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Tensor algebra provides a robust framework for multi-dimensional seismic data processing. A low-rank tensor can represent a noise-free seismic data volume. Additive random noise will increase the rank of the tensor. Hence, tensor rank-reduction techniques can be used to filter random noise. Our filtering method adopts the Candecomp/Parafac decomposition to approximates a N-dimensional seismic data volume via the superposition of rank-one tensors. Similar to the singular value decomposition for matrices, a low-rank Candecomp/Parafac decomposition can capture the signal and exclude random noise in situations where a low-rank tensor can represent the ideal noise-free seismic volume. The alternating least squares method is adopted to compute the Candecomp/Parafac decomposition with a provided target rank. This method involves solving a series of highly over-determined linear least-squares subproblems. To improve the efficiency of the alternating least squares algorithm, we uniformly randomly sample equations of the linear least-squares subproblems to reduce the size of the problem significantly. The computational overhead is further reduced by avoiding unfolding and folding large dense tensors. We investigate the applicability of the randomized Candecomp/Parafac decomposition for incoherent noise attenuation via experiments conducted on a synthetic dataset and field data seismic volumes. We also compare the proposed algorithm (randomized Candecomp/Parafac decomposition) against multi-dimensional singular spectrum analysis and classical prediction filtering. We conclude the proposed approach can achieve slightly better denoising performance in terms of signal-to-noise ratio enhancement than traditional methods, but with a less computational cost.  相似文献   

基于总体经验模式分解的地震信号随机噪声消除   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
地震资料去噪是地震数据处理非常重要的步骤,现代地震勘探对地震资料信噪比的要求越来越高.总体经验模式分解(ensemble empirical mode decomposition,简写为EEMD)是一种新的时域信号处理方法,它是对经验模式分解(empirical mode decomposition,简写为EMD)的一...  相似文献   

Preserving the structural and stratigraphic discontinuities or edges is essential in seismic data processing and interpretation. According to several numerical experiments, it is obvious that random noise has a constant spectral density, whereas the structural features vary significantly within different frequency bands, which means that the ratio between the densities of noise and structural features varies significantly in different frequency bands. Therefore, we propose a method called adaptive hybrid diffusion to attenuate random noise, which utilizes a novel adaptive frequency-based parameter. First, the adaptive hybrid diffusion method decomposes the seismic sections into several band-limited portions using variational mode decomposition. These portions are called intrinsic mode functions, in which noise and structural energy have distinct differences. Subsequently, utilizing the adaptive frequency-based parameter, each intrinsic mode function is divided into several monotonous portions that represent the noise or structural area. Afterwards, the total variation and L2 minimization algorithms are utilized separately to suppress the noise in different band-limited monotonous areas. The algorithms are chosen dynamically, as the portion changes with the change in the adaptive parameter. Finally, these denoised portions are combined to obtain the denoised seismic section. Experimental results on synthetic and field seismic data showed that seismic noise is effectively suppressed by the adaptive hybrid diffusion method, with the edge details of seismic events well preserved.  相似文献   

基于数据增广和CNN的地震随机噪声压制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)是一种基于数据驱动的学习算法,简化了传统从特征提取到分类的两阶段式处理任务,被广泛应用于计算机科学的各个领域.在标注数据不足的地震数据去噪领域,CNN的推广应用受到限制.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于数据生成和增广的地震数据CNN去噪框架.对于合成数据,本文对无噪地震数据添加不同方差的高斯噪声,增广后构成训练集,实现基于小样本的CNN训练.对于实际地震数据,由于无法获得真实的干净数据和噪声来生成训练样本集,本文提出一种直接从无标签实际有噪数据生成标签数据集的方法.在所提出的方法中,我们利用目前已有的去噪方法从实际地震数据中分别获得估计干净数据和估计噪声,前者与未知的干净数据具有相似纹理,后者与实际噪声具有相似的概率分布.人工合成数据和实际数据实验结果表明,相较于F-X反褶积,BM3D和自适应频域滤波算法,本文方法能更好地压制随机噪声和保护有效信号.最后,本文采用神经网络可视化方法对去噪CNN的机理进行了探索,一定程度上解释了网络每一层的学习内容.


