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The uranium/thorium (U/Th) dating method was applied to pedogenic/diagenic ferricretes developed within glacial drifts from the northern West Coast Ranges of Tasmania. The dates derived from the method are, by definition, minima for the sediments, with the ferricretes being secondary mineral deposits which appear in the form of bands, horizons or nodules comprised of indurated masses of iron oxy(hydr)oxides developed post-depositionally within the host sediment or soil. The absence of such deposits in well-identified drift sediments of the last glaciation suggests the development of ferricrete horizons in glacial drifts occurred during earlier interstadials and interglacials. This has been confirmed by the uranium/thorium dating of ferricrete bands within glacigenic sediments obtained from three drill cores from the Boco Valley. The ages derived were found to be consistent with estimates for the timing of glaciation derived from palaeomagnetic analyses, radiocarbon dating and relative dating techniques. The results show that the uranium/thorium method can be used to successfully date ferricretes obtained from within glacial sediments of ages <350000 yr and provides valuable information regarding the minimum age of the host sediment. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The abundances of U and Th in 19 achondrites and two pallasite olivines have been measured by radiochemical neutron activation analysis. Brecciated eucrites are enriched relative to chondrites in both elements by factors between 10 and 20, perhaps as a result of a magmatic differentiation process. Two unbrecciated eucrites are far less enriched, possibly due to their origin as igneous cumulates. The diogenites Johnstown and Shalka contain approximately chondritic levels of U and Th, but Ellemeet is 10 times lower. The abundances in three howardites are in good agreement with those expected from major element data for a mixing model with eucrite and diogenite end members. The high O18 basaltic achondrites Nakhla, Shergotty and Angra dos Reis have a range of U and Th abundances similar to the brecciated eucrites and howardites, but have systematically higher Th/U ratios. The Bishopville aubrite has U and Th abundances and Th/U ratios similar to those of several enstatite chondrites, suggesting a genetic relationship. The Norton County aubrite has a low Th/U, similar to that observed in recrystallized and metamorphosed terrestrial ultrabasic rocks, indicating a more complex history. Pallasite olivines have low U and Th contents (0.5.4 ppb and 1.4.3 ppb, respectively) similar to those in terrestrial dunites. The Goalpara ureilite has very low U (<0–6 ppb) and Th (2.7 ppb) abundance consistent with an origin from carbonaceous chondrites by partial melting.  相似文献   

Abundances of U and Th have been determined in 21 kimberlites from India by delayed fission neutron technique. Whole-rock U ranges from 1.87 to 3.93 ppm but Th shows wider variation from 14.02 to 60.44 ppm. Average Th/U ratios in three main diatremes are 7.9, 8.8 and 10.0. The interrelationships between U, Th and K are variable and complex. A positive correlation exists between P2O5 and U and Th. Model calculations suggest that enrichment of U involved considerable mantle reaction during ascent.  相似文献   

Uranium distributions have been determined in seventeen meteorites using fission track techniques. In seven cases, Th was also determined by a new method using fast neutrons. The actinides are generally concentrated in phosphates, usually whitlockite and/or chlorapatite. Wherever whitlockite and chlorapatite coexist, chlorapatite is richer in uranium. U concentrations in a given phosphate phase are highly variable from meteorite to meteorite and sometimes also show large variations in the same meteorite. A clinopyroxene phase enriched in U (0.2–0.3 ppm) is usually found in Ca-rich achondrites. The ThU ratios of phosphates differ considerably from whole rock values indicating that these elements were fractionated during the meteorite formation.  相似文献   

电子自旋共振(ESR)测年法是近40年来逐步发展起来的第四纪年代学方法。由于它的测年范围宽、测年物质种类多等优点,特别是对于老于20万年的早中更新世没有火山灰等定年物质的样品,有着特殊的优势,引起了第四纪研究者的关注。近年来,随着对ESR法基本原理认识的深入和实验技术的提高,在测年信号心的热稳定性、晒退回零特性、辐射剂量-信号增长特性、测年可靠性等方面的研究均取得了较大进展。本文结合国内外在ESR法基础原理、测年应用等成果,简要回顾了ESR法的历史发展,以及不同信号心在第四纪地质研究中的成功应用。  相似文献   

