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The geomorphological studies and radiocarbon dating of moraine complexes and the tree line within the North Chuya Ridge, along with active slope processes, soil formation, and peat formation in southeastern Gorny Altai, constrain the age of the main glacial and climatic events in this area at 7 ka to the first half of the 19th century. It is for the first time in the history of Altai studies that 57 absolute dates were obtained for glaciation in a vast but climatically and neotectonically homogeneous area. The new data refute the conventional idea that the Holocene glaciation in this mountain land comprised eight stages of the gradual retreat of the Late Würm (Sartan) glaciation. Also, they evidence that glaciation in the upper parts of the troughs retreated almost completely no later than 7 ka and valley glaciers in southeastern Altai were activated many times in the second half of the Holocene. Data are given on the morphology and age of three moraine generations reflected in the topography. A combination of temperature minima and humidity maxima led to a catastrophically rapid and the largest (up to 5–6 km) ice advance at the Akkem Stage (4.9–4.2 ka). In addition to the radiocarbon data, the time limits of the Historical stage (2.3–1.7 ka) were defined more precisely using dendrochronological and archaeological data from Scythian burials of Pazyryk culture in SE Altai. The moraines closest to the present-day glaciers formed at the Aktru Stage (late 13th–middle 19th century). During warm interglacials, the glaciers waned considerably or retreated completely and the zone of recent glaciation was reforested. As a result of progressive aridization in the Holocene, the glaciers in southeastern Altai waned at each successive stage, and their mass balance was not positive during the greatest temperature minimum of the last millennium (middle 19th century).  相似文献   

This study presents results from geomorphological mapping and cosmogenic radionuclide dating (10Be) of moraine sequences at Otgon Tenger (3905 m), the highest peak in the Khangai Mountains (central Mongolia). Our findings indicate that glaciers reached their last maximum extent between 40 and 35 ka during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Large ice advances also occurred during MIS-2 (at ~ 23 and 17–16 ka), but these advances did not exceed the limits reached during MIS-3. The results indicate that climatic conditions during MIS-3, characterized by a cool-wet climate with a greater-than-today input from winter precipitation, generated the most favorable setting for glaciation in the study region. Yet, glacial accumulation also responded positively to the far colder and drier conditions of MIS-2, and again during the last glacial–interglacial transition when precipitation levels increased. Viewed in context of other Pleistocene glacial records from High Asia, the pattern of glaciation in central Mongolia shares some features with records from southern Central Asia and NE-Tibet (i.e. ice maxima during interstadial wet phases), while other features of the Mongolian record (i.e. major ice expansion during the MIS-2 insolation minimum) are more in tune with glacier responses known from Siberia and western Central Asia.  相似文献   

The Gorny Altai region in southern Siberia is one of the key areas in reconstructing the tectonic evolution of the western segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This region features various orogenic elements of Late Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic age, such as an accretionary complex (AC), high-P/T metamorphic (HP) rocks, and ophiolite (OP), all formed by ancient subduction–accretion processes. This study investigated the detailed geology of the Upper Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic rocks in a traverse between Gorno-Altaisk city and Lake Teletskoy in the northern part of the region, and in the Kurai to Chagan-Uzun area in the southern part. The tectonic units of the studied areas consist of (1) the Ediacaran (=Vendian)–Early Cambrian AC, (2) ca. 630 Ma HP complex, (3) the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian OP complex, (4) the Cryogenian–Cambrian island arc complex, and (5) the Middle Paleozoic fore-arc sedimentary rocks. The AC consists mostly of paleo-atoll limestone and underlying oceanic island basalt with minor amount of chert and serpentinite. The basaltic lavas show petrochemistry similar to modern oceanic plateau basalt. The 630 Ma HP complex records a maximum peak metamorphism at 660 °C and 2.0 GPa that corresponds to 60 km-deep burial in a subduction zone, and exhumation at ca. 570 Ma. The Cryogenian island arc complex includes boninitic rocks that suggest an incipient stage of arc development. The Upper Neoproterozoic–Lower Paleozoic complexes in the Gorno-Altaisk city to Lake Teletskoy and the Kurai to Chagan-Uzun areas are totally involved in a subhorizontal piled-nappe structure, and overprinted by Late Paleozoic strike-slip faulting. The HP complex occurs as a nappe tectonically sandwiched between the non- to weakly metamorphosed AC and the OP complex. These lithologic assemblages and geologic structure newly documented in the Gorny Altai region are essentially similar to those of the circum-Pacific (Miyashiro-type) orogenic belts, such as the Japan Islands in East Asia and the Cordillera in western North America. The Cryogenian boninite-bearing arc volcanism indicates that the initial stage of arc development occurred in a transient setting from a transform zone to an incipient subduction zone. The less abundant of terrigenous clastics from mature continental crust and thick deep-sea chert in the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian AC may suggest that the southern Gorny Altai region evolved in an intra-oceanic arc-trench setting like the modern Mariana arc, rather than along the continental arc of a major continental margin. Based on geological, petrochemical, and geochronological data, we synthesize the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic tectonic history of the Gorny Altai region in the western CAOB.  相似文献   

