Mercury show no clear cut terrain correlation. Comparison of lunar and mercurian data indicates that both central peaks and terraces are more abundant in craters in the diameter range 5–75 km on Mercury. Differences in crater shape between Mercury and the Moon may be due to differences in planetary gravitational acceleration (gMercury=2.3gMoon). Also differences between Mercury and the Moon in target and substrate and in modal impact velocity may contribute to affect crater shape.  相似文献   

The principal chemical element composition and inferred mineralogy of the powdered lunar surface material at seven mare and one terra sites on the Moon are compared. The mare compositions are all similar to one another and comparable to those of terrestrial ocean ridge basalts except in having higher titanium and much lower sodium contents than the latter. These analyses suggest that most, if not all, lunar maria have this chemical composition and are derived from rocks with an average density of 3.19 g cm–3. Mare Tranquillitatis differs from the other maria in having twice the titanium content of the others.The chemical composition of the single highland site studied (Surveyor 7) is distinctly different from that of any of the maria in having much lower amounts of titanium and iron and larger amounts of aluminium and calcium. Confirmation of these general characteristics of lunar highland material has come from recent observations by the Apollo 15 Orbiter. The inferred mineralogy is 45 mole percent high anorthite plagioclase and the parent rocks have an estimated density of 2.94 g cm–3. The Surveyor 7 chemical composition is the principal contributor to present estimates of the overall chemical composition of the lunar surface.Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 14–25, 1971. This paper is an expanded and updated version of a paper presented at the Apollo 12 Lunar Science Conference, Houston, Texas, January 11–14, 1971, and published in the Proceedings of this Conference (Turkevich, 1971).  相似文献   

Polarimetric measurements were collected at different areas of the surface of Mercury, and for the whole disk in six wavelengths. The curves of polarization are compared with telescopic observations of the Moon and laboratory studies of minerals and returned lunar samples. The negative branch of polarization proves that Mercury's surface is almost everywhere covered by a regolith layer of fines of the lunar type, also made of dark and adsorbing material, and most probably of the same impact generated origin. The polarization maximum of Mercury is reproduced by lunar samples of fines of intermediate albedo corresponding to the lightest regolith found in the Apollo explored maria.The albedo of Mercury at phase angle 5° deduced from telescopic photometry is to be corrected by a factor of 1.20 and the best “polarimetric” values of albedos are 0.130 at λ = 0.585μm, 0.119 at λ = 0.520 μm, 0.093 at λ = 0.379μm and 0.087 at λ = 0.354μm. The contrast between light and dark-lined regions at the surface of Mercury is most probably much fainter than between the maria and continents on the Moon.The molecular atmosphere of Mercury, if any, has a surface pressure probably smaller than 2 × 10?4 bars.  相似文献   

Although researchers in the last decade have been primarily concerned with the exotic findings of the more distant planets and moons in our solar system, as given by the Voyager series, there is still much work to be done on our nearer neighbours, including the Moon. This paper summarizes some basic age dating of a portion of the lunar surface, namely the mare in the crater Tsiolkovsky on the lunar far side.Using the Apollo 15 panoramic camera photographs, the cumulative crater frequency (N km-2) relative to crater diameter (D) distribution has been obtained for the mare in the crater Tsiolkovsky. The diameter size range sampled was 0.07 km < D < 1 km. A total of 12 604 craters were counted and their average apparent diameters measured. There were 85 sample areas on the mare surface which were chosen at random, after exclusion of blanketed, volcanic or secondary cratered areas. It was found that a large proportion of the crater floor contains endogenic features, especially volcanic vents at approximately D = 0.3 km. An additional 7 areas of interest were also examined in detail for comparison with areas of purely primary impact craters. Evidence for up to 8 lava floodings can be detected from the size-frequency distributions although no visual data, e.g., flow lobes, can be seen on the mare surface.The total size-frequency distribution for all the areas is coincident with Neukum et al. (1975a and b) Calibration Distribution in the size range 0.25 km < D < 1 km which is at the smallest crater diameters that they obtained. Neukum et al. (1975a and b) give their distribution as a polynomial of 7th degree. However, in this present study a variation is indicated in the steepening of the curve for D < 0.1 km.The results also approximate (but only for D < 0.6 km) the distribution obtained by Shoemaker et al. (1970) in the range 100 m < D < 3 km where N ~ D -2.9. The best fit line reached for the data given here is N ~ D -2.682.Comparison of the distribution with plots for the maria at Apollo 11, 12, and 15 landing sites show that Tsiolkovsky mare is 3.51 ± 0.1 × 109 yr old. This agrees with other workers (see Gornitz, 1973) who place it between Mare Tranquillitatis (Apollo 11 radiometric dating: 3.5 to 3.9 aeons) and Oceanus Procellarum (Apollo 12: 3.5 to 3.4 aeons). There are no rock samples from Tsiolkovsky to given an absolute age.This places Tsiolkovsky mare within the weighted mean of the age range (1.0 to 4.3 × 109 yr old) of the maria on the Moon. From this it can be concluded that the processes producing the vast basalt outpourings seen on the Moon's face apply for the far side also and that there is a linking factor for the whole Moon.  相似文献   