Uranium-series disequilibrium dating of island phosphate deposits is evaluated in terms of known associated coral ages, uranium geochemistry, and stratigraphic sequences as well as the concordance between the geochronometers 234U/238U, 230Th/234U and 226Ra/238U. U(VI) is the predominant oxidation state of uranium in island phosphorites and by analogy to the youngest surficial deposits, most of the uranium initially bound is in the form of U(VI) sorbed by surfaces from seawater. Insular deposits contain more organic matter than even very young ocean floor samples and this leads to a greater probability of reduction of available recoil uranium than occurs in marine deposits. As a consequence, R(VI) ? R(T) ? R(VI), where R represents the 234U/238U activity ratio. This situation is completely opposite from that observed for marine-origin phosphorites. We determined that a fraction of U(VI) in ancient insular phosphorites is very labile and lost to alkaline carbonate solutions with a uranium activity ratio even more depleted in 234U than the bulk R(VI).Most younger samples appear to have no more discordance between 234U/238U, 230Th/234U and 226Ra/238U than marine phosphorites of similar apparent age. Young, surficial atoll-rim apatite cements and unconsolidated phosphorites date in the range of 1500–8000 years B.P., consistent with the concept of partial submergence of low-lying coral islands prior to 2000 years B.P. Sub-surficial samples in the same environment date older at about 20,000 years B.P. Violation of the closed system assumption occurs in at least 6 out of 13 ancient (> 800,000 year) samples. Uranium-series disequilibrium dating of insular apatite shows some promise as a recorder of climatic/sea level events, but the assumptions necessary for valid ages must be carefully evaluated for each occurrence.  相似文献   

毕伟力  易朝路 《冰川冻土》2016,38(5):1292-1299
近些年,宇宙成因核素暴露年代、光释光和放射性碳埋藏年代等方法在第四纪冰碛物的年代测定中已经取得显著进展.但对于第四纪冰川沉积物10万年甚至百万年以上的冰碛物样品的埋藏年代和暴露年代,由于方法自身问题或沉积物后期地质地貌过程的改造,使上述方法存在定年方面的挑战.而电子自旋共振(ESR)广泛的测年范围,使其在第四纪样品的测年中发挥着不可替代的作用.目前,石英ESR信号的衰退特征已有许多研究进展,但是对于冰碛物中的ESR信号的研究还很少.ESR测年方法由于缺乏测年机理的研究,西方学者和国内一些测年学者对这种方法的定年存有疑虑.因此,我们在典型冰川区开展对冰碛物中石英砂ESR信号变化的机理研究,得到人工研磨可以使ESR信号强度下降到原来值的53%~69%,但并不能使ESR信号完全归零.如果在以后的研究中能够找出这些残留信号值大小,并予以扣除,将会大大提高ESR冰碛物测年精度.在今后的研究中应探求其测年机理,提高测试样品的石英纯度,增强ESR测年信号的精度,使这种方法成为冰碛物交叉测年中独立可信的测年方法之一,为第四纪冰川研究中的老冰碛物的定年提供准确的年代依据.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating based on K-feldspars and using both TL and OSL methods have been performed on 94 sediment samples from East Greenland. The ages go back more than 380 ka, but are mainly from the last interglaciation and the subsequent period and include both shallow-marine/coastal-fluvial and ice proximal meltwater sediments. Independent age control indicates that the dates in the first group generally fall within ± 15% of the expected age, although a few samples show larger deviations. The ice proximal sediments, on the other hand, show a much larger spread and exaggerated ages, probably owing to incomplete bleaching. OSL may give better results than TL in these sediments.  相似文献   