We present a new approach to analyse the subsurface water content distribution obtained by inversion of MRS data in terms of resolution and penetration depth. It is based on a singular value decomposition (SVD) of the MRS forward operator to derive the model resolution matrix including regularisation parameters, i.e. including noise conditions. The approach takes loop size, subsurface resistivity distribution and noise conditions as input parameters affecting MRS into account and allows an assessment on resolution and penetration.The application of the new approach shows that the loop diameter must be carefully chosen depending on the investigation site to obtain optimal resolution and penetration. Using the introduced resolution measures the quality and reliability of the estimated model can be assessed.  相似文献   

随机噪声是影响地震勘探有效信号的主要因素,其存在大大降低了地震记录的信噪比.在噪声压制方法不断被改进的同时,对随机噪声特性进行研究,了解噪声的产生机制是对其进行压制的先决条件,目前对噪声的研究主要是特性研究以寻找规律性,对其进行定性定量的分析还比较少.本文根据塔里木沙漠地区实际采集环境,考虑到噪声的连续性给计算带来的不便,假设各类噪声源以点源的形式分布在检波器周围,依据相应理论确定各类噪声源的源函数,其激发的噪声经由波动方程传播,将随机噪声作为各类噪声源共同作用的综合波场,建立随机噪声的理论模型.通过分析不同种噪声对地震记录的影响,选取合适的滤波方法对其进行压制,实验结果表明,通过建立沙漠地区随机噪声的理论模型,为选择有效的滤波方法,提高地震记录信噪比起到理论指导作用.  相似文献   

基于非稳态多项式拟合的地震噪声衰减方法研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于非稳态多项式拟合理论,针对地震数据中同相轴振幅变化这一特征,我们提出了一种地震噪声衰减的新方法。非稳态多项式拟合系数是时变的,通过整形正则化约束多项式拟和系数的光滑性,自适应的估计地震数据的相干分量。基于动校正后的共中心点道集(CMP)中地震信号的相干性,利用非稳态多项式拟合估计有效信号,从而衰减随机噪声。对于线性相干噪声,如地滚波,首先利用径向道变换(RadialTraceTransform,RTT)将地震数据变换到时间一视速度域,在时间—视速度域利用非稳态多项式拟合估计出相干噪声,然后减去相干噪声。该方法可以有效的估计振幅变化的相干分量,不需要相干分量振幅为常量的假设。模拟和实际资料处理结果表明,与传统的稳态多项式拟合和低切滤波相比,该方法可以更为有效的衰减地震噪声,同时保真了地震有效信号。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的基于正交多项式变换来压制动校正后CMP道集上随机噪声的方法,将地震资料经过正交多项式变换,建立正交多项式系数谱,该谱描述了地震资料在正交多项式域的能量分布,可以较好地分离有效波和随机噪声,相对于固定阶次的基于正交多项式变换压制噪声的方法,所提出的方法根据能量随阶次变化的规律,自适应确定表达有效信号的正交多项式阶次,既提高了信号和噪声的分离效果,又有效地保护了地震信号中的AVO信息,对人工合成数据和实际资料的处理结果表明了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

We propose to adopt a deep learning based framework using generative adversarial networks for ground-roll attenuation in land seismic data. Accounting for the non-stationary properties of seismic data and the associated ground-roll noise, we create training labels using local time–frequency transform and regularized non-stationary regression. The basic idea is to train the network using a few shot gathers such that the network can learn the weights associated with noise attenuation for the training shot gathers. We then apply the learned weights to test ground-roll attenuation on shot gathers, that are not a part of training input to obtain the desired signal. This approach gives results similar to local time–frequency transform and regularized non-stationary regression but at a significantly reduced computational cost. The proposed approach automates the ground-roll attenuation process without requiring any manual input in picking the parameters for each shot gather other than in the training data. Tests on field-data examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A significant practical problem with the pilot point method is to choose the location of the pilot points. We present a method that is intended to relieve the modeler from much of this responsibility. The basic idea is that a very large number of pilot points are distributed more or less uniformly over the model area. Singular value decomposition (SVD) of the (possibly weighted) sensitivity matrix of the pilot point based model produces eigenvectors of which we pick a small number corresponding to significant eigenvalues. Super parameters are defined as factors through which parameter combinations corresponding to the chosen eigenvectors are multiplied to obtain the pilot point values. The model can thus be transformed from having many-pilot-point parameters to having a few super parameters that can be estimated by nonlinear regression on the basis of the available observations. (This technique can be used for any highly parameterized groundwater model, not only for models parameterized by the pilot point method.)  相似文献   

李晋  马翻红  汤井田  李勇 《地球物理学报》2022,65(12):4944-4962

针对强电磁干扰极易掩盖微弱的大地电磁有用信号,本文结合奇异值分解在去噪方面的优越性,提出基于自适应多分辨率奇异值分解(Adaptive Multi-Resolution Singular Value Decomposition,AMRSVD)的大地电磁数据处理方法.首先对大地电磁数据构建Hankel矩阵,利用MRSVD得到不同分辨率的近似信号和细节信号;然后选用近似信号和细节信号的标准差差值,对大地电磁数据进行信噪辨识;接着结合MRSVD和相邻细节信号的标准差差值,提出先验信息未知情况下的AMRSVD法;最后对辨识出的强干扰运用AMRSVD去除噪声,重构有用信号.实验结果表明,该方法的处理效率高,能有效分离出相关性较强的噪声,时间序列和视电阻率-相位曲线均得到有效改善.