神农架是中国第四纪地质环境演变的热点地区之一。本文通过对第四纪冰川地貌、冰碛残迹及二者关系研究,提供了本区第四纪古冰川发育的多方面证据。神农架地区在第四纪时期曾发生三期冰期和两期冰缘期,即松柏冰期、木鱼坪冰期、龙潭冰期、松香坪冰缘期、神农架冰缘期。本文首次系统地建立了本区第四纪气候地层系列.   相似文献   

The composition and mechanisms of formation of continental crust in Gorny Altai and the role of granitoid magmatism in its evolution are considered. Geochemical and isotope data for major types of rocks of primary crust and for Early–Middle Paleozoic granitoids of the region are presented. The role of granitoids as indicators of the different stages of the continental-crust evolution is discussed. A review of the main models of continental crust formation is maid, and their applicability to the Gorny Altai segment of the Central Asian Fold Belt is shown. Based on the complex of geological, geochemical, isotope, and geochronological data, it has been established that the formation of continental crust in the Early and Late Caledonian terranes of Gorny Altai proceeded nearly synchronously (in the Middle–Late Devonian).In the Early Caledonian terranes, this process was the consequence of the multistage fractionation of primary juvenile crust of basic composition, and in the Late Caledonian ones it was the result of one-cycle intracrustal melting of hybrid andesitic crust rich in recycled material.  相似文献   

黑沟源于东天山最大现代冰川作用中心博格达峰的南坡. 在第四纪冰期与间冰期旋回中,该流域的冰川均发生过多次规模较大的进退,在谷中留下了较为完整的冰川沉积序列. 这些冰川地形包含有重要的古气候变化信息,对其研究可重建黑沟流域的冰川演化史. 应用OSL对该流域的冰川沉积物进行定年,测定结果表明冰水沉积物(沙质透镜体)比冰碛物更适宜应用单片再生剂量(SAR)测年技术进行测定. 基于测得的年龄并结合地貌地层学原理可初步得出:晚第四纪期间,黑沟流域共发生了5次规模较大的冰川作用,分别为全新世期间的小冰期(16世纪以来冷期的冰进)与新冰期(距今3~4 ka的冰进),末次冰期晚冰阶(MIS 2)与早冰阶(MIS 4)以及倒数第二次冰期(MIS 6).  相似文献   

Three glacial stages (Deshkit 1, Deshkit 2 and Dishkit 3 glacial stages) are identified in the Nubra and Shyok valleys in northernmost Ladakh, northwest India, on the basis of geomorphic field mapping, remote sensing, and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure dating. The glacial stages date to ∼ 45 ka (Deshkit 1 glacial stage), ∼ 81 ka (Deshkit 2 glacial stage) and ∼ 144 ka (Deshkit 3 glacial stage). A mean equilibrium line altitude depression of ∼ 290 m for the Deshkit 1 glacial stage was calculated using the area accumulation ratio, toe-to-headwall ratio, area-altitude, and area-altitude balance ratio methods. Comparison of glaciation in the Nubra and Shyok valleys with glaciations in the adjacent Central Karakoram of northern Pakistan and northern side of the Ladakh Range of northern India indicates that glaciation was synchronous on Milankovitch timescales across the region during MIS-6, but differed greatly in extent, with more extensive glaciation in the Karakoram than the morphostratigraphically equivalent glaciation on the northern slopes of the Ladakh Range. This highlights the strong contrast in the extent of glaciation across ranges in the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen, necessitating caution when correlating glacial successions within and between mountain ranges.  相似文献   

The concepts of the role of catastrophic breakthroughs of ice- and rock-dammed and thermokarst lakes in West Siberia in the Late Neopleistocene–Holocene are systematized. The Late Neopleistocene glacial maximum in the mountains and on the plain was obviously at the same time, at 90–60 ka. It has been revealed that the basal part of the Late Quaternary cyclic three-stage upper Ob' River terrace is formed by catafluvial sediments including boulder-gravels, which descend from the valley edge beneath the water line. The Early Karginian (Kharsoimian) marine layers are spatially related to the valleys of the rushed waters of ice-dammed Lake Ermakovskoe. Substantiation is given to the concept of catastrophic flows that arrived at the plain from the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains in the Holocene Optimum and carried the Aral microfauna through the Turgai trough into the Lake Chany area. Floods resulted from the breakthrough of thermokarst lakes in the north of the West Siberian plain were typical in Karginian and Holocene time. The breakthroughs of moraine-dammed basins in the Altai Mountains took place mainly in Karginian time, whereas the breakthroughs of rock-dammed lakes, in the Sartan and Holocene epochs.  相似文献   

