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Cryolithological, ground ice and fossil bioindicator (pollen, diatoms, plant macrofossils, rhizopods, insects, mammal bones) records from Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island permafrost sequences (73°20′N, 141°30′E) document the environmental history in the region for the past c. 115 kyr. Vegetation similar to modern subarctic tundra communities prevailed during the Eemian/Early Weichselian transition with a climate warmer than the present. Sparse tundra‐like vegetation and harsher climate conditions were predominant during the Early Weichselian. The Middle Weichselian deposits contain peat and peaty soil horizons with bioindicators documenting climate amelioration. Although dwarf willows grew in more protected places, tundra and steppe vegetation prevailed. Climate conditions became colder and drier c. 30 kyr BP. No sediments dated between c. 28.5 and 12.05 14C kyr BP were found, which may reflect active erosion during that time. Herb and shrubby vegetation were predominant 11.6–11.3 14C kyr BP. Summer temperatures were c. 4 °C higher than today. Typical arctic environments prevailed around 10.5 14C kyr BP. Shrub alder and dwarf birch tundra were predominant between c. 9 and 7.6 kyr BP. Reconstructed summer temperatures were at least 4 °C higher than present. However, insect remains reflect that steppe‐like habitats existed until c. 8 kyr BP. After 7.6 kyr BP, shrubs gradually disappeared and the vegetation cover became similar to that of modern tundra. Pollen and beetles indicate a severe arctic environment c. 3.7 kyr BP. However, Betula nana, absent on the island today, was still present. Together with our previous study on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island covering the period between about 200 and 115 kyr, a comprehensive terrestrial palaeoenvironmental data set from this area in western Beringia is now available for the past two glacial–interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

Paleoenvironmental records from a number of permafrost sections and lacustrine cores from the Laptev Sea region dated by several methods (14C-AMS, TL, IRSL, OSL and 230Th/U) were analyzed for pollen and palynomorphs. The records reveal the environmental history for the last ca 200 kyr. For interglacial pollen spectra, quantitative temperature values were estimated using the best modern analogue method. Sparse grass-sedge vegetation indicating arctic desert environmental conditions existed prior to 200 kyr ago. Dense, wet grass-sedge tundra habitats dominated during an interstadial ca 200–190 kyr ago, reflecting warmer and wetter summers than before. Sparser vegetation communities point to much more severe stadial conditions ca 190–130 kyr ago. Open grass and Artemisia communities with shrub stands (Alnus fruticosa, Salix, Betula nana) in more protected and moister places characterized the beginning of the Last Interglacial indicate climate conditions similar to present. Shrub tundra (Alnus fruticosa and Betula nana) dominated during the middle Eemian climatic optimum, when summer temperatures were 4–5 °C higher than today. Early-Weichselian sparse grass-sedge dominated vegetation indicates climate conditions colder and dryer than in the previous interval. Middle Weichselian Interstadial records indicate moister and warmer climate conditions, for example, in the interval 40–32 kyr BP Salix was present within dense, grass-sedge dominated vegetation. Sedge-grass-Artemisia-communities indicate that climate became cooler and drier after 30 kyr BP, and cold, dry conditions characterized the Late Weichselian, ca 26–16 kyr BP, when grass-dominated communities with Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae, Selaginella rupestris were present. From 16 to 12 kyr BP, grass-sedge communities with Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, and Cichoriaceae indicate climate was significantly warmer and moister than during the previous interval. The presence of Salix and Betula reflect temperatures about 4 °C higher than present at about 12–11 kyr BP, during the Allerød interval, but shrubs were absent in the Younger Dryas interval, pointing to a deterioration of climate conditions. Alnus fruticosa, Betula nana, Poaceae, and Cyperaceae dominate early Holocene spectra. Reconstructed absolute temperature values were substantially warmer than present (up to 12 °C). Shrubs gradually disappeared from coastal areas after 7.6 kyr BP when vegetation cover became similar to modern. A comparison of proxy-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions with the simulations performed by an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (CLIMBER-2) show good accordance between the regional paleodata and model simulations, especially for the warmer intervals.  相似文献   