Making use of Orbiter and Apollo photographs, frequency counts of craters down to 2 km diam as indicators of the relative ages of lunar features, have been made on 264 areas, including 15 terrae, 27 recognized maria, 174 flat-floored craters and 48 lava-covered areas with indefinite boundaries designated as ‘marets’. Analysis of frequency counts on flat-floored craters on the basis of this data and re-assessment of former results, combined with the relatively restricted age range of lunar samples, make it unlikely that the present observations are able to reach back in time to impacts on an assumed primordial floating crust. The range of crater frequencies on the marets, together with their wide distribution over the lunar surface, suggest lava migrations to the surface within autonomous domains each with its own chronology, covering an extensive period of lunar history. The close association of marets with flat-floored craters provides a reasonable origin for the floor material of these latter objects. The lava migrations associated with the marets suggest that internal heating may be a more important factor in the origin of lunar surface features than had formerly been supposed. Kopal's views on the origin of the moon's multiple moments of intertia (1972) are considered to support the concept of autonomous domains. It is considered that the time sequence of separate lava flows represented by the marets may be a reflection of physical processes within the moon responsible for the successive lava flows associated with the larger maria.  相似文献   

Abstract– Sixty named lunar meteorite stones representing about 24 falls have been found in Oman. In an area of 10.7 × 103 km2 in southern Oman, lunar meteorite areal densities average 1 g km?2. All lunar meteorites from Oman are breccias, although two are dominated by large igneous clasts (a mare basalt and a crystalline impact‐melt breccia). Among the meteorites, the range of compositions is large: 9–32% Al2O3, 2.5–21.1% FeO, 0.3–38 μg g?1 Sm, and <1 to 22.5 ng g?1 Ir. The proportion of nonmare lunar meteorites is higher among those from Oman than those from Antarctica or Africa. Omani lunar meteorites extend the compositional range of lunar rocks as known from the Apollo collection and from lunar meteorites from other continents. Some of the feldspathic meteorites are highly magnesian (high MgO/[MgO + FeO]) compared with most similarly feldspathic Apollo rocks. Two have greater concentrations of incompatible trace elements than all but a few Apollo samples. A few have moderately high abundances of siderophile elements from impacts of iron meteorites on the Moon. All lunar meteorites from Oman are contaminated, to various degrees, with terrestrial Na, K, P, Zn, As, Se, Br, Sr, Sb, Ba, U, carbonates, or sulfates. The contamination is not so great, however, that it seriously compromises the scientific usefulness of the meteorites as samples from randomly distributed locations on the Moon.  相似文献   

Range measurements from the orbiting spacecraft to the lunar surface were made during the Apollo 15 mission using a laser altimeter. The measurements were made in a plane inclined at approximately 26° with respect to the lunar equator. Analysis of measurements made during one complete lunar revolution indicates that the figure of the Moon is very complex. The lunar far side appears to be considerably rougher than the near side in this plane. There appears to be a very large depression on the far side centered at approximately 180° longitude. The near-side maria are depressed with respect to surrounding terrae. These data provide some proof that there is a displacement between the center of figure and the center of mass of the Moon.  相似文献   

The available data on the chemical composition of the lunar surface at eleven sites (3 Surveyor, 5 Apollo and 3 Luna) are used to estimate the amounts of principal chemical elements (those present in more than about 0.5% by atom) in average lunar surface material. The terrae of the Moon differ from the maria in having much less iron and titanium and appreciably more aluminum and calcium.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of the tendency of large lunar craters to lie along circles. A catalog of the craters ? 50 km in diameter was prepared first, noting position, diameter, rim sharpness and completion, nature of underlying surface, and geological age. The subset of those craters 50–400 km in diameter was then used as input to computer programs which identified each ‘family’ of four or more craters, of selected geological age, lying on a circular arc. For comparison, families were also identified for randomized crater models in which the crater spatial density was matched to that on the Moon, either overall or, separately, for mare and highland areas. The observed frequency of lunar arcuate families was statistically highly significantly greater than for the randomized models, for craters classified as either late pre-Imbrian (Nectarian), middle pre-Imbrian, or early pre-Imbrian, as well as for a number of larger age-classes. The lunar families tend to center in specific areas of the Moon: these lie in highlands rather than maria and are different for families of Nectarian craters than for pre-Nectarian. The origin of the arcuate crater groupings is not understood.  相似文献   

