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A re-evaluation of the reprocessed seismic reflection data was made for the investigation of the presumed western continuation of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Aegean and mapping geometries of active faults in the Aegean Sea. Seismic data collected and processed by various national and international companies were selected from the data archives and they were reprocessed after stacking to bring them to the same processing and signal-to-noise ratio standards. The total length of the selected lines is 8000 km. We investigated the character of active faulting in the North Aegean Sea using seismic reflection data. Moreover, the relations of active faults with earthquakes were examined using earthquake fault plane solutions (FPS). We show that the active faults are dominantly normal in character in the NNE Aegean where FPS for earthquakes with M>5 indicate strike-slip movements along these faults. We propose a simple mechanism that potentially explains this inconsistency. Active normal faults are oriented in a NE–SW direction in alignment with the SW escape motion of the Anatolian block in this region and this orientation facilitates instantaneously strike-slip movements along these otherwise normal faults.  相似文献   

Midlittoral Soft Substratum Macrofaunal Assemblages in the North Aegean Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The soft substratum macrobenthic assemblages of the midlittoral zone, along the atidal shores of the upper Thermaikos (polluted) and Strymonikos (unpolluted) Gulfs in the North Aegean Sea, arc qualitatively and quantitatively described. The composition of each of the seven assemblages found (four in Thermaikos and three in Strymonikos Gulf) is statistically tested and discussed in relation to abiotic factors. One of the four Thermaikos Gulf assemblages is located on a silt to fine sand substrate in brackish waters and is characterized by the dominance of the polychactc Hedisie diversicolor and the amphipod Corophium orientate. The other three assemblages arc located on coarse substrates and characterized by the very high dominance of the bivalve Donacillu corneu and the polychactc Ophelia bicornis (both of which are exclusive inhabitants of the midlittoral zone); the First is additionally characterized by the very high dominance of the polychactc Nerine cirratulus , both the second and the third by the dominance of turbellarians due to the pollution of the Gulf (stations located near sewage discharge, high organic carbon, low oxygen). In Strymonikos Gulf, one of the three assemblages is dominated by H. diversicolor and C. orientate; it is similar to the corresponding assemblage found in Thermaikos Gulf, although located on a relatively coarSér sediment. The second is dominated by D. cornea and O. bicornis and is also similar to that of Thermaikos Gulf. The third assemblage does not have a corresponding one in Thermaikos Gulf, is located on a substrate consisting of granules to pebbles, arid is characterized by the high dominance of the amphipods Allorchestes aquilinus and Echinogammarus olivii and the isopod Sphaeroma Sérratum. The corresponding assemblages of the two gulfs are compared. The results of the data analysis are discussed and compared with the literature.  相似文献   

The computerised model on surface wave refraction by Wilson (1966) is applied to the topographic data of the southern North Sea. A series of wave refraction diagrams has been produced and the refraction coefficients are evaluated from these diagrams. It is found that there is an agreement between these refraction coefficients and the coefficients calculated from wave data obtained at various stations in the same area. Both the model and the data suggest that the area of wave ray convergence is highly coherent with the area of concentrated wave energy in which the higher waves are detected.It is the purpose of this paper to demonstrate the relationship between the theoretically derived model and the real data obtained in the southern North Sea where the bottom topography provides a pronounced refraction effect on surface waves as well as to show some spatial variation of wave height in that area.  相似文献   

Predictions of maximum wave height Hmax are made at Cromer, Happisburgh and Lowestoft on the East Anglian Coast using the formula Hmax = CKRKS U2/g where C is a constant, KR, KS are refraction and shoaling cofficients, U is wind speed and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Comparisonsare made with the models of Darbyshire Draper (1963) and Bretschneider (1958) Using this wave prediction formula, an estimate of the wave climate in the southern North Sea is deduced for the gales of 2–3 January 1976.  相似文献   

The wave fields generated by cyclonic atmospheric disturbances in the region of the northwest shelf of the Black Sea are studied by using a σ-coordinate model. The problem is solved in the hydrostatic approximation with regard for nonlinearity and turbulent viscosity. To improve the space resolution of the model, we realize the procedure of embedded grids. It is shown that the action of a cyclone results in the formation of domains of pronounced surges whose shapes and location reflect the changes in the wind situation. The vertical structure of wave currents first depends only on the location of the atmospheric disturbance over the water area but, in the course time, begins to reflect specific features of the bottom topography.__________Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, pp. 42–54, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

研究了数值计算中对波浪场数据进行处理的可视化系统,利用VB和MATLAB混合编程实现了数值模型计算边界条件的输入以及计算结果数据的可视化处理问题,并介绍了系统实现的操作过程。有效提高了数值计算结果的分析效率,对改善分析计算的工作环境有积极的意义。  相似文献   

利用南海北部近海区域(20°36.298′N,110°45.433′E)于2012年至2013年的波浪实测资料,统计分析了其波浪特征,为海洋工程建设和波浪能利用提供基本波浪参数。统计结果表明,南海北部年平均有效波高为1.2m,周年平均十分之一部分大波波高为1.5m,年平均周期4.0s,周年最大平均有效波高为4.97m,周年最大平均十分之一部分大波波高为7.34m,常浪向为E向,次常浪向为ENE向。强浪向为E向,次强浪向为ESE向。  相似文献   