龙门山古冰川作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汶川地震中央区域龙门山主山九顶山海拔4 984 m,山脊北坡有三处成排分布不少规模较小的冰斗-冰川谷地形,恢复当时雪线高度在4 100 m高度。根据其形态保存程度、古今雪线高度差等情况判断,应当是2阶段冰川作用遗存。据气温和降水资料,现在九顶山雪线高度在5 000 m,刚好超出九顶山顶部。故而九顶山3 800 m以上目前处于冰缘环境,石冰川、石环、融冻泥流等冰缘现象比较突出。九顶山不存在更老的冰川作用及其地貌遗存,是青藏高原以东5 000 m上下的高山只是在末次冰期时抬升跨越冰期雪线而发育冰川这一新观点的又一证据,也是青藏高原第四纪晚期剧烈抬升的又一证据。  相似文献   

山西宁武吕梁山北段第四纪冰川遗迹的发现及意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山西宁武吕梁山北段,平均海拔约2000米,相对高差数百米至千米左右,属中山区。第四纪冰川遗迹十分发育,类型多种多样,特征明显。冰川遗迹有:U形谷、刃脊、角峰、冰斗、冰窖及分布于U形谷中的大量冰川漂砾、冰碛、冰水堆积、冰臼、变形砾石、条痕石等。该区古冰川遗迹的大量发现,不仅证明了我国东部中低山区有大量第四纪冰川运动存在,而且冰川规模之大完全出乎人们意料之外。为研究该区古气候、古环境演化提供重要依据,为我国第四纪冰期划分和对比提供重要资料和证据。   相似文献   

Comprehensive lithofacies and biofacies analysis provided constraints on the origin of Upper Ordovician clastic and carbonate deposits in northeastern Gorny Altai, which form large low-elevated flat carbonate banks located relatively close to the shore. The sediments were deposited during the Sandbian and early-middle Katian stages, according to new conodont data. Upper Ordovician sections in northeastern Gorny Altai store record of two global regressions: the early Sandbian (Vollen Lowstand) and early Katian (Frognerkilen Lowstand) events.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山珠穆朗玛峰-希夏邦马峰地区是青藏高原南部现代冰川集中发育区之一,古冰川遗迹亦十分丰富,是研究第四纪青藏高原冰川形成和演化的关键区,一直备受地貌和第四纪环境研究者的关注.应用原地宇宙核素10Be暴露年龄测试技术,对采自希夏邦马峰西北佩枯岗日拉曲谷地冰碛垄上的冰川漂砾进行年代学研究;结合冰川地貌分析方法,对古冰川...  相似文献   

This is a synthesis of the glacial history of the northern Urals undertaken using published works and the results of geological surveys as well as recent geochronometric and remote sensing data. The conclusions differ from the classical model that considers the Urals as an important source of glacial ice and partly from the modern reconstructions. The principal supporting evidence for the conventional model – Uralian erratics found on the adjacent plains – is ambiguous because Uralian clasts were also delivered by a thick external ice sheet overriding the mountains during the Middle Pleistocene. Alternative evidence presented in this paper indicates that in the late Quaternary the Ural mountains produced only valley glaciers that partly coalesced in the western piedmont to form large piedmont lobes. The last maximum glaciation occurred in the Early Valdaian time at c. 70–90 ka when glacial ice from the Kara shelf invaded the lowlands and some montane valleys but an icecap over the mountains was not formed. The moraines of the alpine glaciation are preserved only beyond the limits of the Kara ice sheet and therefore cannot be younger than MIS 4. More limited glaciation during MIS 2 generated small alpine moraines around the cirques of the western Urals (Mangerud et al. 2008: Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 1047). The largest moraines of Transuralia were probably produced by the outlet glaciers of a Middle Pleistocene ice sheet that formed on the western plains and discharged across the Polar Urals. The resultant scheme of limited mountain glaciation is possibly also applicable as a model for older glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Palaeoseismological studies were performed within the Yaloman graben (Gorny Altai). Five Quaternary sections with coseismic deformation structures (seismites) have been recognized in the lower course of the Malyi Yaloman River. Traces of ancient earthquakes are localized at two levels (Late Pleistocene-Holocene). The most likely mechanisms of the seismite formation are brittle failure, liquefaction, and fluidization. The types of coseismic deformations and their sizes suggest that the Yaloman graben was the locus of prehistoric earthquakes with M > 5–7, although modern-day seismic activity consists of smaller-magnitude earthquakes. This should be taken into account in assessing the seismic hazards during construction of gas pipeline to China and tourism infrastructure facilities.  相似文献   