Crystallization from the molten state has been an important process for the formation of rocks on the Moon; the phenomenon of fractional crystallization is therefore discussed. The principal chemical and mineralogical features of the Apollo 11, 12 and 14 basaltic crystalline rocks are described, and an account is given of other rock types and minerals which are represented among the coarser particles in the lunar soils. A comparison is made between the chemical compositions (major, minor and trace element concentrations) of rocks and soils.Based upon the above data, one possible model for the outer shell of the Moon is presented, which consists of an outer layer of Al-rich rocks underlain by a layer which is more ferromagnesian in character. Partial melting of the latter was probably responsible for the extrusion of lavas at the surface which spread to form the basalts (Apollo 11 and 12) of the non-circular maria. The Apollo 14 (Fra Mauro) basalts are relatively enriched in potassium, rare earth elements, zirconium, phosphorus and certain other elements and may derive from partial melting of the more aluminous upper layer.The separation of the outer Moon into two layers could have occurred through gravity-aided fractional crystallization at an early stage (first few hundred m yr) in lunar history.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

Data relevant to the shallow structure of the Moon obtained at the Apollo seismic stations are compared with previously published results of the active seismic experiments. It is concluded that the lunar surface is covered by a layer of low seismic velocity (V p ? 100 m s?1), which appears to be equivalent to the lunar regolith defined previously by geological observations. This layer is underlain by a zone of distinctly higher seismic velocity at all of the Apollo landing sites. The regolith thicknesses at the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 sites are estimated from the shear-wave resonance to be 4.4, 3.7, and 4.4 m, respectively. These thicknesses and those determined at the other Apollo sites by the active seismic experiments appear to be correlated with the age determinations and the abundances of extralunar components at the sites.  相似文献   

Three types of meteoritic material are found on the Moon: micrometeorites, ancien planetesimal debris from the ‘early intense bombardment’, and debris of recent, crater-forming projectiles. Their amounts and compositions have been determined from trace element studies. The micrometeorite component is uniformly distributed over the entire lunar surface, but is seen most clearly in mare soils. It has a primitive, C1-chondrite-like composition, and comprises 1-1.5% of mature soils. Apparently it represents cometary debris. The mean annual influx rate is 2.4 × 10?9 g cm?2 yr?1. It shows no detectable time variation or dependence on selenographic position. The ancient component is seen in highland breccias and soils more than 3.9 AE old. It has a fractionated composition, with volatiles depleted relative to siderophiles. The abundance pattern does not match that of any known meteorite class. At least two varieties exist (LN and DN, with Ir/Au, Re/Au 0.25-0.5 and > 0.5 the C1 value). Both seem to represent the debris of planetesimals that produced the mare basins and highland craters during the first 700 Myr of the Moon's history. It appears that the LN and DN objects impacted at less then 10 km s?1, had diameters less than 100 km, contained more than 15% Fe, and were not internally differentiated. Both were depleted in volatiles; the LN objects also in refractories (Ir, Re). This makes it unlikely that the LN bodies served as important building blocks of the Moon. The crater-forming component has remained elusive. Only a possible hint of this component has been seen, in ejecta from Dune Crater and Apollo 12 KREEP glasses of Copernican (?) origin.  相似文献   

The lunar maria reflect two to five times less Earth-based radar power than the highlands, the spectrally blue maria surfaces returning the lowest power levels. This effect of weakening signal return has been attributed to increased signal absorption related to the electrical and magnetic characteristics of the mineral ilmenite (FeTiO3). The surface of Mare Imbrium contains some of the most distinct red-blue colorimetric boundaries and depolarized 70 cm wavelength reflectivity variations on the near side of the Moon. The weakest levels of both 3.8 cm and 70 cm reflectivity within Imbrium are confined to regional mare surfaces of the blue spectral type that can be recognized as stratigraphically unique flow surfaces. Frequency distributions of the 70 cm polarized and depolarized radar return power for five mare surfaces within the basin indicate that signal absorption, and probably the ilmenite content, increases generally from the beginning of the Imbrian Period to the end of the Eratosthenian Period with slight reversal between the end of the Imbrian and beginning of the Eratosthenian. TiO2 calibrated radar reflectivity curves can be utilized for lunar maria geochemical mapping in the same manner as the TiO2 calibrated spectral reflectivity curves of Charetteet al. (1974). The long wavelength radar data may be a sensitive indicator of mare chemical variations as it is unaffected by the normal surface rock clutter that includes ray materials from large impact craters.  相似文献   