隆浩  张静然 《第四纪研究》2016,36(5):1191-1203
在过去的20年里,光释光(optically stimulated luminescence,简称OSL)测年技术发展迅速,已经被广泛应用于第四纪沉积物的测年研究中。近年来,以OSL技术为主要定年手段,利用其测年范围大、测年材料(石英和长石)丰富且易于提取等优势,在我国干旱/半干旱区(腾格里沙漠古湖、内蒙古黄旗海等湖泊)开展了一系列晚第四纪湖泊演化和古气候环境变化的研究工作。高水位湖相阶地的OSL测年结果表明,晚更新世高湖面事件发生时间在MIS 5阶段甚至更老,对基于14C数据建立的“MIS 3a大湖期”假说的年代框架提出了质疑;通过东北兴凯湖晚第四纪连续湖泊沉积物的高分辨率OSL和14C测年对比研究,从年代学机理上揭示晚更新世高湖面的年代学争论主要源自14C技术测定较老样品时的局限性,14C测年手段及易造成老于30000年的沉积物年龄的低估;来自青藏高原东北缘的秦王川盆地和东北地区兴凯湖湖岸的风成沉积也记录了MIS 3a阶段可能不存在气候湿润和高湖面事件;另外,通过对白碱湖古湖岸堤的OSL测年,建立了湖面波动过程和全新世区域湿度变化历史,揭示了季风边缘区早中全新世湿润期和中晚全新世以来逐渐干旱化的气候环境变化过程。综上所述,相较于传统的14C技术,OSL测年技术在湖泊沉积物的应用中具有诸多优势和潜力。尽管如此,OSL测年方法在实际应用过程中会遭遇一些会影响测年结果的潜在的技术问题。因而本文也从石英组分的长石污染、沉积物沉积前OSL信号的曝光程度、铀系不平衡和含水量以及宇宙射线对剂量率的动态影响等多方面,综述了水成沉积释光研究中面临的具体问题,并提出了初步解决方案和建议。  相似文献   

A new quantitative, reproducible method for determining relative ages of unconsolidated Quaternary deposits containing granitic clasts has been developed and tested. The technique makes use of a microseismic timer to determine the compressional wave velocity (clast-sound velocity) in each clast of a group chosen from a single deposit. From these data a group mean velocity is determined that is proportional to the age of the deposit: the youngest deposits having the highest velocities. The clast-sound velocity method was used to study Quaternary deposits in the San Gabriel Valley and San Gabriel Mountains, California, using a previously proposed four-part age classification for the deposits. The clast-sound velocity group means for the four age groups were found to be statistically separable at better than 99% confidence. A velocity/age correlation curve was determined for these deposits using two radiocarbon dates and one paleomagnetic determination. This curve suggests that the clast-sound velocity method may be used to determine ages of deposits up to one million years old when calibrated with sufficient radiometric dates and may also be used as a tool for correlating undated deposits.  相似文献   


金沙江大具盆地中堆积着巨厚的碎屑沉积物, 覆盖于6级阶地之上, 拔河高度可达300 m以上, 其成因和年代都是我国地貌学的研究热点。由于大具盆地的碎屑堆积体岩性简单、分选性差, 缺乏合适的测年材料(如炭屑、火山灰、动物化石等), 此前仅有宇生核素10Be和26Al暴露测年和光释光测年获得绝对测年数据。野外调查发现大具盆地碎屑堆积体中广泛发育着土壤碳酸盐, 而且其质地纯净致密, 适合于铀系测年, 可约束堆积体形成的最小年龄。为此, 采集了海拔高度分别在1859 m、1809 m、1738 m和1721 m的4处堆积体(DJ1、DJ2、DJ3和DJ4)中的34个土壤碳酸盐样品进行铀系测年。多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP- MS)的铀系测年结果显示这4处堆积体中土壤碳酸盐的最大年代分别为14.72±1.08 ka、11.30±0.17 ka、15.08±0.70 ka和16.34±1.22 ka都对应于末次冰消期。因此, 推测大具盆地中巨厚的碎屑沉积事件可能发生于末次冰消期或稍早时段, 最小年龄为16.34±1.22 ka。