The Holocene depositional setting of the Laptev Sea was studied using three marine sediment cores from water depths between 77 and 46 m. Based on sedimentary parameters (TOC content, δ13Corg, sedimentation rates) controlled by radiocarbon age models the palaeoenvironment of a strongly coupled river-shelf system was reconstructed since ˜11 ka BP. Caused by a transgressing sea after the last glaciation, all cores reveal progressive decreases in sedimentation rates. Using the sedimentary records of a core from the Khatanga-Anabar river channel in the western Laptev Sea, several phases of change are recognized: (1) an early period lasted until ˜10 ka BP characterized by an increased deposition of plant debris due to shelf erosion and fluvial runoff; (2) a transitional phase with consistently increasing marine conditions until 6 ka BP, which was marked at its beginning near 10 ka BP by the first occurrence of marine bivalves, high TOC content and an increase in δ13Corg; (3) a time of extremely slow deposition of sediments, commencing at ˜6 ka BP and interpreted as Holocene sea-level highstand, which caused a southward retreat of the depositional centres within the now submerged river channels on the shelf; (4) a final phase with the establishment of modern conditions after ˜2 ka BP.  相似文献   

A 467-cm-long core from the inner shelf of the eastern Laptev Sea provides a depositional history since 9400 cal yr. B.P. The history involves temporal changes in the fluvial runoff as well as postglacial sea-level rise and southward retreat of the coastline. Although the core contains marine fossils back to 8900 cal yr B.P., abundant plant debris in a sandy facies low in the core shows that a river influenced the study site until 8100 cal yr B.P. As sea level rose and the distance to the coast increased, this riverine influence diminished gradually and the sediment type changed, by 7400 cal yr B.P., from sandy silt to clayey silt. Although total sediment input decreased in a step-like fashion from 7600 to 4000 cal yr B.P., this interval had the highest average sedimentation rates and the greatest fluxes in most sedimentary components. While this maximum probably resulted from middle Holocene climate warming, the low input of sand to the site after 7400 cal yr B.P. probably resulted from further southward retreat of the coastline and river mouth. Since about 4000 cal yr B.P., total sediment flux has remained rather constant in this part of the Laptev Sea shelf due to a gradual stabilization of the depositional regime after completion of the Holocene sea-level rise.  相似文献   

Recent integrated studies of Mesozoic reference sections of the Anabar area (northern Middle Siberia, Laptev Sea coast) and the reinterpretation of all the previous data on a modern stratigraphic basis permit considerable improvement of the bio- and lithostratigraphic division and facies zoning of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments in the region. Analysis of abundant paleontological data allows the development or considerable improvement of zonal scales for ammonites, belemnites, bivalves, foraminifers, ostracods, dinocysts, and terrestrial palynomorphs from several Jurassic and Cretaceous intervals. All the zonal scales have been calibrated against one another and against regional ammonite scale. Reference levels of different scales useful for interregional correlation have been defined and substantiated based on the analysis of lateral distribution of fossils in different regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It provides the possibilities to propose and consider parallel zonal scales within the Boreal zonal standard for the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. A combination of these scales forms an integrated biostratigraphic basis for a detailed division of Boreal-type sediments regardless of the place of their formation and for the comparison with the international stratigraphic standard as far as a possible use of a set of reference levels for correlation.  相似文献   

Winterfeld, M., Schirrmeister, L., Grigoriev, M. N., Kunitsky, V. V., Andreev, A., Murray, A. & Overduin, P. P. 2011: Coastal permafrost landscape development since the Late Pleistocene in the western Laptev Sea, Siberia. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00203.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The palaeoenvironmental development of the western Laptev Sea is understood primarily from investigations of exposed cliffs and surface sediment cores from the shelf. In 2005, a core transect was drilled between the Taymyr Peninsula and the Lena Delta, an area that was part of the westernmost region of the non‐glaciated Beringian landmass during the late Quaternary. The transect of five cores, one terrestrial and four marine, taken near Cape Mamontov Klyk reached 12 km offshore and 77 m below sea level. A multiproxy approach combined cryolithological, sedimentological, geochronological (14C‐AMS, OSL on quartz, IR‐OSL on feldspars) and palaeoecological (pollen, diatoms) methods. Our interpretation of the proxies focuses on landscape history and the transition of terrestrial into subsea permafrost. Marine interglacial deposits overlain by relict terrestrial permafrost within the same offshore core were encountered in the western Laptev Sea. Moreover, the marine interglacial deposits lay unexpectedly deep at 64 m below modern sea level 12 km from the current coastline, while no marine deposits were encountered onshore. This implies that the position of the Eemian coastline presumably was similar to today's. The landscape reconstruction suggests Eemian coastal lagoons and thermokarst lakes, followed by Early to Middle Weichselian fluvially dominated terrestrial deposition. During the Late Weichselian, this fluvial landscape was transformed into a poorly drained accumulation plain, characterized by widespread and broad ice‐wedge polygons. Finally, the shelf plain was flooded by the sea during the Holocene, resulting in the inundation and degradation of terrestrial permafrost and its transformation into subsea permafrost.  相似文献   

