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We present a dataset including clay mineralogy, gamma-ray spectrometry, organic matter content and magnetic susceptibility of the Hettangian to lowest Sinemurian successions of Dorset and Somerset, southern UK (Blue Lias Formation, Bristol Channel and Wessex basins). In both areas, the clay assemblages comprise predominantly detrital illite, kaolinite and illite/smectite mixed layers. Clays probably originated from the erosion of the Hercynian massifs, the relative proportions of kaolinite and illite being modulated by arid-humid climatic fluctuations. The organic matter (OM) content (types II to IV) ranges up to 12% in both areas. A clear stratigraphical trend in clay mineral assemblages is apparent in Somerset, whereas in Dorset sharp contrasts between adjacent horizons and a greater dilution by carbonate mask the long-term evolution. Correlations between both areas based on similar vertical trends in clay mineral abundance support the suggestion of a hiatus within the angulata Zone of the Dorset succession. As expected, the kaolinite/illite ratio correlates with the Th/K ratio deduced from gamma-ray spectrometry. However, significant departures from the correlation occur in OM-rich intervals, suggesting that Th may be partly adsorbed on to OM particles. Surprisingly, high magnetic susceptibility correlates with abundant kaolinite, not with Fe-rich clays, indicating either that kaolinite is accompanied by a soil-inherited magnetisable phase (possibly iron oxide) or that illite-rich rocks are more strongly diluted by carbonate than are kaolinite-rich strata.  相似文献   

The Upper Permian (Zechstein) slope carbonates in the Roker Formation (Zechstein 2nd‐cycle Carbonate) in North‐east England consist of turbidites interbedded with laminated lime‐mudstone. Studies of turbidite bed thickness and relative proportion of turbidites (percentage turbidites in 20 cm of section) reveal well‐developed cyclicities consisting of thinning‐upward and thickening‐upward packages of turbidite beds. These packages are on four scales, from less than a metre, up to 50 m in thickness. Assuming that the laminae of the hemipelagic background sediment are annual allows the durations of the cycles to be estimated. In addition, counting the number and thickness of turbidite beds in 20 cm of laminated lime‐mudstone, which is approximately equivalent to 1000 years (each lamina is 200 μm), gives the frequencies of the turbidite beds, the average thicknesses and the overall sedimentation rates through the succession for 1000 year time‐slots. Figures obtained are comparable with modern rates of deposition on carbonate slopes. The cyclicity present in the Roker Formation can be shown to include: Milankovitch‐band ca 100 kyr short‐eccentricity, ca 20 kyr precession and ca 10 kyr semi‐precession cycles and sub‐Milankovitch millennial‐scale cycles (0·7 to 4·3 kyr). Eccentricity and precession‐scale cycles are related to ‘highstand‐shedding’ and relative sea‐level change caused by Milankovitch‐band orbital forcing controlling carbonate productivity. The millennial‐scale cycles, which are quasi‐periodic, probably are produced by environmental changes controlled by solar forcing, i.e. variations in solar irradiance, or volcanic activity. Most probable here are fluctuations in carbonate productivity related to aridity–humidity and/or temperature changes. Precession and millennial‐scale cycles are defined most strongly in early transgressive and highstand parts of the larger‐scale short‐eccentricity cycles. The duration of the Roker Formation as a whole can be estimated from the thickness of the laminated lithotype as ca 0·3 Myr.  相似文献   