碳酸盐U-Pb年代学具有广阔的应用价值与潜力。近些年同位素稀释剂法和激光原位法碳酸盐U-Pb定年迅速发展,但国内尚未报道利用激光原位法测试的第四纪以来碳酸盐U-Pb年代,碳酸盐U-Pb定年的同位素稀释剂法也亟待开发,在此背景下西安交通大学同位素实验室针对第四纪洞穴次生碳酸盐开展了激光和稀释剂法(LA &; ID MC-ICPMS)U-Pb定年方法研究。本研究利用激光法对不同碳酸盐标样进行了测试,获得的U-Pb年代结果与标准值在误差范围内一致;首次报道了三宝洞第四纪洞穴次生碳酸盐的高精度激光U-Pb定年结果,与国外实验室稀释法所得年代可相互印证;讨论了第四纪碳酸盐U-Pb定年初始U系非平衡分馏校正的有关问题,强调了稀释剂法对于δ234U和Pb同位素高精度测试的重要价值;稀释剂法方面,本实验室全流程Pb本底目前能够达到世界一流水平(约10 pg);对于第四纪洞穴次生碳酸盐的初步测试结果(1.14±0.04 Ma,2σ,n=5,MSWD=1)与国外稀释剂法及本实验室激光法在误差范围内一致,更进一步完善有望提高年代精度。本实验室建立了可靠的较高精度激光法和初步的稀释剂碳酸盐U-Pb定年方法,除了较老的碳酸盐样品以外,还能够对老于64万年的第四纪洞穴次生碳酸盐进行较高精度U-Pb年代学测试,对于早第四纪以来的众多科学问题的进一步研究具有重要意义。


雷州半岛第四纪火山岩激光40Ar/39Ar等时线定年研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
雷州半岛是我国新生代火山岩最重要的分布地区之一,火山活动主要集中在中晚更新世。前人对雷州火山岩的年代学研究以K-Ar法为主。研究表明,雷州火山岩测年结果大致分布在0.38~3.04Ma范围内。根据地层和火山岩层的叠置关系,雷州第四纪火山岩由于覆盖在被确定是1.87Ma和0.76Ma沉积的地层之上,故火山岩年龄应小于该地层年龄。K-Ar法定年结果与雷州地区地层叠置关系存在矛盾。本文通过对雷州半岛第四纪火山岩进行野外考察及采样,利用激光40Ar/39Ar年代学方法进行了精细定年。结果表明,雷州火山岩的喷发主要集中18万年前后。定年结果还表明,对于年轻样品,基于尼尔值计算的K-Ar年龄及40Ar/39Ar表观年龄偏老,等时线年龄相对较为可靠。对同一样品的斑晶、基质作斑晶-基质等时线计算,只有在斑晶基质满足同源条件时才有意义。本文首次提出,通过对比未照射样品的初始36Ar/38Ar值的均一性,以检验样品是否同源,确认斑晶-基质等时线年龄的可信度。据此,等时线的处理方法可以推广应用于特定区域内全部同源同时样品。  相似文献   

The Kupferschiefer in Poland has an increased U content. The facies high in organic matter are significantly enriched in U. The maximum values of U are mostly in the lower part of the Kupferschiefer sequence. The mean (x) U content in the Kupferschiefer from the Lubin-Sieroszowice district is 61.5 ppm and from the rest of the Polish Zechstein basin is about 26 ppm. Thorium occurs only in small quantities (x) = 1.5 and 5 ppm respectively). The high variance of U and Th in the Kupferschiefer is due to multistage diagenetic processes. The main U carrier is thucholite. The investigated thucholite showed a Th-content below 0.36 ppm. Thucholite with uraninite exolutions showed small (up to 1.0 wt.%) admixtures of U and thucholite without microscopically visible exsolutions (up to 37.85 wt.% U). The phosphates showed significant amounts of U (up to 0.24 wt.). The U content in the Kupferschiefer is significantly lower than in black shales from other part of the world. Uranium in the Lubin district is not economic.  相似文献   