冰川是气候变化敏感的指示器,第四纪冰川研究在地球科学中占有重要的地位。2017年8月,第四届中国第四纪冰川与环境变化研讨会在兰州成功举办。与会专家认为,地貌学与沉积地层学的结合以及测年技术的发展,使中国第四纪冰期划分研究取得长足进展,不仅建立了80万年以来可与MIS进行比对的中国第四纪冰期与间冰期演化序列,还推动了中国第四纪环境变化研究的深入。通过研讨和交流,绝大多数专家认为中国东部中低山地某些疑似的第四纪冰川遗迹完全可以用非冰川成因予以解释,在今后的研究工作中应加强岩石地貌、气候地貌和外动力地貌过程的综合研究,尤其需要加强诸如颤痕等微观冰蚀地貌的分类、形成机制和环境意义研究。适时指出泛冰川论的缺陷和不足是本领域科学家的历史责任和使命担当,进一步开展具备科学事实、科学理论和科学观念的研究,从而完善中国第四纪冰川理论。建议国家级学会组织编制第四纪冰川遗迹调查与评价技术规范,加强全国高校自然地理学等相关专业的教师培训工作,同时加大冰川学、地貌学的科学普及力度。  相似文献   

沙鲁里山是研究第四纪冰川的最佳场所之一。可划分四个冰期,第一冰期为大陆冰盖,第二、三期及现代冰川为山岳冰川;整体反映第四纪地壳不断抬升,气候不断变暖,冰川不断向高山退缩的过程。  相似文献   

The paper reviews previous and recently obtained geological, stratigraphic and geochronological data on the Russian-Kazakh Altai orogen, which is located in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), between the Kazakhstan and Siberian continental blocks. The Russian-Kazakh Altai is a typical Pacific-type orogen, which represents a collage of oceanic, accretionary, fore-arc, island-arc and continental margin terranes of different ages separated by strike-slip faults and thrusts. Evidence for this comes from key indicative rock associations, such as boninite- and turbidite (graywacke)-bearing volcanogenic-sedimentary units, accreted pelagic chert, oceanic islands and plateaus, MORB-OIB-protolith blueschists. The three major tectonic domains of the Russian-Kazakh Altai are: (1) Altai-Mongolian terrane (AMT); (2) subduction-accretionary (Rudny Altai, Gorny Altai) and collisional (Kalba-Narym) terranes; (3) Kurai, Charysh-Terekta, North-East, Irtysh and Char suture-shear zones (SSZ). The evolution of this orogen proceeded in five major stages: (i) late Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic subduction-accretion in the Paleo-Asian Ocean; (ii) Ordovician-Silurian passive margin; (iii) Devonian-Carboniferous active margin and collision of AMT with the Siberian conti- nent; (iv) late Paleozoic closure of the PAO and coeval collisional magmatism; (v) Mesozoic post-collisional deformation and anarogenic magmatism, which created the modern structural collage of the Russian- Kazakh Altai orogen. The major still unsolved problem of Altai geology is origin of the Altai-Mongolian terrane (continental versus active margin), age of Altai basement, proportion of juvenile and recycled crust and origin of the middle Paleozoic units of the Gorny Altai and Rudny Altai terranes.  相似文献   

释光测年是可对冰川地貌进行直接定年的一种测年技术,已被广泛应用于冰川沉积测年中,推动了第四纪冰川研究的深入发展。但冰川沉积释光测年还没有达到标准化的程度,实际应用中仍有不少问题需要探究,其中最受关注的是冰川沉积物释光信号晒退不完全的问题,即样品在埋藏前因曝光机会有限导致信号没有归零或仅部分归零。冰川沉积释光信号晒退程度与地貌部位和沉积环境密切相关。冰川沉积释光采样需注意几个方面:(1)详细的地貌学和沉积学调查及对采样点的选择;(2)较适合释光测年的冰水沉积和冰缘风成沉积采集及其与冰川作用期次的联系;(3)冰碛夹层中的冰水砂透镜体的选取;(4)冰碛垄采样时垂直与水平方向上的考量;(5)岩石释光测年的发展使砾石成为当前第四纪冰川释光测年采样的一种选择。室内进行释光等效剂量测试时,也有几个关键的选择:(1)粗颗粒石英光释光测年是末次冰期以来冰川作用的首选方法;(2)如果样品年代老于石英测年上限,或者石英不适合测试,则可考虑钾长石后红外高温释光测年方法;(3)单颗粒、小测片和岩石释光埋藏测年技术可以鉴别样品的晒退情况,是目前最适合冰川沉积释光测年的几种选择;(4)如有条件,尝试用不同矿物、不同粒径、不同方法进行测试对比和交叉检验。要获得第四纪冰川释光测年的最佳年代学结果,地貌学、沉积学和年代学的结合是非常必要的。  相似文献   

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