Northern Ireland's Jurassic succession has received relatively little detailed investigation. Late Sinemurian and early Pliensbachian strata are present in parts of north Antrim but they are poorly exposed at outcrop and have been penetrated by just a single borehole, at Portmore, in which parts of the succession are missing. Collecting from White Park Bay over more than two decades, augmented by examination of museum material, has established the presence within the Rathlin (North Antrim) Basin of ammonite zones and subzones additional to those proven in the Portmore Borehole. This suggests that parts of the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian stages, from the Obtusum Zone through to the Davoei Zone, and possibly even higher, may be preserved in onshore or nearshore parts of the basin. Despite the generally poor exposure, the material recovered encompasses more than 40 ammonite species, including several taxa that are poorly represented elsewhere in the UK, of which two, Vicininodiceras dalriatense sp. nov. and Cheltonia howarthi sp. nov., are previously undescribed.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions from the Jet Rock (Upper Lias, Lower Jurassic) of NE England grew in uncompacted sediment, close to the sediment surface. Microbiological activity created isolated microenvironments in which dissolved carbonate and sulphide species were produced more rapidly than they could be dispersed by diffusion, so establishing the localised supersaturation of calcite and metastable iron sulphides. Precipitation of these minerals in the microenvironment formed a single concretion.Mass-balance calculations demonstrate that at least two different microbiological processes participated in concretionary growth. The early growth stages had an unidentifiable microbiological source of carbonate which declined in importance relative to sulphate reduction as growth proceeded. It is suggested that the diffusion of dissolved organic material was important in sustaining microbiological activity.Mineralogical zonations in the concretions result from changes in the chemistry of the microenvironment due to variations in the rates of addition/removal Ca2+, Fe2+, HCO?3 and HS? by microbiological activity, the crystallization of authigenic minerals and diffusion between the microenvironment and surrounding pore waters. Such changes are of only local significance and the resulting mineralogical zonations in a concretion cannot be used to deduce successive stages of diagenesis in the whole sediment.  相似文献   

四川盆地中二叠统茅口组形成于中二叠世中晚期。通过分析四川盆地中二叠统茅口组露头剖面岩性特征、对比广元上寺长江沟露头剖面碳氧同位素变化趋势与沉积层序发育特征,将茅口组划分为2个可全盆地追踪的Ⅱ型三级层序,并分析了茅口组三级层序的主控因素。在此基础上,对钻穿中二叠统茅口组典型井的自然伽马能谱测井曲线开展频谱分析,识别出多种具有米兰科维奇旋回特征的高频旋回,并计算出茅口组沉积的平均速率及沉积时限等相关参数。最后,采用数字滤波消除掉其他次要旋回因素的影响而仅保留与主控因素相关的旋回信息,建立茅口组的高频层序划分方案。结果表明,茅口组三级层序在形成过程中主要受控于构造升降及全球海平面变化;茅口组米兰科维奇旋回特征明显,其中长偏心率旋回(413.0 ka)和短偏心率旋回(123.0 ka)分别是形成四级层序(准层序组)和五级层序(准层序)的主控因素,与之对应的平均旋回厚度在龙17井区分别为13.44m和4.31m,在安平1井区分别为16.03m和4.68m;茅口组大约发育15个四级层序,其发育时限大约为6.11Ma;根据构造背景曲线和长偏心率旋回曲线的叠加曲线划分高频层序,其高频层序界面更加接近实际地层的发育情况。  相似文献   

R.A. Cottle 《地学学报》1989,1(5):426-431
Detailed sampling of two sections of Turonian-aged Chalk from southeast England for foraminifera has revealed that cyclical abundance changes in many species and genera were mediated by orbitally induced climatic cycles. These cycles can be used for high-resolution stratigraphic correlation of the two sections and as a possible means of re-estimating the duration of the Turonian period.  相似文献   

Time series analysis of the Cenomanian through Aptian interval, in well logs from offshore Adriatic boreholes, facilitates a cycle-by-cycle correlation with measured sections of equivalent age in Umbria, central Italy. The cycle-by-cycle match can be demonstrated between filtered spontaneous potential logs and filtered bed thickness data, but is unequivocal only at wavelengths of greater than 10 metres, which are believed to represent a 2 Myr eccentricity signal; at shorter wavelengths tool resolution becomes a limiting factor. As a result of low sedimentation rates the 100, 41, and 21 kyr Milankovitch signals all appear to be aliased to longer wavelengths in the sonic and gamma ray log records and tend to blend with the 400 kyr signal; this is especially true in the Aptian-Albian interval. Attempts to filter and correlate on the bases of these shorter wavelengths were therefore unsuccessful.
Accepting a 2 Myr duration for each cycle permits an estimation of less than 7 Myr to be made for the duration of the Cenomanian Stage.  相似文献   