This paper reports a geochemical and mineralogical study on carbonatites from the Guli massif, which hosts rare-metal mineralization. The principal carriers of radioactive elements in the carbonatites are pyrochlore-group minerals, zirconolite, and thorianite, which are described here. They are characterized by elevated concentrations (wt %) of radioactive elements: up to 17.89 UO2 and 20.01 ThO2 in pyrochlore, up to 6.49 UO2 and 94.29 ThO2 in thorianite, and up to 6.74 ThO2 in zirconolite. The pyrochlore-group minerals, zirconolite, and thorianite from the early calcite carbonatites occur in intimate association with Ti-Zr oxides calzirtite, perovskite, and baddeleyite. Significant radioactive element fractionation in early-stage derivatives results in the depletion of the residual magmatic products in these elements. The dolomite carbonatites are reported to contain only trace amounts of pyrochlore-group minerals. It was shown that the distribution of U, Th, Nb, and Ta in the calcite and dolomite carbonatites is correlated with the evolutionary trends of pyrochlore composition. Typical schemes of isomorphic substitution are proposed for pyrochlore-group minerals and zirconolite. The pyrochlore-group minerals show an apparent evolutionary trend from U-rich towards more Th- and Ta-rich varieties, and Ba-Sr cation-deficient varieties originate during the latest stage of the evolution. The pyrochlore-group minerals, zirconolite, and thorianite may also accumulate in placers, together with gold. Because of the relative ease of extraction of the accessory minerals, the carbonatites of the Guli massif can be considered as commercial sources of radioactive raw materials.  相似文献   

不纯碳酸盐U-Th等时线定年及同位素分馏对年龄的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用U-系L/R等时线模式测定了用天然碎屑沉积物与已知年龄的纯CaCO3按不同比例混合而成的不纯碳酸盐样品的年龄。实验分两个序列进行:其一研究碎屑沉积物化学前处理过程中U、Th同位素的萃取行为及其分馏效应。另一序列用不同浓度的溶剂对均匀混合的不纯碳酸盐样品进行溶解,确定稀酸淋滤碳酸盐的效率。各组分的238U、234U、230Th和232Th含量分析数据表明,稀酸溶解碎屑沉积物样品将U和Th同位素等比例的提取出来,不会发生U和Th同位素分馏现象。对于不纯碳酸盐样品,所有数据点落在一条直线上,良好的线性关系反映真实年龄含意。3个不纯碳酸盐样品的等时线年龄与纯碳酸盐年龄一致表明实验技术是可信的。同时,也证明对于碎屑含量较高的不纯碳酸盐U-Th定年,L/R等时线技术是适应的。  相似文献   

The 227Th230Th dating method is described in detail and its usefulness investigated by comparing ages of sixteen Pleistocene carbonates (mainly cave deposits) with those determined by the 231Pa235U and 230Th234U methods. The 227Th230Th ages are found to be critically dependent on corrections for decay of 227Th prior to alpha counting and ingrowth of daughter isotopes of 232Th derived from clastic detritus. Of nineteen sets of ages determined for the sixteen samples, good agreement is found for only seven sets. Differences are attributed to low U content of some samples and the possibility of excess 227Th in the calcite of samples younger than ~50 ky, possibly due to the coprecipitation of 231Pa during formation. Calculated “negative” 227Th230Th ages may be a direct result of this process and the fact that, unlike the other methods, the activity ratio is non-zero at zero age. Nevertheless, the 227Th230Th is found to be a useful alternative dating technique for carbonates which are between ~50 and 300 ky, because no spiking is required. It also serves as a check for partial concordancy with ages dated by the other methods.  相似文献   

凌联海 《地质通报》2001,20(4):366-367
新余市南英地区第四纪冲积物发育齐全,属侵蚀阶地保存(图1),由老到新划分为赣县组、进贤组、莲塘组和联圩组。最近对各组底部砾石层填隙物分别进行了石英粉砂的电子自旋共振(ESR)年龄测定。1岩石地层单位简介(1)赣县组(Qpg):原称赣县砾石层,系陈国达、刘辉泗于1939年创立的,创名地是赣县江口镇三团。本组下部为灰白色砾石层;中部为桔红色含砾粉砂;上部为桔黄色粘土。下与老第图1新余市南英袁河Ⅰ至Ⅳ级阶地地貌剖面图Fig.1GeomorphologicalprofileofterracesItoIV…  相似文献   




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