A 120 m thick marine Quaternary sequence resting on Upper Cretaceous chalk at Nørre Lyngby has been stratigraphically analysed on the basis of its foraminiferal content. The foraminiferal zones in the Nørre Lyngby boring are compared with corresponding zones from borings and outcrops in adjacent areas in Vendsyssel and Kattegat, and a general zonation covering the whole area is proposed. The lower part of the marine sequence at Nørre Lyngby represents deposits of pre-Eemian, possibly Saalian, and Eemian age. The Early Weichselian seems to be missing, while most of the Middle and Late Weichselian foraminiferal zones known from Vendsyssel occur. The foraminiferal zones and the corresponding macrofossil zones are correlated with the oxygen isotope stratigraphy. A cross-section through deposits from the Saalian-Eemian-Weichselian marine basin in North Jutland and the Kattegat illustrates the development of the basin through this period of time. The centre of basin subsidence shifted from the southwest in the pre-Eemian to the northeast in the Eemian, and remained there throughout the Weichselian.  相似文献   

Variations in sediment input and distribution to the Laptev Sea continental margin during the Holocene and Termination I could be identified based on radiocarbon dated magnetic susceptibility logs and sediment thickness in high-resolution seismic profiles. Magnetic susceptibility of surface samples reveals an increased input of magnetic grains to the Laptev Sea deriving from the Anabar and Khatanga river catchments. Exposed magnetite schists and volcanic rocks of the Anabar shield and Putoran Plateau, respectively, function as major source of magnetic material. The distribution of magnetic susceptibility in association with the thickness of the Holocene sediments indicates bottom-current induced sediment transport guided by major submarine valleys on the Laptev Sea shelf. The sites of filled paleoriver channels identified in the seismic profiles suggest that during the Late Weichselian sea-level lowstand river runoff continued through four of the major valleys on the exposed Laptev Sea shelf. The sediments at the top of the lowstand deposits in front of the Anabar-Khatanga valley, represented in the seismic profiles by prograding deltas, are characterized by outstandingly high magnetic susceptibility values. Radiocarbon datings approximate the deposition of these high magnetic sediments between 10 and 13.4 ka. It is suggested that this increased input of magnetic material is related to the deglaciation of the Anabar shield and the Putoran Plateau and thus support their glaciation during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic analyses of peat composition, LOI, pollen, spores, macrofossils, charcoal and AMS ages are used to reconstruct the peatland. vegetation and climatic dynamics in the Pur-Taz region of western Siberia over 5000 years (9300-4500 BP). Section stratigraphy shows many changes from shallow lake sediment to different combinations of forestcd or open sedge, moss, and Equisetum fen and peatland environments. Macrofossil and pollen data indicate that Larix sibirica and Beth pubescens trees were the first to arrive, followed by Picea obovata . The dominance of Picea macrofossils 6000-5000 BP in the Pur-Taz peatland along with regional Picea pollen maxima indicate warmer conditions and movement of the spruce treeline northward at this time. The decline of pollen and macrofossils from all of these tree species in uppermost peats suggests a change in the environment less favorable for their growth, perhaps cooler tempratures and/or less moisture. Of major significance is the evidence for old ages of the uppermost peats in this area of Siberia, suggesting a real lack of peat accumulation in recent millennia or recent oxidation of uppermost peat.  相似文献   

Ice-rich permafrost sequences with large polygonal ice wedges represent excellent archives for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Such deposits contain numerous well-preserved records (ground ice, paleosols, peat beds, different types of fossils), which permit characterization of environmental conditions during a clearly defined period of the past 60 ka. Based on field investigations carried out within framework of the German-Russian project "Laptev Sea System 2000" on the Bykovsky Peninsula (SE of the Lena Delta) results from cryolithological studies, sedimentological analyses, as well as new radiocarbon data are presented. For the first time it is shown that the Ice Complex accumulated without significant interruptions from approximately 60 k.y. B.P. until the end of the Pleistocene. Geochemical data (total organic carbon, C/N, '13Corg) and the mass-specific magnetic susceptibility clearly show changing environmental conditions from stadial to interstadial times in the Late Pleistocene and during the transition to the Holocene. These results permit us to reconstruct the development of an Arctic periglacial landscape in the coastal lowland during Ice Complex formation in the Late Quaternary. This evolution coincided generally with the global environmental trend up to marine isotope stage 4.  相似文献   