敦化盆地上侏罗统—上新统地层划分对比讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用野外资料、地震资料、煤田钻孔资料以及古生物资料,对松辽盆地外围探区敦化盆地的代表性地层划分方案进行了梳理,通过敦化盆地与周缘盆地之间的对比和分析,得出下列认识:(1)明确了珲春组的时代为始新世一渐新世;(2)指出白垩系上统龙井组地层在敦化盆地内可能是不存在的;(3)将原帽儿山组上段和下段分别划归泉水村组和长财组;(4)认为大砬子组、泉水村组、长财组和屯田营组在敦化盆地内是存在的,并通过盆间岩性地层和古生物地层对比指出大砬子组的时代可能为早白垩世阿普特期(Aptian)-阿尔布期(Albian),长财组时代可能为早白垩世贝利阿斯期-阿普特期;(5)对敦化盆地内几个地方地层名称的使用进行了修正:(6)建立了敦化盆地内目前可供参考使用的地层序列。  相似文献   

The Carboniferous System of South China is famous for its well-developed rock sequence, variety of depositional types, and abundant fossils. Three established Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) markers have been identified in several sections in South China. Of these sections, the Pengchong section is the GSSP for the base of the Visean Stage, whereas the Dapoushang and Naqing (Nashui) sections are excellent reference sections for the bases of the Tournaisian and Bashkirian stages, respectively. Other sections have good potential for the four unestablished GSSPs and the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in South China. The Naqing (Nashui) section is a candidate for the GSSPs of four stages: the Serpukhovian, Moscovian, Kasimovian, and Gzhelian stages. The regional stages of China include the Tangbagouan, Jiusian, Shangsian, Dewuan, Luosuan, Huashibanian, Dalaun, and Xiaodushanian. The history, definitions, reference sections, sedimentary characteristics, biostratigraphy, and correlations of these Chinese regional stages are summarized. A Carboniferous stratigraphic chart of South China is provided, showing the correlation of global chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic units with those in South China and the lithostratigraphic units of various areas in South China. The chart is presented as a new practical framework for the stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the Carboniferous System in South China.  相似文献   

颜余真 《第四纪研究》2023,43(6):1722-1729



敦化盆地上侏罗统-上新统地层划分对比讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用野外资料、地震资料、煤田钻孔资料以及古生物资料,对松辽盆地外围探区敦化盆地的代表性地层划分方案进行了梳理,通过敦化盆地与周缘盆地之间的对比和分析,得出下列认识:(1)明确了珲春组的时代为始新世—渐新世;(2)指出白垩系上统龙井组地层在敦化盆地内可能是不存在的;(3)将原帽儿山组上段和下段分别划归泉水村组和长财组;(4)认为大砬子组、泉水村组、长财组和屯田营组在敦化盆地内是存在的,并通过盆间岩性地层和古生物地层对比指出大砬子组的时代可能为早白垩世阿普特期(Aptian)—阿尔布期(Albian),长财组时代可能为早白垩世贝利阿斯期—阿普特期;(5)对敦化盆地内几个地方地层名称的使用进行了修正;(6)建立了敦化盆地内目前可供参考使用的地层序列。  相似文献   


目前,柴达木盆地米兰科维奇旋回研究普遍基于山前浅水沉积相地层进行讨论,而深水相地层中是否有记录米兰科维奇旋回特征有待探讨。本次研究通过对开2井上干柴沟组(N1)和下干柴沟组上段(E32)自然伽马测井曲线进行频谱分析和滤波分析,探讨了盆地西部开特米里克地区深湖相地层的米兰科维奇沉积旋回特征。结果显示,该地区上干柴沟组(N1)和下干柴沟组(E32)地层旋回周期与米兰科维奇地球轨道周期参数具有良好的对应性,说明天文轨道周期旋回对该地区地层沉积具有显著影响。在此基础上,结合Fischer图解及地层岩性特征,确定了干柴沟组上、下界线附近(约38.1~32.8 Ma)湖平面经历了一次相对长周期的升降变化。下干柴沟组上段处于湖平面上升阶段,主要受米氏旋回中的偏心率周期控制,气候相对温暖湿润,对应湖平面高位期。上干柴沟组处于湖平面下降阶段,主要受米氏旋回中的轴斜率周期控制,气候相对寒冷干旱,对应湖平面低位期。