For random noise suppression of seismic data, we present a non-local Bayes (NLBayes) filtering algorithm. The NL-Bayes algorithm uses the Gaussian model instead of the weighted average of all similar patches in the NL-means algorithm to reduce the fuzzy of structural details, thereby improving the denoising performance. In the denoising process of seismic data, the size and the number of patches in the Gaussian model are adaptively calculated according to the standard deviation of noise. The NL-Bayes algorithm requires two iterations to complete seismic data denoising, but the second iteration makes use of denoised seismic data from the first iteration to calculate the better mean and covariance of the patch Gaussian model for improving the similarity of patches and achieving the purpose of denoising. Tests with synthetic and real data sets demonstrate that the NL-Bayes algorithm can effectively improve the SNR and preserve the fidelity of seismic data.  相似文献   

径向道变换压制相干噪声方法研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
径向道变换(Radial Trace Transform)是将地震道集振幅值从偏移距一双程旅行时坐标系变换到视速度-双程旅行时坐标系,通过这种坐标系的变换,使相干噪声与有效信号在视速度和频率方面都有效分离.本文在介绍RT变换基本原理基础上,分析了RT变换中两种常用插值方法及其特点.并利用对模拟地震资料的处理,证明了RT域模拟-相减法较其带通滤波法在相干噪声压制与反射信号保持方面具有明显优势.最后,根据噪声特点,通过选择合理RT滤波参数,对实际地震资料进行处理试验,获得了较好的去噪效果,明显提高了资料信噪比,验证了研究方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Singular Value Decomposition method of solving a linear system of equations can be successfully used for focus location when both linear and nonlinear methods are applied. This method can also be used to calculate the variance of the separate source coordinates, when the variance of the input data is known. It is also possible to optimize the geometry of a seismic network by using the condition number of the covariance matrix, and to check the set of data which is used for the focus location when some of the data are expected to be incorrect.Examples of applications of the Singular Value Decomposition method are demonstrated for linear and nonlinear methods with reference to the seismic network in Quirke Mine, Ontario, Canada.Presented at the Fred Leighton Memorial Workshop on Mining Induced Seismicity, Montreal, Canada, August 30, 1987.  相似文献   




微震台网的监测能力反映在监测范围和监测精度两个方面。通过对单台拾震器监测能力的分析,得出微震定位动态子台网组合的判别准则(即监测范围),利用广义逆的奇异值分解技术,计算估计震源参数精度的参量空间协方差矩阵,进而得出震源参数误差的等值线图(即监测精度),并使用线性相关系数证明此种评估方法的可靠性。采用此方法研究唐口煤矿微震监测台网的定位误差分布,与实际定位误差对比,吻合率较高。  相似文献   

Highlighting and analyzing the geological features of faults and fractures in seismic data is particularly important for hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation since they are often essential for finding and delineating reservoirs. We apply edge-preserving smoothing (EPS) to seismic processing and propose a most homogeneous dip-scanning method. The method preserves the geological features, eliminate random noise efficiently, obtain dip information, and improve the accuracy of identifying the oil and gas traps.  相似文献   


An appropriate streamflow forecasting method is a prerequisite for implementation of efficient water resources management in the water-limited, arid regions that occupy much of Iran. In the current research, monthly streamflow forecasting was combined with three data-driven methods based on large input datasets involving 11 precipitation stations, a natural streamflow, and four climate indices through a long period. The major challenges of rainfall–runoff modelling are generally attributed to complex interacting processes, the large number of variables, and strong nonlinearity. The sensitivity of data-driven methods to the dimension of input/output datasets would be another challenge, so large datasets should be compressed into independently standardized principal components. In this study, three pre-processing techniques were applied: singular value decomposition (SVD) provided more efficient forecasts in comparison to principal component analysis (PCA) and average values of inputs in all networks. Among the data-driven methods, the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with 1-month lag-time outperformed radial basis and fuzzy-based networks. In general, an increase in monthly lag-time of streamflow forecasting resulted in a decline in forecasting accuracy. The results reveal that SVD was highly effective in pre-processing of data-driven evaluations.  相似文献   

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