Analysis of specific features of the structure and petroleum potential of the Aptian Laptev Sea region is presented. Age and lithological composition of the sedimentary cover of the shelf are predicted. Oil- and-gas source sequences, catagenetic zonation of organic matter, and potential petroliferous objects in large structural zones are characterized. It is supposed that oil likely played a significant role in the phase composition of naphtides. Its formation in the land and coastal shelf zone was stipulated by the presence of high-quality oil source rocks in the Riphean–Phanerozoic cover of the Siberian Craton. In the remaining part of the shelf, where the Aptian–Cenozoic rift system is widespread, oil can also be present in pools, because the rocks likely accommodate not only gas source rocks, but also deltaic and prodeltaic oil-and-gas source rocks that are located in the main oil formation zone. The above properties are specific features of the study region, and its hydrocarbon potential will be increasing steadily with the shelf development.  相似文献   

Thermokarst lakes are a widespread feature of the Arctic tundra, in which highly dynamic processes are closely connected with current and past climate changes. We investigated late Quaternary sediment dynamics, basin and shoreline evolution, and environmental interrelations of Lake El'gene‐Kyuele in the NE Siberian Arctic (latitude 71°17′N, longitude 125°34′E). The water‐body displays thaw‐lake characteristics cutting into both Pleistocene Ice Complex and Holocene alas sediments. Our methods are based on grain size distribution, mineralogical composition, TOC/N ratio, stable carbon isotopes and the analysis of plant macrofossils from a 3.5‐m sediment profile at the modern eastern lake shore. Our results show two main sources for sediments in the lake basin: terrigenous diamicton supplied from thermokarst slopes and the lake shore, and lacustrine detritus that has mainly settled in the deep lake basin. The lake and its adjacent thermokarst basin rapidly expanded during the early Holocene. This climatically warmer than today period was characterized by forest or forest tundra vegetation composed of larches, birch trees and shrubs. Woodlands of both the HTM and the Late Pleistocene were affected by fire, which potentially triggered the initiation of thermokarst processes resulting later in lake formation and expansion. The maximum lake depth at the study site and the lowest limnic bioproductivity occurred during the longest time interval of ~7 ka starting in the Holocene Thermal Maximum and lasting throughout the progressively cooler Neoglacial, whereas partial drainage and an extensive shift of the lake shoreline occurred ~0.9 cal. ka BP. Correspondingly, this study discusses different climatic and environmental drivers for the dynamics of a thermokarst basin.  相似文献   

The Northern, Central, and Southern zones are distinguished by stratigraphic, lithologic, and structural features. The Northern Zone is characterized by Upper Silurian–Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks, which are not known in other zones. They have been deformed into near-meridional folds, which formed under settings of near-latitudinal shortening during the Ellesmere phase of deformation. In the Central Zone, mafic and felsic volcanic rocks that had been earlier referred to Carboniferous are actually Neoproterozoic and probably Early Cambrian in age. Together with folded Devonian–Lower Carboniferous rocks, they make up basement of the Central Zone, which is overlain with a angular unconformity by slightly deformed Lower (?) and Middle Carboniferous–Permian rocks. The Southern Zone comprises the Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement and the Devonian–Triassic sedimentary cover. North-vergent fold–thrust structures were formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous during the Chukchi (Late Kimmerian) deformation phase.  相似文献   