The Maastrichtian chalk of the southern Central Graben, Danish North Sea, is a homogeneous pure white coccolithic chalk mudstone deposited in a deep epeiric shelf sea, which covered large parts of northern Europe. The sediment displays a pronounced cyclicity marked by decimetre‐thick bioturbated beds alternating with slightly thinner non‐bioturbated, mainly laminated beds. The laminated half‐cycles consist of alternating millimetre‐thick, graded, high‐porosity laminae and non‐graded, low‐porosity laminae. The cyclicity has been interpreted previously as caused by periods of slow background sedimentation and bioturbation interrupted by periods of rapid deposition of laminated beds, with the latter reflecting random and local resedimentation processes. Based on textural and structural analysis, the millimetre‐scale, non‐graded laminae are interpreted as having been deposited directly from pelagic rain of pelleted coccoliths representing the primary production. The graded laminae were deposited from small‐volume, low‐density turbidity currents and suspension clouds. The sedimentation rates of the cyclical chalk are similar to those known elsewhere, and the lamination is interpreted as having been preserved from destruction through bioturbation by anoxic conditions at the seafloor. Bioturbated–laminated cycles are thus formed by slow sedimentation during alternating seafloor redox conditions probably on a Milankovitch scale. A direct implication of this interpretation is that the cycles are areally widespread, probably extending throughout the southern Central Graben area and may be useful for correlation and high‐resolution cyclostratigraphy in the chalk fields of the Danish North sea. If the laminated half‐cycles represent a few rapid resedimentation events, with a high sedimentation rate as suggested by most workers, then the sediment would not be truly cyclic, but would represent event sedimentation within a pelagic background represented by the bioturbated beds. In this case, the cycles would have very limited potential for correlation.  相似文献   

新疆鄯善油田三间房组的小层对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
油层的小层对比是油田开发研究的重要内容。新疆鄯善油田侏罗系三间房组为陆相沉积地层,作为油气储集层的砂层在平面分布上连续性较差,依据常规地质资料进行小层对比较为困难。笔者在鄯善油田三间房组油层的小层对比过程中,将油田开发的动态资料和三间房组的沉积韵律特征结合起来,较为可靠地研究了该区三间房组小层的连续性、砂体的分布边界及砂体的展布特征。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(2):274-287
As cyclical orbital movements of Earth, Milankovitch cycles can be recorded in sedimentary strata. The time they reflect can be used to accurately divide and compare strata. Milankovitch cycles recorded in strata enrich the stratigraphic theory, especially the theories of cycle stratigraphy, and thus they are widely used in geological survey engineering nowadays. This study explored the characteristics of the Milankovitch cycles recorded in the eastern depression of the North Yellow Sea Basin, highlighting their control over high-frequency stratigraphic sequences. The Eocene Milankovitch cycles in the depression were calculated based on the method proposed by J. Laskar, and their parameters primarily include eccentricity cycles of 125 ka and 99 ka, obliquity cycles of 51 ka and 39 ka, and precession cycles of 23 ka and 19 ka. Spectral analysis of gamma-ray (GR) and spontaneous potential (SP) log curves of the Eocene strata was carried out to divide and compare stratigraphic sequences, revealing that the spectral peaks correspond well to astronomical cycles. This indicates that the strata in the depression fully record Milankovitch cycles. Furthermore, there are long-, medium-, and short-term stratigraphic cycles in the eastern depression, with a thickness of 13.03–15.89 m, 3.70–5.21 m, and 2.17–2.94 m, respectively. The sedimentation rates of the Eocene strata were calculated to be 121.2–127.12 m/Ma accordingly. From the uplift to the center of the lacustrine basin along the slope in the eastern depression, both the sedimentation duration and the sediment thickness increase, while the sedimentation rate remains relatively stable. The Eocene strata can be divided into six stages of high-frequency sequences by continuous wavelet transformation, namely E6–E1 from bottom to top. The sedimentation duration and sedimentation rates of the sequences were calculated using spectral analysis with each of the sequences as a separate window. Moreover, the impacts of climate change on the sedimentary environment in the eastern depression were analyzed. It can be concluded that E6 was a lowstand system tract, E5 and E4 were lacustrine expansion system tracts, E3 was a highstand system tract, and E2 and E1 were lacustrine contraction system tracts. All these verify that Milankovitch cycles serve as an effective approach for the analysis of sedimentary cycles.  相似文献   