Bionomy of the Amphipods in the Evros Delta (North Aegean Sea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The composition and distribution of the amphipod fauna in the area of Evros Delta (North Aegean Sea) have been investigated by means of quantitative sampling. On the basis of similarity in distribution among stations, 3 groups of species have been distinguished. The dependence of the distribution of these 3 groups, as well as of each species separately, on certain environmental factors is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Six macrobenthic assemblages of the circalittoral zone found in Strymonikos Gulf, North Aegean Sea, are described and compared with the corresponding ones from other Mediterranean and Atlantic areas. For the delimination of these assemblages and the evaluation of the major environmental gradients governing their distribution, several numerical techniques were used.  相似文献   

基于有限体积方法的海洋数值模式FVCOM,计算了南黄海西部六月份潮致余流及风生环流,分析了潮致余流、初夏风生环流各自的环流结构,得出六月份该区域风生环流占主导,偏南风的作用较为显著,潮致余流相对较弱。最后将风和潮汐进行耦合计算,得出该区域初夏的环流结构,表层海水大体为由南至北的流动,说明该区域风力为主要驱动力。计算结果与流速及环流实测资料吻合较好,为进一步研究浒苔的漂移轨迹等奠定了动力基础。  相似文献   

北大西洋风场和海浪场特点分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据1950~1995年共46a的北大西洋气象船舶报资料,对按5°×5°网格统计的风、浪要素进行分析研究,阐明了北大西洋风、浪、涌的特点及其变化规律.该区是世界典型的季风气候区,季风时期的风向、风浪传播方向、涌浪传播方向基本一致,低纬地区常年盛行东北浪.冬季季风比夏季季风强盛,相应的平均波高、大浪大涌频率也较大.该海域与北印度洋同属季风气候区,但其特点正好相反.本文提供了较翔实的风场和浪场资料及变化规律.  相似文献   

The spatial dispersion of zoobenthos from sublittoral hard substrate communities in the northern part of the Aegean Sea has been studied during summer 1997 and 1998. Material was collected by SCUBA diving, by totally scraping off five replicate quadrates (400 cm2 each) at three depth levels (15, 30, 40 m) from six sites located in Chalkidiki peninsula, plus one in Kavala Gulf. The examination of the 19,343 living specimens collected revealed the presence of 314 species. Though the multivariate analyses showed high similarity between stations, the structure of this sciaphilic algal community seems to have an increased spatial heterogeneity. Four distinct facies were recorded in accordance with the occurrence of different algal forms, the degree of hard substrate inclination and the water clarity. A short review on the biodiversity of sublittoral communities in the Mediterranean revealed the affinity between the western and the eastern basin and also among the photophilic and the sciaphilic algal communities.  相似文献   

基于二维水动力模型,在仅考虑潮流作用条件下,通过计算欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流并结合粒子追踪方法研究了辽宁大连—朝鲜龙渊郡连线北侧的北黄海北部海域的潮余流结构和粒子运移的趋势。结果表明:欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流流速整体较小,呈现由南向北的流向,但在獐子岛及长山群岛的附近岛屿和朝鲜半岛沿岸的海域欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流流速较大。对比粒子追踪计算的结果与欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流的结果表明,流向与粒子运移路径基本一致。该海湾的余流及粒子运动规律特点对辽东半岛东岸及朝鲜半岛西侧海域的排污及污染控制有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文以WRF模式输出结果作为风场驱动条件,采用SWAN和WAVEWATCHIII相嵌套的方法,对珠江口附近海域进行20年(1991-2010年)的波浪场数值计算。根据计算结果,分析了珠江口海域波高和周期的空间、时间变化特征。结果显示:珠江入海口及近岸Hs较小,外海Hs较大,大部分海域年均Hs在0.4m以上;珠江口附近海域和近海地区年均Te偏小,在2s^3s之间,外海最大可达5s。珠江海域有效波高(Hs)的季节分布呈现出春夏季较小,秋冬季较大的特点。从概率学角度分别统计20年中前5%和10%的Hs及Te,可知:珠江口近海区域Hs,5%在1~2m,大万山群岛处可达Hs,5%2m;在珠江口附近Hs,10%为1.5m,万山海域Hs,10%在2.5m以上;计算海域Te,5%和Te,10%多在4s以上。  相似文献   

渤海埕北海域风暴潮多年一遇极值增水的数值计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用一个二维正压浅海模型和大小区嵌套式的计算格式,对埕北海域及其附近连续20a的风暴潮进行了数值模拟,并获得了与实测值较为一致的结果.在此基础上对该海区的风暴潮极值增水做出了多年一遇的长期预测.  相似文献   

- Based on field wave data, an empirical formula of wave envelope spectrum is given in this paper. Then the methods of both numerical and physical simulation of sea wave groups with the given spectrum and groupiness parameters are suggested.  相似文献   

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