The biotic turnover in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition and changes in assemblages of bivalves, ostracodes, foraminifers, dinocysts, spores, and pollen are described. Only five of 24 bivalve genera and two of four ostracode genera cross the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary so that composition of genera and families to be entirely renewed at the base of the Harpoceras falciferum Zone. In the interval of three ammonite zones, diversity of foraminifers is reducing from 27 genera in the Amaltheus margaritatus Zone (upper Pliensbachian) to 17 and then to 15 genera in the Tiltoniceras antiquum (lower Toarcian) and Harpoceras falciferum zones, respectively. Single dinocysts of the Pliensbachian are replaced by their abundant specimens at the base of the Toarcian, and substantial changes in composition of palynological assemblages are simultaneously established. Factors responsible for “mass extinctions” of marine invertebrates are suggested to be the paleogeographic reorganization, anoxic events, eustatic sea-level changes, and climatic fluctuations. The biotic turnover in the Arctic region is interrelated mainly with thermal changes, which caused the southward displacements of taxa distribution areas during a rapid cooling and their gradual return to former habitat areas in the period of warming, rather than with extinction events.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope profiles along the growth axis of fossil bivalve shells of Macoma calcarea were established to reconstruct hydrographical changes in the eastern Laptev Sea since 8400 cal yr B.P.. The variability of the oxygen isotopes (δ18O) in the individual records is mainly attributed to variations in the salinity of bottom waters in the Laptev Sea with a modern ratio of 0.50‰/salinity. The high-resolution δ18O profiles exhibit distinct and annual cycles from which the seasonal and annual salinity variations at the investigated site can be reconstructed. Based on the modern analogue approach oxygen isotope profiles of radiocarbon-dated bivalve shells from a sediment core located northeast of the Lena Delta provide seasonal and subdecadal insights into past hydrological conditions and their relation to the Holocene transgressional history of the Laptev Sea shelf. Under the assumption that the modern relationship between δ18Ow and salinity has been constant throughout the time, the δ18O of an 8400-cal-yr-old bivalves would suggest that bottom-water salinity was reduced and the temperature was slightly warmer, both suggesting a stronger mixture of riverine water to the bottom water. Reconstruction of the inundation history of the Laptev Sea shelf indicates local sea level ∼27 m below present at this time and a closer proximity of the site to the coastline and the Lena River mouth. Due to continuing sea level rise and a southward retreat of the river mouth, bottom-water salinity increased at 7200 cal yr B.P. along with an increase in seasonal variability. Conditions comparable to the modern hydrography were achieved by 3800 cal yr B.P.  相似文献   

Four arctic species of Liostrea related to the European L. delta (Smith) form a distinct evolving lineage in the Anabar-Khatanga basin during Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous time These are, in ascending order: Liostrea ex. gr. delta (Early Kimmeridgian), L. plastics (Trautschold) (Kimmeridgian), L. praeanabarensis n. sp. (described) (Volgian), and L. anabarensis Bodyl. (Early Cretaceous). Their morphology is reviewed. The lineage is characterized by small, oval to falcate shells with strong posterior curvature, convex left valves, and flat to slightly concave right valves. Widely, subevenly spaced concentric lamellae cover the surface. Some species develop small dorsoposterior auricles. Population analysis of two species demonstrates considerable variability in valve outline and development of the attachment scar and auricle.. Chronologically successive species show up to 10 percent morphologic overlap, demonstrating their genetic relationship. Principal evolutionary trends in progressively Younger species are 1) reduction of attachment scar size, and presumably of duration of attachment during ornogeny; 2) elongation and upward curving of the posterior shell margin — change from oval to falcate outline; 3) development and subsequent loss of a dorsoposterior auricle. Elongation of the valve takes place only with reduction of attachment scar size in all species. These trends are adaptations to changing marine environments within the Anabar- Khatanga basin after its geographic and environmental restriction during the Late Jurassic. The lineage appears endemic to the basin. The adaptive value of many morphologic features is discussed at length.—E. J. Kauffman.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifers from borehole sections recovered by drilling in the Yamal Peninsula, West Siberia, characterize the Ceratobulimina cretacea Beds (the upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian) and the Spiroplectammina variabilis-Gaudryina rugosa spinulosa and Spiroplectammina kasanzevi-Bulimina rosenkrantzi regional zones of the lower and upper Maastrichtian, respectively. The Danian Stage is missing from the sections, which include marine deposits of the Selandian Stage attributed to the Ceratolamarckina tuberculata Beds. Foraminiferal assemblages of the beds include the Siberian endemic species associated with Paleocene foraminifers of the Midway-type fauna of subglobal distribution range. Occurrence of the latter suggests that warm-water surface currents from the North Atlantic reached southern areas of the Kara Sea.  相似文献   

The comparison between the first results of comprehensive micropaleontological analysis (pollen, spores, foraminifera, and ostracods) and those of radiocarbon dating (AMS14C) for the sediments of the eastern inner shelf of the Laptev Sea (the core collected from depth of 37 m) indicates that considerable changes in natural conditions in the sea and on land coincide in time and refer to the time period of 1500–1700 years B.P. This period is characterized by changes in microfossils: appearance of thermophilic pollen and planktonic foraminifera and increase in total number of benthic foraminifera and ostracods. Intense warming and humidification of the climate reconstructed for this 200-year period promoted the expansion of large-shrub tundra. Summer air temperatures were lower than that in the peak mid-Holocene climatic optimum by 2°–3°C, but 1°C higher than the present-day temperature. An estuary freshwater basin developed: it was strongly affected by river discharge, but North Atlantic waters also intensely penetrated here in short-term intervals. In general, the studied microfossil complex reflects the relatively stable environmental conditions and decrease in seawater salinity in the eastern part of the Laptev Sea shelf during the last 2300 years.  相似文献   

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