Carbon, oxygen and sulphur isotope data for transects across two pyrite-bearmg carbonate concretions, and their host sediments, from the Upper Lias of N.E. England show symmetrical zonation. δ13CPDB values of the calcite cement (?12.9 to ?15.4%.) indicate that most of it originated from organic matter by bacterial reduction of sulphate, augmented with marine and, to a lesser extent, fermentation derived carbonate. Organic carbon (δ13CPDB = ?26.1 to ?37.0%.). reflects the admixture of allochtho-nous terrestrial organic matter with marine material and the selective preservation of isotopically light organic material through microbiological degradation.Two phases of pyrite are present in each concretion. The earlier framboidal pyrite formed throughout the sediment prior to concretionary growth and has δ34SCD values of ?22 to ?26%. indicating formation by open system sulphate reduction. The later euhedral phase is more abundant and reaches values of ? 2.5 to ? 5.5%. at concretion margins. This phase of sulphate reduction provided the carbonate source for concretionary growth and occurred in a partially closed system. The δ13C and δ34S data are consistent with mineralogical and chemical evidence which suggest that both concretions formed close to the sediment surface. The δ18O values of the calcite in one concretion (δ18OPDB = 2.3 to ?4.8%.) indicate precipitation in pore waters whose temperature and isotopic composition was close to that of overlying seawater. The other concretion is isotopically much lighter (δ18OPDB?8.9 to ?9.9%.) and large δ18O differences between concretions in closely-spaced horizons imply that local factors control the isotopic composition of pore waters.  相似文献   

Sedimentary cyclic sequences deposited during the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age are widespread. Glacio‐eustatic control of the cyclic patterns is commonly accepted, and the durations of the cyclothems generally match the short‐ and long‐eccentricity Milankovitch orbital parameters. Nevertheless, geochemical fingerprints of orbital parameters are poorly documented in deep‐time sedimentary records. Here, we report on well‐exposed Bashkirian cyclothems of c. 123 ka and c. 400 ka durations from the Valdorria platform. The shorter‐term cyclothems can be grouped into longer‐term composite sequences that are consistent with generally accepted durations of c. 125 ka and c. 400 ka for Milankovitch eccentricity cycles. The stratigraphic pattern is mirrored by the isotope geochemical signals, which show distinct recurring trends. These trends are confirmed by statistical tests. Whereas intrinsic factors and/or subaerial exposure related to sea‐level lowstands might have truncated cycle patterns in tectonically stable basins, rapid subsidence of the Valdorria platform's foreland basin appears to have contributed to a faithful recording of cyclothems of different orders. The patterns and biostratigraphic constraint revealed in this study demonstrate the power of orbital forcing in imprinting sedimentary and geochemical signals in the rock record.  相似文献   

冀北地区早、中侏罗世地层划分及其区域对比   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冀北地区是燕山造山带的重要组成部分,尽管已有较长的研究历史,但在早、中侏罗世地层划分对比问题上仍存在着明显的分歧。通过对冀北下板城—带早、中侏罗世地层的详细研究,重新划分了该区的早侏罗世地层,对早、中侏罗世地层进行了区域对比。主要结论有:①原冀北地区的“下花园组”依岩石组合、碎屑成分变化可解体为3个组,即下花园组、龙门组和九龙山组;②原冀北地区使用的“九龙山组”与京西地区的九龙山组含义不同,建议归入髫髻山组;③经过重新划分后,冀北地区的早、中侏罗世地层与京西地区可以完全对比。本研究结论对于燕山地区早、中侏罗世地层格架的建立和构造地质演化过程的研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

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