Wenzhe Fa  Mark A. Wieczorek 《Icarus》2012,218(2):771-787
The inversion of regolith thickness over the nearside hemisphere of the Moon from newly acquired Earth-based 70-cm Arecibo radar data is investigated using a quantitative radar scattering model. The radar scattering model takes into account scattering from both the lunar surface and buried rocks in the lunar regolith, and three parameters are critically important in predicting the radar backscattering coefficient: the dielectric constant of the lunar regolith, the surface roughness, and the size and abundance of subsurface rocks. The measured dielectric properties of the Apollo regolith samples at 450 MHz are re-analyzed, and an improved relation among the complex dielectric constant, bulk density and regolith composition is obtained. The complex dielectric constant of the lunar regolith is estimated globally from this relation using the regolith composition derived from Lunar Prospector gamma-ray spectrometer data. To constrain the lunar surface roughness and abundance of subsurface rocks from radar data, nine regions are selected as calibration sites where the regolith thickness has been estimated using independent analysis techniques. For these sites, scattering from the lunar surface and buried rocks cannot be perfectly distinguished, and a tradeoff relationship exists between the size and abundance of buried rocks and surface roughness. Using these tradeoff relations as guidelines for globally representative parameters, the regolith thickness of four regions over the lunar nearside is inverted, and the inversion uncertainties caused by calibration errors of the radar data and model input parameters are analyzed. The regolith thickness of the maria is generally smaller than that of highlands, and older surfaces have thicker regolith thicknesses. Our approach cannot be applied to regions where the surface roughness is very high, such as with young rocky craters and regions in the highly rugged highlands.  相似文献   

Radar, infrared, and photogeologic properties of lunar craters have been studied to determine whether there is a systematic difference in blocky craters between the maria and terrae and whether this difference may be due to a deep megaregolith of pulverized material forming the terra surface, as opposed to a layer of semi-coherent basalt flows forming the mare surface. Some 1310 craters from about 4 to 100 km diameter have been catalogued as radar and/or infrared anomalies. In addition, a study of Apollo Orbital Photography confirmed that the radar and infrared anomalies are correlated with blocky rubble around the crater.Analysis of the radar and infrared data indicated systematic terra—mare differences. Fresh terra craters smaller than 12 km were less likely to be infrared and radar anomalies than comparable mare craters: but terra and mare craters larger than 12 km had similar infrared and radar signatures. Also, there are many terra craters which are radar bright but not infrared anomalies.Our interpretation of these data is that while the maria are rock layers (basaltic flow units) where craters eject boulder fields, the terrae are covered by relatively pulverized megaregolith at least 2 km deep, where craters eject less rocky rubble. Blocky rubble, either in the form of actual rocks or partly consolidated blocks, contributes to the radar and infrared signatures of the crater. However, aging by impacts rapidly destroys these effects, possibly through burial by secondary debris or by disintegration of the blocks themselves, especially in terra regions.PSI Contribution No. 110.  相似文献   

The circular maria - Orientale, Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium, Smythii, and Tsiolkovsky -lie nearly on a lunar great circle. This pattern can be considered the result of a very close, non-capture encounter between Moon and Earth early in solar-system history. Of critical importance in analyzing the effects of such an encounter is the position of the weightlessness limit of the Earth-Moon System which is located at about 1.63R e, measured from the center of Earth to center of Moon. Within this weightlessness limit, material can be pulled from the lunar surface and interior by Earth's gravity and either escape from the Moon or be redistributed onto the lunar surface. In the case of an encounter with a non-spinning Moon, backfalling materials would be distributed along a lunar great circle. However, if the Moon is rotating during the encounter, the backfall pattern will deviate from the great circle, the amount depending on the rate and direction of spin. Such a close encounter model may be related to the pattern of circular maria if materials departing from the source region are visualized as spheroids of molten lunar upper mantle basalt. These spheroids, then, would impact onto the lunar surface to form a pattern of lava lakes. Radiometric dates from mare rocks are consistent with this model of mare formation if the older mare rock dates are considered to date the encounter and younger dates are considered to date subsequent volcanic eruptions on a structurally weakened Moon.  相似文献   

One of the most exciting recent developments in the field of lunar science has been the unambiguous detection of water (either as OH or H2O) or water ice on the Moon through instruments flown on a number of orbiting spacecraft missions. At the same time, continued laboratory-based investigations of returned lunar samples by Apollo missions using high-precision, low-detection, analytical instruments have for the first time, provided the absolute abundance of water (present mostly as structurally bound OH in mineral phases) in lunar samples. These new results suggest that the Moon is not an anhydrous body, questioning conventional wisdom, and indicating the possibility of a wet lunar interior and the presence of distinct reservoirs of water on the lunar surface. However, not all recent results point to a wet Moon and it appears that the distribution of water on the Moon may be highly heterogeneous. Additionally, a number of sources are likely to have contributed to the water inventory of the Moon ranging from primordial water to meteorite-derived water ice through to the water formed during the reaction of solar-wind hydrogen with the lunar soil. Water on the Moon has implications for future astrobiological investigations as well as for generating resources in situ during future exploration of the Moon and other airless bodies in the Solar System.  相似文献   

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